League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Are they saying yi, darius, xin zhao or an assassin is overpowered?
it's probably because i'm just a massive noob but i actually have problems dealing with ap yi sometimes, he good sustain midgame, good roaming and pretty good harass with his Q (yeah it's avoidable but you have to move pretty far away and i find that i just get hit by it pretty much at random and BAM a quarter of my health is gone). i mean sure his lategame isn't as good as some champions but he gets fed pretty easily and imo if any champion is fed enough they're a good asset in a teamfight (especially if they're someone like yi with reasonable natural damage)

i'm not a fan of the current midlane meta because i find that champions who do well at the moment are ones who get kills early and then scale well off them and i tend to play either more late game champions or more supporty mid laners when walrein says anyone can go mid he's pretty much right)
An AP Yi mid that starts Doran's ring is basically impossible to kill solo unless you use certain champs. He will just Q the wave every time it comes up, and by the time the next wave rolls around, Q will be off cd and he will have earned all the mana necessary to do it again. Once he gets some levels up he can even do wraiths in between as well.

If you're not playing a champ that can interrupt Meditate or push better than him all you can do is just try to not die.
AP itemization is fine. Like vonFiedler said.

Just zed/kz mid is a popular thing right now in the pro scene. League of warmogs has been over for about a month now ever since the nerfs to it and Black Cleaver....people are now switching to randuins. I think most "AP mid" are in a pretty good spot right now. The only problems I can clearly see right now is the amount of attack speed reduction which is getting addressed anyways.

Also matchmaking is dumb, getting diamond and plat players with a level 17 on team. Whatever riot
Which is getting nerfed.
The Seeker is kind of a shit item because it's only there to give Zhonya's Hourglass an easier build path. That being said, I build it on Kennen because my Kennen core build is boots+3pots->revolver->Zhonyas, and I like at least getting the middle step of 30 AP and 15 armor if I don't get to go NLR->Zhonyas.

Honestly if you want cheap defenses on a mage either stack Dorans Rings, build Catalyst, or go for a Haunting Guise. Unless your mage specifically benefits from Zhonya's like Kennen, Fiddlesticks, or Karthus, Armguard isn't worth it, you might as well just get some health and be harder to burst by both AD and AP, instead of just putting up a speed bump for AD casters.
So what do you guys think of the following rune page for Shyvana jungle?

Magic Pen marks
Armor Seals
MR Glyphs
Spellvamp quints

In season 2 lifesteal was much cheaper to obtain-however, this season it's a tier 2 buy and I'd really like to have some sustain for my first clear...most of Shyvana's damage all game long comes from her W, so the magic pen and spellvamp are still doing something even if I go for Frozen Mallet/BotRK/Merc Treads core.
Have you tried hybrid pen marks and/or quints?
Nope, I don't have hybrid pen marks because when I was building my rune pages as a fresh level 30 I thought they were too expensive.

Considering my mains were: Teemo->Rumble->Shyvana->Kennen in chronological order, I really should have some tho ._.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
it is my opinion that every mage should get zhonyas. whether you rush it/armguard because of the matchup or because you know the active will be useful from their team comp diving etc or because you are kennen/morgana, zhonyas provides a. a lot of ap b. a crutch if you get caught c. a way to mitigate damage if the enemy team dives you and all-ins in a fight. especially if they have some dot or delayed things, once you see them jump and know the second wave of burst is coming you can zhonyas and trap them on top of you in your team and stop yourself from dying.

did I mention zhonyas is actually a good deal of ap

also don't rush bork on shyvana she needs to be tanky. also spell vamp sounds retarded on her since she would be going off the aoe vamp for her W so not even the full benefit? her job early is a duelist and then she's just a big tanky disruptor who WILL lose the ability to 1v1 the enemy ad as the game progresses. by then she should be a huge tank who soaks a lot of damage not sits there with her 0-defense item.
The point of being a tank is to force people to focus you. Amumu does it with his damage output over long periods of time and his CC, Malphite wrecks your team's shit, Shen and Rammus just straight up force you to autoattack them, etc. Shyvana has no way to force people to focus her with a pure tank build-everybody knows that she's a bruiser who actually has to build damage to deal damage (a dying breed in lol) and so they take one look at her Frozen Mallet/Randuins/Sunfire/whatever you build on tank Shyv and then completely ignore you to focus down your carries.

