DOU Doubles Circuit Major - Quarterfinals

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Like ships in the night, you're passing me by
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Point Breakdowns

I'm sure plenty of you have come across activity drama while scheduling matches. I'm here to reduce the arbitrary element associated with some of these decisions. It is entirely your decision to adhere to these STRONG RECOMMENDATIONS, but note that if you choose not to, I'll most likely ignore any pleading from your end.


Once that week's thread is posted, you have up to 48 hours to contact your opponent ON HIS VM WALL and mention your timezone and exactly what dates, what time ranges you are available, and where you will battle. Note that the default accepted sim and server is the official server on Showdown/Smogon Tournament Server, or PO if you're playing an old gen. You must provide at least 3 different time ranges at least 48 hours from the timestamp of your message, with at least 2 that are 24-hours apart from each other. The minimum and maximum length for 1 time range is 30 minutes, and the minimum difference between the 3 required time ranges is 3 hours. If you give 3 time ranges that stick with this policy, you can give any additional time ranges at any time you please.


Once your opponent has contacted you, you now have up until 72 hours after the week's thread has been posted (NOT after your opponent's message) to respond with times that are good for you. What this means is that if both of you spend the maximum time contacting and responding, you should have back and forth collaboration at a maximum of 72 hours after the round has been posted, with both parties given an additional 24 hours to prepare for the battle should it be scheduled as soon as required. If none of the opponent's proposed time ranges are good for you, you must respond with alternative time ranges.

The first opponent now has X hours to prepare for the battle (if the second opponent agreed to some time) or 24 hours to contact a TD if, for whatever reason, this second set of time ranges does not suit the first opponent. Note this should be an absolute last measure.

Once a time is agreed upon, please make a message on your opponent's VM wall between 10 minutes and 1 second before the agreed upon time and say you are ready to battle and then get to agreed upon location (regardless of whether or not your opponent sends you a response VM). Please protect yourself by making this message, as it makes decisions much easier. You will be required to wait for your opponent for the duration of the time range.

If neither of you contact each other before 48 hours after the thread has been posted, you're both opening yourself up to a potential no contest or substitution. If I look at the situation, I might just determine I'm going to no contest, or whatever based on however I'm feeling at that moment. Don't leave yourself and your team vulnerable to this.

Just because at anytime one of the responders does not respond within the given range does not give you automatic activity win credentials. If they don't contact at all on your VM wall up until 48 hours before the end of the round (note, I'm not going to take irc or sim messages as evidence due to how easily they can be if you want to protect yourself, stick to the VM messages), then you obviously have activity win justification. You WILL contact your opponent in a timely manner. However, if they do contact you at all after the suggested response time and before 48 hours before the end of the round, you are required to respond before 24 hours before the end of the round with 2 1-hour time ranges at least 1 hour apart before the end of the round. The opponent, since he did not stick to the proposed response schedule, WILL BE REQUIRED TO PLAY AT ONE OF YOUR NEWLY SUGGESTED TIMES, so you have the advantage here. This obviously puts a bit of an emphasis on the last 48 hours of each round (as is standard operating procedure for most of our official team tournaments anyway), so I will try my best to keep the last 48 hours of the round as close to the majority of the weekend for as much of the world as I can.

If you follow all of these guidelines, you will a.) most likely get your match done with minimal issue or b.) protect yourself and your team from an undue no contest or activity decision. Yes, I hate activity decisions in official tournaments. Yes, I will do my best to prevent activity decisions in the playoffs (the qualifying round is fair game however and I will have no problem issuing an activity call here), but don't push your luck.

Here is an example of how following this would work:

Week 1 thread is posted June 7, 2013 at 12:00 AM. Its deadline is June 14, 2013 at 11:59PM. User A and User B are matched up. User A contacts User B on his VM wall on June 7, at 9:00 PM (47 hours after the thread was posted, so ok), and gives 4 time ranges: June 10, from 7:00-7:30 PM (22 hours after the timestamp of his message, which is only ok so long as at minimum 3 of the other proposed time ranges adhere to the requirements), June 11, from 9:00-9:30 PM (48 hours after the timestamp of his message, which is ok), June 12, from 6:00-6:30 PM (69 hours after timestamp of his message, so ok, but only 21 hours after the earliest time range that is 48 hours after the timestamp), and June 12, from 9:00-9:30 PM (72 hours after the timestamp, so ok, and 24 hours after a legal time range and 3 hours after another legal time range). The June 11 and both June 12 time ranges satisfy the requirements, so User A can propose his first June 10 time range as well. User B responds on June 10, at 8:00 PM (23 hours after User A contacted him, so ok), and picks June 11, at 9:00 PM to battle, which is ok because it is 24 hours after his own response.

