Project Player Interview V2 #1: Lily


beauty in the struggle
is an official Team Rateris a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a defending SCL Champion
PUPL Champion

Approved by UU Moderation / Amazing Art by Moutemoute

Hello and welcome to.. "Player Interview"! This project will allow you to discover or re-discover some well known players of the UU community. This time around we will be focusing mainly on important contributors to the forums such as Tier Leaders, Forum Moderators, Community Contributors, and Council Members. Let me first say that I am honored to be following in the footsteps of an esteemed and accomplished list of interviewers: Moutemoute, Feliburn, Kink, and Cynde. Thank you are very much for your work!

Hello Lily! How are you?

hey drew! I'm doing okay, tired as usual but otherwise pretty good. how're you doing?


I got my second covid vaccine which messed me up a little but other than I am doing good! Thanks for asking

So, tell me and the community a bit about yourself via a brief introduction. Name, age, favorite color, which council member you would leave stranded at sea, whatever you would like to say!

ouch lol, the vaccine sounds super painful. I had covid pretty recently so apparently I'm not eligible for a couple of months or something, idk the specifics

BUT anyway

hi! most of you know this already, but I'm Lilburr, more commonly known by my real name, Lily. I'm a 19 year old girl from Ireland, started playing UU in like, early 2018 with my trash SM teams after floating around in other tiers on the ladder (for reference I was CONVINCED bruxish was like the best mon ever). I became a lot more active in SS and yea rest is history. my favourite colour is purple! I would never leave any of my council members stranded at sea and would 100% take the hit for them but one more suspicious Azumarill image and I'll make Ramolost walk the plank


That's a great answer!

When I left on my heroic and historic hiatus you were, I believe, just a room voice. You are now the tier leader and room owner and a pretty competitive tournament player. How did this happen and how much money did you pay people?

I think you actually left before I even became a voice tbh, it was like mid March last year so it wasn't that long ago

to be entirely honest with you I'm not sure how it happened

I'll give a quick timeline of events though

so basically I was a ladder hero, I was often at the top of the ladder or close to it with whatever bullshit Machamp or Heliolisk offense I could come up with. at some point people began to take note of me being there relatively consistently, mostly because I also became pretty active in the ps! room and made a few forum posts here and there

I joined the UU discord pretty early on in my career, I think like December 2019, and surprisingly enough some prominent community members at the time (sage, juno) recognised me which made me super happy, and I guess they took a liking to me because they invited me to a chat that contained a large portion of the active UU community, which was Glaceon Goons

I made a lot of friends there that I'm very thankful for & they helped me springboard into hosting projects, writing analyses, doing VR stuff etc. and encouraging me to sign up for tournaments, the first of which being last year's edition of UU masters

where I was tragically clapped by Accelgor in round 2

I guess my performance was still good enough for Sage to take note of me because we got to talking a fair bit & she picked me up for UUPL despite me being a pretty much entirely unproven commodity

and after tryharding that tour I emerged with a fairly impressive 5-2 record against a reasonably difficult schedule

it just kinda snowballed from there. hogg was on my UUPL team and it seemed that I impressed him enough for him to bring me up as an option for council, which I got nominated for shortly after the tournament ended, and I just kept doing my thing from there

made posts, wrote analyses & qc checked other ones, took it upon myself to do some extra stuff too like writing council minutes and doing community surveys which hogg and tdk had planned to do but were too busy for

I guess in that sense I was a natural leader? lol, anyway I got promoted to forum mod after a while of doing that

eventually hogg decided his time as TL had run its course and he and tdk agreed that I was the best choice for a replacement for whatever reason

and here we are now!

sorry omg that was a lot longer than I expected


Indeed long but very interesting!

oh and in case it wasnt obvious I BRIBED NOBODY

lots of credit for my Smogon Success™️ goes to Sage, though. miss you ;-;


So what brought you to Smogon and Showdown?

