Media Most Memorable Gaming Moments


Garde Mystik
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Everything this youtuber said about the battle in #2.... everything... 100% of it. I completely resonate with it.

When I first played this match in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, my jaw was dropped throughout the entire match. It was seriously that impressive. This is my favorite ingame match in the Pokemon series.

The environment... the character development... the music... the combination of all of these things was so perfect. I fully understood Wally's complete change in this scenario and wished there could have been some way for me to lose and still be able to progress to the Elite Four.

Edit: I wanted to add one more memorable moment and don't want to triple-post so I'm using this one.

Walking out of Sunyshore City's gym and listening to its city theme after having 6-0ed Gym Leader Volkner with a full team of team of even-levelled Gyarados. Man that felt great, It was like a celebratory event. So many people warned me about how difficult Volkner could be if I tried beating him with six Gyarados, but I accepted the challenge and conquered his gym!
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Garde Mystik
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Sry for the double-post. It's been a few days and I remembered a completely different story.

I played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team at one point. Most of the game was relatively easy. I've made it through most dungeons with little to no difficulty. However, the last dungeon of the game's main story was quite troublesome to handle. It's called Sky Tower. The Pokemon encountered early in the dungeon were fine, with the exception of one...


Sky Tower Shuppet was really broken. Probably the most broken thing in the whole game for the level you're likely to be in prior to postgame. Imagine floating freely through walls, using Night Shade to take out 1/4th of my HP, using Curse to take more of my HP away each time I took a few steps, and using Spite to reduce my Power Points straight to 0 each time, making my moves unusable when I needed them to make it through the rest of the dungeon. I've lost and had to restart from floor 1 many times because of this Pokemon alone.

Fortunately it was only present in the first six floors. Once I got past floor six without facing difficulties from Shuppet, making it through the rest of Sky Tower was much easier. This was until I got to Sky Tower Summit.

Sky Tower Summit was the final part of the Sky Tower dungeon and it had nine floors. All of these floors consisted of powerful, hard-hitting Pokemon who gave me a lot of trouble and costed me many more losses. It took a while to overcome these floors but on the try that I did, I've managed to get lucky and recruit a Tropius.

This is where the story really starts to take a turn and become memorable.

After recruiting the Tropius, I've made it through the rest of the floors and went up to the final boss, Rayquaza.

Rayquaza is no joke. This was a big and powerful legendary Pokemon I was facing. One of the most destructive Pokemon in the entire franchise. I figured this was probably not going to be an easy fight. I was really worried about losing since that'd mean I'd have to redo having to go through all 8 other floors again AND lose the Tropius. I've already had to go through great lengths just to make it to Rayquaza.

The fight against Rayquaza begun. Here were the conditions:
I was Charmander. My main partner Pokemon was Mudkip. If either one of us fainted, I had to redo the nine dungeons. Tropius was the new recruit. If it fainted, I didn't have to redo the dungeons but I lost it. Mudkip had Ice Beam, which gave me an easier shot of beating Rayquaza. I was not sure what to expect from this fight so I hoped for the best.

Rayquaza attacked the Tropius... Tropius avoided the attack. Rayquaza kept attacking Tropius over and over. Tropius kept dodging its attacks. Rayquaza went all out trying to take down my Tropius and the Tropius was just standing there dodging all of them like a complete boss. The Rayquaza then turned once towards me and attacked me once. Over half my HP was gone. I made a recovery while the Rayquaza continued to attack Tropius until I won. Not once was the Tropius hit. I've considered the Pokemon to be a living legend in my eyes. Phenomenal.

Please note I was an absolute PMD noob at the time. The only prep I had prior to fighting Rayquaza was giving Mudkip Ice Beam. Charmander did not have Smokescreen or anything that was able to lower Rayquaza's accuracy. This just came from pure chance.


