Cow Shit?

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I read an article somewhere saying that as they supposedly pull out the shit from the cow's stomach they don't do it properly and we end up eating shit in our hamburgers <_<.

Now not only is this to discuss why shit like that is happening (mostly the workers don't really give a shit about what happens to other poeple), but you can also discuss if you eat at a fat food restaurant occasionally, nearly always or never, and if you enjoy home made food over fast food...

I for one don't like going to restaurants much and prefer to eat my food home made (either by me or my uncle), i occasiaonlly go to restaurants whenever there's not much food left in the house or if i'm out with friends or on a date...

What about joo?
Lol i'm not lying, i not only read an article about it but i also watched a video about it as well, come to think of it, it kind of makes sense as these days anyone can get a job...Mostly their workers are mexican teen agers with no diploma...


Physics and Math \O/
is a Past SPL Champion
Pretty fucking tasty cow shit then in my opinion. Is this for all the hamburgers or is just the ones I'm eating have golden shit?
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