Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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From PokeBeach:
TV Tokyo just updated the summary for this week's Pokemon Sunday episode, adding, "More new Pokemon!?" They usually post a generic summary of Pokemon Sunday episodes a week in advance, then update it the week leading up to the episode's premiere. The show airs Saturday afternoon in U.S. time, so be sure to check back here for whatever new Pokemon they reveal! It'll probably just be silhouettes, like all fifth generation Pokemon that have been revealed on the show thus far. Thanks go to Yaminokame for the translation.
In related news, rumors have been circulating on Japanese forum 2ch concerning the contents of this month's CoroCoro magazine. Last month, rumors of the magazine's contents also circulated a few days before the scans were leaked, and many of them turned out to be true. Current rumors hold that Black and White's professor is female and named Araragi, that the evil team is named Team Plasma, that there will be triple battles, that there are around 150 new Pokemon, and that the silhouettes of the region's legendary trio look like cotton, a dog, and a bipedal animal. Remember how we posted the three starter Pokemon's names before they were ever officially confirmed? The source we used also has this information, so it may turn out to be true. Other completely unconfirmed rumors floating around are that the plot doesn't involve collecting eight badges, that the main character knows how to excavate ruins, and that the protagonist's father is an explorer. And according to the interwebz, Reshiram is Ice / Dragon and Zekrom is Electric / Dragon, and the two can change types during battle. Remember, these are obviously just rumors for now, but they are interesting nevertheless! Thanks go to DorianBlack for these translations. We'll find out the truth within the next few days when scans of the magazine leak, possibly even as early as tomorrow morning.
Wow something that might be true that we can talk about.
While we're throwing out random ideas I thought of some moves and abilities.

Fire - Physical
BP 100
ACC 100
PP 5
Inflicts burn on the user. (Fire types are immune to this effect).
The user ignites its body and then lunges for the opponent.

I considered 120 bp but giving fire types a 180 bp attack with no drawbacks might be a bit too good. Mixed sweepers could toss this on their set if theyre aching for fire coverage, burn wouldnt be the end of their world so to speak if theyre running mostly special. heracross desperately wants this but I can see no legitimate reason to give it to him. Provides a potent physical fire attack, makes fire types more useful, and refrains from encroaching on EQs 100/100 no drawbacks crown.

Acid wave
Poison - Physical
BP 100
ACC 100
PP 5
Inflicts toxic on the user. (Poison types are immune to this effect).

It fits with the theme I've got going, Breloom might like it.

Electric - Physical
BP 100
ACC 100
PP 5
Inflicts paralysis on the user. (Electric types are immune to this effect).

The final part of the self-status trio. Probably the worst of the three but gives electivire something to play with.

Ability: Poison Pressure
Effect: Pokemon in battle take double damage from poison (the status effect).

I have this idea of a smog weather team that relies on spreading poison to wear down the opponent, very stall-ish. put this on a weezing or muk evo and toxic stall, yay.

Ability: Natural Toxins
Effect: Poison type attacks used by this pokemon inflict standard poison in addition to their other effects (This effect is applied after other effects).

Same theme, spreads alot of poison around.

Thats all I've got for the moment, these just kind of came to me so I thought I'd share.

EDIT: Holy crap triple battles, very.... final fantasy-ish, I'll hold off on judgement but sounds very chaotic. Not much could survive a 3 poke focus fire.
Cool stuff but like...if the story strays away from the "8badge collection" then what do you guys speculate the storyline would be :D?

I'm thinking uhhh since your father is an archealogist(I suck at spelling kthxbai)he finds some important ruins in his journey which have some relation to the three legendaries or maybe even Reshiram and Zekrom and then asks you to investigate them with him , both of you go to the ruins where suddenly BOOOOOOOOOOM , Team Plasma kidnaps your father and you begin your journey for saving him.

The professor(Araragi) could be some good friend/relative of your dad and then rushes and gives you a pokemon/pokedex and orders you to rescue your dad .

Yaaaa so I suck at stories but I just wanted to give an example.
3 poke battles? forget it, pokemon became digimon world dawn, this is going to be epic shit, i even bet now pokemons will have 3000 hp and its atacks will be doing more then 1000 by hit just like in digimon.
3 poke battles? forget it, pokemon became digimon world dawn, this is going to be epic shit, i even bet now pokemons will have 3000 hp and its atacks will be doing more then 1000 by hit just like in digimon.
Blah Blah Blah, it's digimon, blah blah blah really it's getting old and annoying. Like someone early said, it's also final fantasy-ish. So gosh gee willikers batman it's turning into final fantasy! Next the pokemon are going to turn into humans, start using magic, swords, etc. and defeat a jester looking dude!


