np: OU Suspect Testing Round 4 - Blaze of Glory

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Super Mario Bro

All we ever look for
I have played with all weathers in this past round, and found rain to be the least effective. While water STAB in the rain is great (especially when boosted by specs), there are far too many things that can come in and sponge the attack (like Jellicent and, to an extent, Ferrothorn). On the other hand, it's very hard to wall fire types like Victini and Darmanitan on sun teams because there are very few fire immunes that are actually usable in this meta (even resists don't enjoy eating V-Create and Flare Blitz). Sand has the benefit of residual damage as well as two awesome inducers (unlike Politoed and Ninetales who are the epitomes of mediocrity). Last but not least, sand and sun teams have a natural speed advantage since, unlike Swift Swim, Sand Rush and Chlorophyll are not banned. On rain teams, you are forced to use a choice scarf pokemon to revenge things.

just my 2 cents, peace
Yeah ! The rain it's maybe the second powerful weather in the meta, let's allow to it to use one SwSwimmer...
Do you honest fear getting sweeped by a Floatzel? I mean seriously its not that hard to ban all the "broken" swift-swimmers + drizzle, and keep a stable metagame. The only reason I see to not to do this is simplicity, and its honestly would not that hard to ban certain swiftswimmers + drizzle, I remember from past discussion there is only perhaps 4 pokemon that need to go under the microscope.
(My previous argument is in italics)

It is my belief that the enjoyable ‘old style of battling’ has been sadly lost and replaced with the tiresome never-ending weather war. Opponents desperately compete with each other for weather control because without it they will almost surely lose. Let’s face it, the Metagame is now solely based on who can keep their weather starter alive the longest so they can sweep the other players team. (Or what team can I make to counter the most weather abusers.) Honestly, I do not feel that this version of battling is even enjoyable or in my opinion more skilful than the previous way we battled. Before we had to outsmart the other player through our use of skill and tactics, now through the loss of one or two Pokemon (whether it be a weather starter or the main counter for weather sweeper ‘X’) we can easily lose the game. At this point you look back and think, is there any way I could have possibly won from point ‘Y’ if I hadn’t done this, or hadn’t done that, but more so we find ourselves thinking that it would have be literally impossible to win from this point. This is not because the opponent superiorly outsmarted us; it is simply due to the fact that based on our team we couldn’t have possibly won. The threat of weather has just become too strong in my opinion. We shouldn’t be doomed to lose a battle (so early in the game) just because of the ‘death’ of one or two members of our team. Yes, they are a few scenarios in non-weather teams where this occurs, but with weather it occurs too often. Which I feel proves that something is wrong with the Metagame.

Yes SlimMan, in any battle you can be doomed to loose from ‘Point Y’, or your team may be weak to one or two specific Pokemon, however my argument states that it is much more likely to happen in today’s Metagame than in the past because weather abuse creates this scenario far too often. As I have already stated this is due to the fact that weather can easily dominate you through the loss of just one or two Pokemon on your team. And from this deadly loss no matter how well you play from now on, it would be literally impossible for you to win based on your remaining (5 or 4) Pokemon.

Now in the case of Non-weather versus weather:

In the last generation of Pokemon, Sweepers could be handled in two ways, either through the use of counters or revenge killers. However, choice scarf sweepers are no longer able to outrun the main OU sweepers in this generation, as in comparison to their 1.5 speed boost, weather sweepers get a greatly superior times 2 speed boost. (Side Note: choice scarf sweepers are balanced by the fact that they can only stick to one move, where as weather sweepers can freely switch between all moves). This means that we can only rely on the use of counters to stop heavy sweepers in their tracks.

Choice Scarf is not the only way to revenge-kill. There are also the kind of check which can take a single hit, then KO back. There are also the kind of check which uses priority to bring down a threat.

Not to mention that in OU, there is 1 Chlorophyll Pokemon (Venusaur) and 1 Sand Rush Pokemon (Excadrill). So it's unreal to imply that most weather sweepers are getting their speed doubled.

