League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Moscow Five - GoSu Pepper (Nunu) / Darien (Yorick) / Alex Ich (Evelynn) / Genja (Vayne) / Diamondprox (Xin Zhao)
Taipei Assassins - Stanley (Shen) / bebeisadog (Kog'Maw) / Lilballz (Udyr) / MiSTaKe (Taric) / Toyz (Karthus)
Bans: Maokai / Lee Sin / Blitzcrank / Sona / Jayce / Orianna

- TPA steal Diamondprox's blue
- TPA send bebe and MiSTaKe mid to shut down Alex Ich while Toyz goes bottom against Genja.
- A 2-man roam from M5 gets first blood onto GoSu Pepper on Toyz.
- TPA steals M5's blue buff and get it onto Toyz, who rotates mid while bebe and MiSTaKe rotate bot.
- Stanley ults bot to gank, but all of M5 comes to help and pick up a 4-1 exchange, with a triple kill on Darien.
- GoSu Pepper gets caught at 15 minutes and dies.
- ToyZ Teleports bottom at 16 minutes and kills GoSu Pepper.
- Alex Ich catches Toyz in the jungle and kills him, giving M5 a free 18:50 Dragon.
- A large fight bottom ends in MiSTaKe dying to Genja, letting M5 pick up TPA's mid turret.
- Alex Ich catches Stanley in top lane and kills him under his own tower.
- A fight in bottom lane escalates when Diamondprox, Lilballz, and Toyz all show up, but the end result is heavily in Moscow Five's favor with Diamond getting a double kill and only GoSu Pepper dying at around 24 minutes. M5 take these two fights 4-1.
- M5 pick up an uncontested 25 minute Dragon.
- M5 dives past TPA's second bottom turret in a fight gone wrong that trades Alex Ich, Genja, and Darien's GA for Lilballz and MiSTaKe. Diamondprox manages to take TPA's first bottom turret on the retreat.
- M5 baits Baron and, with Alex Ich's excellent positioning, win the teamfight 5-1, picking up the 29 minute Baron.
- M5 take a 5-0 teamfight win at 31 minutes.

Game Notes
- Darien played extremely well, running to bot lane all the way from top lane mid-game and picking up a triple kill, building a Triforce, and zoning/killing bebe during the last two fights alongside Genja.
- Although both teams went for a late-game composition, Moscow Five threw that away and built Darien and Diamond extremely tanky while Genja went for movespeed and attack speed, picking up Merc Treads, Phantom Dancer, and then a Black Cleaver to synergize with the Nunu pick.
- Moscow Five's excellent teamwork completely dominated Taipei's less-than-stellar performance.
I love CLG.EU <3 The delays meant there was a lot of suspense and tension leading up to this match, so watching CLG.EU keep up with WE and eventually outscale them (THAT ACE) was endlessly satisfying. I have to say that Misaya played really well, though, and his Vladimir was a huge reason they could even put up a fight, although the dive once Froggen was 6 was really unfortunate in that Misaya could not stop it as Vladimir and only ever got 10cs ahead of him, which was mitigated by Froggen picking up that kill.
Taipei Assassins - Toyz (Orianna) / Lilballz (Maokai) / MiSTaKe (Taric) / bebeisadog (Vayne) / Stanley (Nidalee)
Moscow Five - Darien (Yorick) / Genja (Kog'Maw) / Diamondprox (Udyr) / Alex Ich (Zilean) / GoSu Pepper (Zyra)
Bans: Lee Sin / Blitzcrank / Evelynn / Jayce / Sona / Nunu

- TPA catch GoSu Pepper by Baron at level 1 and immediately kill him with a Taric stun + Condemn combo.
- Diamondprox and Darien steal TPA's red
- An engagement happens in M5's top jungle as Lilballz steals Diamondprox's red, leading to a fight that trades Alex Ich and Genja for MiSTaKe.
- Bebe is 2/0/1 4 minutes in.
- Alex Ich gets caught by mid brush and dies to Lilballz, MiSTaKe, and Toyz 6 minutes in.
- Bebe and MiSTaKe kill Genja in top lane.
- Diamondprox steals Lilballz's red.
- Lilballz ganks mid and kills Alex Ich at 10 minutes, getting out by the skin of his teeth.
- M5 lose top and bottom turret but take an 11 minute Dragon.
- TPA take M5's mid turret.
- TPA steal M5's blue buff at 14:30.
- By 17 minutes, TPA have killed M5's second bottom and middle turrets.
- M5 take an uncontested 18 minute Dragon.
- Stanley duels and kills Alex Ich in top lane while the rest of his team sneaks a 19 minute Baron.
- A duel between Genja and Stanley in top lane turns into a full-blown teamfight, which turns into a 5-3 exchange in favor of TPA with Toyz getting a triple kill.
- TPA take a four-man Baron while Stanley distracts M5 bottom; Diamondprox fails a smite steal, securing a 26 minute Baron for TPA.
- TPA push down mid and bottom and kill 3 of M5 with no casualties.

