Pokémon GO

guy doing a charity run for 1 million exp got banned as well.
and more catch rate stupidity, CP 197 kakuna... small orange circle... REALLY putting it at the same level as 400+ stuff.
It must be quite a speed before the game thinks that you are trying to hack it as i can drive while my wife is on pokestop duty and whilst gps is often slow to keep up now and she dont get to hit all the stops we havent yet seen a softban from it
May have to do with the fact that the train I was went through a lot of tunnels, so GPS flipped out when we left the tunnel.

guy doing a charity run for 1 million exp got banned as well.
and more catch rate stupidity, CP 197 kakuna... small orange circle... REALLY putting it at the same level as 400+ stuff.
Wait what? Charity run for 1 million EXP?


Ranting & Raving!
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It was only a matter of time. And if you want it from an official source.

We've got Pokemon Go-related deaths of people playing the game, but this is the first of Pokemon Go player accidentally killing someone. A trucker playing Pokemon Go hit two woman while they were crossing the street, one of them dying.

Now this is no different from all the other accidental deaths caused by idiots who text, tweet, or check facebook on their phone. Still, I just know every news outlet is going to blow this story up (not without reason, someone still died due to someone's stupidity). What does this mean for Pokemon Go? Well nothing at first, though after much outcry I imagine they might make it so the game can't be played if it detect you going at a certain speed (and while not a bad idea, depending on the speed it can be restricted to motorized vehicles or you won't be able to play it if you're biking/running).
nothing to do with pokemon go, its the same as the mass of other idiots who text etc, and those are far worse anyway as they just stop when walking.
although this game does like giving me freaking zubats when trying to cross a road (was worth the frustration after crossing the road.. 91% IV.
oh the new patch is out for me, the new appraisal stuff is pretty good, comments on weight etc of your pokemon, gym leaders commenting on the size of your jigglypuffs.
As sad as it is to hear, I think it would be wrong and almost disrespectful to blame it upon Pokémon Go. It's simply a matter of people not being educated on paying attention - which the app itself pushes you to do.
What does this mean for Pokémon GO? I will tell you. Since gaming and digital stuff is always frowned upon as recreational activity, accidents like this will hurt the game much more than you'd think. People that play Candy Crush aren't considered 'gamers' by the mass, but for some reason Pokémon GO players are. Why? Because Candy Crush is socially accepted because 'everyone does it'. I hope Pokémon will also get accepted like that.

Someone calls/texts/tweets/reads news/plays Candy Crush on their phone and causes an accident: "That idiot was on his phone."

Someone plays Pokémon GO on their phone and causes an accident: "That idiot was playing Pokémon GO."

People just have to hate on what's recently the trend/fun to a group of people. You know those hoverboard things which automatically roll when you lean forward? People hate on it with the reason: "All that stupid technology stuff nowadays, why don't people do something normal?" I've heard a lot of bullshit here in The Netherlands already, from people that just unreasonably hate the fact that some people have a hobby that involves doing something digital. I had a talk with a few older ladies earlier, talking about Pokémon GO. They told me they hate it, and "people should just put that device away and go do something useful instead". "Like what?" I asked. "Like football or something" they replied. "People should just look for a normal hobby instead of chasing digital characters."

Why is playing football 24/7 considered 'dedication' and 'top sport' and 'wow respect', and why is training 24/7 for World Championships on League of Legends considered 'no life' and 'that's easy money' and 'staring at a screen for so long, they must be retarded'? Fucking why? People make me so mad. The worst thing really is that they can't even put up a proper argument and that they come up with fallacies all the time. "Man, back in the days everything was better when there was no technology." Yeah sure. What do they consider as a proper hobby? Watching television? Sunbathing and literally doing nothing? Going out and spending too much money on too many drinks, just because it's expected from you when you go out?

But hey, you know, that's what everyone else always does so it's 'just' normal. When you'd ask them: "Why is playing a lot of football OK, and why is playing a lot of games bad? What if it makes someone happy? Who are you to decide for someone else?" The general answer you'll get is: "I don't care, it's just different."

Sorry for this rant. Just outing my frustration regarding the topic here.
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So some asshole decides Pokemon Go > basic common sense and safety.

My regards to the victims. It's a shame how other people's stupidity can get you hurt.

As sad as this is, it also upsets me that people are undoubtedly gonna blame this tragedy on Pokemon Go, despite the fact that using your phone for any purpose while driving is dangerous and has always been an issue. It's not Pokemon Go that's the problem here, it's the carelessness of the person who was playing it. Those women didn't deserve what happened to them, and Pokemon Go doesn't deserve it's bad rep. That guy should 100% be held accountable for his actions. Unfortunately, if things like this keep happening, I wouldn't be surprised if a lawsuit against Niantic eventually came up.
nothing to do with them though, they have warnings not to do it, and there are laws against using your phone while driving.


