Project OU Theorymon [Voting: Check Post #3272]

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Focus blast plus mega pidgeot.

Btw wouldnt it be cool if gamefreak made an ability thats the opposite of huge power? instead of giving a huge boost why not on sp attack? its like how some ability are opposites like defiant and competetive.


My jimmies remain unrustled
is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Btw wouldnt it be cool if gamefreak made an ability thats the opposite of huge power? instead of giving a huge boost why not on sp attack? its like how some ability are opposites like defiant and competetive.
While that does sound pretty cool, that's not how Theorymon functions. We use only what's currently available in-game, and don't make up moves, abilities, or types for whatever reason.
Alright, it's time to close voting. After a staggering 64 votes, the winner is….

Based Bird Jesus + Focus Blast

The results were as follows…

Pidgeot + Focus Blast: 29
Typhlosion + Drought: 13
Krookodile + Dragon Dance: 13
Gastrodon + Poison Heal: 9

I want to thank you all for coming out and voting in strong numbers again! It means a lot to all of us in the council to see this thread getting more and more popular. If you haven't participated yet, please do! I've been seeing lots of posts like, "Long time lurker, first time poster". That's excellent! Guys, if you've been lurking and are afraid to post, please contact the council members and we'll talk you through whatever reservations you may have (note to council members: this is now our duty). Please please PLEASE participate if you have something to say. /sunkingrambling

Without further ado, here's your next slate!

+ Protean (credit will be given when SOMEBODY IN THE COUNCIL tells me who submitted it…)

+ Fairy/Poison typing (credit to astroboy )
(I made it the shiny sprite because it looks more poisonous :3)

+ Fur Coat

+ No Guard

Well there you have it folks! Thanks for a great slate, and we all look forward to the next one!


One last thing before I forget. For future voting periods, please put your campaign poster along with your voting post. I know this may sound a little nit-picky, and I'm sorry, but when I count the votes it makes my life a lot easier. You guys did a *mostly* great job respecting the "one poster rule", and were on topic more thanks to the great work of AM. Let's keep things going just like that!


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Posting to remind my ass to update the OP later.

By the way, I'm very impressed with how our last slate did but I'm especially glad because two things here are NU, and both can do well with these buffs.

aqua server is fucked up for some reason so battles there for theorymon are on hold :[

And like we all know, Sun King is shit.
Hehe where's your god now

Personally, this is a really hard slate to decide upon. Protean Hydregon not only gives it incredible firepower on pretty much all of its moves, but it actually has move coverage than Greninja. This reminds me a whole lot of Protean Goodra, it's just the offensive version of it. Think about Hydregion's amazing freaking movepool, including things like Flash Cannon, U-Turn, Earth Power, Fire Blast and plenty more. Not to mention that its possible change in typing means Fairies won't royally screw it over (Like, if it uses Flash Cannon, per say.) It still faces against the problem of its middling Speed, but that can be pretty well alleviated.
Poison / Fairy Aromatisse is Poison / Fairy. A great defensive typing and stuff, not a lot to say here.
Fur Coat Granbull basically says "Fuck you" to pretty much every physical attacker in the tier. Everything physically based is going to have a hard time breaking past it.
252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Granbull: 116-137 (30.2 - 35.6%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery
Jesus Christ
No Guard Politoad is just annoying in my eyes. This gives it a 100% accurate Dynamic Punch and that's just no fun. I think it gets Hypnosis as well, so that's going to be frustrating. I'm torn between Granbull and Hydregion on this one, but I'm excited to see how this goes.
Eww this post was messy

Keep up the amazing participation guys. I still can't believe how much this thread has grown /wistful sigh
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: What switches into this thing? This thing has a great movepool, with great offensive stats(speed is a bit meh but still), and even decent bulk. May be a bit too much, but still a great mon.

: I'm not sure what to think of this. Sure, you lose on a Poison Weakness, but you also gain a Ground and Psychic weakness. I guess it could work since you gain some more resistances, but most are already resisted by Fairy, and a Grass resistance really only works against Breloom, which is neat I guess.
: Very interesting. I mean look at this: +2 252 Atk Life Orb Sheer Force Feraligatr Waterfall vs. 252 HP / 232+ Def Fur Coat Granbull: 168-198 (43.7 - 51.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
Disgusting. Though it loses out on Intimidate, it has a permanent defense buff, and is pretty sweet. And status still is a bumper for it, as well as no reliable recovery. Though that is its only down-comings, as this is just aids for psychical attackers.

: Ok this is also interesting and disgusting. No Guard Dynamic Punch AND Hypnosis?? Alright that's just enough. But besides that, it doesn't really have moves to abuse No Guard, except Focus Blast if you want to be that guy.

