Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

How do I find the Encounter code for the Heracross with this spread?

PID: a777c735 (ADAMANT, ability 1) 31/31/31/17/31/31 (Seed: c20b0af4 Method 1: 41, J (synch): 16, J (no synch): 22, K (synch): 2, K (no synch): 40) HP DARK 59
Using headbutt?
I don't think they figured out headbutting encounter slots.
So you pretty much just headbutt a tree till you find a heracross. Than start using that tree every time you hit your seed/advance the frame and hope Heracross pops out.
I think I figured it out. I killed off my roamers, but returned to the Elite 4 to level up a Starly so it could learn Brave Bird. The Latios returned. I am assuming thats why my frames were messed up.
Well, I now know that the problem lies in the egg ditching process. I've tried to RNG abuse a Shiny in the first frame (the first egg) and got it right. So my SID is right.

The SEED used was 4F0B02AA, the delay of 671 was hit (P,E,P,E,P,K,P,E,P), the frame was supposed to be the 3rd, so I thought I had to ditch 2 eggs, but SOMEHOW, I ended up with the 4th egg. I have no idea how. Could someone help me out here?
Does anyone know how to rng abuse a wild pokemon from headbutting a tree on pokemon HG/SS?
Similar to normal capture, except monster frame is 3 and you will have to try to get the right species by trial and error. Oh, and don't try to headbutt a tree that doesn't always have a Pokemon fall out ;D

Is it possible to RNG a flawless Wild Ditto on Route 47?
Yes, but only certain natures.
Similar to normal capture, except monster frame is 3 and you will have to try to get the right species by trial and error. Oh, and don't try to headbutt a tree that doesn't always have a Pokemon fall out ;D

Yes, but only certain natures.
So do I have to do to get the pokemon out of the tree if I can't use headbutt?

I want to try to rng capture a seedot with a Dusk/Friend ball and a heracross with a moon ball.

And how do I find the Encounter codes for the tree pokemon?
So do I have to do to get the pokemon out of the tree if I can't use headbutt?

I want to try to rng capture a seedot with a Dusk/Friend ball and a heracross with a moon ball.

And how do I find the Encounter codes for the tree pokemon?
I didn't say not to use Headbutt, I just mean you have to do Headbutt tests to see which trees have Pokes in them, and which trees have the Poke you WANT in them.

If you're on HG then Seedot shouldn't be too bad, but on SS it's pretty rare. I was trying to get a Shroomish in HG the other day, but I kept getting Seedot.

There aren't really 'encounter codes' per say. You basically need to try different 'types' of trees with your desired seed/frame and see what you get. If you get the wrong species with one of the frames, the other ones will also have that species. If possible, then you relocate.

Example. I was going to catch a Heracross yesterday. I went to Mt Silver area and found a tree. I hit my spread etc and got an Aipom. That means that for all those trees where it's 50% Hera and 50% Aipom, I'm always gonna get Aipom using that seed/frame.

So I went to another route where Heracross is 30% (Route 33) and did the same process, hit my seed and everything and was lucky enough that Heracross showed up.

Psypokes actually has some nice material on the Headbutt trees including percentages and locations of everything. Still not encounter slots, but it's helpful. If the Poke you want shiny is only in one kind of tree, you either get it or you don't, unfortunately. I tried for shiny Slakoth with 2 of my shiny spreads, both gave me Combee. Both of the non-shiny spreads I tried gave me Slakoth.

Lot of rambling but I hope this helps.


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
You have to use Headbutt. There's no other way. Just have a Pokemon with Headbutt in a different slot of your party.

There are no encounter slots for Headbutt Pokemon. Trial and error all the way.
I didn't say not to use Headbutt, I just mean you have to do Headbutt tests to see which trees have Pokes in them, and which trees have the Poke you WANT in them.

If you're on HG then Seedot shouldn't be too bad, but on SS it's pretty rare. I was trying to get a Shroomish in HG the other day, but I kept getting Seedot.

There aren't really 'encounter codes' per say. You basically need to try different 'types' of trees with your desired seed/frame and see what you get. If you get the wrong species with one of the frames, the other ones will also have that species. If possible, then you relocate.

Example. I was going to catch a Heracross yesterday. I went to Mt Silver area and found a tree. I hit my spread etc and got an Aipom. That means that for all those trees where it's 50% Hera and 50% Aipom, I'm always gonna get Aipom using that seed/frame.

So I went to another route where Heracross is 30% (Route 33) and did the same process, hit my seed and everything and was lucky enough that Heracross showed up.

Psypokes actually has some nice material on the Headbutt trees including percentages and locations of everything. Still not encounter slots, but it's helpful. If the Poke you want shiny is only in one kind of tree, you either get it or you don't, unfortunately. I tried for shiny Slakoth with 2 of my shiny spreads, both gave me Combee. Both of the non-shiny spreads I tried gave me Slakoth.

Lot of rambling but I hope this helps.

Okay. Well.... I don't need a shiny heracross because pink is not my color. So I capture it in Route 33.

And Of coarse, I am trying to rng capture a shiny seedot but I'm trying to learn how to rng abuse sid/id combo's from Ragnar and Zari. So before I do, I'll try using the non-shiny spread on trying to find Seedot first before I Rng SID/ID's. That way I'll where I find and RNG Seedot.

