drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)


i woke up in a new bugatti
Wait, is it really that bad to stop SSRI's cold turkey?
its horrible. and the SSRI brain-shocks... theyre the worst. basically anyone touchin you suddenly, or callin your name, or anythin that startles you, gives you a jolt-like feelin in your brain.

not to add that youre like a zombie and a lot of other shit goes unstable too.
There's a higher risk for SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome with some drugs than with others. Some SSRIs have longer half-lives (eg fluoxetine, citalopram) and therefore stay in your system longer, so it's not AS dangerous to withdraw from those as it is for SSRIs with shorter half-lives (sertraline, duloxetine, etc).

That is not to say that even discontinuing the ones with longer half-lives is necessarily safe; it's just less likely to give you adverse effects. I actually (stupidly, since I even knew what might happen) stopped taking citalopram abruptly last summer because I was too depressed to even go to the psychiatrist's office to get more prescribed, and nothing happened to me either (luckily). It doesn't even always happen to people on the shorter half-life meds, but it's really still not advisable to abruptly discontinue those.
its horrible. and the SSRI brain-shocks... theyre the worst. basically anyone touchin you suddenly, or callin your name, or anythin that startles you, gives you a jolt-like feelin in your brain.

not to add that youre like a zombie and a lot of other shit goes unstable too.
Wow. I guess I can count myself lucky then, that never happened to me.

Back on topic though, what are your arguments for the legalization of marijuana? Just curious as to what you all say.
you don't need a reason to unban things -- you need a reason to ban them.

a separate thread would probably be a good idea if you want to go there.
Back on topic though, what are your arguments for the legalization of marijuana? Just curious as to what you all say.
All drugs should be legal. The Government has no right to tell you what you can and can't do with your body, as long as you aren't harming anybody.

Minors, on the other hand, still shouldn't be able to buy them.
All drugs should be legal. The Government has no right to tell you what you can and can't do with your body, as long as you aren't harming anybody.

Minors, on the other hand, still shouldn't be able to buy them.
congratulations, you just contradicted yourself in two sentences

I will say this about the legality of psychedelics, though: the way they allow you to operate completely outside society can make them...incompatible with society. On a personal level they might not cause any harm but on a larger scale not so much.
congratulations, you just contradicted yourself in two sentences

I will say this about the legality of psychedelics, though: the way they allow you to operate completely outside society can make them...incompatible with society. On a personal level they might not cause any harm but on a larger scale not so much.
lmao. I actually noticed that, I just didn't bother to modify it.
I will say this about the legality of psychedelics, though: the way they allow you to operate completely outside society can make them...incompatible with society. On a personal level they might not cause any harm but on a larger scale not so much.
what do you mean by this? I've never tried any drugs, but I've always been interested by this thread. Never heard someone mention psychedelics' negative effect on society rather than the user.
what do you mean by this? I've never tried any drugs, but I've always been interested by this thread. Never heard someone mention psychedelics' negative effect on society rather than the user.
They blow your mind open: make you see how everything, especially societal norms and customs, are arbitrary. You begin to question them, which is detrimental when society hinges on the masses behaving in certain ways. I'm exaggerating somewhat, since this described breakdown of society would only occur if you had a significant fraction of the population who indulge in psychedelics, and even then society would just need to adjust itself to handle a bunch of free thinkers.


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
well, imagine the silliest you've ever felt due to cough syrup or some other harmless medication - you may be flailing around happy as a clam, but if you're doing so in public, you could be disturbing the peace/causing social discomfort, etc.

cookie may be imagining a different scenario on a larger scale, but I would also be curious to hear about it!

edit: or that


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that scenario is both terrifying and giving me an existential boner simultaneously

I saw god on shrooms, but I retained my sanity. I guess.
I found myself seeing things more clearly, and questioning everything. Also, at high doses the concept of "good" and "bad" start to melt away, which can be pretty fucking dangerous, especially when you become uber-curious and start doing all sorts of things just to see what would happen. I thought about killing myself or my tripping partner (among many, many other things) just to see what would happen, with disregard to the consequences. I reasoned that what I might do right now could impact my life after coming down, which had a sense of good and bad that hadn't been completely obliterated.

This idea that the categorisation of experiences into good and bad has seeped somewhat into sober space. It's the very kind of mentality that can be considered dangerous or insane - dangerous because your actions can't be controlled by any incentive and insane because there is no explanation for anything you do.

I saw the arbitrarity of everything in life when I first did it: many people I've spoken to have told me that they've come to the same realisation without anything mind-altering, but perhaps it was the abruptness of the realisation that disturbed me. I was probably really stupid for doing 5 dry grams on my first time, but this just goes to show how education is the most powerful tool to prevent drug abuse.

also do i really have to say this don't use someone's real name in a thread about drugs


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
and i guess any other post directed at you/written by you throughout the forums of smogon - if you're going to be paranoid, might as well do it tenfold! but, apologies

when I first did shrooms, the craziest things I saw were mostly sensory - everything outside looked fucking 3D - trees looked like they were on a closer plain of existence than buildings and vice versa, colors seemed so super high-def that they were blinding. my boyfriend got somewhat depressed, vocalizing his fears about nothing really mattering, what's the point of anything he's doing in life, etc - i didn't really have any of those worries, i was more entranced by my physical surroundings and just trying to process all the sensory data, which is an effect akin to my general personality. the craziest thing i saw on shrooms was my boyfriend throwing up on the pizza we ordered - bummer!

i had a really bad tracking effect with my vision, something i probably worsened when i was rolling around on the ground, but otherwise shrooms was a pleasant experience, although not one i'm keen on experiencing again since it lasted half the day.