I've been a fan of Pokemon for as long as I can remember, I played through the base games casually from a young age

my friends in primary (elementary) school were into it too, and we'd battle pretty often once bw came around and we were all old enough to actually know what moves and stuff do

being the competitive person I was and am, I furiously typed "competitive Pokemon" into my search engine as a kid, desperate to gain an advantage over my rivals

surprisingly I got to ps! long before Smogon

spent a lot of time messing around on ladder, nothing ever came of it though I just kinda used terrible sets and spammed like baton pass cheese

eventually I got bored and quit. a few years later (january 2018), my friend joey the goon invited me to join his draft league, and I was bored at the time so I said yes. that rekindled my love for competitive Pokemon so I started laddering randbats in my free time and then eventually got to UU

lurked the forums from that time until around when SS came around, took part in (and never got reqs for) a few suspects - I remember the Breloom one being my first - and that's how my smogon tenure came to be

once I started posting I just never stopped


Well that is quite the origin story! Smogon is very unique in that there is a very intimate and old community that has allowed this site to thrive for such a long time. What is your favorite part of our Pokemon community and what keeps you here?

my favourite part of the smogon community as a whole is UU no doubt! I also really love the other lower tier communities (less familiar with NU but I love RU PU and LC), they're super welcoming and tight-knit so it's like, rewarding to feel that they like you. I'm a super social person so I probably wouldn't have stuck around as long as I have - and definitely would not still be here - if not for the wonderful people around

I plan to take a break from actually playing Pokemon over the next few months but the community aspect is something I can't see myself leaving any time soon, even though there are a few bad eggs. sometimes I wish that people on this site would just be nicer to each other rather than waiting for opportunities to make quick gotchas and jabs for the sake of their like ratios, but such is life. I'm proud to say that I don't think anyone in UU is like that, at least!!


Yes for the most part UU is a very kind and amazing community. You have a lot of responsibility on this platform. Do you enjoy your position? Is there anything you do that you don't like or conversely anything you like that you don't do?

I love doing what I do, yea. there is a lot of pressure though which is very difficult to get used to

I don't think anyone really comes on this site expecting to lead a section or anything, most of us are just here because we like Pokemon and finding yourself in these positions can be pretty surprising and even daunting

I like to think I work pretty well under pressure & do a good enough job in general but there's always the lingering thought of "what if I'm not good enough?" that can be pretty difficult to deal with, and it's one thing that I've always been frustrated with in this position

as for things I do that I don't like

infracting someone is never fun

it's one thing to ban a spambot or whatever but it's pretty rough to actually have to punish a real person, particularly when it's a friend or someone within your community

I also have a habit of taking on wayyyy more responsibility than I can actually handle and getting kind of frustrated with everything after that but I'm improving on that front

I don't think there's anything on here I'd like to do that I don't do, though. it's always fun to think about what leading other sections and stuff would be like but my heart is in UU and I don't think that's gonna change


So like you mentioned earlier you live in Ireland. Tell me a bit about that. What do you love most about your country? Is there anything you dislike? Would you recommend anyone to visit and, if so, where?

with covid being how it is atm I haven't spent a whole lot of time outside my house in recent memory, so my view of ireland as a whole is a bit foggy

I looove the people that live here, ireland is known for being a very friendly place and I can say that's true for sure

there are lots of stinky boomers but you'll get that anywhere

lots of young people around here have very unified political and social outlooks which makes me fairly optimistic for my future as an lgbtq+ person, more than I would be elsewhere I think

being in the euro zone is great too

finally I'm a huge fan of the dying Irish language and I make an effort to do things to keep it alive. one thing I have been working on for a while is translating every Pokemon's name into irish - if you or anyone reading wants me to translate one in particular don't be shy to ask!! I don't bite!

I don't dislike a whole lot about the country other than the widespread glorification of alcohol and the lack of diversity in religion & ethnicity but they're pretty minor issues all in all


Very enlightening! Nice work trying to keep the language going. Thoughts on British people? (Keep to under 100 words and PG please).

oh boy

I'm not racist but

lol jk. I have no vendetta against the Brits but their history is hilariously appalling and I think most people, brits included, can agree on that(edited)

big fan of the british "people" meme as long as it's all in good fun but for obvious reasons I don't support actual discrimination

fuck Slough though


Haha! So tell me what are your favorite hobbies, music, TV and movies?

ooo okay so

I don't have many hobbies really, pokemon is my main thing but I've always been super into video games in general, so much so that I'm studying game design at university and I'm hoping to work in that field later on

some of my favourite games currently include Celeste, Terraria, the Persona series, and Genshin Impact