I hadn’t meant to make it sound like all weather sweepers have access to the double speed boost, but you’re right it did sound like I was implying that. However, on that note I still regard other weather sweepers (with no speed boost) as being difficult to deal with (aside from the use of specific counters to them) due to the massive pros and cons of weather.

In the case where a check can take a single hit and then OHKO it back, this would mean that the Pokemon would A. have to be faster and B. have enough HP left to live the attack on the switch in (if you didn’t want to sacrifice a Pokemon).

For example:
In scenario one -

Darmanitan – Adamant (sheer force – LO) Flare Blitz in sun

Max hp/def bold Suicune:
416 Atk vs 361 Def & 404 HP (304 Base Power): 188 - 222 (46.53% - 54.95%)

Suicune can be switched in to take the hit however it is slower and on average it will be OHKO’d on the second hit.

In scenario two –

(Latios, Hydreigon and Haxorus are all OHKO’d)

Darmanitan (sheer force – LO) Flare Blitz in sun

Sweeper Garchomp:
416 Atk vs 226 Def & 357 HP (304 Base Power): 300 - 354 (84.03% - 99.16%)

Yes in this case, Garchomp is faster and can take one hit. However, the large majority of even resistant sweepers will not meet both of the requirements. And will therefore have to rely on a safe switch by sacrificing a team mate.

In the case of a priority check:

Aqua Jet – For some reason I do not see Azumarill in OU, it is a check (to specific weather abusers), but how often do people use it.

Extreme Speed – I don’t see Dragonite using this move anymore, and I don’t see any Lucario’s in OU either.

Vaccume Wave – I don’t see this move in OU.

Mach Punch (Roobushin and Breeloom) – Roobushin fails to OHKO Excadrill full stop. Additionally, (does not include SR) Breeloom on average fails to OHKO Excadrill, however Excadrill on Average will OHKO it back with Return. Furthermore, weather abusers such as Vensaur/ Starmie/ Dragonite/ Thunderus/ Tornados resist Mach Punch, whilst the large majority of others who do not resist are not OHKO’d anyway.

On this note, non-weather teams have to use counters for each of the weather abusers. This therefore only leaves a small space of one or two more Pokemon. Yes I know these ‘weather checkers have other purposes’ but considering that weather checks for each separate weather usually fails against another weather, means that certain slots on the team are useless majority of the time.

Okay, it's not true that checks to weather threats are "useless majority of the time". Lati@s, Balloon Heatran, Dragonite, they all screw over common Sun sweepers, yet none of them are "useless" against non-Sun teams. Balloon Heatran, Gliscor, Starmie, they all screw over common Sand sweepers, yet none of them are "useless" against a non-Sand team.
Dealing with weather threats can be done without devoting an entire team just to do so.
Ok you are correct, maybe I shouldn’t have defined them as ‘useless majority of the time’, but I stand by the basis of my argument: weather counters for the specific weather do not bear well with a different weather in play.

Latias, Ballon Heatran, Dragonite screw over sun sweepers but Balloon Excadrill screws over Latias and Dragonite. Ok in this scenario as long as Heatran has balloon it’s not useless, however Heatran would need to be used with caution so that it’s item doesn’t break (and let’s not forget that Excadrill is only one Pokemon in the opponent’s team). Whilst in the scenario of Drizzle - Heatran and Dragonite cannot handle Starmie/Vaporeon and Latias fails to Ferrothorn.

Like I’ve just stated, Ballon Heatran can deal with sand abusers Exacrill and Garchomp, just as long as you are careful about not breaking its item, but on the other hand, it fails to Drizzle Starmie, Vaporeon and Rotom. Starmie does not bear well against Sun (Vensaur/ Lilligant) and Rain (Ferrothorn) and Gliscor fails against both sun and rain (too many to list).

Yes they are not ‘useless’ but whilst they counter one weather team, they usually don’t do well against another. Therefore trying to counter all three weather teams at the same time becomes an issue for a non-weather team.

Back to my point that weather allows Pokemon ‘X’ to live ‘Y’ and Pokemon ‘Y’ to kill ‘Z’.