You'll note I made most of my response ranges multiples of 24 hours, but also included 24 hours. This means I expect you to be able to check Smogon at least once a day. If that is not feasible, you put yourself at risk.

~ Aldaron

Y'all know the rules by now.

This is a Best of 3!!

Tricking vs Steeljackal<3
TRC vs Braverius
TheFourthChaser vs Haruno
finally vs Pwnemon

Top 8: Oct 26th - Oct 31st
Qualifier Round 1: Sept 14th - Sept 19th
Qualifier Round 2: Sept 20th - Sept 25th
Qualifier Round 3: Sept 26th - Oct 1st
Qualifier Round 4: Oct 2nd - Oct 7th
Qualifier Round 5: Oct 8th - Oct 13th
Qualifier Round 6: Oct 14th - Oct 19th

Top 16: Oct 20th - Oct 25th
Top 8: Oct 26th - Oct 31st
Top 4: Nov 1st - Nov 6th
Finals: Nov 7th - Nov 12th

Note the very short deadlines - make sure you get your matches done quickly!
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dw I play a few hours l8r with trc
ok so misunderstanding here.

we initially scheduled at 2pm his time, and we played g1. he had to go.

then he pms asking if i can play at 7 and i said maybe, ill see by then, and then i couldnt so i vmed him saying no as it got closer.
then i said lets play at same time as scheduled initially the next day and he said ok.

i meant 2pm

he thought i meant 7pm


Tricking vs Steeljackal<3 - XD
[TRC vs U-Turn Out ] vs Braverius - hf
TheFourthChaser vs Haruno - XD
[finally vs koolkranny ] vs Pwnemon - XD


my favorite poem was the one i read to youuuuuuuuu
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RBTT Champion
Tricking vs Steeljackal<3
[TRC vs U-Turn Out] vs Braverius
TheFourthChaser vs Haruno - idk lol,,,
[finally vs koolkranny ] vs Pwnemon

gl to all =]


I'd rather be sleeping
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Tricking vs Steeljackal<3 my boy Steel bout to snap
[TRC vs U-Turn Out] vs Braverius (TRC vs U-Turn I could see going either way assuming his earlier playing was an anomaly, although I think Zach has the edge here)
TheFourthChaser vs Haruno - highlight for me
[finally vs koolkranny ] vs Pwnemon - as much as watching pwnemon fail appeals to me, i think he'll edge it out. should be a good set to see though :)

looking forward to some quality games


Like ships in the night, you're passing me by
is a Site Content Manageris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Nope, I'm not letting an extension go that long. You both have clearly had scheduling issues, but you managed to get one game in before U-Turn's internet connectivity became an issue. TRC won that one game. I'm enforcing the 1-0 lead TRC had as an overall match win. Didn't want to have to do something like that this late in the game, but I don't see any other choice.


Skadi :)
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus

Tricking vs Steeljackal<3 - steel can't build. Tricking also has luck ez win for tricking
TRC vs Braverius - as long as trc uses non steel teams + runs full tr I can see him overpowering zach. Can go either way though
finally vs Pwnemon - Finally is shit. Pwnemon is shit. I actually win tour games with pwne mon teams so he has the edge.

I also fucking like how we have all the invitational people paired up with each other and all the non invitational people paired up with each other. Should be interesting since all remaining players are pretty solid


how can you swallow so much sleep?
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
eatin this tier leader for breakfast
even though he gets 8th, he'll feel like he's last
he'll try slowing it down to go fast
but the pwnemon special remains crass
better quit while you're ahead boy before you fail
lest you're already sitting in a coffin, because i got the nails
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