John Hughes sucks eggs

Holy shit, this guy is bad. I recently saw a post saying what happened to John Hughes (which I swear was stolen straight out a Nostalgia Critic video on one of Hughe's shitty later films) and I thought to myself, what happened? Yeah, what happened that this guy was known as the king of (family) comedy? I decided to look back at his old movies and realized that Hughes is probably the most overrated filmmaker of all time. It's only justice that he finally stopped pretending to care and produced the shitty films later. But let's look back on the masterpieces he gave us

Sixteen Candles - Haven't seen it, but I'll get back to it later

The Breakfast Club - Holy shit is this bad. I don't know what my favorite message of the movie is, it's a tie between trying to be unique, different, or yourself is worthless, if you change everything about yourself you can become pretty, popular, and date anyone (in other words, Allison's story arc) OR it doesn't matter who you truly are to the people who actually get to know you, at the end of the day, if you're an outcast, you have zero chance of ever fitting in during social gatherings (in other words, Brian's arc). There's zero laughs (he broke glass with his voice, hilarious), Bender's romance with Claire is completely contrived, and the worst part of all is that 4 of the characters take part in the kiss, while the nerd of the group is given the glory of writing their papers for them and getting in with no one. Gee, what a score. I also dunno how the 80s were actually like in school, but I'm just surprised that the kid trying to kill himself also was lucky enough to get the exact same punishment as the kid who tortured and likely traumatized a weaker student than him. I guess the punishments surely fit the crime.

Ferris Beuller's Day Off - This one's better because I did laugh a lot, but it's just weird that Ferris seems like the biggest dick friend in the world to Cameron, he pretty much ends up ditching him after the cars destroyed, even though Ferris is the reason why. All in all though, I'd say this is my favorite of Hughes films.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles - Oh my god. I just watched this after I was told it was Hughes best work. I couldn't have been more annoyed. The pacing is slow and it just drags on and on. Candy's character is such a lovable screwball, assuming he had cancer. Sadly, he doesn't, so you know we have to suffer through this performance knowing he's going to keep on living. Maybe it's just me but he just irritated the shit out of me. It's somewhat easy to identify with Martin but at the same time, I don't really feel like he's realistic. Why wouldn't he call his wife to pick him up earlier instead of going the full three days? Why is he so forgiving of Candy before he learns about his dead wife. Oh that's another thing that pissed me off. We're going with the foreseeable twist that his wife has been dead all along, so that we pity this character. But I honestly don't see a reason to pity him. It'd be one thing if he was accidentally irresponsible, but its his bad habits such as smoking and refusing to change which keeps leaving them in trouble. To make it better, he's also a con artist. I understand he's homeless which does make you feel bad for him, but at the same time, it just doesn't make amends with the garbage we had to sit through to get to that revelation. Also does Martin's wife in this film seem so out of place? Her scenes are so bizarre. In fact he entire role is to build up to Candy's reveal of having no wife and for him to look at her and Neal together. Fuck that, I like the alternate ending I read of having him be a cannibal gay serial killer and it was his bodies wife in that huge ass trunk. No wonder he's so fat. But like my brother was upset that Snoop and Chris didn't murder everyone's punk ass in Moonrise Kingdom (which he is wrong about because MK was fucking awesome), this plot twist didn't come to fruition. Ah well.

Uncle Buck - This was horrendous. I don't even know where to begin, so I won't. Next

Home Alone - What can you say. Your main character is completely unfunny and the films carried by the two criminals. Their role consists of getting fucked up. To be fair I don't actually hate this film, but I'm honestly just so bored by it. There's just a lack of humor that the film tries to push, but I appreciate the Christmas spirit of the film. All in all, I can say this is overrated like all his other films but it isn't bad by any stretch.

Curly Sue - LOL

Beethoven - I generally wanted to avoid films where he was just the writer and didn't have a larger role, but I can still say this was godawful writing

Home Alone 2 - Good Lord. They took the first film and just completely remade it, except the traps are far more psychotic. There's somehow less humor in a film that didn't make me laugh in the first place (although the Hotel Scene where the film says he fucked Cliff iirc was funny...unfortunately it was still rehashed straight from the first one). Everything about this one is so contrived that I can't take it seriously and neither should you.

Miracle on 34th Street - Let's read the synoposis for how Santa's saved shall we: Just as the judge is about to make his decision – and it seems he was going to rule against Kris – Susan walks up to the judge with a Christmas card containing a $1 bill. On the back, the words In God We Trust are circled. The judge realizes that, since the U.S. Department of Treasury can believe in God with no hard evidence, then the people of New York can believe in Santa Claus in the same way. This leaves the elated judge no other choice but to declare that Santa is real, thus freeing Kris.