I also really like makeup. My sister is a beautician-in-training so it's been a common topic for us to talk about and naturally I gained am interest in it bc of that

As far as tv/movies go I don't watch a whole lot, mostly youtube, but I'm a huuuge sucker for Disney movies and I watch them w/ my boyfriend regularly

most recently watched Soul which is absolutely incredible PLEASE watch it

some youtube channels I love are Tom Scott, Settled, The Retro Future and False Swipe Gaming. also been a big fan of RTGame's twitch/youtube lately

as for music, words can't do it justice really

let me get my last fm chart from the last month

my all-time top chart (which really just goes from November bc that's when I signed up) is this

I listen to an average of like 6 hours of music per day but it's rlly varied I promise!!

bmth is a lot higher than all the others because their new album had just released and I was spamming it


I'll be sure to check all of this out! Let's play desert island. You are shipwrecked on a remote and tiny island that fortunately possesses all the necessities of life: food, water, shelter. You brought your 10 favorite non essential things with you, what are they?

oh my god LOL uhh

my phone, enough money to hire a private helicopter and a kayak to row far enough until I have a signal in case the island doesn't have one

or is that cheating


No that's fine lol

damn I'm lame

a good survivalist but lame nonetheless


Could you perhaps share a team of your own design that you are especially proud of?


does it have to be a current meta team or can I get one from a while back?


Current meta is best

But I suppose it doesn't matter

I made this Sticky Web team to face Clark (LNumbers) in UUPL - it isn't particularly impressive but it felt really good to use. I ended up losing the actual game off the back of some pretty poor luck and a couple of misplayed turns but the team remains good regardless. Slurpuff is cool as a Sticky Web setter because nothing really defogs on it safely after taking one of its attacks or Endeavor, and the rest is just standard setup spam that breaks well for other members on the team while retaining some form of defensive utility and taking advantage of the speed drop. I don't have a whole lot else that I can share since UUPL is going on and this meta is still young but I think this should be good enough


Really cool team! Last but not least, would you like to shout out anyone or give some final remarks?

a bunch of people but I'm not gonna tag individually bc it'll be wayyy too many

I love you guys more than I can say and you bring me so much joy even in my darkest days. some of you are edgy bitches but that's okay I wouldn't trade you for the world. ily all

idk what made you guys take me in but you have to be the single most down to earth and laid back group on the site. we meme about being negative all the time but it's no wonder all my interactions in there have been positive. thank you guys, you're the best!

UU council and community-
wouldn't be here if not for you guys! whether you're a long-term ingrained superstar or a fresh new face, I see you and appreciate you more than I can say. you're all part of the life force of this place and the cogs wouldn't turn the same way without you. you matter and you're important. thanks for making my time here great. <3

and thank you for having me, drew. this was super well conducted and I enjoyed it a lot :3


Awesome thanks for being here Lily!

Feel free to ask to Lilburr any questions you want!
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scatters things often
is a Site Content Manageris a Top Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
  1. Favorite core series Pokemon games?
  2. Favorite tea flavor?
  3. Primarina or Noivern?
  4. Not a question but pls come to brazil
  5. What do you miss the most from when you started in Smogon and what do you hope to see in the future for the site?
My question time!

1. What’s your favourite dish?

2. Who would save you from being stranded on an island?

3. What’s wrong with Mia? Band and I think that she suits you really well :>

4. If you play, I’ll assume you do, who’s your Smash main?


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UU Leader
iirc you brought an Alolan Raichu team to UUPL a few weeks ago. Why such an unorthodox mon? The unexpected factor? It's a cool team btw!
It was really just a case of "I felt like it and the idea seemed cool". Alolan Raichu has been great in terrain ever since the Isle of Armour released, Rising Voltage makes it an absolute demon to deal with and of course you literally can't outspeed it no matter how hard you try. I felt its qualities would be pretty good rn since the most common priority move in the tier is Bullet Punch, which it tanks pretty easily, and truly solid Electric resists are few and far between. Ended up running into an absolute nightmare matchup between CB Mamoswine and CB Tapu Bulu but I think the team & idea is still solid, tho ofc it's matchup fishy. I highly doubt my opponents expected it though!

When will you start allowing me to create more projects and tournaments? I have 12 ideas I'd like to push. Please DM me today to discuss when this week I will be posting them.

