Call of Duty: Modern Warfare for Wii


Hi guys, I'm here for ask some suggestions.
Today I bought this game and I really liked it! But I'm having some problems with the controls... First I tried with the Wii mote and Nunchuck, then I decided to give a try a with the Zapper because I though that it would be easier, but jesus! it was harder with the zapper =/ so I returned to the Wii mote but Im still having problems with the movement of the camera and that shit <.< "I had to try like 6 times the first mission where the boat is sinking..."

So... do you guys have some suggestions for customize the controls? or do you recommend me some of the options that the game gives you?
For you which is the best control for the game? Wii mote or Zapper?

And what do you think of this game guys?

Finally I did this thread because I was checking the other thread but i think that is for the other consoles, I hope I'm right.
Personally, making CoD for Wii was a mistake lol. Secondly, I loved the game on the Wii since I didn't have an Xbox at the time or have it on computer. The camera is just something you deal with. I had a ton of trouble for a month or so due to my shaky hands. Nunchuck and Wiimote is the best option, imo. This was a choppy response but I hope I helped. :)


Well, I bought it because I wanted a shooter for Wii, and I read a lot of articles saying that this CoD was extremely good for Wii, not like the other versions of CoD for Wii that were really crap

Ash Borer

I've heard they're short of room in hell
cod 4 > mw2.

Enjoy, just dont use martyrdom or you're a bitch.

oh and, m40a3, mp5, m16, ak, and rpd are your best bet for guns.

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