Approved Game of the Month article idea!

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Hello kind reader of this idea.

As a voice in MMORPG and a quite active member there, i figured it might be a good idea to write an article about GotM or Game of the Month.I find the topic quite interesting and i think it might be a good help for new users coming to the room.

Now to what i would put in the article. Needless to say, since it will be about GotM, i will focus on what GotM really is and how it works, but i will also include some facts and info about some of the GotM's for the past few months.
I hope you have a great day, no matter what opinion you have on my idea, and thanks in advance!
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Seems this already got RO approval, going by Crushin's like.

However, before I personally approve this, do you have anyone in mind that would be interested in co-writing with you? The reason for this is that we at The Player like to ensure the highest quality of our articles, and making sure that most authors have someone to work with them (either in regards to overseeing quality, or adding necessary content, or what-have-you). We don't know what kind of experience you have as a writer, so by having a co-author, I feel this would allow us (The Player staff) to further gauge the kind of content that you are putting out to our readers, it's formatting, grammar, things of that nature.

Would this be acceptable?
Hello there! That would indeed be acceptable and no problem at all :) I have found a co-writer already in the cute user: Meteordash. He is an experienced MMORPG room user and I feel he could bring a lot to the article, especially about the games themselves, as well as the grammar.
Have a great evening!
3GM, to help make the decision process easier, is it possible for at least a rough draft of the article to be presented to us? It'd really help. n_n
That would probably not be any problem at all :) Two things though: 1) It would be posted earliest by tomorrow(heading to bed and somewhat busy tomorrow). 2) Would you like me to post it in this thread?
Rite, so i actually have time to make it real quick if this is what you guys needed. So the plan for the article is something alone these lines:

1). Introduction to the topic.
2). What is GotM(trying to go in depth if possible).
3) Current GotM(maybe some former GotMs)
4) Voice contest happening in MMORPG room(according to staff this will happen soon).
5) "Conclusion"

I might add more things during the writing process, but this is what I can think of right now. (Hopefully this is what you asked for).
3GM, what you gave us was more of an outline. By rough draft, we just mean a few sentences for each of those topics, basically explaining what you're going to write in detail, but not the full article. Make sure it's as best as it can be so we can accurately judge the article's quality potential, and again, no rush!
Wow, im not really making a good first impression, am I? :I I feel like such a noob.. anyways, ill try to get it done by tonight
Also, do you think you could find anyone but Meteordash to help you write the article? Just to make sure that you have a potential pool of people to choose to help you. Not to say that we don't trust Meteordash's writing ability, but he might not be the best choice to help you write this article.
So uhm, I'm terribly sorry for keeping you all waiting, but one of the things I had in mind for the article has not been fully decided if it is happening or not(the Voice contest happening in the room). I'll be trying to get it done soon, but was wondering if you just want me to put what I know about the contest as of now, or wait for one of the staff members to give me all the details? :)
3GM, for a rough draft, we don't need every detail, just enough to gauge the quality of the article. If every other section is good enough, you can just give a brief summary of what you know for the Voice contest.

And again, take your time. There's no real rush, since we're not going anywhere, so no need to apologize.
Yeah I know what you want by now(or at least sort of), I'm just not sure how much to put, since it is my first article after all. Kind of not wanting this to take to long, so I'll do my best to get it done soon, even though there is no rush to get it done. Thanks though Spydreigon
Honestly, just this would be enough:
(roughly a couple of sentences)

Start of second point

Start of third point

insert few sentences here

etc. it doesn't have to be everything, but merely a glimpse of the content you're going to be putting into the article.
Ok so uhm, hopefully I can make this look good without writing the entire article :3
Introduction: For awhile now Game of the Month has been a thing in the MMORPG room on Pokémon Showdown. However, many users seems to be confused about how it really works, how we choose the Game of the Month and so on and that is the reason I have chosen to at least try to make things more clear, both for new users coming to the room, but also for common users who are just in need of more information.

What is really GotM: Needless to say, the Game of the Month is a Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game(MMORPG), which is chosen by a Strawpoll that is created every month. To ensure that not the most common and popular MMORPG's are chosen each month, the game of last month is taken away in the Strawpoll for the current month. This also creates some excitement when choosing the Game of the Month, because everyone gets to vote for their favourite game, or at least the game they find most interesting.

Current Gotm: Currently the Game of the Month is a game called Realm of the Mad God, or RotMG for short. As for most MMORPG's this game gives you the chance to meet up with others and fight hard bosses/solo kill them if you are indeed very strong, or just sit there and grind for experience and items, if that is what you like doing in these types of games. (More in depth info about the game will come, if the idea is approved)

Voice contest: (This is the part where I would need a MMORPG staff member, but I'll post what I know by heart. Also this is not 100%confirmed to be a thing, but I will inform if it is cancelled. One final note is that it might be a contest where the winner gets something else than voice, but also that would be cool to bring up in the article, at least in my opinion :])
We will soon have a (voice) contest coming up in the MMORPG room. Now you may wonder, what does a contest have to do with Game of the Month? Well, the answer is quite simple. The contest is based on who can write the best review of the current GotM, both when it comes to a general look of the game and opinions/discussions about it.

Conclusion: Alright, it is time to round out this article. To sum up the main points:
  • The Game of the Month is something we do to try to get more people into a new MMORPG if they are indeed in need of a new game.
  • The Game of the Month is always chosen by a Strawpoll.
  • Voice contest coming up soon(hopefully), so make sure to get your writing skills ready if you'd like to participate.
Thanks for reading the article, and I hope to see you all in the MMORPG room soon, as well as I'm hoping you have a great day/evening!
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If this goes through, would the voice contest need to be mentioned every month? If not, then personally I'd like to s more expansion on the MMO itself on what makes it so great, etc. But other than that, this seems good! Antemortem?
I don't get it completely, but whether or not mentioning the voice contest every month is mandatory can probably be figured out later. I think it's worth a shot, even if I don't understand the entire point yet. it still seems solid to me
yeah whatever, I guess it doesn't matter in the long run. You can go ahead and write this, 3GM! I'll let you know when you have access to The Klin so you can start writing your article there.
3GM I forgot to mention this, but you can start working on your article now, since you have Klin access. When you're ready, you can post it in that forum, and start working on it there.

Before I forget, Please read this before getting started!
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