Cave Story

My favorite game ever :D

Also I played the underside on the earlier betas and was loads of fun, I agree with stoo, you guys will enjoy it too. I don't agree that it is better than cave story however. :(

oh yeah [showoff]
Cave Story - The Greatest Indie Game you will Ever Play

Cave Story

If you haven't played this game, you'd better hurry up. Your time on this planet is short and if you do not play Cave Story it will go unfulfilled.Author's description:
Cave Story is a jumping-and-shooting action game.
Explore the caves until you reach the ending.
You can also save your game and continue from where you left off.​
This description is so humble that it borders on parody. Play now, laugh later.
This is an excerpt from a fan-made page about the greatest game I have ever played. It was made by one man who designed all the sprites, all the music (which is actally quite catchy) and did all the coding. After almost five years of long, hard work, his creation was complete. Its japanese name is 'Dokoutsu Monotagami' which roughly translates into Cave Story. Here's a link to the game. I highly suggest you take a look, as, TBH, this game has changed my life. It is a philosophical journey into the unknown, a testament to perseverance and hope, a chronicle of epic proportions. I hope you enjoy.


I did my best, I have no regrets!
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There are quite a few Cave Story threads already. I just merged them all into one.
Is anyone else doing a self-imposed challenge?

Cave Story is easy. Finishing the Sacred Grounds on 3HP with only the worst weapons in the game is nigh impossible.

Let alone beating Monster X...

And then The Core
I was just about to post a thread about this, luckily I found this one! I absolutely LOVE this game. It's perfect in pretty much every way, except for the length, although I guess I'm not one to talk because I haven't finished it yet :/ I'm stuck on the part where you fight Misery, THEN the Doctor, THEN his Second Form, all without healing. I saved my life pot for pretty much the entire game, but I always find myself nearly dead after Misery, then again after the Doctor, then I die against his second form. Is there any easy way to beat these guys? I have all my weapons maxed out (Machine Gun, Super Missile Launcher, Blade, Fireball, and Bubbler) and I like the blade, but I always lose its final form against Misery, then waste all my missiles. I'm seriously stuck! Can anyone help me?

EDIT: I forgot, I have 50 max hp. Did I miss some life containers? Should I go back through the final room to get them?
Just downloaded this game yesterday. The first thing that came to mind for me was Super Metroid, which is definitely not a bad thing.

I'm an hour or so in right now (Grasstown), and the game is straight up unbelievable. It really shows how much effort Pixel put into the game - everything is spit-polished and spit-polished again to a near-blinding sheen. I could keep raving about the game, but I feel the need to go back to playing.

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