League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

I can't imagine Paranoia lasting very long... these epic ganks would have to be very well coordinated.

I don't how TF would be a hard counter, as Paranoia only reduces enemy Champion's sight range. If it reduced your allies, you just know it would be used for trolling.
TF definitely wouldn't be a hard counter - he'd be a great ally, though. You could set up an entire team based on map mobility, ganking, and single-target pressure. i.e.:

Twisted Fate, Nocturne, Shen, Pantheon, Karthus. 5 Teleport. If you want, use Soraka instead of Karthus.

Regardless, you could group push top tower with Shen, Panth, and TF, then group ulti over to bottom tower where Karthus has already pushed out the wave. Nocturne snipes Baron ward and places one of his own. When everyone else gets to bottom turret, Nocturne ults, the whole team teleports over to Baron ward, and takes Baron.

Just the pure mobility of the team is hard to counter - the enemy team would have to be an extremely organized AoE team to counter it, and even that can have difficulties. See WCG finals game 1, CLG vs. SK Gaming. With only TF and Shen as global ult users on the EU side, they still took game 1 by just pushing and abusing their mobility.

Obviously you would need an organized team to pull this off. However, even played only moderately well, this would be extremely effective against any team that isn't incredibly organized and doesn't know exactly how to counter this - through pushing mid towers down and exploiting the weak team fights of the mobility team.

Just a thought. Karthus may not be the most desirable 5th, however. Part of it depends on how good of a jungle Nocturne is (cause if not, Shen can jungle). Part of it depends on whether or not the team needs an offtank.
I'm expecting something more like Kassadin to be honest - he seems like an assassin, not tanky DPS.

Here's an unrelated question for you all: What is your skill order on Miss Fortune? What do you max first?

90% of all Miss Fortunes I see max Double Up first. Personally I think maxing Make It Rain is more useful, since it does the most damage early game at level 9, it's easier to land, and it makes a gank more reliable because of the slow. If I were to build MF, I'd probably end up doing something like E-Q-W-E-E-R, then maxing E first, then skilling Q and W evenly.

How do you build her?
double up and impure shots, you only really use make it rain for slowing anyway. double up is for harass and impure shots is for pushing towers


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Frankly, the most useful thing about Make It Rain is the AoE slow. Double Up can do alot more damage and is a reliable harrass without being AS mana intensive (though either way MF runs out of mana alot).
I was actually thinking of getting back into LoL, I took a bit of a hiatus during the Christmas break due to getting a string of bad teams. What's the metagame like these days?
bulky deeps and push push push push push push. the four jungle tanks and ashe are the most common bans and there's a large emphasis on team fights around towers rather than at dragon and baron


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
To stop high armor champions from tower diving at early levels. Their overall damage was also decreased, so the actual damage really isn't any different.
had a game where i went 5/5/30 as shen. he initiates so well (perhaps not as great as malphite) but an aoe taunt is so good. my team was looking like a 4v5 at mid, when i dashed from the enemy wraiths camp into an out of position akali, forcing their team to dogpile on me as my team swept them up. i think i'm starting to get the hang of shadow dash timing and placement. usually i would have someone bait and then ult > taunt but now i see that shen can initiate perfectly well on his own.
I actually misunderstood Nocturne's ultimate. Paranoia makes it so that the enemy champions can only see what's in their sight range. This means that they can no longer see ally champions or minions unless they're right next to them.

Nocturne definitely sounds like a day one purchase, provided you have the IP ^^


Makin' PK Love
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Starting to really get into this game lately, I play a mean AP Sion (looking to maybe play Zilean too)

If anyone wants to add me my username is Arguro
Just chiming in, saying that if you don't have the newest CHAMP, GET IT! Nocturne is hella fun.

Also Nocturne = Noctowl + Cacturne. Obv.


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
Tried to refine Jungling with Nocturne (unsuccessfully) for a while in practice games, then went into one real game for the day, and went 8/9/13 with 2 minutes left. Decide to play a bit more aggressively then I was all game, and end 12/9/13.

What does this mean? He's a fantastic DPS champ with one of the best ganks in the game. I feel his early game jungle is a little frail and prone to gank, but once he gets along in the game, he out farms everyone and tears through the jungle. I ended up with more regular minion kills on my team by a 100 at the end screen. Which doesn't even count jungle minions. Overall he looks to be a really good jungling option.