Garde Mystik
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During my first run through Pokémon Omega Ruby, I spent the early parts of the game using Player Search System. After many Wonder Trades and some GTS trades, someone sent me a random trade request. At the time, I hardly had any Pokémon let alone valuable ones. I was still pretty much at the beginning of the game! I didn't know what I had to offer but got curious and accepted the trade anyway. I showed them the Pokémon I had, but then realized they were only trying to show off all of their mythicals and legendaries. I waited for them to finish showcasing their Pokémon but when they were done, they whipped out an Audino named "YOU SUCK!" and left. Little did we both know that same Pokémon would one day become my favorite and above all those special Pokémon they showed off.

[14:13:23] #Ransei: Fun fact
[14:13:41] #Ransei: During my first Omega Ruby playthrough I accessed PSS early
[14:13:51] #Ransei: Someone requested an online trade
[14:13:54] #Ransei: I accepted it
[14:14:14] #Ransei: I was trying to figure out what to trade them as I barely had any Pokémon by that point
[14:14:34] #Ransei: and they were just showing off all their legendaries and mythicals, including shinies
[14:15:02] #Ransei: They kept showing off and and I kept watching until they were done
[14:15:09] #Ransei: They ended with an Audino
[14:15:12] #Ransei: a regular Audino
[14:15:18] #Ransei: named "YOU SUCK"
[14:15:22] #Ransei: then they left
[14:16:32] #Ransei: ...I did not think Audino would eventually become my favorite Pokémon though
[14:17:21] #Ransei: So I didn't go "haha jokes on you that's the Pokémon I value most :^)
[14:17:44] #Ransei: Instead I eventually tried to catch a Pokémon, I think I waited until postgame for this
[14:17:51] #Ransei: and then named it "show off"
[14:18:02] #Ransei: In case someone did that to me again
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Mr. Uncompetitive

She had a habit of meeting all of the artists...
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While it's not one of my favorite games, it is certainly one of my favorite moments in a game: Earthbound's Lumine Hall

"I'm Ness...It's been a long road getting here...Soon I'll be...Soon I'll be...Soon I'll be...What will happen to us?"

I played through Earthbound for the first time in August 2019. Despite getting a lot of Earthbound spoiled, I didn't really know much about Lumine Hall aside from trailer footage. I was streaming the game at the time for some of my friends who had been thoroughly what parts of the game I had shown them so far. I remember muting my mic when I got to this part because I love Welcome to Your Sanctuary and the atmosphere it provides, but when I got to scrolling light really hit me hard lol Lumine Hall comes fairly late into Earthbound (around the 80% mark) and Ness's internal monologue gives us a chance to just reflect a bit about the long journey we had taken and all the zany places we had been. I've seen people also discuss how it really gives a character to Ness and makes his insecurities about being a hero known, rather than him simply being a silent protagonist to act as a player surrogate (people who've Earthbound obviously know that's not the case...)

But what got me about this scene is that it also really made me take the opportunity to reflect over my real life situation.

It was a late summer night, and I was at home rather than in my dorm like I had mostly been for the past year. I never really had much of a social life in undergrad, but the friends I was hanging in call with were good friends I had able to make in the last several months. There really was something warm about seeing this scene, with Welcome to Your Sanctuary playing, late on an August night in the virtual comfort of friends. I remembered what was going on in my professional life: that Fall was going to be my very last semester of undergrad, and I was in middle of completing grad school applications in the vain hope that I could get in somewhere, CS research was something I was really hopeful for for me after all. It was hard to believe I'd been at my school for 4 years already, and Soon, I'll be in grad least I hoped so. I was still incredibly nervous the whole time. What's gonna happen to my social life that I only just now formed? Will I actually get into grad school? What happens if I don't? 2019 was an exciting year for me, but in the back of my mind it was a very nerve-wracking one as well.

Hearing Ness reflecting on everything amazing that had happened to him, while also being clearly uncertain of him and his friends' ultimate fate...just knowing that that same anxiety was something normal, while also sitting down at night, in the comfort of some excellent atmosphere, music, and my own friends, made me feel incredibly warm while seeing this moment. It gave me a chance to reassure myself that everything would turn out okay.


scatters things often
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Entering the Soul Sanctum in Hollow Knight I immediately knew something wasn't right. The music, the atmosphere... the game was already a bit creepy, but that was extra creepy. The boss of that area was also very creepy.