(Looking at OU)

Yes, stealth rocks also shares the same characteristics as this, however the damage of stealth rocks is greatly limited in comparison. Stealth Rocks only majorly effects 4 types – Fire, Ice, Bug and Flying (three of which’s pure typing isn’t used in the OU Metagame due to this heavy SR damage.) For the remaining types the damage of stealth rocks is limited to a small amount which only occurs on switching. Weather on the other hand, majorly affects the damage done to the majority of Pokemon. It has become too powerful in the sense that it completely changes the Metagame to favour specific Pokemon and put others at a major disadvantage. Such favourability for such a large number of Pokemon should not be brought on just by sending a Pokemon out without even using a move.

You say that Stealth Rock only affects certain Pokemon very much. The same applies to weather. Any Pokemon which is not weak to Fire gets no defensive benefit from Rain. Any Pokemon which doesn't use Fire moves isn't hampered by Rain. I could say that weather only affects certain things to a significant degree, just like Stealth Rock only affects certain things that much.
Through my argument I was trying to show how stealth Rocks does not greatly affect the majority of OU because the only pure typing to be hit hard and used in OU is flying. Weather on the other hand affects everything in OU. Yes the level of degree varies however the damage inflicted is of a much greater level than SR.

Pokemon which are not purely affected by the typing advantages and disadvantages of rain/sun are still victims of weather abuse. For example drizzle allows Rotom-W to OHKO Roobushin with hydro pump. In this case Roobushin’s typing damage is not altered, but none the less it is still a victim of weather abuse.

Anyway before I go off in a tangent, my point is that Roobushin and other specific Pokemon get no boost what so ever by rain, whilst other Pokemon are give some sort of statistical advantage, and even though Roobushin and others are not purely affected by rain, they still are victimised by those that do.

Additionally, as I have already stated such favourability for such a large number of Pokemon should not be brought on just by sending a Pokemon out without even using a move.
In conclusion, I firmly believe Smogon would benefit from a weatherless tier.

The only server to have both a weather and weatherless tier at the moment is BOS, so I used their statistics for a fair opinion on what was more fun/popular.

(19:35) wttG^ Naoe:
1º - Com 49161 batalhas no servidor: /voto BOS - 5th OU
2º - Com 3242 batalhas no servidor: /voto BOS - 5th Ubers
3º - Com 2316 batalhas no servidor: /voto Challenge Cup
4º - Com 2193 batalhas no servidor: /voto BOS - 5th Standard
5º - Com 1100 batalhas no servidor: /voto BOS - 5th OU Weather

As you can clearly see, the results show an undoubtable favourability towards the weatherless tier. Percentage wise, weather was played 2.18% in comparison to weatherless (played 97.78% of the time).
If there were enough support, I would think that allowing Drizzle + 1 Swift Swimmer would be the logical place to start (please don't anyone throw in arguments on how the number is arbitrary).
rofl thats stupid. That just adds complexity to an already borderline too complex ban.
In conclusion, I firmly believe Smogon would benefit from a weatherless tier.

The only server to have both a weather and weatherless tier at the moment is BOS, so I used their statistics for a fair opinion on what was more fun/popular.

(19:35) wttG^ Naoe:
1º - Com 49161 batalhas no servidor: /voto BOS - 5th OU
2º - Com 3242 batalhas no servidor: /voto BOS - 5th Ubers
3º - Com 2316 batalhas no servidor: /voto Challenge Cup
4º - Com 2193 batalhas no servidor: /voto BOS - 5th Standard
5º - Com 1100 batalhas no servidor: /voto BOS - 5th OU Weather

As you can clearly see, the results show an undoubtable favourability towards the weatherless tier. Percentage wise, weather was played 2.18% in comparison to weatherless (played 97.78% of the time).
Maybe, people go on that server to play weatherless OU, while they go on to Smogon to play OU with weather.

