League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Is building damage on Shyvana a better or worse investment then buying malady+Liandries+Rageblade on Darius?

I've seen both in the past few days and they were both equally useless.


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
Getting Zephyr+Speed boots on Shyvana is always fun but I would highly recommend doing so only once you get tanky enough...
The main issue I have with Shyvana is that you have to build literally everything to be mediocre. She needs to buy damage, attack speed, health, armor, magic resist, and CC (Frozen Mallet). She gets ok early game damage and mobility.. but honestly she NEEDS CC some where on her kit or she is going to be faded out of exhistence.


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
quick somebody stream critvana

ie rush all crit dmg runes

let's hit the enemies 10 times in one swift blow
To other smartcast users: do you smartcast everything or are there some spells you absolutely need to normal cast?

I always normal cast Rumble ult, Varus's Q, and Veigar's E, to name a few. The first two because they feel more natural in normal cast than in smartcast, and the third because it's much easier to aim.


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
I'm really weird in my smartcasting/nonsmartcasting habits. I'll smartcast all of Ahri's skills but none of Ezreal's. I'll smartcast only Janna's E but normal cast all of Lulu's skills. Also I'll smartcast Diana's ult but not her Q. I also only smartcast Lee Sin's ult and not his Q or W.

Yea I'm weird like that.
I smartcast literally every ability and summoner, which is the reason I don't play rumble (never figured out how to use his ult with smartcast on). I also smartcast item 1 (on the 1 key) and arrange my items so that dfg/botrk/etc. are in that slot. Smartcasting wards is a bad experience for me so I always try to have my wards somewhere in the 2-4 range so they are near my fingers.
I once tried the smartcast indicators box and it made my skills not fire 50% of the time and costed me 3 kills as ahri because I couldn't fucking charm in time and since then I've left that stupid setting unchecked. Other than that I smartcast everything except stuff like Rumble's and Ashe's ulties, Veigar e the few rare times I play him, and some other skills I don't remember right now. I also have all my item slots on smartcast, but number 3 is set to self-casting whatever skill my E is, 'cause long ago I set it as that because most targetted shields or defensive skills are E's and I got very very used to it so I don't feel like changing it to anything else.


Who let marco in here????
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DoomVM told me to smartcast a long time ago when we were talking about Ryze and now I can't stop smartcasting everything.

Though I did set my regular casts to Shift + QWER maybe that'll come in handy someday...
i smartcast most things but there are a lot of things that are easier not to smartcast like veigar e, karthus w, rumble ult


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I smartcast all abilities and all summoners.

And if a champ has abilities that don't work with smartcast I don't play that champ.
I smartcast everything even though I have shift + qwer bound to normal casting. I probably will never be able to normal cast anything anymore though, because now i have left click bound to attack move so I have to use middle click to confirm things now.


is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
I don't smartcast cuz diamondprox doesn't.
he does have smartcast on items though or else he wouldn't be able to ward hop.

yeah I only have smartcast on items. YOLO. my excuse is I play rumble anyways, where smartcasting his ult is dumb.

Also froggen doesn't smartcast.

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