League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

I feel hon is a bit messy and you can't see whats going on.

Id like to play udyr when he comes out. GuardsmanBob in the noxus vs ionia grudge match was crazy.


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I feel hon is a bit messy and you can't see whats going on.

Id like to play udyr when he comes out. GuardsmanBob in the noxus vs ionia grudge match was crazy.
Rule #1 of Udyr: You are not Guardsman Bob. Do not tower dive people.
I learned a lot about Udyr from Q&A with Bob, but let's be honest. Bob plays a very distinctive style of Udyr that many high level players disagree with. Currently, the favored build is Tiger Udyr with Wriggles/BVeil. Bob still plays Phoenix Udyr with no Wriggles.
If anyone's been keeping up with the ESL, you saw the amount of Udyr action in the Solomid vs. OGB game. The best part was Phreak's reaction - "Trinity Force on Udyr? Is that popular?"

Could I have a build for Tiger Udyr, mtr? I've only ever played Phoenix Udyr, although I do get Wriggles, and I've heard lots of good things about Tiger jungling. Item build, jungle route, runes, and masteries would be preferable, if you could. Thanks!


is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Admin Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis an Administrator Alumnus
If anyone's been keeping up with the ESL, you saw the amount of Udyr action in the Solomid vs. OGB game. The best part was Phreak's reaction - "Trinity Force on Udyr? Is that popular?"

Could I have a build for Tiger Udyr, mtr? I've only ever played Phoenix Udyr, although I do get Wriggles, and I've heard lots of good things about Tiger jungling. Item build, jungle route, runes, and masteries would be preferable, if you could. Thanks!
That's the tournament my team was in. We lost vs. Rock Solid (who played SoloMid and lost R1).

CLG is definitely too good, though.
considering writing a warwick guide because some people just don't realise that warwick is not master yi and should not be built as such! the public needs to know!!! also mtr's guide inspired me!!!
If anyone's been keeping up with the ESL, you saw the amount of Udyr action in the Solomid vs. OGB game. The best part was Phreak's reaction - "Trinity Force on Udyr? Is that popular?"

Could I have a build for Tiger Udyr, mtr? I've only ever played Phoenix Udyr, although I do get Wriggles, and I've heard lots of good things about Tiger jungling. Item build, jungle route, runes, and masteries would be preferable, if you could. Thanks!
I play both Tiger and Phoenix Udyr. Both are built very similarly, and jungle along similar routes. Phoenix tends to jungle faster, and counterjungle better, to be honest.

If I were to play Tiger Udyr, I would build

Wriggle's Lantern
Mercury's Treads
Aegis of the Legion
Trinity Force
Banshee's Veil / Bloodthirster (if you're stomping)

I watched the OGB v. TSM match, and was very surprised that the Udyr player went directly into a Trinity Force. After Udyr gets Wriggle's, there's a window of time where he feels squishy (technically, you're a naturally tanky champ, but you still feel squishy). So I like to get 1 tanky item after Wriggles, then decide what I want to do.


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
I'm blaming Jebus for the sheer length of my guide.

I have four paragraphs on the usage of Arcane Smash alone. Sure, I spend two of them talking about how underrated of a spell it is, but it's still like one of his most underused abilities.
Hey guys! I know this might be a bit off topic(but it's still about LoL) but can you guys help me out with this event being done by the company that make's LoL available in my country. It's to promote LoL here in my country. So, let me tell you guys about this event. Basically, the company made an event where we input our IGN in this website and it can generate a link to the homepage of LoL. Then we have to spread this link to other people and make them open the link and explore the website a bit. At the end of the event, the top 10 people with the highest score(calculated with a criteria which involves Link visits and Site exploration) would get 5 FREE CHAMPIONS of the winners' choice. League of Legends is new in my country(Philippines) so we dont have RP and not that much IP(except those who migrated from your(NA) servers.
So at this moment, I would like to ask you guys for support in this event. You can support me by click on this link http://lol.garena.ph/?utm_source=MrMikeHawk&utm_medium=userlinks&utm_campaign=Share-A-Link.

