Post your searing hot takes

Tbh originally I wrote that line with,it being generally about the Sonic series (mainly newer ones are the most flawed), and later added Classic because that is what I was moreso talking about.

Most 3D boost Sonic games are just corridor sim so a lot of these don't apply, they are glorified racing games.

Sonic 3 and Mania are p good imo I think 1 and 2 and CD are p ass, mostly due to level design, lives structure, how emeralds work and I personally think things like the Rings system is perhaps the worst designed health system in history
Gotcha. Personally, I think that the Rings system fits classic Sonic pretty well. It encourages more reckless play by making the punishment for getting hit fairly manageable, which is appropriate for the games' general emphasis on going fast and enjoying the feeling of your own motion. It's not a system that I would prescribe for a lot of other games, but I think that it works well for classic Sonic's purposes. You won't see me defending the level design of the first two games very strongly, though. In my estimation, it wasn't until Sonic 3 that they really figured out how to design levels that fit the mechanics.
tv shows are better off with weekly episodes than the binge model thing where they release the whole season at once.

It is so fun to tune into a show every week and when something exciting happens everyone is all talking about it at once, same if the episode was kinda shitty then people will be talking about that, just gives time for the community to discuss every episode and also gives you time to digest and think about each episode before immediately watching the next one.
you can just... wait to watch the next one
you can just... wait to watch the next one
You're missing their point. Their point is that releasing a show over several weeks which keeps it relevant in the public mind for a longer period of time as opposed to if you just dump all the episodes at once in which case people just binge all the episodes and discussion of it dies up after a week or two. That said, I much prefer binging a season all at once because I'm a zoomer and therefore have no attention span.
tv shows are better off with weekly episodes than the binge model thing where they release the whole season at once.

It is so fun to tune into a show every week and when something exciting happens everyone is all talking about it at once, same if the episode was kinda shitty then people will be talking about that, just gives time for the community to discuss every episode and also gives you time to digest and think about each episode before immediately watching the next one.
I've found that following sports can be a good way to get that kind of "weekly update" community back. You can't play every game of the season in one day.
you can just... wait to watch the next one
The problem with that is if you're remotely involved in the community you will get spoiled on everything. As an example, JoJo's bizzare adventure was the victim of netflix's batch release and both the main sub and shitposting subs required part 6 posts to be tagged for spoilers for like 3 months. Compare that to when part 5 was releasing weekly and people could still make coherent posts about late part 5 with no issues. There are probably more factors than the weekly release system, such as the fact that most manga discussion of part 5 pertains to "how does king crimson work" and "how the fuck does ger work", but weekly releases helped conversations flow much easier because the manga readers also knew how much they could share to anime onlies (except dipshit289 who keeps saying "don't get too attached" whenever someone brings up a character who dies) whereas part 6 had to be spoilered entirely because someone who watched 16 episodes in 1 sitting could be involved in a conversation with someone who wanted to slow down and is currently on episode 7 or something.


long day at job
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
cat memes are very unfunny and the worst recent addition to the humor meta. the cat picture itself has no inherent humor so you have to add an unrelated caption such as “im going to kill you” or “search up big boobs.” occasionally the picture-unrelated caption can be funny but ive seen every combination with a cat picture and none of them are. please leave this shit in 2008 where it belongs

relevant post i made
cat memes are very unfunny and the worst recent addition to the humor meta. the cat picture itself has no inherent humor so you have to add an unrelated caption such as “im going to kill you” or “search up big boobs.” occasionally the picture-unrelated caption can be funny but ive seen every combination with a cat picture and none of them are. please leave this shit in 2008 where it belongs

relevant post i made
View attachment 634698
cat memes are very unfunny and the worst recent addition to the humor meta. the cat picture itself has no inherent humor so you have to add an unrelated caption such as “im going to kill you” or “search up big boobs.” occasionally the picture-unrelated caption can be funny but ive seen every combination with a cat picture and none of them are. please leave this shit in 2008 where it belongs

relevant post i made
View attachment 634698
Yeah man fuck cats
Sword Art Online's Alicization arc was actually pretty good. The plotline is solid, Eugeo gets actual character development, Kirito loses a fight, and Kawahara found out how to make sexual assault look like a bad thing (only took 3 fucking seasons). The fights are now less about "who's better at stabbing other people" and actually utilize the environment around them for once. Eugeo vs. Bercouli stands as my favourite fight in the whole series.

Since you can never talk about SAO without bringing up it's problems, I am going to say that Fanatio's story kind of doesn't make sense. She claims to have hidden her face because she didn't want her opponents to handicap themselves, but it's pretty clearly shown that most people, including the integrity knights, don't really care about the gender of their opponent. I also kind of don't like the final fight of the series, as a lot of what happens seems really asspull-y and the deaths seem incredibly forced.