But with reshiram being ice/dragon, it might have a chance in OU :D
Why would Ice/Dragon banish it to OU? Sounds like an alright typing to me... >_>

Does anyone know what Araragi is in Japanese? I think people guessed that it was going to be Professor Rowan just by the Japanese name during D/P, so maybe we could guess what kind of tree they'll use this time. (Still holding out for Professor Willow, Professor Maple, and/or Professor Ivy)

Team Plasma...well Plasma could either stand for the fourth state of matter, or the liquid part of human blood. I'm inclined to think that it's standing for the first, and as Plasma is relatively technology-ish, this could again point to the fact that gen 5 will have a technology-nature theme going on.

The legendary trio sounds hilarious. Cotton?
Actually, IMO triple battles might be fun and not too overwhelming. Although they are probably going to use them sparingly the first time around. Team Plasma sounds cool. Someone predicted Ice/Dragon and Electric/Dragon earlier and I believe it now (although that kinda stinks; I like the way that most cover legendaries match both the color of their games and the type they are in terms of general color; besides, Reshiram does not seem to have many of the qualities of an Ice-type, and Zekrom has more potential to look Electric-type-ish). I was hoping for Light/Dragon and Dark/Dragon myself. At least we get new type combos (looking at you Palkia). I think them changing type would be a bit too much renovation for me, but after Deoxys and Giratina getting new formes, I guess it might not be TOO much of a big step (although I don't think they will be able to change into ANY type and only between a few types, hopefully one of which is Flying for Reshiram and Dark for Zekrom).
Why would Ice/Dragon banish it to OU? Sounds like an alright typing to me... >_>

Does anyone know what Araragi is in Japanese? I think people guessed that it was going to be Professor Rowan just by the Japanese name during D/P, so maybe we could guess what kind of tree they'll use this time. (Still holding out for Professor Willow, Professor Maple, and/or Professor Ivy)

Team Plasma...well Plasma could either stand for the fourth state of matter, or the liquid part of human blood. I'm inclined to think that it's standing for the first, and as Plasma is relatively technology-ish, this could again point to the fact that gen 5 will have a technology-nature theme going on.

The legendary trio sounds hilarious. Cotton?
I meant because of SR, but it will have to depend on stats, etc. of course. I also like ice/dragon, better then flying/dragon.

I read somewhere on pokebeach that it translate to Yew.
Someone said that a story could be where Team Plasma, kidnapps your father. And you rescue him.
What if your father was actually part of Team Plasma once, but then he pulled out, when things were getting crazy, and then they force him to recruit again, becasue he is the best scintist, and then the villan is actually your dad, who is under control from the Team Plasma
that would actually be a great way for the father to show up, in RSE our father was a tough bitch gym leader, and in BW he would be a tough bitch team member, it DOES sounds interesting, altough i would make this a little bit different.
the main character(us of course) is having his birthday of i dont know how many years, the father decide to introduce us to the prof of the region, and we can pick a pokemon, the father then receive a phone call from a ??? person and says he must go to the laboratory he work ASAP, he dont come back for 1 or 2 days, and the family is starting to get worry.

the main character with his pokemon decide its better to go check out the place, after some traveling he find out his father dissapeared nowhere to be found, and no one in the lab know what exactly happened. the main character soon find out about team plasma who has being causing a series of crimes around the region, and so the main character start to suspect the ones responsible for the father dissapearing are team plasma.

after pursuting the team for some time, he find they main base, after getting inside he find his father, using the same clothes the bosses inside the facility are, the main character show up in front of him asking what happened, the father says he is in fact, the leader of team plasma and they plans is to steal all the energy and anything related to it from the entire region, then world, causing a entire blackout all over the world, on the other version of the game team plasma want to use everything from nature for they own plans instead.

the main character fight his father in a dangerous battle, after winning he make the father realize that what he is doing is wrong, the father understanding the son(or daughter) wish, run away with the main character, then start to come up with a plan together with the internetional police on how to stop team plasma plan, who thenselfs got a new leader.

the main character and father, together with the police, follow team plasma to the top of a giant empty montain, where team plasma use a weird device to drain the energy, whorever the legendary pokemon(depend on the version) show up to stop then, and so the main character must fight him.

the father is not really under control of the team, he was in fact the boss of the team, has i said i would make my version different from yours, but still keeping the basic idea of the father being part of team plasma, i know my version look gay but i was never good with this kind of stuff, i am just saying what i think it would be nice.
While we're throwing out random ideas I thought of some moves and abilities.