Latias, Ballon Heatran, Dragonite screw over sun sweepers but Balloon Excadrill screws over Latias and Dragonite. Ok in this scenario as long as Heatran has balloon it’s not useless, however Heatran would need to be used with caution so that it’s item doesn’t break (and let’s not forget that Excadrill is only one Pokemon in the opponent’s team). Whilst in the scenario of Drizzle - Heatran and Dragonite cannot handle Starmie/Vaporeon and Latias fails to Ferrothorn.

Like I’ve just stated, Ballon Heatran can deal with sand abusers Exacrill and Garchomp, just as long as you are careful about not breaking its item, but on the other hand, it fails to Drizzle Starmie, Vaporeon and Rotom. Starmie does not bear well against Sun (Vensaur/ Lilligant) and Rain (Ferrothorn) and Gliscor fails against both sun and rain (too many to list).
I don't see the point of saying this, as you're basically saying Pokemon X cannot beat Pokemon Y in Weather Z, while that Pokemon would almost always lose to the other Pokemon regardless (for example, I don't think Heatran can ever beat Vaporeon, whether there is Drizzle or not). What you failed to mention, however, were the Pokemon on the "unfavorable" weather that Pokemon X could beat (you didn't say that Heatran will not be dead weight against Ferrothorn or Scizor, which are both common on Rain teams, for example).
rofl thats stupid. That just adds complexity to an already borderline too complex ban.
You've missed the whole point. The purpose of IcyMan28's proposal is not to implement something permanent, but to have a slow transition into an ultimately simpler alternative to the combo ban. I think that it's a bit too early to consider this, though. I think that something like this could be revisited once there's a vote with no bans, but until then...
What really needs to happen is we need to get rid of this complex ban. Even PO is doing it the right way by voting on each swift swimmer, their currently voting on kingdra right now. We should be doing the same thing, there are only a few pokemon with swift swim that are overpowering, one of them being kingdra. Things like kabutops and omastar etc. are easily handled.
Oh yay! A clever attempt at sarcasm that is the same tired argument used every time this is suggested! How did I not anticipate this!?

In all seriousness, Sand has one Sand Rush abuser and it is manageable. Sun has 2-3 viable Chlorophyll users and it is manageable. Swift Swimmers get a STAB boost too, I'm well aware. I personally would rather scale back the proposal now that we've adapted to weather in general (Aldaron's original intent), and simply test the 1-2 abusers that get the most mileage out of it. If nothing else, it would be consistent with the noms for Chomp, the tired noms for Excadrill, etc. Drizzle does not merit special treatment.
Well, don't forget the fact that Sand also gets Sand Veil abusing cunts like Garchomp. Arbitrary numbers like "one swift swimmer" just doesn't make sense though.
You've missed the whole point. The purpose of IcyMan28's proposal is not to implement something permanent, but to have a slow transition into an ultimately simpler alternative to the combo ban. I think that it's a bit too early to consider this, though. I think that something like this could be revisited once there's a vote with no bans, but until then...
This is what I was getting at. If waiting for a vote with no bans is decided to be a safe place to start, then so be it. I for one think that if other weather suspects are being voted on, however, then SwSw can apply as well. Now if the likes of Latios and other pokemon that were suspect before the introduction of weather are yet to be voted on, then I guess we could wait.

What really needs to happen is we need to get rid of this complex ban. Even PO is doing it the right way by voting on each swift swimmer, their currently voting on kingdra right now. We should be doing the same thing, there are only a few pokemon with swift swim that are overpowering, one of them being kingdra. Things like kabutops and omastar etc. are easily handled.
This is exactly what we should be doing, but I think the way to go about that is to allow simply one swift swimmer at a time in conjunction with Drizzle. The reason we "couldn't" do this the first time was because of the support that Ludi/Tops/Kingdra gave to each other, making it difficult to isolate the problem. If only one is allowed at a time, we can prevent that scenario from happening, keep Drizzle as un-nerfed as possible, and be consistent in nominating the abusers rather than the enablers (for the record, I'd rather ban Drizzle, but if that isn't what the community wants then we may as well get as favorable a metagame as possible within what the community wants).

