Lifestyle Gratitude thread

This thread is meant to show appreciation the person/people who has help you grown into the person you are today, offered you wisdom and advice, showed you kindness and love. Post who and some positive words to show them your appreciation.whether is a family member or friend etc.( even if they are no longer with you that’s fine too.)

I’ll go first. I’d like to show gratitude to a family friend that was in my life since I was 5 years old. She is no longer with me anymore but to the person that showed me there truly are still kind people in the world. She was more family than blood relatives. She shared her wisdom with me whenever things didn’t work out for me the first time and gave me advice throughout the years the person I can lean on. I’m so glad I got to meet such an amazing person and all the 17 years she was in my life I’ll cherish it forever. Thank you for listening everyone.


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hell yea

I’m currently in grad school in California (I moved from where I graduated in Alabama last year) on a completely different track than I anticipated. My degree is in theatre performance, but one conversation with my directing mentor showed me that I have an eye for something beyond that. Quite frankly I love acting and being the center of attention LMAO but hearing that someone thought I could go into something I never considered as a career and actually be really good at it and get into an amazing program for it was pretty revolutionary for me. My spiritual mentor also hyped me tf up, which helped a lot in confidently severing ties with Alabama and moving on… not that there’s anything wrong with Alabama besides the obvious...

But I don’t gotta tell y’all anything about that.

Anyway sometimes it just takes one person to tell you that something is possible for you to realize the meaning of limitlessness. Maybe it’s hard to swallow for a long time, but eventually I get there and am grateful for what it took to get there.
hell yea

I’m currently in grad school in California (I moved from where I graduated in Alabama last year) on a completely different track than I anticipated. My degree is in theatre performance, but one conversation with my directing mentor showed me that I have an eye for something beyond that. Quite frankly I love acting and being the center of attention LMAO but hearing that someone thought I could go into something I never considered as a career and actually be really good at it and get into an amazing program for it was pretty revolutionary for me. My spiritual mentor also hyped me tf up, which helped a lot in confidently severing ties with Alabama and moving on… not that there’s anything wrong with Alabama besides the obvious...

But I don’t gotta tell y’all anything about that.

Anyway sometimes it just takes one person to tell you that something is possible for you to realize the meaning of limitlessness. Maybe it’s hard to swallow for a long time, but eventually I get there and am grateful for what it took to get there.
That’s amazing. Yeah it’s true sometimes a person can see potential you can’t see and then later it begins to show itself, it’s really interesting how that can happen. Thanks for the post!


God jihyo
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I really like the idea of this thread because showing appreciation for people is a great thing to do.

Here’s mine: I’m grateful for a friend I met half a year ago that I’m still close to today because she made me feel like I mattered and it helped me gather confidence within myself. I’m grateful for my managers at work who helped me get better slowly but surely because they saw potential in me even though they could have very easily fired me on the spot for being incompetent. I’m grateful for my parents, because even though growing up they weren’t the best parents which affected me negatively today, I still love them because I know they are trying to become better parents and did the best they could because they love me and wanted to see me succeed.

Apart from those, I’m grateful for the little good things in life. I still think about the time when a customer told me personally he loved the way I did my job, I still smile when I remember when my friend told me I made her day, and getting told that my outfit looked nice a few days ago still gives me confidence even if it was only for a brief moment. Even if it might not seem like it, the little things in life matter a lot as they can be very impactful so we should be thankful for them alongside the bigger things.


along the passing shore
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this thread is cool like mushy said, i dont have much to say that outside of my medical obstacles im grateful to myself that i have the mental fortitude to continue on each day despite how hard things are behind closed doors. with everything being online still @ my school and all my friends being off to college im grateful to all my friends that i've made here that i have to talk to everyday which makes things a lot easier on me :) gum mushamu avarice Expulso jonfilch mncmt Vaboh Aliss Ainzcrad blce Isza omi Askov + everyone in golducks that i dont want to mass tag cuz it looks like im likewhoring. im grateful for other smaller things like having good grades even though idrc about them it keeps me at ease, and im very grateful for my dog for being my best friend ^_^. especially grateful to KM + Lily for helping me out with a lot of personal things as well, even though i mess w you guys a lot your words help me quite more than you would imagine

i am usually kinda pessimistic but i need to start looking on the bright side of things me thinks, this thread was nice!

hs sensei axew COME BACK..


formerly Nezloe
Was just thinking about how grateful I was for my 5th grade teacher and this thread appeared,nice! My 5th grade teacher flipped my whole perspective about life, I used to be this really bad kid who would give teachers a hard time always hanging out with the "bad kids" seeking validation from them as well. I don't know what the hell happened to me but she changed my life literally,I went from being just barely being able to pass and not giving a single care about important test to being the most improved student in maths and a consistent learner it felt like she understood me and she pushed me to do better,she had a really big impact on my life so I am truly grateful for her.

Also my dog even though she is a mean chihuahua.
I'm grateful for my mums, my aunt, my uncles, my grandpa, my grandma. For my cats Rosa, Linda, and Miah. And for my IRL friends, who give me strength to continue. I'm grateful for the friends I made in habbo hotel, whose nicknames I've long forgotten (vitinho, VICTOR, mixmaxze, ernas, AndyPSN and many, many other that'll always stay in my heart. For the friends I made on PS! during my Luxiosite and iFeedback days and lost contact, the friends I made in the NU room (Rabia, doggo, Ninja, bunny, Silver, Oath, RW, xero, Mari, GW, Sege, Ruby and so, so, so, so many others I just won't remember off the top of my head). Sometimes I'm sad and all alone but I know I'll be ok because of y'all. I thank you all for always being with me in my heart. I'll do my very best. For you.

edit: someday I hope to share all of my love with all of you


Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs superfan
is a Pre-Contributor
Since I don't want to exactly rub things in... let's just say that I'm a busy college student who wishes to express his gratitude for a very recent development that has something to do with this community. I figured this would be more fun to keep it as a surprise until any official changes are made, but either way, this particular part of the socialization forums has helped in me in ways that I honestly struggle to put into words. Coming back to Cong and Smogoff was a wonderful decision, I'd say, providing me with not only entertainment, but also new friends (or at least I'd like to call you guys that, it's your choice) to talk to in a time where my interests have been changing rapidly.
Since I don't want to exactly rub things in... let's just say that I'm a busy college student who wishes to express his gratitude for a very recent development that has something to do with this community. I figured this would be more fun to keep it as a surprise until any official changes are made, but either way, this particular part of the socialization forums has helped in me in ways that I honestly struggle to put into words. Coming back to Cong and Smogoff was a wonderful decision, I'd say, providing me with not only entertainment, but also new friends (or at least I'd like to call you guys that, it's your choice) to talk to in a time where my interests have been changing rapidly.
Hope all is well

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