CAP 16 CAP 5 - Part 8 - Art Poll 4

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The pineapple just makes no sense. Even the supporting material makes it sound like a Fighting type as opposed to a Dark type.
I love Dracoyoshi's concept but I'm not a fan of the art or the design. The spikes do nothing but make it look more physically defensive (when they're actually fragile spikes, but you'd never know that without reading the supporting material). The color scheme doesn't really work for me either. Also, the teeth really put me off it too (either have the giant teeth at the front or the grin at the back; please not both).
Cornmon, you always will be in my heart:(
Artwise, Yilx's is better but conceptwise and does-it-look-like-a-dark-type-wise, Dracoyoshi8 excels.
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