As for what I would vote for right now, either Granbull or Poliwrath, as both are good buffs to otherwise mediocre mons, and the other two don't really sell it for me.
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I'll give my thoughts on the slate while they're still fresh…

Protean Hydreigon: Just like Recreant said, this thing has some AMAZING coverage. This does remind me a bit of Protean Goodra, but it hits like a ton of bricks and is less bulky. Of the 3 things we've observed with Protean (Greninja, Goodra, and now Hydreigon), Hydreigon hits the hardest on both ends of the attacking spectrum, and has passable coverage. It really misses out on Ice Beam and Thunderbolt, but it does get STAB on any of its moves. I see this as more of a wall breaker than anything else. It's too slow to really make a good use out of Protean like Greninja, but the STAB on everything it uses is REEEEEALLY nice. Stall teams, here's a box of tissues for when you try to cover this nightmare

  • Poison/Fairy Aromatisse: So this one I have mixed feelings towards. At first glance--great! It's not weak to Poison anymore. Additionally, it picks up a 4x resistance to both Fighting (nice!) and Bug (lol) and resistances to Fairy and Grass. Most importantly, however, it gets an immunity to Toxic. Every cleric performs better when it isn't forced to waste Heal Bells on itself. BUUUUUUTTTTTTTT the typing also adds a pretty ugly weakness to Ground and an increasingly relevant Psychic-STAB. The fact that Aromatisse is scared of Earthquake is enough to make me not want to vote for it. All in all, it's still a buff!

  • Fur Coat Granbull: This is one of my favorite abilities and it is a fantastic defensive buff to anything. I REEEEEALLY wanted to see a Fairy with Fur Coat (I entertained the idea of Fur Coat Aromatisse), and Granbull has everything you really need a physical tank to have: strong STAB (Play Rough backed by 120 Attack), good defensive typing (Fairy), and decent utility moves (Thunder Wave and Roar). I will let the rest of you guys post calcs so you have more things to say about this submission, but I want to highlight one MAJOR target that Granbull can reliably cover for stall teams: Granbull can counter Mega Heracross. Come again? You mean to say that that ugly beetle that RUINED my teams back in XY (post Aegi ban, of course) up until now can FINALLY be contained? Yes--that's exactly what I said. Granbull is THAT sexy, and he now isn't DEVOTED to countering Heracross thanks to Fur Coat. He can tank hits all day long. You go, Fido, you go.

  • No Guard Poliwrath: Okay so this one is a little more of a long-shot on this slate, but it brings two major things to the table: 100% Accurate Dynamicpunch and 100% Accurate Hypnosis. Yeah move over Breloom--there's a new kid on the block. Poliwrath would likely be the most obnoxious thing you ever see in Team Matchup unless you're carrying a Mega Sableye. He'll put your stuff to sleep, then Confuse the switch in. I'd love to see what the counter play around this guy would be like. I think this buff is more than enough to put Poliwrath, our resident NU Tadpole, on the list of OU Pokemon. Zero to Hero--bitchin.
Hydreigon + Protean
Not much really wants to switch in on this. It could kinda be compared to Kyu-B as they're both wallbreakers. Definitely a great buff.

Aromatisse + Poison typing
To be honest I don't really get what this does. Sure, it takes away a Poison weakness but in return it receives a Ground and a Psychic weakness. Not really a big fan of this.

Granbull + Fur Coat
Definitely one of my favorites. Granbull could be great on stall teams, being an excellent physical tank, while also having a great defensive typing.

Poliwrath + No Guard
I really like this one. Poliwrath is a niche counter to stuff like Bisharp and Mega Gyarados, and No Guard gives it a really good buff. No Guard Dynamic Punch and Hypnosis can gain lots of free turns, allowing it to phaze stuff with Circle Throw.

Stuck between Poliwrath and Granbull atm. Unless I'm missing something obvious, I just don't get what a poison typing does for Aromatisse. Well I guess it can check Altaria now, but EQ still probably does a lot.
Hydreigon+Protean: this seems really good? wallbreaker set could also see some use, and unlike greninja, hydreigon can actually take advantage of the resistances its typing brings due to its decent 92/90/90 bulk. this is really cool buff, and i'd love to see how this would work in practice!
Aromatisse+Poison typing: i suggested this Sun King. cool! i dont wanna talk too much, but it gains some cool resistances and sets itself apart from other fairys by its neutrality to poison while also having the most mixed bulk. also, resistances to fairy and grass! cool! now it can handle breloom really well, is immune to toxic, but the weakness to psychic and ground really hold it back.
Granbull+Fur Coat: man this seems cool :o this makes granbull hella bulky, turning its former pseudo-bulk to "how am i gonna break this" bulk . like, it can even take hits (it doesnt appreciate it, but this is an example to show its bulk) from CB scizor :o
252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 248 HP / 232+ Def Fur Coat Granbull: 144-169 (37.5 - 44.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
i could definitely see this being a really cool mon, only thing really holding it back is its lack of reliable recovery. i could definitely see a resttalk set working, and this is definitely a big step-up for granbull
Poliwrath+ No Guard: no guard dynamic punch from something other than machamp is really cool! also hypnosis??? thats super rad! it also has the option to go special or mixed, as it can utilize hydro pump, focus blast, or blizzard without accuracy being a problem. losing the immunity to water makes it less effective as a keldeo check, and its stats leave a lot to be desired, but this is a really cool and interesting mon and i think i'd like more convincing on it tbh
Hydreigon would honestly probably usurp Kyurem-B's position as a mixed Wallbreaker with Protean. One of the biggest OU viable movepools, a bit faster (not much in that range, but it saves on creeping), and Protean's boost will bolster his physical hits (mostly reserved for stuff like Chansey or Tyranitar admittedly) more than enough. One limitation being that Kyurem's high natural Attack means he can be oriented to either on his mixed sets, whereas Hydreigon would almost always be specially oriented.