Game Notes
- Toyz's superior play won him the lane and his team the game, partly due to the Orianna pick and partly due to M5's inability to apply any kind of ganking pressure from Diamondprox.
- TPA took a huge lead early game and suffocated M5 before the latter could get to their infamous mid-game teamfight potential.
Moscow Five - GoSu Pepper (Nunu) / Alex Ich (Gragas) / Genja (Kog'Maw) / Diamondprox (Shyvana) / Darien (Yorick)
Taipei Assassins - Stanley (Nidalee) / Toyz (Anivia) / Lilballz (Dr. Mundo) / bebeisadog (Ezreal) / MiSTaKe (Sona)
Bans: Maokai / Blitzcrank / Jayce / Lee Sin / Evelynn / Orianna

- Both teams steal each other's red buffs
- After a tense early game, Stanley kills M5's top turret at 11 minutes.
- TPA kill M5's first bottom turret.
- Darien runs bottom at 15 minutes and gets first blood on bebe
- M5 attempts to follow that up with a dragon, but Diamondprox misses Smite and Toyz steals Dragon with Frostbite.
- TPA's three-man gank on bottom kills Genja and kills M5's second bottom turret and first middle turret while Stanley takes down M5's second top turret.
- After a lull, M5 get a good initiate and kill Bebe and MiSTaKe while losing only GoSu.
- M5 attempt a 28 minute Baron but have to back off.
- A fight 90 seconds later seems good as MiSTaKe whiffs Sona ult, but Stanley singlehandedly takes out GoSu Pepper while the rest of his team kills Diamondprox.
- Sona's Flash+ult initiate plus a great wall by Toyz ends in a great 2-0 exchange that secures TPA a 36 minute Baron.
- M5 capitalize on an error by TPA and kill MiSTaKe and Lilballz with no casualties.
- TPA trade Lilballz for Diamondprox, Genja, and GoSu Pepper, taking bottom inhib, top inhib, and middle turret along the way.
- Stanley, Bebe, and MiSTaKe take a 42:45 three-man Baron.
- TPA barrel down mid and win a teamfight 3-0

Game Notes
- Taipei completely outplayed M5 in every single lane early game, stopping M5's typical mid-game dominance.
- Stanley's Nidalee easily wins MVP, split pushing, 1v3ing, and pressuring extremely hard for the entire game.

New World Order

Licks Toads
is a Team Rater Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Toyz in my mind has proven himself to be the best mid player in the world AINEC. Alex Ich, Froggen, Misaya etc can't even hold a candle to him, and I'd be surprised if he's ever allowed to have Orianna for the rest of his LoL career.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
vayne vs kog games
vayne 2-0 for the tourney



u dont even kno how happy i am.


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Counter Logic Gaming EU (CLG.EU)
Bans: Jax / Blitzcrank / Orianna
Wickd - Jayce
Snoopeh - Maokai
Froggen - Morgana
yellowpete - Ezreal
Krepo - Soraka

Azubu Frost
Bans: Kog'Maw / Irelia / Anivia
Shy - Yorick
CloudTemplar - Shen
RapidStar - Karthus
Woong - Miss Fortune
MadLife - Alistar