  1. Favorite core series Pokemon games?
  2. Favorite tea flavor?
  3. Primarina or Noivern?
  4. Not a question but pls come to brazil
  5. What do you miss the most from when you started in Smogon and what do you hope to see in the future for the site?
1) Black and White, the originals. They're by far the most polished and a lot of my favourite mons overall come from that game, and I have a ton of nostalgia. These days I play a lot of rom hacks, though, and Blaze Black 2 & Volt White 2 are the best hacks I've played - I recently nuzlocked them with termi and Lunala (luna wiped tho L), and I ended up with a pretty cool team. I'll follow it up with a pic here!

2) I don't drink much tea tbh, I like hot chocolate and coffee a bit more. That said you cannot beat this because it's the only tea I drink on a semi-regular basis since it's what my parents use.

3) Depends on what you mean! I like Noivern as a Pokemon a tiny bit more than Primarina but they're both really high up on my favourites list. As far as comparing their place in the meta goes, Noivern is Noivern and Primarina is Mega Rayquaza.


5) Sage >:( but also just being more intimidated and innocent lol. After a while of getting used to things I lost that rush of adrenaline I used to get from games and stuff, and while it's nice to be a bit calmer & more laid back it's certainly something I miss. As for what I want to see in the future, I'd like for a bit more cleaning up to be done, both in terms of problematic members of the community being removed & the forum itself being a bit nicer - I recently tried to clean up the pinned threads in UU, and made a proposal for other tiers to do something similar, which I hope others will take on board. I'd also like a formal conclusion to be reached with this thread, and some progress has been made after talking to Hogg a little bit! Still got a ways to go, but I think it could lead to a much brighter future for a lot of these tiers, particularly ones like BW RU that have immense potential but could use just a little bit of cleaning up.

Have you seen this short film partly about Irish language
Yes! I watched it in Irish class and even wrote an essay about it, more than once in fact. It's really good - slightly unrealistic, but it tells a story that's both heartwarming and eye-opening that I really enjoyed. The obvious message of cultivating culture is important, but I also liked that the underlying theme of finding an identity that fits you & finding a place where you belong is expressed so well. I wasn't really aware that others outside of Ireland had actually seen this, though. If you enjoy them then I can definitely link you some more Irish short films that are worth a watch! Most of them aren't about the language, though.

My question time!

1. What’s your favourite dish?

2. Who would save you from being stranded on an island?

3. What’s wrong with Mia? Band and I think that she suits you really well :>

4. If you play, I’ll assume you do, who’s your Smash main?
1) Roast dishes are always amazing. Between roast chicken, potatoes (haha), various vegetables, gravy, turkey, beef and whatever else, there are endless options that I'm a huge fan of. I'm not the best chef though, still kinda learning how to cook properly, so my favourite dish that I can actually cook is pizza.

2) I'd like to think it'd be my boyfriend but he'd probably laugh at me, so realistically it'd probably be Eve.

3) Franziska is a lot better that's all

4) I don't play much anymore, certainly haven't in the past year or so. I never got into anything pre-Ultimate particularly competitively (and I'm still not exactly a competitive smasher lol but I've maintained elite on most of the roster so good enough for me), and I wouldn't say I have a main in any of those games really. As far as Ultimate goes, I main Inkling. I play a lot of Joker, Yoshi, and Pikachu too.

please keep the questions coming I love talking about myself
1) What's your favorite thing about Ireland?
2) What are your top 5 favorite anime?
3) Do you have any pets?
4) What's your favorite generation of UU?
5) What's your favorite Shiny Pokemon?
6) What was your first Pokemon game and first starter?
7) What are your thoughts on Scottish people?


is this what you wanted?
is a Tutoris a Site Content Manageris a Top Social Media Contributoris a Community Leaderis a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Smogon Media Contributoris a member of the Battle Simulator Staffis a Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Senior Staff Member Alumnus
UU Leader
1) What's your favorite thing about Ireland?
2) What are your top 5 favorite anime?
3) Do you have any pets?
4) What's your favorite generation of UU?
5) What's your favorite Shiny Pokemon?
6) What was your first Pokemon game and first starter?
7) What are your thoughts on Scottish people?
1) I don't really have a favourite thing per se, but I guess in terms of stuff that's like, tangible? it'd be the language. I always hated my Irish classes when I was taking them because it felt like I was being forced to learn in a way that just didn't suit me whatsoever but my passion for the language shone through regardless, and it's still something I hold dear to me even though it's not spoken (I've had 2 conversations in Irish in the past 5 years outside of mandatory school stuff).