Talking about creepy, when I first entered Deepnest I didn't fall into that pit like most people, but entering was just as creepy. There's basically no light in that area besides from a few fluorescent mushrooms here and there. The enemies are extra scary. Parasites and basically zombie bugs are extra disturbing to me so exploring Deepnest was a thrill.

Finally, entering Greenpath after getting my ass kicked multiple times in the Forgotten Crossroads was such a refresher. You could feel how humid and vibrant the lush plants there were.

Other areas like Kingdom's Edge, City of Tears and Crystal Peak are total eye candy too. Hollow Knight's art direction is stunning and I can't wait for Silksong
Once upon a time, before Fortnite, a MOBA called Paragon existed. It's similar to League with mechanics and such, but it looked way cooler and was third-person perspective. One character had the ability to come back to life after being killed, his name was Greystone. So one day my friends and I were playing a game together, and my friend was playing Grey. Later in the game we're in a fight and he gets caught out but was super confident since he had his ultimate ability. So once his ult pops he yelled, "YA BOI IS BACK ALIVE" and then immediately got shredded by three different people. It was a super funny moment and one of the many good moments from when I played Paragon, it's really sad that the game was stopped because Epic Games got lazy.
I used to not have an answer to this question until I beat Celeste Farewell (chapter 9)

Celeste itself is an emotional roller coaster and it just resonates so well, and Farewell is probably the epitome of this. It's an expertly crafted level, behind a simple, but expertly crafted story, and the characters just make it all work out perfectly.
I made an incredible 1 prize card to 6 comeback at my league to win me the finals for the biggest junior tournement there that the staff remebered.


Banned deucer.
Finally figuring out how to get to Saffron City in Pokémon Red (the first video game I ever played properly), 100%ing DK64, Fully completing Sonic adventure 1 and 2 on the Dreamcast I swear both took me ages, getting my first shiny Pokémon that wasn't the Lake of Rage Gyarados
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Not a moment from a game but getting a digital switch game off the Japanese eshop. It wasn't hard (like at all) but it felt good, like I defeated the process of localization


Garde Mystik
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This thread is good but it's been dead for a couple of months. Many of us have epic gaming moments we cherish, so I think it's worth reviving this thread a little!

Alright so a couple of months ago, I completed Pokémon X for the second time. As Pokémon X completers should know, after you beat the Kalos Champion, Shauna appears in front of your home and talks to you about wanting to trade. She offers you a level 5 starter Pokémon that's weak against the one you received when your journey began. In my case, she was offering a Froakie. The important thing to note here is that she's willing to accept ANY Pokémon for this trade. If it doesn't have a special ribbon, it's good! It doesn't matter what species of Pokémon it is at all!

I traded my Xerneas to her.


Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs superfan
is a Pre-Contributor
This thread is good but it's been dead for a couple of months. Many of us have epic gaming moments we cherish, so I think it's worth reviving this thread a little!
Freaking preach it, buddy :D

I've always believed that these moments can often times mean more to us than it looks at first. Sometimes, we'll even a sequence of events happen that share a specific theme. It's that second category that I'd like to draw our attention to. Have you ever been in a conversation with some of your friends, and one of you says something along the lines of "What is it with you and insert theme here!?" Or maybe "How come you're always finding insert theme here!?"

When things like this happen, it can have this eerily strange way of making a player feel like something is, to put it bluntly, just kind of "meant" to happen, and that whatever this thing is has something to do with the player's involvement. Often times this will result in the player gaining a sudden increase of interest in whatever that theme or pattern is that they didn't have before these "meant-to-be moments" occurred for the first time. I can't help but wonder if any of you know what that feels like- because let me tell you, I certainly do.