Late game in Season 3 Shyvana doesn't really do much. She ults and then she's kinda just...there. The other carry can choose to focus you down in 3 seconds and win the fight right there, or they can just walk past you to focus your carries. That's why I get BotRK as a second or third item. I want to be some sort of legitimate damage threat because that's the only way to draw focus when you have no CC. BotRK is all I have left since Ionic Spark was reworked into a form Shyvana can't use and Wits End just got straight up nerfed to the ground.


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
The Seeker is kind of a shit item

Honestly if you want cheap defenses on a mage either stack Dorans Rings
Doesn't build into anything lategame (aka is there purely for early-midgame power), also does nothing for manaless champions like Akali and Katarina.

build Catalyst
Means that you're forced to go RoA or Banshees, one of which might not synergize with an AP's power level and the other sucks on mages because they'd rather get Abyssal/Athene's/Twin Shadows for MR itemization.

or go for a Haunting Guise.
Which champions that need Zhonyas might not neceessarily need, see TF, Morgana, Kennen, Fiddlesticks.

Unless your mage specifically benefits from Zhonya's like Kennen, Fiddlesticks, or Karthus, Armguard isn't worth it, you might as well just get some health and be harder to burst by both AD and AP, instead of just putting up a speed bump for AD casters.
Except it was put into the game to counter AD casters. Why would you build something that makes you harder to be burst by both AD and AP if you're laning against an AD caster? If their top laner is a magic champion like Rumble or Elise, then build MR when teamfights start happening, not for itemizing against your laning opponent. Also it does a hell of a lot more than Chain Vest by itself because you actually have offensive capabilities and makes it so Armguard + Negatron actually gives you AP instead of Chain Vest + Negatron making you rely on purely base damages.
okay can we settle this

seeker's armguard is a fantastic item for multiple reasons

its build path is great since it lets you start cloth+5 against AD lanes who would otherwise wreck you (you could do this before, but you would either sell the cloth armor later or keep it in your inventory all game)

if you do start cloth armor it's only 860 gold on your first back and even if you don't it's only 1160, so it's extremely affordable and is an EXCELLENT first buy

armguard becomes cost-efficient once you kill three creeps, and is actually worth about 1660 gold once it's fully stacked. it gives you MORE armor as you stay in lane more, meaning that your resistances will more or less scale with time if you're farming well - remember that the enemy will deal dramatically more AD damage as he levels up, especially once he hits 6 in most cases

zhonya's is a gamebreaking item even on champions that don't necessarily "need" it (i.e. fiddle, TF, kennen)

Doesn't build into anything lategame (aka is there purely for early-midgame power), also does nothing for manaless champions like Akali and Katarina.

Still extremely cost effective, so you're getting tons of bang for your buck. For Kat/Akali just get Revolver for free sustain.

Means that you're forced to go RoA or Banshees, one of which might not synergize with an AP's power level and the other sucks on mages because they'd rather get Abyssal/Athene's/Twin Shadows for MR itemization.

Anivia disagrees with you that Banshees and RoA sucks on mages. So does Ryze.

Which champions that need Zhonyas might not neceessarily need, see TF, Morgana, Kennen, Fiddlesticks.

All of those champions benefit from Liandries, they all have CC that restricts an enemy's movement for the bonus proc damage. And I never said Armguard was a bad pick if you were going to build Zhonyas.

Except it was put into the game to counter AD casters. Why would you build something that makes you harder to be burst by both AD and AP if you're laning against an AD caster? If their top laner is a magic champion like Rumble or Elise, then build MR when teamfights start happening, not for itemizing against your laning opponent. Also it does a hell of a lot more than Chain Vest by itself because you actually have offensive capabilities and makes it so Armguard + Negatron actually gives you AP instead of Chain Vest + Negatron making you rely on purely base damages.

If you wait to build the MR until you teamfight then you get raped the first teamfight by the enemy with the other damage type. Or you could just build the health, protect yourself from both sides, and pick up a splash of resistances for the Liandries/BotRK builders.

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