Disconnecting in Global Link matches

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Unfortunately it doesn't work that way anymore in 5th gen. It goes down by 10 regardless of EVs now.
It's better now IMO, it's easier to fix EV's (say you wanted 216 EV's instead of 252, you'd only have to use 4 berries and battle 1-2 Pokés instead of having to use one berry then battle like 10)


Smogon's fantastical fun-guy.
It's better now IMO, it's easier to fix EV's (say you wanted 216 EV's instead of 252, you'd only have to use 4 berries and battle 1-2 Pokés instead of having to use one berry then battle like 10)
I agree with this completely. Now, you just use the number of berries you need, and no more, without any crazy re-EVing.

Anyhow, I just got off random free singles. I was nervous because... I was using my newly-raised team of all UU pokes! Hadn't been battle-tested yet at all, and I know random is overflowing with Chomp, Latios, Terrakion and friends. But what do you know, I won all 5 battles in a row.

And guess what else. All disconnects, all right after their last Pokemon falls.

It really pisses me when I beat a 93-win player, using a full team of legends (all shiny and in master balls, hmmmm), with my UU pokes and they D/C. I really don't understand that mentality. No rhyme or reason to any of it either; 3 Americans, a Japanese, and a Brit all D/C'd against my team of Houndoom, Mamoswine, Gastrodon, Lilligant, Gurdurr (NFE FTW), and Gyarados... yeah yeah Gyara's not UU but hey, close enough.

I have to say though, despite the D/Cs, this is the most fun I've ever had on random. There's something thrilling about knowing the odds are stacked against you and still coming out on top (even if it doesn't count)!
I agree with this completely. Now, you just use the number of berries you need, and no more, without any crazy re-EVing.

Anyhow, I just got off random free singles. I was nervous because... I was using my newly-raised team of all UU pokes! Hadn't been battle-tested yet at all, and I know random is overflowing with Chomp, Latios, Terrakion and friends. But what do you know, I won all 5 battles in a row.

And guess what else. All disconnects, all right after their last Pokemon falls.

It really pisses me when I beat a 93-win player, using a full team of legends (all shiny and in master balls, hmmmm), with my UU pokes and they D/C. I really don't understand that mentality. No rhyme or reason to any of it either; 3 Americans, a Japanese, and a Brit all D/C'd against my team of Houndoom, Mamoswine, Gastrodon, Lilligant, Gurdurr (NFE FTW), and Gyarados... yeah yeah Gyara's not UU but hey, close enough.

I have to say though, despite the D/Cs, this is the most fun I've ever had on random. There's something thrilling about knowing the odds are stacked against you and still coming out on top (even if it doesn't count)!
You sir, have earned my respect 10-fold.
Anyways, I've decided to take a break from wifi. It's been a bit discouraging lately... I'll probably start up once I can devise an entirely new team (also consisting of mostly, if not all UU pokes.)
I agree with this completely. Now, you just use the number of berries you need, and no more, without any crazy re-EVing.

Anyhow, I just got off random free singles. I was nervous because... I was using my newly-raised team of all UU pokes! Hadn't been battle-tested yet at all, and I know random is overflowing with Chomp, Latios, Terrakion and friends. But what do you know, I won all 5 battles in a row.

And guess what else. All disconnects, all right after their last Pokemon falls.

It really pisses me when I beat a 93-win player, using a full team of legends (all shiny and in master balls, hmmmm), with my UU pokes and they D/C. I really don't understand that mentality. No rhyme or reason to any of it either; 3 Americans, a Japanese, and a Brit all D/C'd against my team of Houndoom, Mamoswine, Gastrodon, Lilligant, Gurdurr (NFE FTW), and Gyarados... yeah yeah Gyara's not UU but hey, close enough.

I have to say though, despite the D/Cs, this is the most fun I've ever had on random. There's something thrilling about knowing the odds are stacked against you and still coming out on top (even if it doesn't count)!
Ach, if only there were more people like you.

In my experience, people tend to ragequit once their strategy fails and it's clear they don't have a backup plan. I've faced people who ragequit just because they made a bad decision/prediction.

Archeops gets bullet punched? Ragequit.

Charge beam/ice beam/recover evolite porygon2 gets toxiced? Ragequit.

Whimsicott/Klinklang with no attack moves gets taunted? Ragequit.

Level 1 Aron gets bonemeranged/icicle speared? Ragequit.

Plan C might be stretching it a little too far for the average wifi player, but everyone really should have a plan B.
Lol no one enjoyed getting swept by my blastoise hydro pump/mixmence combo's last night! Sometimes menace didn't even appear by the time they had disconnected lol.