Sometimes it gets hard
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This isn't really a true "gaming moment" but involves gaming so imma tell what happened.
Back in the days of Gen 7, i had gotten a hold of a (probably) hacked Pikachu with Hold Hands. Now i wanted to see what the Z-move version of Hold Hands did so i tried it out on an online match while my friends were over. Well long story short i found out what it did but right after my 3ds battery fried on itself and the 3ds legit began steaming. At the same time this was happening, my friends had gotten bored and started westling stripped down to underwear on my floor while i was sitting on my bed, my 3ds steaming smoke and setting off my houses smoke alarm. So yeah, that day was crazy funny


Garde Mystik
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I was in Pokémon Moon online matches years back and one of my opponents had a Garchomp. Primal Groudon was up on my team and sent out. While Primal Groudon was out, my opponent hardswapped into Garchomp and recieved some chip damage.

Knowing this player was gonna use Groundium-Z Earthquake I hardswapped into an Unfezant and dodged Tectonic Rage. I then proceeded to use Flynium-Z Fly on the Garchomp. Supersonic Skystrike's animation played and my opponent disconnected as I was watched Garchomp's HP drop to 0.

You can feel the sheer amount of salt this player had during that moment.
Meeting the Missingno in Pokemon Red.

This was pre-"internet in every house" days so the only way you could search the web was once a month when you went over that one friend's house with internet. Alternatively those cheat books laying around at Walmart. In any case 50% of the time those methods were false.

So to find out how to meet Missingno I had to track down the kids at my school who knew. Pokemon was of course banned in schools at this point so we had to sneak under the dragon slide at recess. I trades a few fish sticks at lunch for the coveted info. We slipped our game boys and fish sticks out of our backpacks, hiding from the teacher's view like a bunch of 4th grade drug dealers. They showed me the old man and the 6th item, and before I knew it I was replicating the ritual myself.

The weird thing about Missingno is that even though it plays like an intentional cheat it legitimately was a glitch. So unpredictable things would occasionally happen. Level 200 Snorlax would spawn on Cinnabar sometimes just KOing all of my Pokemon. Or the game would freeze when I try to withdraw 'M from the PC (this is how to get Mew, the schoolyard kids believed). Once in a while HP bars would become infinite, graphics would glitch, or even sometimes 'M evolved into Kangaskhan. That was weird. Endless possibilities fueled endless rumors.

Those rumors didn't stop at Missingno. Mewthree, Chrono Mew, Pikablu, Pokegods, Pokefusions, reaching the unreachable grass areas, and an almost ludicrous number of ways to "catch" Mew. None of them made sense and could be debunked with even grade school logic. However if something as bizarre as the Missingno glitch worked, why wouldn't a level 100 Machamp push the truck aside to find your Mew? The glitchy weirdness of R/B helped fuel an entire generation of Pokemon trainers trading legends and rumors primarily by word of mouth. These ideas and stories spread across the globe like wildfire, transcending age, language, and national barriers. It was truly a wonderous time to be a child.



Garde Mystik
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I've played through Legends Arceus roughly three months or so ago and there was one scenario in the game that really stuck out to me more than anything else did in that game. I don't think I'll be forgetting it anytime soon if at all.

I had an Alpha Infernape, level 65, and used it against Alpha Blissey, level 62. Of course because Blissey was a wild Alpha, its stats were boosted. Infernape used Close Combat on Blissey and to my surprise just barely missed out on the OHKO. Infernape then proceeds to get OHKOed back by Blissey's Double-Edge...

This is when I truly started to learn that stats were coded differently in PLA. Your offense stat does not really matter much. It's been confirmed that Blissey's Double-Edge does about the same amount of damage as a Rampardos's Double-Edge, meaning Blissey only has 25% weaker physical attack than Rampardos, despite the base attack difference. Bulky Pokémon are your best options in this game by far unless you have insanely broken moves (Victory Dance) or are abusing the Agile Style mechanic to have indefinite turns in a row (fast priority attack users.)


Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs superfan
is a Pre-Contributor
The past few days I've had a really hard time falling and staying asleep for some reason, although tonight I believe the rain may have had something to do with that. Suddenly finding myself with some extra time to kill, I took to the Internet and, well, now I'm here again.

There's one game in particular that I think would be absolutely perfect for this thread that I played a lot of- and I mean a lot- largely due in part to the sheer surprise factor that comes with a game whose box art... looks like this.