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The basic gist of shrooms is the amplify any feelings you have going into the trip. I went in with a clear head and open mind my first time and loved it, but I also had a very small portion and a sober, experienced buddy hanging out and keeping an eye on me. cookie, it sounds to me like you overdid it (though it seems you admit as much). It's like being a starving vegetarian your whole life, and then the first time you eat meat you order the 24oz porterhouse and try to finish it in one sitting.

I would recommend hallucinogens to anyone who asks (and have many times in the past), provided they do it intelligently and safely. Not to be fucked with, just like any other drug (except weed, too much of that just puts you to sleep).
My first experience with hallucigens (lsd) was in many ways exactly as I expected, and much more too. Even after reading many articles, studies, and anecdotes on the drug (erowid, this thread, etc) and making sure to have the proper setting and mindset, the experience really shook me and I can attest to the intense questioning cookie mentioned about all the arbitrary rules and customs we chain ourselves with.

In addition, it was just so so enlightening in a way that is completely different from gaining knowledge. All the knowledge you already possess feels refreshed and there was a need for me to re-examine it all, at least as much as I could during the length of the trip. For my case, it just reconfirmed my convictions about nearly anything in life being attainable with enough intention, ambition, and the opportunity costs that you must give up.


to find better ways to say what nobody says
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
They blow your mind open: make you see how everything, especially societal norms and customs, are arbitrary. You begin to question them, which is detrimental when society hinges on the masses behaving in certain ways. I'm exaggerating somewhat, since this described breakdown of society would only occur if you had a significant fraction of the population who indulge in psychedelics, and even then society would just need to adjust itself to handle a bunch of free thinkers.
Any university philosophy, politics, gender studies, creative writing, literature art history, history of consciousness, and probably psychology regiment worth the name instructs students in psychoanalysis and social constructionist theory which is basically dedicated to analyzing how society constructs normalcy. I think that anyone who thinks a bit or does a bit of reading can come to the same conclusions that, allegedly, psychedelics cause individuals to come to. I think that it's a silly assertion because for my experiences with psychedelics it's been mainly "Damn thats fucking pretty" or "Damn I can see and feel the music like a wave." Yeah you can have what I call 'acid thought' where you make connections between seemingly unrelated things in a semi-meaningful way that you'd never noticed before, but that's not really the point imo.
Any university philosophy, politics, gender studies, creative writing, literature art history, history of consciousness, and probably psychology regiment worth the name instructs students in psychoanalysis and social constructionist theory which is basically dedicated to analyzing how society constructs normalcy. I think that anyone who thinks a bit or does a bit of reading can come to the same conclusions that, allegedly, psychedelics cause individuals to come to. I think that it's a silly assertion because for my experiences with psychedelics it's been mainly "Damn thats fucking pretty" or "Damn I can see and feel the music like a wave." Yeah you can have what I call 'acid thought' where you make connections between seemingly unrelated things in a semi-meaningful way that you'd never noticed before, but that's not really the point imo.
Yes, these conclusions are completely and often attainable without drugs. However, I think they become unignorable when you're on drugs: during day-to-day life it's relatively easy to sweep such conclusions under the carpet.

Having said all this, my experiences with acid are closer to what you've described. Music is incredible, senses heightened...it's a lot like a very intense weed high but without the stupor. Which is strange, because everyone I've spoken to who've done both described mushrooms as being more visual and acid more mental.


happiness is such hard work
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Back on topic though, what are your arguments for the legalization of marijuana? Just curious as to what you all say.
it's in the same ballpark as tobacco or alcohol but with less to no risk of physical harm depending on consumption routes.

i still maintain that even after my experience. call it denial or whatever, but i still maintain it's not bad enough for people in general to be prohibited. my particular case is special, and, hopefully, acute. "maybe someday", amirite

if weed were legal two things would not have happened:
1. i would have had no need to be secretive about my pot smoking, in particular to doctors;
2. in a regulated market or personally grown i would not have gotten weed sprayed with synthetic cannabanoids that even more strongly interfere with serotonin production

other psychoactives are not nearly as black and white to me in terms of "should they be legal", but i think it's hilarious that i can not only trip DXM completely legally, but talk about it without much fear of retribution, but if I mention something like using DMT or acid i could be fucked for life.


Banned deucer.
2. in a regulated market or personally grown i would not have gotten weed sprayed with synthetic cannabanoids that even more strongly interfere with serotonin production
does weed interfere with serotonin production?

also has anyone here tried mket (methoxetamine)? apparently its similar (take this liberally) to ketamine, but legal. i dont know anyone who has but from what ive read it sounds pretty good.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
pretty easy to buy over the intenet in't it?

oh god please tell me that people don't actually call it roflcoptr
Hey guys can you tell me what the hell "spice" is? I keep getting different answers and the internet is all AHH YOUR KIDS ARE AT RISK instead of giving information

Also I'm compiling a list of medications, over the counter or prescription, that can readily make the user high. As in not something like nutmeg where you need a ton and almost die by the time you're high

have you not heard of erowid or something?

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