League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
In one instance, I accidentally stole a penta from valk with an autoattack that I normally would not have been able to pull off had Ryze's spell range had been longer.

People thought I was crazy when I complained about the Q 675 -> 650 nerf but that's cuz I actually felt it. Ryze is too hard for me to play anyway, Orianna's an easier champion.


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
Why does no one buy Shurelya's anymore? I feel like that's at least one item supports should get...
Why does no one buy Shurelya's anymore? I feel like that's at least one item supports should get...
I do! I always buy it. It's good in almost every situation. Even though I almost always prioritise Oracle's and stacks of Sight Wards over getting an item, there's usually enough gold circulating (less so in pro games) that I can afford a Shurelya's. It's really useful to have that team-wide dis/engage, and if the enemy team has a Shurelya's then I REALLY want one. Sometimes I get a Locket instead but it's rare nobody else wants to buy an Aegis anyway, and I hate buying that item on support because it takes awhile to get everything so you won't have it for teamfights. Plus it's no longer a Kindlegem item. =/ Shurelya's is a pretty cheap upgrade from Philosopher's Stone and has a nice build path.

I can't answer your question though because I agree with you. To be honest idk, I guess people want to build Locket or something... It's rare that I see supports so poor they can't afford to go LCS support + Shurelya's, unless their team is getting dumpstered or they're playing one of those supports that don't get assists.

I mean, maybe Jebus's games all last 30 minutes and he never gets anything beyond Boots 5 + Philo + Ruby Sightstone + Oracle's spamming + endless wards because nobody dies in Platinum solo queue or something, but it's rare there's not enough fragging to afford it in my games. And if there isn't then I probably don't want Shurelya's more than I want the wards/Oracle's because I play supports with speed boosts and take Mobility Boots anyway. @_@ In games we're winning every teamfight but don't close out for awhile I can usually even build another item, or at least a Chalice.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
one time I bought oracles and swept the entire map

found 0 wards

proceeded to only use ruby sightstone wards and a pink for baron and just bought items.
one time I bought oracles and swept the entire map

found 0 wards

proceeded to only use ruby sightstone wards and a pink for baron and just bought items.
lol I hear and understand the rationale that 'you should just get Oracle's to stop them from warding anyway' and 'it's good to confirm there's nothing' but, let's be real, especially in normals, some people never had the intention to ward anything other than the Baron pit.
i used to be able to afford big items as a support (aegis, shurelya's, crucible, etc) but i realized i was neglecting my early game

i never start faerie charm anymore - usually 3 green, 2 pink, 1 health pot or some variation

pinks are prioritized on back (for example if i have 1000 gold my first back i might get philo, 2 pinks, and a green or a ruby crystal, 2 pinks, 2 greens, and pots)

basically i'm a lot poorer early on now and that sets me even farther back later on in terms of items but the extra vision control is astoundingly helpful
i used to be able to afford big items as a support (aegis, shurelya's, crucible, etc) but i realized i was neglecting my early game

i never start faerie charm anymore - usually 3 green, 2 pink, 1 health pot or some variation

pinks are prioritized on back (for example if i have 1000 gold my first back i might get philo, 2 pinks, and a green or a ruby crystal, 2 pinks, 2 greens, and pots)

basically i'm a lot poorer early on now and that sets me even farther back later on in terms of items but the extra vision control is astoundingly helpful
if u have 1000 gold on back get sightstone retard
omg the day i c yeti burn on a plat person
On the topic of EG vs. GMB: got this inspirational video from reddit, the memories /cry

ETA: Somehow the video maker didn't include Froggen's quadra on AP Kog'Maw vs. TSM, which is a crime; it's one of my favourite CLG.EU memories, so here:

(Note that this was before they heavily nerfed AP Kog with ult mana costs and so forth.)
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Poor Sentinels, man. This is the second year in a row where they looked so strong going into the Regional Finals, and advanced to the finals in the upper bracket - only to be eliminated 2-0 by a team that they previously beat. Well played to Mineski, but it's got to hurt being an SGS fan right now.

New World Order

Licks Toads
is a Team Rater Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
After Sightstone and Philo Stone, when is it better to grab a Kage's instead of upgrading straight to Ruby Sightstone? And how do you know whether to turn your Philo Stone into Shurelya's or Crucible, it seems I can make use of either in every game.

Also, Lulu is probably the most versatile champion not named Elise in the game. I'm almost tempted to use her as a jungler.
kage's is nice when you want to go morello's and you typically only see that on janna and zyra

for me i would say that 70% of the time i never end up upgrading my philo at all and instead build locket while spamming pinks and oracle

shurelya vs. crucible is a matter of team comps and it varies from game to game (shurelya's with a roaming kill squad team, crucible against heavy CC)
i never start faerie charm anymore - usually 3 green, 2 pink, 1 health pot or some variation
yeah! faerie charm sucks! I usually start 3 green 1 pink 3 hp 2 mp vs scrapping lanes or 2 green 2 pink 2 hp 1 mp otherwise. this is for sona though, maybe someone like janna would prefer to start faerie charm still?

also been taking ignite lately. I like to walk into lane, ignite power chord combo them immediately, really shows them who's in charge of the lane. niggas don't fuck with you after that. but for reals it feels like you have a lot more kill potential especially early levels before ult. exhaust vs hard dive assassin dudes, but ignite otherwise.

I must be the only dude who gets actual items on support. once you start grouping and fragging and taking objectives there's way too much gold for just oracles and wards...
being part of the moderating and writing staff for a site with probably the worst PR and reputation of any LoL website is going to give me an aneurysm one day

Colonel M

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yeah! faerie charm sucks! I usually start 3 green 1 pink 3 hp 2 mp vs scrapping lanes or 2 green 2 pink 2 hp 1 mp otherwise. this is for sona though, maybe someone like janna would prefer to start faerie charm still?
I like Faerie Charm on Taric still, but it's mainly so I can stay aggressive and possibly pop an Imbue a little more often. The same with Sona. Blitzcrank definitely wants it. Iunno, I just feel that champions with a heal on them really love Faerie Charm.

Taric and Sona are probably the only two real supports I constantly play, though. Need to pick up the others more, but I get shoved to jungle a lot. :|

Also gratz btw Jibs. ;/
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Who let marco in here????
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Well since you guys decided to post it I might as well toss a few words

Was 0-2, then got 3 wins after. Like Bleuwind did.

The first two games I played Sona and we dominated botlane but we still lost due to some poor map positioning, and on the second game they had a fed jax/hecarim which rolled us. Third game I played Sona again and got a successful invade, and my Twitch was merciless in bullying the enemy vayne while I took control of their jungle with an early oracles + ward spam.

Played top Zac in the next game and that champ is just broken lol. Did more dmg than almost everyone with no dmg items. My last game (I was Liss top this time) went absolutely terribly for me - I had constant 280+ ping spikes and we were losing early, but we won by better map positioning (they had an aoe wombo combo team that was ahead) and fighting in the jungle which made it hard for them to get a good combo off. Needless to say I got carried this game.

In the end I'd like to give shoutouts to whistle ifm tanner ipl pluff marf folg worms lamppost rodan franky andrew xtra rem jeb and (grudgingly) bleuwind (and so on) for supporting me ^^. Esp whistle who got me out of bronze in the first place.

Farewell, Kassadin's Marauders...
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