Well, don't forget the fact that Sand also gets Sand Veil abusing cunts like Garchomp. Arbitrary numbers like "one swift swimmer" just doesn't make sense though.
Still, we are nomming Garchomp (abuser) rather than Tar/Hippo (enablers). If you want to include all the sand abusing users, then okay fine, that's 3. Sand is still manageable.

"Zero users of Swift Swim are allowed on a team that also carries Drizzle Politoed."

"One user of Swift swim is allowed on a team that also carries Drizzle Politoed."

It isn't any more complex (we did a complex ban in the first place and no one has suffered an aneurism as of yet), and it isn't arbitrary, it is literally the first logical step. We can't allow half of a swift swimmer, and it would be illogical to allow 2 without first trying one.

Bad Ass

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I have an idea.

Ban Sand Stream.

At the same time, ban Drizzle.

Simultaneously, ban Drought.

And within the same Planck time, ban Snow Warning.
My fundamental issue with this is, sure you can use one swift swimmer, that means you could have a fucking magikarp, and at that point no more are allowed. To me, that seems a little ridiculous, that’s why I am more for allowing individual pokemon with swift swim + drizzle. Although I have to say it does seem like a decent compromise, and I would not be totally against it.

I actually believe that that is an interesting proposal. I just fear just one swift swimmer might in fact be too much to handle, but to be totally honest I am not sure. I would be all for testing this though. But another issue that might be raised up, is that even if lets say Kingdra isn’t broken with drizzle alone, as the only swift swimmer, but with other weather abusers on the same team, it still might be too much. And to be honest, if people are fearing Floatzel and Seismitoad sweeping there teams, I doubt they will ever go for Kingdra back.
I'm all for anything that gets rid of or scales back that retarded proposal. Either get rid of all the weathers or have them and ban the stuff that's broken (like Kingdra). The worst thing you could do is do some stupid complex ban.

Support allow 1 SwiftSwimmer while banning Kingdra.
Why would anyone use Magikarp? How is that even an issue? If you picked Magikarp/Seaking/Luvdisc when you had the option of Kabutops, Ludicolo, or Kingdra, then the loss is entirely your own fault.

My point is, the proposal needs to be gradually scaled back until we reach an acceptable point (honestly I see Kingdra as the only SwSw suspect; Kabutops has some pretty sturdy checks, Ludicolo is relatively weak, Omastar is slow, etc).
I'm all for anything that gets rid of or scales back that retarded proposal. Either get rid of all the weathers or have them and ban the stuff that's broken (like Kingdra). The worst thing you could do is do some stupid complex ban.

Support allow 1 SwiftSwimmer while banning Kingdra.

Are you being serious? I can't tell....
Why would anyone use Magikarp? How is that even an issue? If you picked Magikarp/Seaking/Luvdisc when you had the option of Kabutops, Ludicolo, or Kingdra, then the loss is entirely your own fault.
My point is, you can't use them, even if they are absolutely no problem at all. For what reason? As I see, nothing.

It doesn’t even need to be a Magikarp, it could be a Lumineon or Anorith, something that isn’t that useful in OU, but you still are not allowing it to be used.

Lets bring this down to earth, lets say you live in a neighborhood that had, commonly, dogs escaping, in packs, and causing a mess. Sure you could kill those dogs in packs with a machine gun, but should everyone own a machine gun? No, so the community makes a law against owning a dog. Everything from a pit bull, to a Chihuahua. Now what your suggesting, is to allow people to own a pit bull or German Sheppard, so that together, in combination, they are not too deadly. What why can’t people own a Chihuahua and a Pit Bull? Sure you might deem a Chihuahua useless, but people still like them, and will want to use them, and that’s there right.

Of course my scenario has flaws, are people using these dogs packs to attack each other? Are these dogs under the influence of drugs or something (drizzle) to make them to dangerous? But overall I feel it’s a decent comparison.
First, I have to say that your argument seems overly pedantic and will rarely happen in actual gameplay. I don't care about Luvdisc, Lumineon, or Anorith at all, nor does the extremely large majority of OU players.

Second, the current ban prevents their use. Scaling it back would ALLOW their use - you just have to choose to do so. If you didn't, then that was your choice. You had the option to in team builder and instead you went with a more competitive option.
I have an idea.