I'm not really sure if people across the globe can open this link so just kindly leave a reply when you guys can't. Anyway, thanks for your time guys and I hope I can get to be part of this LoL community here on Smogon. :)

P.S. If this post is against the Smogon Forum Rules, please notify me. I haven't been active on smogon for a while now so I'm not really sure about the rules anymore. :)
Lol, Thorns carried me as Hybrid TF. I was playing Trundle for the first time, and spent more time raging in chat about how I wished I was playing Udyr than actually playing the game.
Jarvan is a fucking monster

I thought they were trying to move away from tanky DPS? Jarvan's tanky, has an awesome amount of attack power, and has the crowd control effects champs like Garen lack, plus some awesome combos.
he's also got SUPER DEMACIAAAAAAAA which looks pretty troll especially since it is essentially a super amumu stun on one person. the aoe metagame might revive with jarvan's ult. i mean without flash, most heroes are left to be completely destroyed by the team when jarvan ults them.


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
They wanted to move away from tanky AoE DPS. Notice Maokai's ult being AoE defense, and Jarvan's ult meant to single target a champion, while still being an AoE bruiser (Not DPS) through his CC, initiates and passive. While they are moving away from AoE tanky DPS, they are moving towards a CC heavy meta-game with bulky Bruisers.

Meanwhile, I think this should actually be the part where we talk about Ezreal's ult stacking with AD at a ration of 1.0. Derp. Herpdy derp derp flibberdy flabberdy flibber flibber derp.

So much broken. So little time.
Xin Zhao has been causing me so much hardship as of late. I've been seeing some go mid with 5 health pots. Impossible for Katarina to deal with, though Annie has a much better time. Jarvan always seems to be with him too.

I believe that I'm joining this thread for the first time, unless I have forgotten.

The buff to Ezreal's ultimate this patch is awesome. It gives AD a larger nuke now. It's very fun to use.

Besides Ez, I play Annie, Katarina, Mordekaiser, and Kassadin, with past mains being Kog'maw, Kennen, Corki, Twitch, and Vladimir. Oh, and I like Ryze.
5 health pots plusss??? Cloth armor??
I havent seen much of xin zhao actually

I wanted to ask which non-legendary skins were best.
Argh, been having some really bad ranked games where I just can't mesh with my team as Amumu. I always think they're with me, then look at the minimap, and they're not. It's a noob mistake, but it only happens to me when I'm Amumu for whatever reason. Maybe it's because I'm learning him.

Although I play Udyr a lot, my best champion is still Cho'Gath, an amazing support, disabler, and tank. I learned to play him from watching HotshotGG, and on a good day, Cho is definitely amazing to behold.
I always do either really good or really bad with Cho... Either I help get a couple kills early and get a couple of Feast stacks at level 6, or I die once or twice early and I manage to hover between 1-3 stacks of Feast for the rest of the game ~_~

Played Annie for the first time in a while today, and she was a blast. All of her spells are spammable (save the ult, obviously)which helps a lot for her passive (next spell stuns after 5 spells used). Combined with the tear of the goddess, I was pretty much unstoppable in teamfights for the entire game unless they focused on me... which they did Dx
Also, if you ever want to have a lot of fun with a couple buddies, play a support with CV, have 1 buddy jungle, and another dude wherever. Use your CV on the blue/golem camps and the wraith/red camps.

If you rarely jungle, or just aren't that experienced, you may not know what the information you're giving your jungler means, but he will. For example, I just played a ranked game as Udyr against a Tryndamere with Taric as an ally. Tryndamere has multiple jungling paths, so I was afraid to invade him early at wraiths, since he would have done them already if he started Golems first. But once Taric CV'd Wraith/Red and found it still there, I knew that Trynd had done Blue First (with help from Morgana), so I invaded him and stole them.

Over the rest of the match, I kept invading him, stole red twice, and eventually outleveled him by 2 levels.

It's really a lot like a spy mission, where one dude (the support) gathers intel, while you are the actual field operator.
i have tried counter jungling with nunu but you really have to make an impact or else you become a blood boil/slow bot in mid and late game. nunu has horrible scaling. on the plus side, he's got an excellent ration on his (very hard to use) ultimate

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