2) I don't actually watch anime, believe it or not! The Pokemon anime excluded, but even then I never watched any of the seasons in full. I guess I have to include Kaguya-sama: Love Is War because my boyfriend bullied me into watching it with him at some point, and uhh, Persona 4 the Animation if that counts because we watched that together too. Other than that I haven't seen much of anything.

3) I have a dog named Gizmo! He's the BEST I love him so much omg I'm gonna include some pictures of him bc he's PERFECT

4) I feel obligated to say SS even though I don't like the current meta that much just because it's the one I broke through in and by far the one I have the most memories with. If we're talking purely from a metagame/playing standpoint, then the answer is DPP.

5) Hmm I've never really thought about it. It's hard to pick just one, especially because a lot of my favourite Pokemon (Togedemaru, Drilbur, Raboot) happen to have shinies that I'm not a huge fan of / am mostly just indifferent on. Some shinies I really like are Decidueye, Zigzagoon, Altaria and Manectric.

6) My first Pokemon game was Emerald and my starter was Mudkip but I was a very very silly child who didn't understand what she was doing back then so I didn't really do anything right and idt I beat the game. My first game that I played through somewhat coherently was White, and I picked Tepig!

7) I love Scottish people they're so cool and they have the best accents of all time (except maybe Australian)

1. What's your favourite disney movie and why?
2. Dyk what golurks, primarina, and little drillburr are in Irish?
1) My favourite is reaaaally hard to nail down but I think I've gotta give it to Big Hero 6. It came at a time in my life where I was pretty down and I related a lot to how Hiro felt, so it stuck with me as possibly my favourite movie of all time since. Honourable mentions go to Soul, Wall-E and Lilo & Stitch.

Róbaím (roe-beem, translates essentially to "lurking robot" since there's no word for golem)

Amhraínceoir (ow-rin-kyawr, translates roughly to "singing ballerina")

Droillire (drill-ih-rah, drill + burrow, kinda awkward to translate this one though)


إسمي جف
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis the 8th Grand Slam Winner
What motivates you on this site?
Where would you travel to given the opportunity?
What's your favorite video game franchise growing up?
If you could go back in time and witness any historical event, what would it be?
Is there anything you wanted to bring up about yourself but never had the opportunity?


is this what you wanted?
is a Tutoris a Site Content Manageris a Top Social Media Contributoris a Community Leaderis a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Smogon Media Contributoris a member of the Battle Simulator Staffis a Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Senior Staff Member Alumnus
UU Leader
What motivates you on this site?
Where would you travel to given the opportunity?
What's your favorite video game franchise growing up?
If you could go back in time and witness any historical event, what would it be?
Is there anything you wanted to bring up about yourself but never had the opportunity?
1) as cheesy as it may be it's you & all the other friends I've made here. I came along because I was hyped about SS UU but I don't tend to stick around places for long if I don't feel I fit in with the people there - didn't have to worry about that with UU though, the community welcomed me super warmly and I guess I've just stuck around since then. as for what motivates me to do all the "work" I do if you can call it that... boredom? probably at least. I really like writing analytical pieces, whether that's a metagame post, a dex analysis or a 4am rant to a friend about whether or not toxicroak has a niche. there are a lot of factors in play but I think overall it's mostly those two

2) california! super basic answer but I have a lot of friends I'd like to meet there. I'd also get to force vivalospride to finally record that video with me once I find his address. honourable mentions go to Australia because being upside down seems super cool and Germany because I learned this language and I want to USE IT

3) pokemon feels like a cop out answer but it's probably the closest to the truth if you're going for games with multiple installments. I played a lot of cod (yes I was an annoying squeaker) but I wouldn't say it was my favourite, just something I enjoyed bc my friends enjoyed it and I liked hanging out with them. as for games I loved that only have one game in their series, Runescape was and is extremely dear to me as a game I've been playing for almost 15 years at this stage (yes i still play it), Minecraft is something I burned thousands of hours in, Terraria is my favourite game of all time and I've dropped just over 5000 hours into that over the past 7 years or so, and Overwatch was more recent since I've only been playing it for abt 5 years but it's special because it's the first game I got truly good at - I was semi-pro before joining Smogon and still like to play casually from time to time. always looking for ppl to play that with so please hit me up if you'd like to @ anyone reading this!! special mentions go to both the Mario and Sonic franchises which I enjoyed a lot growing up and still do, the few Kirby games I played, the Spyro series (and Skylanders I guess) and probably a ton of other stuff I'm forgetting.