Take care of yourself.
is a Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnus
@ all the people who are complaining about Pokémon being difficult to catch because they keep attacking
Right before wild Pokémon attack, the screen around them is filled with lines:

When this happens, hold back the Poké Ball and you should be fine. It's not that hard-- if I was able to take this screenshot, you should be fine (granted this did take 89 attempts to get but it's impossible to know when the lines are about to show up, seeing as the lines themselves are a signal). The only thing in your way is "Safari Zone hax" aka when a CP 60 Rattata repeatedly breaks out of the ball.

This also works in Gym Battles. Dodge right as the lines appear on the screen.

On another subject, I hate to be negative about this game but I don't like how they removed the feature that shows a little mini-map of the area where you caught a Pokémon on the summary page of that Pokémon. I'd definitely go back to the place where I caught my now-1100 Starmie if I could find it. True, it won't be missed as much as the footprint feature, but when Niantic gets its act together, I hope it makes a comeback.
What does this mean for Pokémon GO? I will tell you. Since gaming and digital stuff is always frowned upon as recreational activity, accidents like this will hurt the game much more than you'd think. People that play Candy Crush aren't considered 'gamers' by the mass, but for some reason Pokémon GO players are. Why? Because Candy Crush is socially accepted because 'everyone does it'. I hope Pokémon will also get accepted like that.

Someone calls/texts/tweets/reads news/plays Candy Crush on their phone and causes an accident: "That idiot was on his phone."

Someone plays Pokémon GO on their phone and causes an accident: "That idiot was playing Pokémon GO."

People just have to hate on what's recently the trend/fun to a group of people. You know those hoverboard things which automatically roll when you lean forward? People hate on it with the reason: "All that stupid technology stuff nowadays, why don't people do something normal?" I've heard a lot of bullshit here in The Netherlands already, from people that just unreasonably hate the fact that some people have a hobby that involves doing something digital. I had a talk with a few older ladies earlier, talking about Pokémon GO. They told me they hate it, and "people should just put that device away and go do something useful instead". "Like what?" I asked. "Like football or something" they replied. "People should just look for a normal hobby instead of chasing digital characters."

Why is playing football 24/7 considered 'dedication' and 'top sport' and 'wow respect', and why is training 24/7 for World Championships on League of Legends considered 'no life' and 'that's easy money' and 'staring at a screen for so long, they must be retarded'? Fucking why? People make me so mad. The worst thing really is that they can't even put up a proper argument and that they come up with fallacies all the time. "Man, back in the days everything was better when there was no technology." Yeah sure. What do they consider as a proper hobby? Watching television? Sunbathing and literally doing nothing? Going out and spending too much money on too many drinks, just because it's expected from you when you go out?

But hey, you know, that's what everyone else always does so it's 'just' normal. When you'd ask them: "Why is playing a lot of football OK, and why is playing a lot of games bad? What if it makes someone happy? Who are you to decide for someone else?" The general answer you'll get is: "I don't care, it's just different."

Sorry for this rant. Just outing my frustration regarding the topic here.
I completely agree with this post, and it reminded me of something I wanted to say. It's off topic, but seeing as the rest of my post is OK I think I can get away with it.

My opinion is this: Sports are extremely overrated.
First of all, I never really found them fun to watch because it's literally just a bunch of people representing a city/state competing against another bunch of people physically. Running around each other, slamming into each other, throwing and kicking objects around just doesn't stack up to a Mega Rayquaza using Waterfall on a Primal Groudon while strong winds swirl around the battlefield in my eyes. (Speaking of battlefields, Game Freak really needs to work on that Wi-Fi background).

Secondly, I don't really see the point of playing them. I play a sport in order to waive PE (not that I don't want to take it, just that I have other classes I want to take) and I can tell you that I don't like it at all. My school's team is really bad, so I don't even look forward to the games, and the practices are even worse. Exercise? I have Pokémon Go for that. Friends? I've met friends at my sport, true. But I haven't met friends because of that sport (a friend I met there speedruns Pokémon games, and the conversation started with Pokémon. Besides it's not like we can talk much at practice anyway). Fame? I'm much more likely to get famous through VGC than through my sport. I don't really see any reason why I should play it, and I don't understand the hype over sports in general.

rant over


The V stands for VGC
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That opinion is so narrow-minded I feel the urge to answer.

I don't think you've realised, but you are exactly the old ladies Fluke is talking about. You just reversed the position of sports and Pokémon Go in your speach, but otherwise, you use the exact same plain arguments, exact same wrong reasoning, just to randomly devalue sports and making the promotion of video games instead.

If you're not into sports, that's your call. But don't say the exercise from Pokémon Go is anywhere near the exercise from an average sport. Don't say that sport is nothing but a "bunch of people representing a city/state competing against another bunch of people physically", because you obviously don't know what you are talking about.
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Take care of yourself.
is a Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnus
That opinion is so narrow-minded I feel the urge to answer.

