League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Colonel M

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Kind of started playing. Loving Taric. Mad support skills bro.

The only thing is I've been thinking about buying Crystalline Flask once in a while (usually after Philosopher's Stone and Sightstone) - if only because the extra mana + health in one slot, having 3 charges, and refilling on recall is kind of nice.

Uh... am I doing it right lol?


Banned deucer.
well it was jarvan vs fiddlesticks amumu xerath

no matter what he did he would have killed us all
so 2day i watch my friend play support gragas in 2200 elo

all i can say: LOL

115 ad at lv 1 just go in and slap adc to death wtfomgbbqhax
deathcap where
Deathcap=Noob Trap, that's why. Note that Liandry's beats Void Staff in terms of damage output (unless you have ridiculous base damages like Kassadin and Nunu), too.

Note also that this is ARAM, and the enemy team had a Sorka, Garen, and a Warwick with a pentakill under his belt. Being able to use Liandry's burn procs, already extended by Viktor's glorious laser augment and long-duration ultimate, to artifically extend Morellonomicon's duration by a ridiculous amount meant Warwick had a much harder time sustaining himself and Soraka had a harder time sustaining her team. Morellonomicon ALSO meant mana sustain besides Eleisa's Miracle, and very good CDR. Frozen Heart meant less deeps from Warwick, even more mana and CDR for me, and great personal defense against Garen [except when he wasted his ult on me] and WW. Will of the Ancients because it's ARAM and the spellvamp aura is OP there.
Not that it changes the overall analysis of that article but the price difference between deathcap and void staff is wrong, it's a little more than a blasting wand of difference, not a blasting wand AND an amp tome.


is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
EU LCS summer promotion games were very interesting considering that 3 of the 4 teams lost their LCS spot. I hope the NA LCS can have some of the same action and new teams coming up to earn a spot, but I only really see complexity losing, with MRN having a slight chance of losing.

Like I said before, DIG nor CLG is going to lose.

Also since all-stars is coming up, I think that riot should have had the voting towards more end of the season. If voting was down now, Flame would probably be the current top laner for Korea and maybe IMP as adc. NA vote would might have been different, all the Scarra votes were when Dignitas was doing very well in LCS and same with SaintVicious and Curse. IMO OddOne is slowly passing up SV as best jungler in NA. Also the fact that OddOne never gets objectives stolen so easily, while baron/dragon is always stolen from SV bad smiting. Considering that international meta revolves around huge early-midgame objective teamfights around dragon/baron, I am legit scared of objectives being stolen with SV smite.
I have been experimenting with 100% crit chance on AD carries. Is it worth it to go for 100% crit chance, or would it be more efficient to do a more classic build. The build I have been using for this is (Attack Speed Boots)(IE)(Phant-Dancer x2)(Static Shiv)(Bloodthirster). The use of crit runes on Seals, Glyphs, and Marks offers 15% crit chance, so the static shiv is not needed. Is this more effective than a standard AD carry build, and if so, why don't more people use this.
imo DB/aAa/GIANTS! were the weakest teams and Wolves deserved to keep their spot. The Wolves are the only ones that are capable of breaking the top 4 at this point. Both MYM and aTn have tournament experiences and have a ton of potential, while the newer SNS has both Tabzz and NukeDuck, two very strong players. I would not be surprised if Wolves or even one of the new teams manages to break top 4 at some point, likely kicking EG or SK out.

NA has some scary newcomers, too. coL and MRN are the weakest teams, and are probably going to face Quantic and Velocity, two teams that are both REALLY good. Quantic (which has most of the Cloud 9 roster) has a lot of experience, as does Velocity.

Dignitas's bracket is pretty easy, as I'm not expecting much out of Team Summon or Fidelis. CLG, on the other hand, will have to face one of the best teams in the entire promotion series. DoubleBuff (formerly One Trick Ponies) has a lot of potential, while Azure Cats is Jiji's team and also has Cruzer on top lane, Demunlul on ADC, and some other big names to round out the roster. I don't see Dignitas losing their spot in the LCS, but CLG could realistically get knocked out. I'm also predicting that coL and MRN will be knocked out by Quantic and Velocity. In EU, none of the ranked 5s qualifier teams made it past the challenger round. I'm predicting the same for NA, with the exception of Jiji's team, who I think will be able to defeat DoubleBuff.

Obbmud: You need a Last Whisper in that build. Usually, by the time you finish your first major damage item and your first major attack speed item, the enemy team will have some armor and you'll need the penetration. IE-PD-LW is pretty standard on most AD carries, and for good reason. After that, BT and BORK are the two best lifesteal items, and you'll usually need to choose one. For their last item, most players will choose to buy a defensive item such as Randuin's, Warmog's, Banshee's Veil, QSS, or Guardian Angel. If you want to go full glass cannon, you could definitely build a second PD (Shiv probably not recommended as a last item because PD outdamages it when you're at 6-item status. If you got a Shiv early, that's fine) to maximize DPS, but you'll be losing out on a lot of safety.
I feel better about myself whenever one of you posts your normal game statistics and I see a ~1 W:L ratio. Thanks guys, I thought I was a scrub for only having a 10 win surplus at 280 wins >_>
today i played an aram with friends as volibear and i bought 6 kindlegems and told everyone i was collecting the dragonballs and it was the most fun i've had in AGES


Walking the streets with you in your worn-out jeans
is a Contributor Alumnus
that key and peele video makes me want to pronounce it Ay-ay-trox |=[
I have been experimenting with 100% crit chance on AD carries. Is it worth it to go for 100% crit chance, or would it be more efficient to do a more classic build. The build I have been using for this is (Attack Speed Boots)(IE)(Phant-Dancer x2)(Static Shiv)(Bloodthirster). The use of crit runes on Seals, Glyphs, and Marks offers 15% crit chance, so the static shiv is not needed. Is this more effective than a standard AD carry build, and if so, why don't more people use this.
i watch this tw server ad carry player jaeyoong a lot and his fav champ is vayne, he always goes bork shiv pd lw. its a bit awkward in farming but seems to do pretty well in teamfights if your mechanics are up to par

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