Aromatisse I'm not sure what to make of this. On the one hand, a Toxic immunity and an even greater resistance to Fighting, along with Grass resist and Poison neutrality are much appreciated, actually lets it take a hit from Venusaur to get a Wish off (252+ SpA Mega Venusaur Sludge Bomb vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Aromatisse: 169-201 (41.6 - 49.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery).
On the other hand, that Ground weakness and Psychic weakness in particular are serious problems for it, since it's now an easy target for the Latis, Scarf Lando-T hits it hard enough to break, and almost any Dragon using EQ for coverage like Altaria. The biggest problem is Clefable: while Aromatisse would have a reason to be used over it, it's still not necessarily an equal or better choice for teams, lacking reliable recovery and being limited to Cleric roles

Granbull At a glance, I wasn't sure on this thing, given the lack of recovery and Resttalk dependence proved an issue for Ampharos, a much more naturally bulky mon. Then I remembered Granbull's typing and saw this
252 Atk Tough Claws Mega Metagross Meteor Mash vs. 248 HP / 232+ Def Fur Coat Granbull: 187-222 (48.8 - 57.9%) -- 59% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252 Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Flare Blitz vs. 248 HP / 232+ Def Fur Coat Granbull: 172-203 (44.9 - 53%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

I know he can't do much back, but that kind of Physical bulk is ridiculous (536 effective stat), on par with standard tank Mega Aggron, arguably better typing, Leftovers, more HP, and no Mega slot. All things considered, I wasn't WOWed immediately by this slate, but Granbull is the one I'm most interested to see in action and explore.

Poliwrath to wrap up seems like it'd be a really annoying mon to face. Dynamic Punch and 100% Hypnosis essentially means the opponent is waiting through hax to hit him with anything but a Ghost type (after Sleep Clause). The one trouble I see is low Speed and Attack holding him back for his other moves, which don't have the same high BP, and PuP as his only boosting move. He does have a special movepool that would like No Guard (Focus Blast, Hydro Pump, Blizzard), but those only see use under rain, where he'd need SS.
Hydreigon + Protean: I'm liking it. Nice way to boost Hydreigon's already outstanding firepower high enough to overcome his flaws. And his decent bulk would let him use it defensively as well -- Flash Cannon, anyone? Might be a bit much, in fact.
Aromatisse + Poison: Not really feeling this one. I don't know that losing a Poison weakness and getting immunity to Toxic (on a cleric, no less) is worth gaining weaknesses to Ground and Psychic, considering how many hard-hitting mons pack them.
Granbull + Fur Coat: Not a fan either. I feel like Fur Coat (and Huge Power) are... too easy, I suppose? It's a hell of a buff, to be sure, and it even has some nice flavor to it, but I find it somewhat mindless and overall just not very interesting.
Poliwrath + No Guard: Cool one. Besides the obvious in Dynamic Punch, No Guard Hypnosis would have us a nice cousin to Breloom, minus having to worry about Grass switchins. Very annoying to fight, that's for sure. I don't know whether it has any other really abusable moves, though?
I actually suggested Hydreigon a while back, but it was rejected by the council, so not sure what's changed.
Hydreigon: Yeah... This is essential a stronger, bulkier greninja with a even more scary movepool in exchange for having much less speed. The reason I would much rather use Hydreigon then greninja is the fact that Hydreigon can actually run a few more sets. Theirs the obvious life orb(RIP stall) but theirs also scarf(RIP offense). Also, Draco, dark pulse, flash cannon, fire blast, focus blast, earth power, surf, holy shit this thing scary. This is probably my favorite therymon of all time.
Aromatisse: This is meh. Psychic and ground weakness really hurt it. I guess toxic immunity and further resistance to fighting is useful, but clefable still looks better by quite the long shot.
Grandbull: Viable: Yes Intresting: Ummmm... Sorry, but I am not a fan of slapping huge power or fur coat on a pokemon and calling it a day. It simply feels effortless. Lack of recovery also hurts, so I feel rest talk may be mandatory. Sorry, just seems a tad brain dead.
Tierd, post in more detail later. Poliwrath seems Intresting, but Hydreigon is the obvious choice for me here(if I am allowed to vote for my own creation).
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