And in one battle I thought I had the right to DC even though I won. Out of 5 focus blasts only 2 hit what is its accuracy -40%? I also had 2 hydro pumps miss in the same battle:/
Just curious: Does anyone have an idea why the PBR random matches never had that much of a problem with D/Cing? There was no ranking, but as of now BW free matches suffer from D/C as much as ranked battles, so that can´t really be the reason.
Hey, I just D/Ced someone, but it wasn't intentional. I saw the ice cream truck, really wanted a bubble gum swirl, moved out of my Wi-Fi range, and came up with a disconnection error. I should've forfeited the match, but I really wanted ice cream xD
Just curious: Does anyone have an idea why the PBR random matches never had that much of a problem with D/Cing? There was no ranking, but as of now BW free matches suffer from D/C as much as ranked battles, so that can´t really be the reason.
I've seen maybe ten D/C's on PBR after a year or so of playing often - it's likely because it takes much longer to turn the Wii on then get back to PBR Wi-Fi than it does to get back onto B/W Wi-Fi, so I assume many people don't think it's worth the trouble.
From my expirience, I've never seen a D/C on PBR as often as I do on B/W Wi-Fi. 7 D/Cs are all I've seen in PBR, but it's around ~120 D/Cs in B/W.
Part of it I theorize is that there are actual rewards for not D/Cing (sometimes), in the case of trainer cards. That way, if you don't D/C, you have a chance at seeing what kind of team just beat you and adjusting your team accordingly. And people are motivated to give cards away, too, because they can get more card skins (I remember Squee'ing when I got my rayquaza card finally).
Part of it I theorize is that there are actual rewards for not D/Cing (sometimes), in the case of trainer cards. That way, if you don't D/C, you have a chance at seeing what kind of team just beat you and adjusting your team accordingly. And people are motivated to give cards away, too, because they can get more card skins (I remember Squee'ing when I got my rayquaza card finally).
Yeah, that may be a part of it. But I don't ever trade cards with in-game teams, or Uber-abusers. I have a few awesome cards with Pokémon like Plusle and Tropius, etc. on their team.
Just curious: Does anyone have an idea why the PBR random matches never had that much of a problem with D/Cing? There was no ranking, but as of now BW free matches suffer from D/C as much as ranked battles, so that can´t really be the reason.
I thought it was because there was no win counter (that I know of), while if you lose on BW, it adds a permanent loss to your record.
Hmm....so I check the GBU, and my former rating of 402 in doubles is now...blank?
So i think they are taking a stand of punishing disconnectors, but the only thing is...I DON'T D/C.

I think that this is a case of them punishing the unintentional d/c's since most of the time, I play from my job, and the internet there is less than stellar and drops frequently. I have had it drop on me a few times in the middle of a match where i am up 4-2 =\

Thanks nintendo!
Is your actual rating 402, or is it 1402? Cause if it's 402, they might have knocked you off for having such a low score... I think I read that somewhere, but don't quote me on that. Otherwise it's because of your bad connection; as some others have said, Nintendo's system seems to punish unintenional D/Cers, not intentional ones.
Just wondering, how long does it take you guys ti find a battle? I do free singles and it takes me anywhere from 2 to even 10 minutes to find a match. Is this typical or do i just have a bad connection.

As for ragequitters, i encounter a lot of them but i dont really care much because of the fact im not really playing for rating and i have knowing i won regardless if they quit or not
Just wondering, how long does it take you guys ti find a battle? I do free singles and it takes me anywhere from 2 to even 10 minutes to find a match. Is this typical or do i just have a bad connection.

As for ragequitters, i encounter a lot of them but i dont really care much because of the fact im not really playing for rating and i have knowing i won regardless if they quit or not
It took me a while to find a match just now and I won, it's suprised me that they didn't D/C because they missed like 4 attacks.
Just wondering, how long does it take you guys ti find a battle? I do free singles and it takes me anywhere from 2 to even 10 minutes to find a match. Is this typical or do i just have a bad connection.

As for ragequitters, i encounter a lot of them but i dont really care much because of the fact im not really playing for rating and i have knowing i won regardless if they quit or not
Within two minutes during peak periods to about five to ten during non-peak periods.

Free rotation.
I have done my part my sending a support ticket with regards to this issue.

Hi TPCi,

Thanks for setting up the Ratings Mode battle in  GBU. However, due to the fact the game reports to the GBU server, and  the way the ratings are calculated, there are a lot of instances where players Disconnects during the battle or after the battle when they knew  they are losing or have lost as they do not wish to lose their ratings.

The  situation has been so bad lately that there is no one in Random Match  Ups. I can even use my another DS console and another copy of Pokémon  Black (J) to log in Wifi Random Matchup Ratings mode to fight against  myself.

Even if there are opponent, they are bound to disconnect during battles when they are losing. (Or what fandom called Ragequits)

The  situation has been really bad, else I will not even bother to write  this support ticket. I am pretty sure I am not the first person to  address this issue.

I do have some recommendations:
1. Autoloss if user disconnects
As  stated on your GBU FAQ, it is player's responsibility to ensure stable  internet connection. Before a match starts, points are deducted from the  player's rating first, then reimburse back after the match ends. If a  player disconnect during the match, the ratings lost will serve as  disconnect penalty.

2. Eliminate negative ratings after matches
Another  way to solve this issue is to award small amount of ratings to the  trainer who lost the match while rewarding the trainer who won with a  bigger ratings. This will eliminate intentional disconnecting during  matches.

I really hope you guys could solve this issue, as a lot  of players that I discussed over the world has responded that the  ragequitting are so bad that they rather stick to Free mode.

If TPCi didn't get a favourable response, I will do a petition for it. It is we who bought the game to use the service. :)
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