Ban Sand Stream.

At the same time, ban Drizzle.

Simultaneously, ban Drought.

And within the same Planck time, ban Snow Warning.
I kinda agree with this, as weather abuse really seems to be completely out of hand this gen, however, I wouldn't want to see it happen. People would probably be complaining about everyone using the same handful of Pokemon and even though weather abuse has become really predictable, I think banning it would make things dull - I'm sure there are a good number of Pokemon that wouldn't be used at all without weather effects being legal. There are even ways to stop Swift Swim Kingdra and Drizzle Politoed dead in their tracks, after all. (My favorite being Jellicent).
Second, the current ban prevents their use. Scaling it back would ALLOW their use - you just have to choose to do so. If you didn't, then that was your choice. You had the option to in team builder and instead you went with a more competitive option.
And thats why I am not totally against your proposal. As if I really wanted to now I can run my Floatzel or whatever with drizzle, but I still can't run my Floatzel with a Omastar for no good reason aside from consistancy.
People would probably be complaining about everyone using the same handful of Pokemon
you think there is more diversity with weather present than without? =S

and even though weather abuse has become really predictable,
Is there a counter for all three weathers now?
And even if you know what's on a weather team doesn't mean its any easier simple to counter.

As I have stated in my long argument the loss of one or two (i.e specific weather counters) in your team, can easily result in a loss. Or in the case of weather versus weather, the team that looses is their weather stater is almost doomed to loose from point 'Y'. Additionally, just because we can see Darmanitan's Flare Blitz coming, doesn't mean we can stop it so easily. Max hp/def bold cune is 2KO'd by it, where as Latios/Hydregion/Haxorus are all OHKO.

There are even ways to stop Swift Swim Kingdra and Drizzle Politoed dead in their tracks, after all. (My favorite being Jellicent).
Jellicent does not stop Kingdra =S and Politoed itself (not its ability) isn't broken.

Also can someone read and comment on my long argument (exlcuding the conclusion which is subjective I guess...)
Why would anyone use Magikarp? How is that even an issue? If you picked Magikarp/Seaking/Luvdisc when you had the option of Kabutops, Ludicolo, or Kingdra, then the loss is entirely your own fault.

My point is, the proposal needs to be gradually scaled back until we reach an acceptable point (honestly I see Kingdra as the only SwSw suspect; Kabutops has some pretty sturdy checks, Ludicolo is relatively weak, Omastar is slow, etc).

I will just do some damage calculations:

Kabutops (SD) versus Impish Max HP/Def Skarmory:
1083 Atk vs 416 Def & 334 HP (120 Base Power): 336 - 396 (100.60% - 118.56%)

Omastar (shell smash) versus Careful Max HP/Sp.def Ferrothorn:
1083 Atk vs 364 Def & 352 HP (180 Base Power): 287 - 338 (81.53% - 96.02%)

Omastar (shell smash) versus Calm Max HP/Sp.def Lugia: (hydo pump)
1083 Atk vs 447 Def & 416 HP (180 Base Power): 468 - 552 (112.50% - 132.69%)

Omastar (shell smash) versus Calm Max/ HP/Sp.def Lugia: (surf)
1083 Atk vs 447 Def & 416 HP (142 Base Power): 369 - 435 (88.70% - 104.57%)

Counter argument use mach punch:

Conkledurr's mach punch versus Kabutops:
416 Atk vs 246 Def & 261 HP (40 Base Power): 146 - 174 (55.94% - 66.67%)

Conkeldurr's Mach Punch on Shell Smash Omostar:
416 Atk vs 143 Def & 281 HP (40 Base Power): 252 - 296 (89.68% - 105.34%)

Yes Breeloom's Mach Punch will OHKO both, but lets not forget that this is the only thing in OU that will 'outrun' swift swim Kabutops and Omastar (after shell break). Choice scarfer's get a 1.5 in comparison to rains more impressive times 2 speed. Furthermore, neutral counters won't work and even resistant counters take a nasty hit.
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