Thank you. :)

And Thank you too, Winter. :)
It's just like the BCC
You have to try each frame see what you get....
It's a pain in the..has you gotten heracross on route 33 everytime??
Ahh, haven't tried the BCC yet actually. Even if you try different frames though, you will get the same thing in the Trees if the Actual (Method 1) frame for them is the same. So if you have your Method K spread on Frame 160, 168, 172, etc, if they all point to 215 then you'll always get the same Poke if you are using the same tree. The BCC is different since you can't bring a synchronizer and you're using Method 1 frames already ;D

I have only tried it on that route once. I found a tree on that route with Heracross in it and then hit my seed and fortunately Heracross showed up. I can't vouch for whether I'd get Heracross if I was using a different seed/spread.
There are no encounter slots.
Ahhh I see.

Well.... to be totally honest with you. I was trying to rng capture my own Heracross with a moon ball.

And also I was also planning to rng capture a shiny seedot on my extra hg game.

But I'm gonna learn how to rng abuse my SID/ID combo first. And I was able to figure out what I was doing wrong while I was learning how to from a little help from Zari. And I'm gonna do it when Ragnar is available. And If I succeed on RNG abusing the shiny spread that I'm looking for. I'm going to rng abuse a shiny Giratina, a shiny Magnemite (caught in a heavy ball), and a shiny Seedot (caught in a friend ball) with this nature and iv set:

Naive, 29/31/30/30/31/30

Just like Zari did.

And After I get those three shiny pokemon, I'm going to open a new giveaway thread here on smogon for people to compete in and make them fully redis so everyone can trade them. :)

Maybe I'll make them for free so everyone to get them just like Mattj made his Raikou, Entei, and Mew for free.
Ahh, haven't tried the BCC yet actually. Even if you try different frames though, you will get the same thing in the Trees if the Actual (Method 1) frame for them is the same. So if you have your Method K spread on Frame 160, 168, 172, etc, if they all point to 215 then you'll always get the same Poke if you are using the same tree. The BCC is different since you can't bring a synchronizer and you're using Method 1 frames already ;D

I have only tried it on that route once. I found a tree on that route with Heracross in it and then hit my seed and fortunately Heracross showed up. I can't vouch for whether I'd get Heracross if I was using a different seed/spread.
I'll just smile at your first paragraph.


Mmmk, I'll do try it out today..if I get Hera on one tree
Then I will most likely get it anyway no? Unless I switch trees
Tell me which tree you used so I can verify it for you :)
Mmmk, I'll do try it out today..if I get Hera on one tree
Then I will most likely get it anyway no? Unless I switch trees
Tell me which tree you used so I can verify it for you :)
What you want to do is just start Headbutting everything on a route, and when you find a tree with Pokes do it 3-4 times to see if the Pokemon you want is in that tree. Heracross is in one kind of tree on Route 33, but not the other.

I'm pretty sure the trees vary from game to game except for the trees that have Pokemon that are only in that specific tree. I saw where someone had singled out a 'Shroomish' tree on a guide, but on my game I got nothing but Hoot Hoots on that tree.

Like everyone has said, it's trial and error, whoopeee!
RNG Wondercard Abuse

I'm trying to do my first Wondercard abuse and I'm a bit confused on the spreads that the Smogon guide has. Don't I have to be at the same seed they have listed to use them; if so, how do I ensure I have that seed without rebooting endlessly until I just happen to get lucky?

I'm working on the Mew that was given out last Fall in the States, by the way, on a legit copy of Soul Silver.
What you want to do is just start Headbutting everything on a route, and when you find a tree with Pokes do it 3-4 times to see if the Pokemon you want is in that tree. Heracross is in one kind of tree on Route 33, but not the other.

I'm pretty sure the trees vary from game to game except for the trees that have Pokemon that are only in that specific tree. I saw where someone had singled out a 'Shroomish' tree on a guide, but on my game I got nothing but Hoot Hoots on that tree.

Like everyone has said, it's trial and error, whoopeee!
yaaaaaaaaaay! I love trial and error :P
i'll look into it tonight,
i'll catch the hera with a freaking dive ball for the lulz
i've seen a starly tree somewhere, like you said
it might not give me starly but one of the other trees should :)
yaaaaaaaaaay! I love trial and error :P
i'll look into it tonight,
i'll catch the hera with a freaking dive ball for the lulz
i've seen a starly tree somewhere, like you said
it might not give me starly but one of the other trees should :)
Good luck, then :)

And yeah, there is a Starly tree that will have Starly and one other thing. Although, I don't know why you'd want to catch a Starly this way unless you are doing like shiny in a Level Ball or something :p
Good luck, then :)

And yeah, there is a Starly tree that will have Starly and one other thing. Although, I don't know why you'd want to catch a Starly this way unless you are doing like shiny in a Level Ball or something :p
I'm using my adamant shiny spread ;)
so everything I catch, as far as wild physical attackers goes
will be indeed, shainei. :)

and thanks! i'm trying to get through the game as quickly as possible
I could try it out right now with irwin, but i'd be kind of limited as far as
headbutt trees available lol let's hope the hera appears :)
I am RNG'ing for Latios in Soul Silver. I have him KO'ed and Entei and Raikou are still roaming. In which frame would Latios be generated? Still frame 11?

I have a frame of 42, how many frame advancements do I need to do?

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