League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
Just played the best game ever. We won 19-50. We fed and threw the game, but then somehow managed to outpush the other team because they had primarily an assassin comp with little push power....

I seriously don't know where that miracle came from...
Had a game last night where I asked for mid and without saying anything our second pick takes Ahri. I decide, fine, that's bullshit but I'll just go jungle Amumu. Our third pick locks in Katarina and our fourth pick locks in Ezreal (first pick was Cait). They both then say mid. So I'm pissed because it's been almost twenty minutes since I queued up because of dodgers so I put on my five year-old pants and spammed, "dodge or I feed" hoping they would dodge. They didn't. So the game starts, I let them know I'm not actually going to feed and ask them to leash me at blue. Everyone helps and everything is grand until notice Ahri is still standing in XP range when Golem is in Smite range. I ask her to leave and out of no where she steals blue with her orb. She then goes mid where Ez already is. They proceed to both stay mid until surrender. So not only could I not jungle I had to go bot with Cait anyway. We surrender at twenty and even though I built Philo/HoG/Aegis I had the most kills and fewest deaths on our team at 5/5.

I then queue again and am immediately put with a four man premade. I say, "mid" and one of them says, "we premade. we all mid. eat shit and support us." I then tell them to dodge because I'm going Revive/Teleport Yi and just going to feed. They dodged.


is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Had a game last night where I asked for mid and without saying anything our second pick takes Ahri. I decide, fine, that's bullshit but I'll just go jungle Amumu. Our third pick locks in Katarina and our fourth pick locks in Ezreal (first pick was Cait). They both then say mid. So I'm pissed because it's been almost twenty minutes since I queued up because of dodgers so I put on my five year-old pants and spammed, "dodge or I feed" hoping they would dodge. They didn't. So the game starts, I let them know I'm not actually going to feed and ask them to leash me at blue. Everyone helps and everything is grand until notice Ahri is still standing in XP range when Golem is in Smite range. I ask her to leave and out of no where she steals blue with her orb. She then goes mid where Ez already is. They proceed to both stay mid until surrender. So not only could I not jungle I had to go bot with Cait anyway. We surrender at twenty and even though I built Philo/HoG/Aegis I had the most kills and fewest deaths on our team at 5/5.

I then queue again and am immediately put with a four man premade. I say, "mid" and one of them says, "we premade. we all mid. eat shit and support us." I then tell them to dodge because I'm going Revive/Teleport Yi and just going to feed. They dodged.
All of the people you complain about, you are quickly becoming one of them. Congratulations.
I'm friend requesting that ashe immediately and will duo queue with him/her on a regular basis

wikey it might do you some good to take a break from league of legends

if you don't do that at least please take a break from this thread

EDIT: also that ezreal

i want to form a team with that ezreal and that ashe
Boots of Swiftness is worth it on nobody.

That's 20 extra MS.

20 MS is actually a hell of a lot and it's why people run movespeed quints and invest into the speed masteries in defense and/or utility - the problem is that you're sacrificing the stats from the other boots, which are better almost 100% of the time. 20 MS is great, but it just doesn't compare to 10% physical damage reduction, MR+tenacity, attack speed, magic pen, etc.
20 MS is actually a hell of a lot and it's why people run movespeed quints and invest into the speed masteries in defense and/or utility - the problem is that you're sacrificing the stats from the other boots, which are better almost 100% of the time. 20 MS is great, but it just doesn't compare to 10% physical damage reduction, MR+tenacity, attack speed, magic pen, etc.
this pretty much, boots of swiftness are the worst of the upgraded boots but they are not as utterly horrible as people seem to think they are, just not as good. and there is really no point in getting upset or riding your high horse when you see someone in game building boots of swiftness because in a situation where there is very little communication in a team that 20 ms becomes considerably more powerful. because if it helps your bad ashe run away, or your full ap singed lead the opponents around forever, or lets your garen pick off someone running away with R then you know boots of swiftness wasnt all that bad of a choice and if they had bought any other boots they probably wouldnt have been nearly as useful.

Age of Kings

of the Ash Legion
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Heart of Gold and Philo stone nerfs noooo :'(

Oh well, Eve remake looks hella fun so I think I'll lay off the tanks and bruisers for the week and dig into her and Kass
I've been theorizing swiftness boots on olaf since he basically has a 100% tenacity steroid and tons of natural tankiness but no tools for mobility..

this is coming from a guy who's only actually ever played as olaf once though so take it with a grain of salt
To anyone playing Dominion this week:

Make sure at least one person on your team has room and the ability to use a Hextech Sweeper as a top laner. Teemo (AP TEEMO's SHROOM WARDS OP), Maokai (tank), Karthus (utility AP), Nidalee (dat poke/trap ward-AP), Janna (support), Vladimir (AP), and maybe Zilean (support/uber backcapper)

Sion: PUSH PUSH PUSH clear waves with 1 button roam other lanes like a mofo

Ryze: pushing power lol wut
Step 1: QWQEQ
Step 2: Ult
Step 3: QWQEQ
Step 4: Keep spamming until ult is up
Step 5: Repeat steps 2-4 until lane is sufficiently pushed or you go OOM. If you encounter a tower, autoattack until minions arrive, then engage in steps 2-4 to let your minions keep mashing the tower for you.

Dat low cooldown AoE clear...


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
I saw that thread of my own accord. I never bothered to click on it because "Only people who played Gen 4 Pokemon will get this." on the hover-text made me want to punch that guy in the face. Gen 4? Dude probably wasn't even BORN when Red and Blue came out. Cresselia? Obviously hasn't played much Pokémon himself, since there's a much more suitable partner to Blissey that incidentally started existing at the same time, years before the idea of Cresselia was conceived. I suppose it's the healing dealio and moon thing but I'm pretty sure Graves isn't a Blissey either, so whatever.

That and it's another Soraka bitching thread. Soraka's not even good anymore. Soraka hasn't been good since at least a few nerfs ago. Give it a fucking rest already.
Soraka+Graves is still one of the most powerful - hell, if not THE most powerful bot lane currently being run in the metagame. Graves's natural tankiness combined with Soraka's passive make the lane difficult to kill; his Q+W for wave clearing and his W+E for escaping ganks combined with Soraka's fantastic mana steroid makes the lane difficult to gank while still shoving hard; and Graves's naturally ridiculous burst and short sustained damage combined with Soraka's temporary armor buff gives the lane a huge amount of kill potential.

Nobody's really complaining about Soraka in conjunction with most other ADs. It's just Soraka+Graves that's terrorizing the metagame right now, and for good reason.


Wi-Fi Blacklisted
I'm sure this is old news, but I've heard that you can get Tristana and Alistar free. Can someone explain to me how you do this??
It's extremely simple. There are links on the main website (somewhere, gimme a sec to find them...), all you have to do is "Like" League of Legends* on Facebook (Tristana) and subscribe to them on Youtube (Alistar) when prompted (you can also like/sub them ahead of time and then use the links, it doesn't matter).

I think for Tristana there's actually a link on the Facebook page, as well, so you can do it that way, too.

Alistar: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/subscribe-riot-games-youtube-get-unchained-alistar


Wi-Fi Blacklisted
It's extremely simple. There are links on the main website (somewhere, gimme a sec to find them...), all you have to do is "Like" Riot Games on Facebook (Tristana) and subscribe to them on Youtube (Alistar) when prompted (you can also like/sub them ahead of time and then use the links, it doesn't matter).

I think for Tristana there's actually a link on the Facebook page, as well, so you can do it that way, too.
I liked them on Facebook a while ago and I still don't have them.

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