My comics (large images)

I've been doing this for a few years now, it's usually all-original nonsense but on a few occasions it's been pokeymen nonsense.

This one was my response to much bitching and moaning when the Black & White starters were revealed, and people clamoring for either a wolf or a "raptor" pokemon. One guy on gamefaqs stated that his opinion of the generation would hinge entirely on the presence of a wolf. I don't know where he is now, but I like to think he hung himself when there wasn't one.

I was selling the fused pokemon mass on a t-shirt for a while, but zazzle deleted it...I was hoping mangling them all together would dodge copyright law, but I guess some of them are still too obvious.

This next stupid one is so new, I haven't put it up yet. GRIPPING SOCIAL COMMENTARY:

I've grown to hate the average child gamer, what can I say? I'm pretty sure this is how many of them live.
holy shit, you are the guy from bogleech? first of all, you are awesome. i even read your cracked stuff.

also the idea of 'using the same ball' is delightfully morbid
Even before criticism I didn't think there would ever be another situation where I'd do a warstory or even start my own thread at all, for that matter.
I would be heartbroken if you meant this and didn't keep posting these comics. They're like Ren and Stimpy, but for Pokemon. Keep submitting these comics they're awesome!
Seriously, these are awesome. Your warstory was on one side, but then you have these and this is amazing.

Keep these up. You say you have been doing these for awhile?
I just meant in the competitive pokemon section, I've always just used it as a casual resource and really wouldn't have much of anything to contribute to it myself.

But yeah, I started adding comics to my site (see sig) in 2007 and am up to over a hundred now, though the last couple months have been sporadic due to writer's block/other projects.

Here's another I haven't actually put up yet:

And there's another one here that I never intend to put up. It was one of my first (you can tell by the art) but the joke is going just slightly too far for the "tone" I maintain on the site :p
After reading through all of your comics, I have to say I miss brain and stomach's adventures...They're awesome xD More of them!
Thanks for a lot of nice feedback, one of my comics ran on cracked again the other day and I was surprised by how WELL their visitors received it this time, they usually flame and troll :p

I didn't mean to forget about Brains & Guts, I just reserve a certain type of weirdness for them now. I have a few ideas for them.

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