I love the original 1947 one, it's a film I can watch around Christmas time, but Hughes basically cashed in on a classic film to give us a worse version in every way. Sigh

It's at this point everything he touches turns to shit with classics like Flubber and Home Alone 3. I don't even need to acknowledge those travesties.

Like I said, I'd get back to Sixteen Candles. Judging from his other bodies of overrated work like PT&A and Breakfast Club, I'm sure it sucks. That being said, I'm willing to give Hughes one last shot by watching this film. If I'm entertained, I'm going to give him a pass, but if it sucks like I expect, then he solidifies his rank as the most overrated man in film that casual people think of today.

In conclusion, John Hughes sucks eggs. All of his films are about the spirit of togetherness and overcoming some adversity shit but they're usually boring as fuck and don't try to cross the comedy lines. Not in a profanity/Nudity/violent way btw. I'm talking about going somewhere unexpected with his comedies. I watched Anderson's Rushmore (cuz me and my brother are going through all of his films now, thanks Hugendugen xD) last night and while I wasn't a huge fan actually, it was a film that went a direction you didn't expect over and over again. That's what Hughes comedies lack. They take the safe route, the happy ending route, the predictable "comedy" route for the mostpart, and they never really give you satisfaction. Seriously, he sucks


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
The route that John Hughes movies takes is predictable because he made it popular.

I also don't know how you can say the guy who wrote Vacation didn't try to cross lines. Admittedly the series are my least favorite John Hughes films, but you're only getting your point across by omitting them.

This is a big op to refute point by point so I guess all there is to say is that you don't seem to have a soul.
The route that John Hughes movies takes is predictable because he made it popular.

I also don't know how you can say the guy who wrote Vacation didn't try to cross lines. Admittedly the series are my least favorite John Hughes films, but you're only getting your point across by omitting them.

This is a big op to refute point by point so I guess all there is to say is that you don't seem to have a soul.

those movies sucked and his role was just the writer, which i specifically tried to avoid. past that, it just proves hes a horrendous comedy writer. in his produced/directed films, yes, they always have a john hughes hallmark ending, and they all suck dick. idk how predictable = popular. he takes the safest joke writing route imaginable every time. that's just frustrating as a viewer.

your post really didn't make sense but thanks for calling me out not having a soul. i cant tell if its because im telling a dead guy he sucks eggs or if john hughes changed your life, but your insults don't mean he still doesn't completely suck eggs


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
idk how predictable = popular. he takes the safest joke writing route imaginable every time. that's just frustrating as a viewer.
John Hughes started writing movies in 1982. He popularized both the feel good comedy that you seem to despise, and the "lots of bad shit happens" comedy that I'm not particularily fond of either. He's also noted for his use of pop music cues, something that's still widely used today. He also helped make acceptable montages, freeze frames, fourth-wall breaking, and movie epilogues. Now in 2013 on the internet some 19 year old is like "I've seen all this before, therefore it is bad". You can't take a step back and see the problem here? That's like hating Hitchcock because you've seen Flightplan or Disturbia.
why would i hate hitchcock? his films are well made, suspenseful, and good.

im glad he helped do those things for you, none of them are traits i actually find appealing in films and i cant imagine why people would today (there's a reason they're all scarcely used in film outside of satire) and you're basing the idea of safest joke imaginable = joke that was ahead of its time. that's insane. his comedies are all predictable at every turn, they don't do anything interesting at all and feel like they're just going through the motions.

my only answer is you're legitimately a retard because your theory is that i only think it's bad because i've seen it all before. no, i think it's bad because his movies suck. the writing is dull, the pacing is bad, the jokes are awful, and they forcefeed your moronic messages at the end. if you like his movies that's fine, but your pushing the dumbest shit i've ever seen because someone made the claim that the dude's overrated to hell.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
why would i hate hitchcock? his films are well made, suspenseful, and good.
Well I'm glad someone instilled in you some small amount of appreciation for the classics.

my only answer is you're legitimately a retard because your theory is that i only think it's bad because i've seen it all before.
Which is implied in every post you've made.

They take the safe route, the happy ending route, the predictable "comedy" route for the mostpart
That route is predictable because everyone copies John Hughes.

he takes the safest joke writing route imaginable every time.
Those jokes are safe because John Hughes made them successful.

his comedies are all predictable at every turn, they don't do anything interesting at all and feel like they're just going through the motions.
"The motions" were invented by John Hughes.

but your pushing the dumbest shit i've ever seen because someone made the claim that the dude's overrated to hell.
Here I just don't know why you are talking about yourself in the third person.

Also word to the wise, things like "sucks", "bad", "well made", "boring" etc. aren't critically useful.

Mack the Knife

Goodbye Smogon! I may return, I may not!
is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
I love Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. I'd probably rank it as my 3rd favorite comedy, right after Dr. Strangelove and Groundhog Day, which is, to me, the greatest comedy I've seen.

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