Also: I have a feeling that if you're team's ever in trouble in a team fight that you're not a part of... pop your ult even if your not in range, you might just scare the other team enough with just threat of your arrival.
Nocturne is a ridiculous ganker, and is much stronger than Shaco late-game. He has a little difficulty getting his jungle started, and I would go as far to say that he's much, much better if he gets somebody to pull Golem aggro at the beginning. Otherwise he just has too little health after finishing his route.

I don't like the sustained route on him. I feel like he needs to gank as early as possible to be useful. So the standard Blue-->wolves-->Wraiths-->red-->golems route is the best, imo.

I'm using a route of 1/16/13 masteries, although I'm testing 1/19/10 and 19/0/11 as well. Currently I'm building Cloth Armor-->Razors-->Merc Treads-->Brutalizer-->Recurve Bow-->Infinity Edge-->Bloodrazor-->Banshee's Veil

Core for him is, imo, Merc Treads+Bloodrazor+Youmuu's Ghostblade. All three are ridiculously good items on him. I-Edge is just an added bonus.

Idk when the best time to get Bloodrazor is, and idk if he needs Wriggles at all. While Phreak's spotlight recommends going Wriggles, I really don't think he needs it.
I love the new practice mode for the bots. Unlike in actual games, I actually do well against them; however, they are very competent players. They are rather aggressive still, but won't do retarded things like tower dive at level 3 anymore (usually). Went 2-1 against them (loss was because someone quit x_x) but each round was probably as close as a normal match against players.

Nocturne seemed very OP in those matches, too. Obviously it was against bots, but each of the 2 times he was on my team he went something like 28/5/15. His ult is simply amazing, and likely to get nerfed soon. Not to mention the fact that his other spells go amazingly well together.
I've been racking up lots of wins with Jarvan lately. I usually get a positive KDR, despite building him very tanky. My usual build is HoG, Merc's, FroMall, Either Negatrons or Chain Vest depending on the other team, 99% of the time I'll build Atma's Impaler first, then go for the Banshee's Veil. After that my build becomes very game specific, though the items I most often find myself building are Force of Nature, Sunfire Cloak, Frozen Heart, and Guardian Angel.

Also, my username on LoL is 2gig if you guys want to play with me... I've been 30 for a while and have a pretty good W/L in solo queue... My ranked is shit 'cause I went and played ranked as soon as I hit 30, like a noob, but I've been getting better, so give me a chance. No one added me last time I posted. foreveralone.jpg


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
Nocturne is a ridiculous ganker, and is much stronger than Shaco late-game. He has a little difficulty getting his jungle started, and I would go as far to say that he's much, much better if he gets somebody to pull Golem aggro at the beginning. Otherwise he just has too little health after finishing his route.

I don't like the sustained route on him. I feel like he needs to gank as early as possible to be useful. So the standard Blue-->wolves-->Wraiths-->red-->golems route is the best, imo.

I'm using a route of 1/16/13 masteries, although I'm testing 1/19/10 and 19/0/11 as well. Currently I'm building Cloth Armor-->Razors-->Merc Treads-->Brutalizer-->Recurve Bow-->Infinity Edge-->Bloodrazor-->Banshee's Veil

Core for him is, imo, Merc Treads+Bloodrazor+Youmuu's Ghostblade. All three are ridiculously good items on him. I-Edge is just an added bonus.

Idk when the best time to get Bloodrazor is, and idk if he needs Wriggles at all. While Phreak's spotlight recommends going Wriggles, I really don't think he needs it.
I tried Wriggle's once after using bloodrazor's for a few matches and never turned back. The item is just so great on him. He literally never has to go back after he grabs it and boots. He just runs around destroying the jungle healing himself to near full if he ever gets too low, then taking blue buff to regen the mana. It also just gives so much added survivability in sticky situations that the Bloodrazor's just can't provide, so I've found myself only getting bloodrazor's if my team absolutely needs them.

I also like rushing the Infinity-Edge on him for his lasting power in the field. Since he never has to leave at anytime, he can farm continuously, allowing him to build up into the Infinity-Edge fast enough that it doesn't cripple his mid-game. Youmuu's with the active on provides almost exactly the same amount of DPS as an Infinity-Edge would, and while it's cheaper the active only lasts for 12 seconds. And when you're not going to be able to grab another offensive item for a while, I want it to make me effective no matter what the situation is, not just when the active's up.

Also, I think his base damage on his Q is a bit too high. His ult, while very good at what it does, really isn't anything overpowered, but I'm certain the ratio on it will be nerfed. Other than that he's fine.
I've actually seen a lot of people rushing Bloodthirster before I-Edge because of how good the scaling on his skills are, especially Paranoia. I would always rush I-Edge, but is BT viable?

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