Anyone here who's familiar with pet-raising simulator games has most likely heard of the "Petz" IP before. At first glance, this pair of versions looks like nothing more than the console iteration of the same game seen on other pieces of hardware. I speak on behalf of anyone who's played this game when I say that this game is anything but a pet-raising simulator. What you're actually getting yourself into is an open-world adventure game for the PS2 and the Wii from 2007 that takes several inspirational cues from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

What ended up happening with this game was that the game served as a spiritual successor to a very similar game that also released in 2007. The "2" in the title can be a bit deceiving in this regard. This game's Japanese title, "The Puppy (or kitten, depending on the version) and the Magic Hat", paints a much more accurate picture of what the game is really like. From what I've been able to gather, this game was branded within the Petz IP internationally in an effort to push sales a bit more.

I mention this game in this thread in particular because of what I mentioned earlier- the sheer surprise factor. This was a game that was advertised towards younger children, but hidden away behind the false advertising on the box art lies a game with some of the most dark and morbid moments I've ever seen in a marketed kids' game. Growing up, I didn't know about any of this, and neither did most people who played it. Some of the stuff that happens in this game can be seen as genuinely traumatizing for a little kid, too. The game itself is on the shorter end and doesn't have too much extra effort put into the gameplay and the general storyline, but the visuals have aged surprisingly well and especially the well-made soundtrack for this game helps drive home some of the most memorable moments I've had in gaming.
I managed to beat R Type III (for the SNES) for the first time after trying for months, and it turns out that I need to beat the game again on "advanced mode" for the true ending.

This has been a nut punching experience so far, as this is among the hardest SNES games ever made. This bossfight clip is a highlight of the bullshit I'm going through trying to beat this.



Garde Mystik
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It was around 3:45 in the morning. I battled Ultra Necrozma, my Pokemon Moon team, and a full on Ubers team back to back to back and won all three matches in a row on my first attempt. If I had to come up with one excuse for these matches during the story, I'd say the Ultra Wormholes did it.


I constructed an event for my last Pokemon Ultra Moon run. I would use two consoles to create a Link Battle between my Ultra Moon and Pokemon Moon game, then immediately forfeit and save the match on the Vs. Recorder. My SD Card ended up having two matches saved in the Vs. Recorder for Pokemon Ultra Moon.


The team on the left was the one I used on my last Pokemon Moon playthrough. The team on the right is a team of legendary mascots I caught from Gen 6 main series titles and a Magearna I modified to be in its original form. No other hacks were used aside from changing Magearna's form.

I created a challenge for myself; I would battle Ultra Necrozma with my Ultra Moon playthrough team then immediately face off against both Vs. Recorder teams in a Mock Battle using the Vs. Recorder. I would not leave Ultra Megaopolis until I won all 3 battles.

This was my Ultra Moon playthrough team:

(I used Pokemon Bank and Gen 7 Link Trading to get Pokemon not native to Alola for my team. Panolia Ranch was very useful for getting eggs of these.)

After dealing with Ultra Necrozma, becoming the Champion of Alola, and defeating Team Rainbow Rocket, I decided to travel through Ultra Wormholes and shiny hunt Rayquaza. Rayquaza was found after 3 days of soft resetting and was caught in a regular Poke Ball.


I wanted to train the Rayquaza to level 100 and so I used this as an opportunity to not only train it, but my entire Ultra Moon playthrough team. All 7 Pokemon involved had large training sessions which lasted ~3 hours. From there, they all became level 100.

A couple of months prior to this Ultra Moon run, I've completed the Alpha Sapphire National Dex all the way. I decided maybe I can go all the way up to 807 Pokemon on the National Dex and have a grand battle in Ultra Moon to celebrate this. I managed to collect every Pokemon introduced in Generation 7 and then give myself a couple of rewards in return that the games do not offer.

Firstly, a final epic battle against my Pokemon Moon OC. I decided this match could only take place when I was in Ultra Megaopolis. The other game was in Altar of the Moone. I simply did a Quick Link for a link match, closed in a draw, saved the match on the Vs. Recorder, and faced off this team below in a Vs. Recorder Mock Battle.