4) this one's kinda weird but I've always been fascinated by space and enormous natural disasters, so I would absolutely love to witness the big bang or the chicxulub asteroid (the one that killed the dinos) because WOW that'd be amazing and would also probably blind me for life. this assumes i'm immune to all damage from it. uhh failing that idk, feel like mlk's "i have a dream" speech would be immensely powerful at the scene, though.

5) hard to think of anything tbh, but here's something - I was gonna say this question is hard for me because I've "always been a pretty open book" but that actually is not the case. I used to be a pathological liar for reasons I can't really explain, I think it stemmed from anxiety-driven lies at first and then spiraled into me doing it for the adrenaline rush or just because I'd already made some web of lies that I couldn't see a way out of. I try my best to avoid that these days and I like to think I've done a great job of being honest with myself and with others ever since becoming active here - I've sometimes told unintentional "lies" just bc I'm stupid and misinterpret things a lot but in general I value my honesty a lot more these days and I'm glad for that.

3) I have a dog named Gizmo! He's the BEST I love him so much omg I'm gonna include some pictures of him bc he's PERFECT
just realised I never did this OMG I'm so sorry to disappoint you StarFalcon555 I WILL INCLUDE HIM NOW


Fusion Flare

i have hired this cat to stare at you
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
1. If you could change one thing about each of the generations of UU tiering-wise.....what would it be? Who would you ban? Would any of the unban options seem enticing? Is it all just fine as is?

2. Speaking of which, how has it been playing current SWSH meta? Would you argue that this metagame is truly satisfying? Do you look forward to former UU pokemon such as Infernape and Empoleon to pay a visit once again?

3. How GAMER is Tangrowth ACTUALLY?


is this what you wanted?
is a Tutoris a Site Content Manageris a Top Social Media Contributoris a Community Leaderis a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Smogon Media Contributoris a member of the Battle Simulator Staffis a Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Senior Staff Member Alumnus
UU Leader
Thoughts on Margaret Thatcher?

Favorite Album/Song of all time?

Favorite UU pokemon?
1) She looks like a Barbaracle

2) I definitely cannot pick one lol, there's just so much music out there. My favourite album atm is probably Chromatica by Lady Gaga but it fluctuates a whole lot. Favourite song on that album is Babylon or Sour Candy and favourite song overall atm is Without Me by Halsey.

3) As in favourite to use in UU? Noivern if that counts, but if it has to be UU by usage then Lycanroc-Dusk. If we're talking about favourite overall Pokemon that happens to be UU by usage, then it's Primarina.

1. If you could change one thing about each of the generations of UU tiering-wise.....what would it be? Who would you ban? Would any of the unban options seem enticing? Is it all just fine as is?

2. Speaking of which, how has it been playing current SWSH meta? Would you argue that this metagame is truly satisfying? Do you look forward to former UU pokemon such as Infernape and Empoleon to pay a visit once again?

3. How GAMER is Tangrowth ACTUALLY?
RBY - No idea but I guess Dragonite since they seem to want to do that.
GSC - Banning the entire playerbase seems like a good start
ADV - I think ADV is probably just fine as is but I've always thought it'd be cool to retest Armaldo and introduce a sturdy Kanga check + either Knock or Spin to the tier.
DPP - Would not touch it
BW - Ban the fuck out of Victini and maybe Togekiss
ORAS - :conk:
SM - I would've just ripped the bandaid and gotten rid of Blissey or Alo or something
SS - Get rid of Prim or Glowbro

2) I think the current meta is better than it's been in a long time but I don't think it's very fun. I'd say you can build good teams that don't lose to much but they don't tend to be very enjoyable for me to pilot. I'm looking forward to the shakeup from the DPP remakes and I hope it helps a lot with balancing stuff like Prim and maybe even some UUBLs like Latias.