- After trading poke, both teams start in their own jungles, with yellowpete and Krepo taking double golems.
- Shy is lane ganked by Wickd and Snoopeh, with first blood going to Snoopeh at 4 minutes.
- Snoopeh ganks Shy again at 5 minutes, with Wickd getting the kill.
- Snoopeh and Wickd attempt to dive Shy at 8 minutes, but Shy is saved by CloudTemplar's ult and Wickd dies to tower.
- CLG.EU takes dragon at 10 minutes, with Snoopeh dying to MadLife and CloudTemplar dying to Froggen.
- Froggen is ganked by CloudTemplar at 12 minutes, but survives and is able to almost turn it into a kill on RapidStar, with yellowpete whiffing an ult and Snoopeh whiffing a sapling
- CLG.EU takes Azubu's outer mid tower at 17 minutes.
- 19 minutes: Azubu takes dragon, RapidStar falls to Froggen, and CloudTemplar kills CLG.EU's top outer turret.
- Wickd takes Azubu's outer bot turret at 22 minutes.
- A very intense teamfight in which nobody dies occurs.
- CLG.EU takes inner middle tower at 23 minutes.
- Woong is caught by a dark binding at 24 minutes, with yellowpete ulting for the kill.
- CLG.EU takes inner bot tower at 25 minutes.
- Azubu takes dragon while CLG.EU takes top outer turret.
- Shy is caught by a binding and falls to Froggen, leading for CLG.EU to take top inner and inhibitor turrets and inhibitor by 28 minutes.
- Azubu attempts to initiate a pair of teamfights at 29 and 30 minutes, both of which CLG.EU easily disengages from.
- 31 minutes: CLG.EU takes mid inhibitor turret and inhibitor, CloudTemplar is caught out and killed, and a teamfight breaks out, which CLG.EU wins 3-2 (not including CloudTemplar)
- CLG.EU takes Baron at 33 minutes.
- MadLife desperately initiates a teamfight, but Azubu loses the fight 4-1


- A combination of CLG.EU's ridiculous pokecomp and Azubu's lack of waveclear enabled CLG.EU to siege turrets with ease and made it nearly impossible for Azubu to engage.
- It is fucking hilarious when the Yorick ghost of Karthus disappears as said ghost is trying to cast Requiem.
- Snoopeh's early ganks forced Shy to spend a good deal of time farming top in an attempt to catch up, which allowed CLG.EU much more flexibility in their roaming.


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Azubu Frost
Bans: Irelia / Jayce / Karthus
Shy - Vladimir
CloudTemplar - Maokai
RapidStar - Ahri
Woong - Ezreal
MadLife - Sona

Counter Logic Gaming EU (CLG.EU)
Bans: Blitzcrank / Jax / Anivia
Wickd - Shen
Snoopeh - Skarner
Froggen - Orianna
yellowpete - Kog'Maw
Krepo - Nunu

- Azubu steals Snoopeh's red as Snoopeh starts at his blue.
- After baiting a flash a minute earlier, CloudTemplar ganks mid and is able to get RapidStar first blood on Froggen at 5 minutes despite the presence of Snoopeh.
- RapidStar roams top and assists Woong and MadLife in taking the top outer turret in 10 minutes.
- Snoopeh is caught by a Crescendo and killed by MadLife as Froggen dies to Rapidstar at 14 minutes.
- Azubu takes bot outer turret.
- My stream crashed for a bit, but Azubu seems to have taken dragon, CLG.EU took outer bot tower, and Shy killed Wickd.
- Azubu sneaks an uncontested baron at 20 minutes. Immediately afterwards, Wickd is caught out, with the kill going to RapidStar.
- CLG.EU inner mid turret falls.
- Azubu takes the top inner turret at 23 minutes.
- Dragon goes to Azubu at 24 minutes.
- Azubu kills yellowpete, Snoopeh, and bot inner tower at 25 minutes.
- Free Baron at 27 minutes for Azubu.
- yellowpete is caught out by RapidStar at 29 minutes, which leads to two inhibitors falling for CLG.EU
- Azubu aces CLG.EU in the ensuing fight.


- Woong was able to almost double yellowpete's farm in lane, and the rest of Azubu's lanes were able to outfarm their counterparts as well.
- CLG.EU played an extremely sloppy game, getting caught out of position on numerous occasions.
- I need a better internet connection


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
My internet is being ultra retarded and I can't get the stream anymore, someone else cover game 3 please.
all i heard was Shy's Singed completely shits on CLG

Worlds Championship Update - Grand Final

Taipei Assassins

It'd be a fair guess to say that almost nobody saw this coming. The Assassins, straight out of Taiwan, got tired of their local competition. Nobody in Taiwan can touch the Assassins. They practise harder, play harder, and work harder than any other team in their region. Under the leadership of their managers Erica and previous support player Lin, the Assassins have shown the world that teamwork trumps all. Five men ruled by two women, the Assassins stormed out in their game versus one of three non-M5 teams people had tipped to win the tournament - Najin Sword. MaKNooN and his men were easily dismantled by the Assassins. The favourite, Moscow Five, was also dropped by the Taiwanese team in an amazing match. Though they have faltered a little, they look pristine coming into the final.