20220830-162836.jpg - The exact team I fought. It is a Gen 7 Pure Hackmons team.
I still used my regular Ultra Moon playthrough team. All six members of the team were now level 100 with bottle capped IVs at this point. Most of my team's preparation came off legitimate methods to grind past Red in the Super Singles Battle Tree. The bottle caps came from legitimately completing the Battle Agency up to Grade 50.

This battle was very difficult. It took ~3 tries to complete. Mega Mewtwo X would always land a KO, Lunala was very difficult to maneuver around, and Magearna would quickly end my whole team if I did not have the right Pokemon out and the AI was being smart. This would have taken a lot more attempts if during my successful attempt, the Magearna did not use Shell Smash in front of Claydol.

As soon as I won the match, I set up both Pokemon Moon and Ultra Moon to have the Wonder Guard Magearna-Original set transferred over to my Ultra Moon save, using the hacked Magearna-Original as my ultimate prize for completing the National Pokedex.

A couple days later I decided to complete the entire National Dex all the way to the current generation (905 Pokemon). I booted up Pokemon Home and sacrificed almost all of my legendaries in Gen 6 and Legends Arceus to collect every single Pokemon introduced in Galar without the need for Pokemon Sword or Shield. I managed to get the legitimate version of Magearna-Original as a reward from Pokemon Home.


(1-890 were required to get the Magearna. I went up to all 905 anyway.)

A new Pokemon Home update arrived allowing players to delete their account and so I deleted mine (because I hate Pokemon Home and don't plan to advance any further in core series games. If I ever do in the distant future then it's w/e all my 3DS mons should stay in the 3DS). I then created a replica of that same legal Magearna-Original in my Pokemon Ultra Moon to accommodate for completing the National Dex all the way down to the current generation.

Months later I decided to go ahead and try battling an Ultra Necrozma again but at its ultimate. I called it the North Star, as it was the final beacon of my adventure. I gave it the set on this pokepaste, used a completed Ultra Sun save this time, and had the AI set using. the Vs. Recorder Mock Battle feature. It was a great and difficult final goodbye to this phenomenal Ultra Moon adventure and a true reflection of the 3DS era in my eyes.

Necrozma-Ultra @ Ultranecrozium Z
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Extreme Evoboost
- Photon Geyser
- Light of Ruin
- Recover

Thank you, Ultra Necrozma, Gamefreak.

This is the power of Vs. Recorder in 3DS titles (and being able to wield a cheating device in moderation; not even rom hacking). 6 and 7 were the generations of freedom, opportunity and unrecognized potential.
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Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs superfan
is a Pre-Contributor
This thread is good but it's been dead for a couple of months. Many of us have epic gaming moments we cherish, so I think it's worth reviving this thread a little!
You don't mind if I borrow this line of text, do you? The thing is, there's actually been a decent amount of time that's passed since both this and my initial post back in May, and in that time I'd be willing to bet we (the userbase) have played more games and had even more memorable moments to talk about. I know I have, that's for sure.

2022 as a whole could be seen as a memorable gaming moment for me for one big reason- Mario Kart. Normally, when someone puts Mario Kart and 2022 in the same sentence, they would probably first think of the Booster Course Pass DLC that started releasing at the time. That definitely makes sense, but one of my high school friends decided it would be fun to give me what might have been the most fitting Christmas present I've ever seen. He managed to get me a used (but still working) copy of Double Dash, since I can just play GameCube games on the replacement Wii I got a while back since the Wii our family had since 2009 decided to stop working at some point in 2021. Why do I mention this story? For starters, Nintendo hasn't released any of their GameCube games digitally on newer consoles, a move that was actually rather controversial back in the 3DS/Wii U era. More importantly, 2022 was the year my favorite game franchise that I've been playing for almost 15 years since the DS days turned 30 years old in total, and Double Dash was the last Mario Kart game (there's no way I was going to buy Home Circuit for my tiny dorm room, that's for sure) I needed for my collection if you count Virtual Console and Nintendo Switch Online ports.

All that just for my only GameCube controller to stop working a few days later... but hey, it's the thought that counts.

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