3) A lot more gamer than Amoonguss for sure

what is your favorite album and why
I answered this one above but I'd feel bad if I didn't give a second option so my 2nd favourite album atm is how i'm feeling now by Charli XCX. I don't really know why, I've just been enjoying it a lot over the past few weeks. Favourite song on it is claws or anthems, both are super good and I highly recommend giving it a listen. Your pfp is cute btw!! You better send a link >:(

Indigo Plateau

is a Community Leaderis a Top Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Past SCL Champion
UU Leader
hello lily
why is your name little burrito (how did u pick it)
top 3 ice cream flavors
sweet or unsweetened ice tea (choose wisely)
ramolost approaches u & offers u 1 mill euros to marry him for a day do u accept
do u still have nightmares of me destroying u in uupl last year
why are u so bad at pocket monsters imagine being interviewed over me (e: do not interview me)


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Thoughts on this Toge set?
this is heat as fuck oml
I actually ran something similar in a draft league once but using Weakness Policy on it never occured to me, I just had a Sturdy Agility + Fell Stinger set with Reversal and Zing Zap @ either Salac or Liechi idr. Very cool I love him

hello lily
why is your name little burrito (how did u pick it)
top 3 ice cream flavors
sweet or unsweetened ice tea (choose wisely)
ramolost approaches u & offers u 1 mill euros to marry him for a day do u accept
do u still have nightmares of me destroying u in uupl last year
why are u so bad at pocket monsters imagine being interviewed over me (e: do not interview me)

1) If you mean little burrito specifically then that came from UUPL 2020 where Chill Shadow would call me various names like that (little burrito, little burden, little bureaucrat, probably more). If you mean Lilburr then it's just a combination of Lily, my real name, and Drilbur, my at-the-time favourite Pokemon. Added an extra R because Lilbur was taken on ps! and I think it looks better like this anyway.

2) Cookie dough, vanilla, mint chocolate chip

3) I don't usually drink ice tea, idt it's particularly common around here bc most people I know drink regular ol' hot tea instead. I think the one ice tea I had was sweetened? but I honestly don't know


But for a day? Yea sure. I'd even go to a week for that money I think.

5) Believe it or not yea I actually do think about it quite a lot. To this day I can't decide of I choked or lost a 50/50. I don't have nightmares tho. Only Pumpkin Hill gives me those. Long story.

6) I am terrible because I never chose to get good but I clicked buttons good a few times and now people think I'm competent fsr

hope u have a good day. this goes for everyone else who asked me questions too. bom dia BigFatMantis Bandkrook pokemonisfun Codename Magnum Mygrein StarFalcon555 467 11 11p Adaam Sickist Fusion Flare Estronic
Last edited:


Banned deucer.
this is heat as fuck oml
I actually ran something similar in a draft league once but using Weakness Policy on it never occured to me, I just had a Sturdy Agility + Fell Stinger set with Reversal and Zing Zap @ either Salac or Liechi idr. Very cool I love him


1) If you mean little burrito specifically then that came from UUPL 2020 where Chill Shadow would call me various names like that (little burrito, little burden, little bureaucrat, probably more). If you mean Lilburr then it's just a combination of Lily, my real name, and Drilbur, my at-the-time favourite Pokemon. Added an extra R because Lilbur was taken on ps! and I think it looks better like this anyway.

2) Cookie dough, vanilla, mint chocolate chip

3) I don't usually drink ice tea, idt it's particularly common around here bc most people I know drink regular ol' hot tea instead. I think the one ice tea I had was sweetened? but I honestly don't know


But for a day? Yea sure. I'd even go to a week for that money I think.

5) Believe it or not yea I actually do think about it quite a lot. To this day I can't decide of I choked or lost a 50/50. I don't have nightmares tho. Only Pumpkin Hill gives me those. Long story.

6) I am terrible because I never chose to get good but I clicked buttons good a few times and now people think I'm competent fsr

hope u have a good day. this goes for everyone else who asked me questions too. bom dia BigFatMantis Bandkrook pokemonisfun Codename Magnum Mygrein StarFalcon555 467 11 11p Adaam Sickist Fusion Flare Estronic

Do you know how to tag people?

lily edit: idk what happened but you saw nothing

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