Stanley - it is not hard to say that Stanley is what HotshotGG was in his prime as a top laner. The guy plays everything, much like Pdd of iG. He terrorised the solo queue ladder with his five-Revolver Vladimir, and other ridiculous builds. He has one of the best understandings of the top lane displayed thus far, controlling creep waves and being a constant split push threat on Nidalee and Shen. As Jayce, his knowledge of the champion is very broad, being played both as an assassin and in more of a traditional carry role. Though he may have some mechanical shortcomings compared to the well-practised Shy, his performance will have a massive impact on the grand final. He is Taipei's anchor and will be relied on to bring up the vanguard against the Koreans.

Lilballz - a call back to the junglers of lore - the rarely seen, but always feared gankers. Lilballz was an absolute terror on CLG, and he is an absolute terror now. I can say with confidence that if he hadn't quit CLG to move back to Taiwan, our competitive scene would be vastly, vastly different right now. We would probably witness the HotshotGG/Lilballz/bigfatjiji troika stomp the everloving crap out of everyone. The best Alistar jungler in the world, Lilballz hasn't been able to touch the champion yet, and Azubu Frost would be very wise to keep the champion away from him. His synergy with Toyz is only matched by Diamondprox and Alex Ich - and one combo came out on top in that match.

Toyz - perhaps the MVP of this tournament thus far. He is to Orianna what Froggen is to Anivia. With godlike mechanics, an uncanny ability to farm no matter the situation of the game, and a gigantic threat near dragon and in the roaming phase, Toyz will be the highest priority on Frost's hitlist. CloudTemplar will have to devote a lot of attention to him - either that, or risk Toyz getting free farm, or worse, RapidStar actually losing lane. I doubt Toyz will be able to touch Orianna in the final, but like all of the Assassins, he is incredibly competent on most champions he might play.

Bebe - he got bored of stomping the NA solo queue ladder, and came to stomp the rest of the world instead. A household name on the ladder and in Asia, Bebe is everything you'd want in an AD carry. He is quite fortunate that he is coming up against (arguably) one of the weaker ADs in this tournament, Woong. Though Bebe lacks the raw skill to outplay those that dive onto him like WeiXiao and Doublelift, there is a reason those two carries are not in the final - they simply do not work well enough with their teams. The Taipei Assassins are probably the most synergised team in the world, and at the core of every team is an AD carry just looking at his watch to know it is his time to shine.

MiSTakE - forming the second half of one of the best AD/Support combos in the world, MiSTakE is no stranger to high-stake games. Handpicked by Riot to represent the pros against Riot's team, he has shown exceptional play throughout this tournament with an amazing play on Blitzcrank versus Najin Sword. MiSTakE is like Krepo, Chauster and Pepper in that he likes to initiate action in the bottom lane. What sets him apart from other supports is the fact that he used to play AD, like Chauster. They say the best supports were all carries at one point. Perhaps Frost will keep his Blitzcrank away from him, who knows. But Woong and MadLife will definitely be on the backfoot in this matchup.

Azubu Frost

On the other side, we have Azubu Frost. The classic Korean team, Frost's dedication matches the Assassins' in all aspects. However, their road to the final has not been as smooth as the Taipei Assassins. They were shaken up by all three teams they played in the group stage in the early game. They couldn't get it going against TSM in the second game, relying on CloudTemplar to claw the game out from TSM's hands. They were stomped into the dust by CLG.EU in the first game of the match, but they also came back to punish errors and give the world a repeat of the OGN finals. Masters of long teamfights, Azubu Frost is looking to pull a hail Mary and win the tournament from the group stage, proving that Korea is the premier region for League of Legends.

Shy - a lot of attention has been put on the man this tournament. Years of experience of DotA have molded Shy into an amazing top laner, easily one of the best in the world, and he's only been playing the game since March. Shy has shown great play on Jax and an uncanny ability to always know where the enemy jungler is. It's not surprising - the Korean metagame is heavily based around aggressive lane switching and attempting to shut down the isolated solo laner. Shy's battle scars will carry into the game versus Stanley - I won't be surprised if the two never actually play each other in lane. If Shy does manage to beat Stanley in lane, I would expect him to carry the whole game.