The war arc is also really good. In a vacuum, it's pretty good, and it's definitely the best arc in SAO. Kirito is almost completely taken out of the picture for most of the fight, and the show is overwhelmingly better off because of it. Fights have much more on the line because the main character can't bail out the good guy if they start losing, and he's not there to beat the hell out of everyone remotely dangerous to the rest of the main cast. The old cast members are brought back, the emotional moments are actually emotional, and the new characters introduced have a personality. The plotline is good, there are actual stakes on the line this time, and the final villain fight is not exactly terrible. Was the last fight a bit of an asspull? Yes, definitely. Do I care? No. The animation was cool as fuck, and it's the only time I've actually rooted for Kirito to win through the show's 80+ episode runtime. I'd compare the villain fight to SAO 2's final fight, but instead of being the only good part of an otherwise terrible arc, it's an iffy ending to an otherwise fantastic arc. Then, the ending scene was so utterly nonsensical that it forced everyone to keep the show in the back of their mind to find out why kirito "fought" a big ass space squid for literally no reason.

I am not counting the GGO spinoff as the best as it wasn't written by Kawahara and therefore should not be compared to any part of mainline SAO.
Festival Plaza was not that bad.
I know it had no reason to exist, and replaced a much better system. I also know it failed to make competitive pokemon easier to access. But I think what it did do is make grinding less tedious. The minigames that you play to earn FC might not be the most exciting things in the world, but they are a lot more fun than grinding in pokemon typically is. And the Battle Agency, while practically impossible to play once you go over level 15, does let you grind and try out new strategies at the same time, while also teaching you how to assess the capabilities of pokemon. Did it do a great job at any of these things? No, being more fun than typical grinding in pokemon is an incredibly low bar, and not only is it not efficient at it, it is done better by the Battle Tree and Mantine Surfing. But the ideas they had were good ideas, and I would gladly welcome Festival Plaza were it to come back in a new game more polished, as long as it stops pretending to be an online system.
wheat is great and I am fucking tired of pretending it's not

There's not a single piece of scientific proof that wheat is unhealthy. It's nutrient rich in it's natural state. Stop blaming all the problems of overprocessed white bread on wheat as a whole. A slice of toasted, sourdough, dark bread is a gift from the Gods and we should all thank the Mesopotamians for inventing bread
wheat is great and I am fucking tired of pretending it's not

There's not a single piece of scientific proof that wheat is unhealthy. It's nutrient rich in it's natural state. Stop blaming all the problems of overprocessed white bread on wheat as a whole. A slice of toasted, sourdough, dark bread is a gift from the Gods and we should all thank the Mesopotamians for inventing bread
...People say this? I've never seen anyone claim that wheat is less healthy than any other grain. It's possible that my perspective is skewed because I'm from America, where we love our wheat products almost as much as God and gridiron football, but I don't think that I've ever heard this claim in my life. Many people in developed nations consume too much of it, to be sure, and the super processed stuff is never great for you, but most everyone seems to be in agreement that the grain itself isn't the problem.
...People say this? I've never seen anyone claim that wheat is less healthy than any other grain. It's possible that my perspective is skewed because I'm from America, where we love our wheat products almost as much as God and gridiron football, but I don't think that I've ever heard this claim in my life. Many people in developed nations consume too much of it, to be sure, and the super processed stuff is never great for you, but most everyone seems to be in agreement that the grain itself isn't the problem.
in urban areas, wheat is very demonized. I think it started with the whole gluten scare, when that lost steam, people starting talking about anti-nutrients in wheat, intestine inflammation, it was blamed for arthritis (for some reason) and all that kinda shit

Rural areas don't think that way, and middle-easteners, Africans, south Asians and Caucasians (who at times eat even more wheat than Westeners) would never blame wheat for health issues. I guess it's just an urban westeners thing
in urban areas, wheat is very demonized. I think it started with the whole gluten scare, when that lost steam, people starting talking about anti-nutrients in wheat, intestine inflammation, it was blamed for arthritis (for some reason) and all that kinda shit

Rural areas don't think that way, and middle-easteners, Africans, south Asians and Caucasians (who at times eat even more wheat than Westeners) would never blame wheat for health issues. I guess it's just an urban westeners thing
Very bizarre. This is not rhetoric that I hear in my corner of the world, but my prejudice against urban areas makes it easy for me to accept this uncritically.
wheat is great and I am fucking tired of pretending it's not

There's not a single piece of scientific proof that wheat is unhealthy. It's nutrient rich in it's natural state. Stop blaming all the problems of overprocessed white bread on wheat as a whole. A slice of toasted, sourdough, dark bread is a gift from the Gods and we should all thank the Mesopotamians for inventing bread
same goes with fat. the only bad fat is trans fat.

Straight Edge punks are honestly not that bad. The guys that date minors, beat up people who drink and constantly talk about how cool it is to not drink and take drugs are goofs but there are guys like that in any punk group (or any group for that matter)

I like the idea that you can be a rebel whilst taking care of yourself. A lot of punk seems almost like accelerationism, only being for the destruction of what you consider bad whilst destroying yourself in the process. Straight Edges, by taking care of themselves, kinda reject this accelerationism and start to stand for something instead of just standing against everything
Straight Edge punks are honestly not that bad. The guys that date minors, beat up people who drink and constantly talk about how cool it is to not drink and take drugs are goofs but there are guys like that in any punk group (or any group for that matter)

I like the idea that you can be a rebel whilst taking care of yourself. A lot of punk seems almost like accelerationism, only being for the destruction of what you consider bad whilst destroying yourself in the process. Straight Edges, by taking care of themselves, kinda reject this accelerationism and start to stand for something instead of just standing against everything
It always seemed to me that continuing to be alive was an important part of rebelling against anything.

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