League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

when will you be forced to nerf your beloved talon after the community turns their crosshairs onto him for being an assassin with a silence/short-term invis

i have no real opinion on him one way or the other.


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
i absolutely abhor talon - he and akali singlehandedly keep assassins (as a class) from having cool or unique itemization/systems support imo. Every time we'd want to make items or changes for Zed or Katarina, unless they're champion specific the Point-Click Wonders will use and abuse them harder than their companions with better interactive gameplay.

generally speaking though, Talon's huge issue isn't -just- his ridiculous snowball with 'you're silenced, i'm invis, you're dead' - it's that he's far more of an AoE burst-mage than a single-target assassin. Talon unloads a pretty crazy AD ratio all of the face of your team. I think he used to be pretty fun to play, but that was at a time when i wasn't very good at the game and i thought it took skill to one-shot dudes with insane AD scaling. Being a designbro has certainly turned me off to champs like him (and wukong, as if i needed any help on that front) D:

anyways, all of these are just my opinions. Also worth noting that for the last couple months and for a few more at least i haven't been working on ze balance or reworks or anything! Vel'Koz was the last champion i helped out with, and since then i've been working on the update to Summoner's Rift (along with a really talented team of artists and other folk) so all of my comments on balance, while perhaps informed, aren't necessarily relevant to what will be. I chime in from time to time and help in discussions, but i'm pretty heavily in map-land as we speak!
Ardent censer fotm: was it unexpected/unjustified at all for some reason? Curious it came with a slew of other recent buffs to attack speed aand the pushing and teamfight power on alistar and shit is something


its okay.
is an Artist Alumnus
Any good build ideas for mid Morg? I usually always play her support and I picked her mid in a ranked game to counter Annie. Won the game 11/3/22 with void staff, zhonyas, roa, rabadons, sorc shoes and a chalice.

Any ideas? I'm really liking her mid.

Colonel M

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I nearly lost it with the new Ancient Golem changes.

Holy shit.

Losing Tenacity though :( the hate for Elder Lizard continues.

(Free ward too please?)


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
Vision control is becoming ever more prominent. At least it's not like it used to be with Oracles breaking the game and supports spamming wards. Now it's a team effort to spam wards.
Any good build ideas for mid Morg? I usually always play her support and I picked her mid in a ranked game to counter Annie. Won the game 11/3/22 with void staff, zhonyas, roa, rabadons, sorc shoes and a chalice.

Any ideas? I'm really liking her mid.
you're building support mid, as Morg has no sustained damage from her combo.

Zhonya's is a must, Liandry's or RoA for bulk and damage, and a Morello's or Athene's for CDR and mana regen (I don't think she needs the Athene's, especially after the MR nerf, so the cheaper Morello's might be better). There's no reason to rush Rabadon's/Void Staff on her, so they should probably be the 5th/6th items. Abyssal Scepter is good if the other team doesn't stack much MR and you pass up on Athene's, but it requires you to sacrifice one of the other items.

She's a really good pick against slow waveclear champions like Leblanc, or the occasional melee mid like Yasuo. In general she's frustrating to lane against, which makes me wonder why I don't see her more often in midlane.

I nearly lost it with the new Ancient Golem changes.

Holy shit.

Losing Tenacity though :( the hate for Elder Lizard continues.

(Free ward too please?)
My dream of the Leona jungle meta can finally come true!
Any good build ideas for mid Morg? I usually always play her support and I picked her mid in a ranked game to counter Annie. Won the game 11/3/22 with void staff, zhonyas, roa, rabadons, sorc shoes and a chalice.

Any ideas? I'm really liking her mid.
dorans zhonya rabadon void staff

works good in bronze

Colonel M

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Mid Morg? So long as you rush Zhonyas youre doing it right. I personally like Zhonyas / Morellonomicon / Liandrys / Sorc Treads / Void / Death Cap, but Ive done a trolly WotA / Spirit Visage for lols.

On second thought fuck Rylais.
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mid morg go triple dorans - zhonyas - dcap - void - other items

If I was playing mid morg I would build that it feels pretty solid


Who let marco in here????
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I dont like triple doran in general and i think Grail/Morellonomicon is superior for mana sustain on morg. Reason being that cdr is very valuable on Morg due to her utility based kit. Just make sure to grab Zhonya 2nd.

Colonel M

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I dont see the problem with triple Doran on Morgana in general. Ive seen Fizz dominate with quad doran ffs like they were Rengar and some shit.

+12 mana per last hit isnt too shabby either.
Mmmmm Swain.

I've taken it up to try practicing Swain a lot more. Level r->w->e->q. Any tips?
R > E > Q > W, if you're getting pushed to the turret a lot you can put a second point in W at level 8 instead of Q. RoA is good on him, Tear works on him but I personally don't like sinking 700 gold into non-combat stats. Avoid Athene's, Swain almost has Athene's mana passives on his passive. Zhonya's is also very good on him, it lets you sit in the middle of their team and heal while you're in stasis. After that you can get Liandry's, SV, Void Staff, stuff like that. I rarely buy Rabadon's on him.

oh also, use hybrid pen reds because E amplifies Swain's autoattack damage too


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
The only reason I've been maxing w first as opposed to other spells is because a lot of times I run into champs that push the lane really hard. I can see why maxing e first is a good idea though.
The only reason I've been maxing w first as opposed to other spells is because a lot of times I run into champs that push the lane really hard. I can see why maxing e first is a good idea though.
maxing W is super risky because if you miss, not only is the majority of your damage gone, you're completely open to an enemy engaging on you because they know most of your damage and all of your hard CC is on cooldown

maxing R>E>Q>W does run the risk of getting pushed into tower faster but your combo deals so much upfront damage that you can generally punish your enemy if they're constantly pushing with the exception of maybe ziggs


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
That makes sense. Would it be a compromise to max W second? I like the opportunity to have my only hard cc/waveclear up more often midgame, since it helps with pushing back.

Colonel M

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I feel it is better still to max Q second. The extra slow% makes it easier to land a well-timed W instead of one that is potentially blind.

I would always max E first unless you are deathly afraid of some champions like Yasuo being right in your face - which in that case I maxed Q first and played it as much of a farm lane as possible.


Who let marco in here????
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triple dorans eats away at your item slots and build progression. It's only good for total early game domination and you better be sure your lane opponent is somewhere deep in the dumpster or else it's just not worth it.
That makes sense. Would it be a compromise to max W second? I like the opportunity to have my only hard cc/waveclear up more often midgame, since it helps with pushing back.
the CD reduction from ranking up W is pretty big so it's fine to max 2nd, it's just preference

maxing Q is more upfront burst and also makes it easier to land W, plus your ult gives you all the waveclear you really need

but maxing W after E should be fine honestly

i also agree with Jibaku that triple doran's sets you back and it's generally much better to go for grail / tear / morello

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