Fire - Physical
BP 100
ACC 100
PP 5
Inflicts burn on the user. (Fire types are immune to this effect).
The user ignites its body and then lunges for the opponent.

I considered 120 bp but giving fire types a 180 bp attack with no drawbacks might be a bit too good. Mixed sweepers could toss this on their set if theyre aching for fire coverage, burn wouldnt be the end of their world so to speak if theyre running mostly special. heracross desperately wants this but I can see no legitimate reason to give it to him. Provides a potent physical fire attack, makes fire types more useful, and refrains from encroaching on EQs 100/100 no drawbacks crown.

What about Will-O-Wisp? This move already has 100BP and 100acc so why give it a 100% chance of inflicting burn? 20% chance sounds okay.

Acid wave
Poison - Physical
BP 100
ACC 100
PP 5
Inflicts toxic on the user. (Poison types are immune to this effect).

It fits with the theme I've got going, Breloom might like it.
Poor Toxic, and Poison Fang, to an extent, especially when given the fact that everybody can learn it. 20%, again, is okay.

Electric - Physical
BP 100
ACC 100
PP 5
Inflicts paralysis on the user. (Electric types are immune to this effect).

The final part of the self-status trio. Probably the worst of the three but gives electivire something to play with.

This sound good, actually :)

Ability: Poison Pressure
Effect: Pokemon in battle take double damage from poison (the status effect).

I have this idea of a smog weather team that relies on spreading poison to wear down the opponent, very stall-ish. put this on a weezing or muk evo and toxic stall, yay.

Nice idea! :O

Ability: Natural Toxins
Effect: Poison type attacks used by this pokemon inflict standard poison in addition to their other effects (This effect is applied after other effects).

Same theme, spreads alot of poison around.

Thats all I've got for the moment, these just kind of came to me so I thought I'd share.

EDIT: Holy crap triple battles, very.... final fantasy-ish, I'll hold off on judgement but sounds very chaotic. Not much could survive a 3 poke focus fire.
Someone said that a story could be where Team Plasma, kidnapps your father. And you rescue him.
What if your father was actually part of Team Plasma once, but then he pulled out, when things were getting crazy, and then they force him to recruit again, becasue he is the best scintist, and then the villan is actually your dad, who is under control from the Team Plasma
Yeah i was the one xD , thats pretty cool Im happy someone starting to say something abt what I wrote , but then umm....

If he was the villian you would still have the normal team intterrupting your journey to get the badges....

But if your top priority was rescuing your dad when he was doing some ruin work for them , its different.
the main character(us of course) is having his birthday of i dont know how many years, the father decide to introduce us to the prof of the region, and we can pick a pokemon, the father then receive a phone call from a ??? person and says he must go to the laboratory he work ASAP, he dont come back for 1 or 2 days, and the family is starting to get worry.

the main character with his pokemon decide its better to go check out the place, after some traveling he find out his father dissapeared nowhere to be found, and no one in the lab know what exactly happened. the main character soon find out about team plasma who has being causing a series of crimes around the region, and so the main character start to suspect the ones responsible for the father dissapearing are team plasma.

after pursuting the team for some time, he find they main base, after getting inside he find his father, using the same clothes the bosses inside the facility are, the main character show up in front of him asking what happened, the father says he is in fact, the leader of team plasma and they plans is to steal all the energy and anything related to it from the entire region, then world, causing a entire blackout all over the world, on the other version of the game team plasma want to use everything from nature for they own plans instead.

the main character fight his father in a dangerous battle, after winning he make the father realize that what he is doing is wrong, the father understanding the son(or daughter) wish, run away with the main character, then start to come up with a plan together with the internetional police on how to stop team plasma plan, who thenselfs got a new leader.

the main character and father, together with the police, follow team plasma to the top of a giant empty montain, where team plasma use a weird device to drain the energy, whorever the legendary pokemon(depend on the version) show up to stop then, and so the main character must fight him.

the father is not really under control of the team, he was in fact the boss of the team, has i said i would make my version different from yours, but still keeping the basic idea of the father being part of team plasma, i know my version look gay but i was never good with this kind of stuff, i am just saying what i think it would be nice.
Excellent, excpet that I wouldnt have the father become a good guy. I would rather have him not turn good.

Another thing is that, what would the legendaries represent???
the black one is suppose to represent the current state of our lifes, all the modern technology and man-made energy, while the white is suppose to represent the current state of nature and what nature itself create for us, and the energy the nature make alone.

i would also prefer the father to continue being evil, but i doubt gamefreak would make the story have a bad ending dont you think?
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