I don't think you've realised, but you are exactly the old ladies Fluke is talking about. You just reversed the position of sports and Pokémon Go in your speach, but otherwise, you use the exact same plain arguments, exact same wrong reasoning, just to randomly devalue sports and making the promotion of video games instead.

If you're not into sports, that's your call. But don't say the exercise from Pokémon Go is anywhere near the exercise from an average sport. Don't say that sport is nothing but a "bunch of people representing a city/state competing against another bunch of people physically", because you obviously don't know what you are talking about.
Look, I said:
I don't understand the hype over sports in general.
If there is a legitimate reason for why people enjoy sports, I don't know about it. My negative opinion comes from my personal experience with it, not just "because it's different".

If you know something about sports that I don't (which you seem to), then PM me and we can discuss it. Maybe you can change my mind on the subject instead of calling me narrow-minded.

This thread, on the other hand, needs to get back on track. It could also use some positivity after all these rants (not to mention the recent accident).
Back on topic: Last night I tried to collect as many coins as possible with my friend. We tried to take over 10 gyms, but unfortunately one got taken by another team in the process. Still felt really good to redeem that many coins :]

Schermafbeelding 2016-08-25 om 10.54.04.png


Robot from the Future
is a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Pokemon Researcheris a Smogon Media Contributor
Orange Islands
So I finally caught an Electabuzz the other night, got another 10km egg and also hatched a Growlithe which is my first Fire Type since release... Absolutely nothing here in regards to fire types.

I absolutely hate the new tracking system and whatever is coming next. No Niantic, I do not want to wander around totally aimlessly while trying to find something. I've had Magmar/Pinsir/Butterfree/Venomoth all show up in my "nearby" listing and I haven't once felt the need to go and search for them. What's the point? I have no idea of direction, no idea how far away they are or anything. Just incredibly frustrating to see something you want, but have no desire to go looking for it.

I've pretty much stopped playing GO. I'm nearly Lv 17 and I have no interest in doing much more. There are no gyms near me, without me going massively out of my way, so no way to earn coins, everyone here has like lv 3280948387436278 Hypno's etc everywhere, so my like less than 1k mons stand no chance. I'm still collecting and catching things so I can try and get some dex completion (I'm at 59 caught, 61 seen; I missed a Cloyster and Pikachu). I can get a few more from evolving things I have but there are still a good number of things I have never even seen on the nearby listing. I'm aiming to get Gyarados then probably just stop entirely. Saying that, all the gyms near me have been somehow taken over by some dude with a Lv 1000 Golbat so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Arcanine seems to be the best CP fire pokemon anyway.
Hypno? Hypno is good but not super, just find one with shadow ball, your gyms sound like heaven compared to 2000+ Snorlax and Dragonites.
CP is everything in this game. My 1900 CP Jolteon does absolutely nothing vs. a 2100 CP Gyarados. Thunder + x4 weakness? Not a thing in this game.


is an Artist
CP is everything in this game. My 1900 CP Jolteon does absolutely nothing vs. a 2100 CP Gyarados. Thunder + x4 weakness? Not a thing in this game.
It also doesn't help that fast mons in general aren't very good in this game due to how they made base stats translate over. My jolteon should not be getting bodied by a vaporeon of a similar CP level.
I absolutely hate the new tracking system and whatever is coming next. No Niantic, I do not want to wander around totally aimlessly while trying to find something. I've had Magmar/Pinsir/Butterfree/Venomoth all show up in my "nearby" listing and I haven't once felt the need to go and search for them. What's the point? I have no idea of direction, no idea how far away they are or anything. Just incredibly frustrating to see something you want, but have no desire to go looking for it.
fyi the system that's coming next works like this: there'll be an arrow on top of a pokestop pointing in the direction of the pokemon you're looking for. i believe it won't be that far away either.


Robot from the Future
is a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Pokemon Researcheris a Smogon Media Contributor
Orange Islands
fyi the system that's coming next works like this: there'll be an arrow on top of a pokestop pointing in the direction of the pokemon you're looking for. i believe it won't be that far away either.
Honestly, that doesn't really help when there are no Pokestops around either... There are only 3 within walking distance of were I live, and although there are many more in the City where I work, I cannot just up and wander out of the office :P


Cod Mod
is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
That new Appraisal system sure is neat. Even more so than the in-game IV checker, I'd say, since it's always available, and the option even pops up after you've captured a 'mon. Now I catch Pokémon, check IVs, and transfer them straight away if they're poor. Keeps my collection neat and tidy.

Only problem is, when first looking up what the messages meant, my source had switched around the message for 13-14 IVs and 15 IVs. I think I might have transferred a couple of 15-IV 'mons and kept subpar ones instead. Whoops!

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