CloudTemplar - a tactical genius and a very solid jungler. CloudTemplar's play on Skarner has been nothing short of exceptional, and Taipei would be wise to ban the lobster out. CloudTemplar has an affinity for counterganking - by predicting the enemy jungler's movements, he is able to turn it around and create openings for his team. CloudTemplar seems to be everywhere at once when he disappears into the fog, with amazing map presence. This style of heavy roaming and naked Oracles purchases can, however, heavily backfire against Lilballz' more traditional style of jungling. CloudTemplar will be on a timer against Lilballz - if he can impact the game enough early, he should be able to push the game to a win. But when Taipei gets in their rhythm, it will be a long fight back to the top for Azubu Frost.

RapidStar - considered to be the 'perfect Reginald' by foreign observers, RapidStar's roaming has been unparalleled this tournament. His play on Anivia is highly respected across the world, almost matching Froggen's play. RapidStar carries Azubu Frost often, and in spectacular fashion. His weakness seems to be a weaker map awareness and gamesense in the laning phase - but when he leaves the lane, he is a true terror that must not be taken lightly. RapidStar is on top of his game, and Toyz will have to work hard to take him down. The lane could swing either way - even a mutual agreement to farm and let their teams decide the advantage. Either way, look out for his coordination with CloudTemplar.

Woong - perhaps the only member of Azubu Frost to be overestimated, though that does not say much considering how powerful the Korean team have shown themselves to be. Woong loves his Ezreal, and plays a very safe AD carry. He has made a great play on Ezreal versus Chaox's Graves, blinking over skillshots and taking the TSM member down. However, he has a tendency to lose his lane and as such Bebe will likely have a comfortable time against him - that is unless, of course, Frost decides to pull a switcheroo and have Stanley take on Bebe and MiSTakE instead. Though when babysitted through to the lategame, Woong is just as good as any other AD carry, avoiding death in the most pressuring of situations.

MadLife - one half of the legendary LocoLife combo, MadLife now finds himself training his new lane partner in the ways of the bottom lane. MadLife is considered to be the best support player in Korea - indeed, when he was partnered with Locodoco, it was often joked that MiG stood for MadLife is God. With exceptional play on Alistar and Blitzcrank, MadLife has not made too many mistakes this tournament and should be able to babysit Woong enough that Bebe and MiSTakE do not run over Frost. MadLife's gamesense and decision making in teamfights is a splendour to watch, and often he will carry a teamfight despite dealing no damage.

The Match
I expect this game to be either a 3-0 for TPA, or a 3-2 for Frost, with Taipei taking the first two games. However, anything could happen. If there is a time to reveal cheese, it is now. Azubu Frost is considered to be weaker at standard play when compared to their brother team Blaze, though their early game aggression has caught many a team offguard. The Taipei Assassins, on the other hand, are comfortable with standard play and seek to take objective after objective throughout the game. Azubu Frost is more comfortable in a low-economy situation, and will be looking to force this as much as possible. Either way, I believe these two teams deserve the most to be in the grand final, and they will give us a great show for sure.
Damn, I really wanted CLGEU to go all the way. Froggen and Snoopeh are my favorite players, real quality and can control games from start to finish. Also because Snoopeh is a good bloke and Froggen plays Anivia.

Not going to watch the final though, don't care about the two remaining teams. Taipai are okay though.

That game 3 was so frustrating to watch, Wicked was playing like a 1200 elo player. Getting touched by chasing singed, being way out of position at dragon and then the icing on the cake when he went to steal 1-2 kills at baron and failed. Seems to not be very diverse as a world standard player.
lol, Frost baits out Wickd's Riven. CLG thought Vladimir was going top (Frost already had a Zyra pick) but then they bring out Singed top and Zyra support.

Those were some good games although im kinda disappointing that CLG did not make it to finals.

Rooting for TPA on finals, Toyz hasn't died once in this tournament..
Guess I'm rooting TPA... I'd normally be rooting for Azubu because I like how they play and they use some stuff I enjoy a lot like Lux, but considering the wristslap of a fine Riot gave them I'm hoping they lose. The more they win, the sillier that 30k becomes :/.

I'm likely not even going to watch the finals, though. I was pretty pumped for this tournament, but the comedy of errors with the internet and the sketchy rulings have kinda taken the life out of it for me. I'm going to be out of town for Pokemon that evening anyway, so if I want to watch I'd have to find Wi-Fi somewhere and bring my laptop(party w/ Luke and MrE ???) or watch it on my phone or something anyway... don't think I'm going to bother.

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