Tournament RU Snake Draft: Finals (tie break at post #29) (Won by The S-Rank Vileplumes)

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UUPL Champion
Surely with our opponent's wanton disrespect for Nav, this would make for a perfect finals to most. However, as disciples of His teachings, we've learned the markings of a true hater, and for my money we're all the same creed:

So bless these finals, and I wish our opponents well; you are the Brown Boy 2 to our Good Intentions (out now on all streaming platforms). S.o to the fans, the haters, those that make it all possible. It's love
:nidoqueen: (4) The Nav Fan Nidoqueens vs The S-Rank Vileplumes (4) :vileplume:

SS: bugzinator vs jake: Hard one to predict cause jake's been playing p good in this tour, however, bugzinator's wins have surprised me more due to how well he gets out of hard situations, gonna favor the record here but realistically either of them could take it.
SS: Luthier vs Bouff: Bouffs been tryharding this tour af so it's hard to predict against him, but Luthier is more than qualified to take it as well, I just don't feel he clicks with RU as well as Bouff does so edge to him.
SS: TonyFlygon vs tko: Tony has been avoiding this tournament for a MONTH now, he's still very good at the game but sheer ability can only take u so far vs stuff you can't expect, and that's where tko excels in so I'm gonna give it to him because he even has gotten me with wild ass techs.
SS: Pepeduce vs Yggdrasil60: Battle of the french, I favor Pepeduce more due to his overall performance in this tour but I can't help but wonder if we'll see some hot Ninjask vs Ninjask action in this game.
SM: lighthouses vs rozes: This one is also close as well cause, despite records, these 2 are p solid at SM RU but I think Diogo is a bit ahead of rozes here, will probs come down to team preview.
SM: Jaajgko vs Ark: I believe more in Ark's overall ability, however Jaajgko did beat Gondra last week in a very weird game so maybe the upset happens again this week (?)
ORAS: Santu vs Chaitanya: I honestly don't know who to pick here cause after taking a look at what Chaitanya has thought of using in the past, I really don't know what to expect from this game ROFL, gonna favor the more consistent builds Santu uses but that's also cause for doubt due to how easy to cteam they can be.
BW: byronthewellwell vs trace: Byrons been doing better than trace this tour but it's BW RU so realistically you just need to use the team with the least ammount of inaccurate moves in order to have a better chance than your opponent.

6-1 / 6-2

SS: (60)bugzinator vs jake(40): bugzinator has been killing it since rupl, hard for me to predict against him at this point. jake is still a thougth opponent, definetly a game i wont miss.
SS: (45)Luthier vs Bouff(55): this one is pretty close to my eyes, i give Bouff the edge cause hes more in touch with the meta.
SS: (60)TonyFlygon vs tko(40): just picking who i believe is the better player here, tko can probably use some bullshit and tilt Tony out of this planet.
SS: (70)Pepeduce vs Yggdrasil60(30): Pepe has just been amazing while i still have my doubts with Ygg.
SM: (60)lighthouses vs rozes(40): diogo finally got back in track after an unfortunate start, while rozes i feel like has just been doing "ok". Hes still a capable player so i woldnt count him out.
SM: Jaajgko vs Ark: i feel like both here have been doing simply "ok", hard for me to predict this one. Ark ig has more experience but its not enough for me.
ORAS: (60)Santu vs Chaitanya(40): Santu has been killing it every time in this tier, hes just too good. Chaitanya is a fair challenge, but even here its hard for me to predict against Giorgio.
BW: (75)byronthewellwell vs trace(25): ive never been really amazed by trace, while Byron has just been godlike.
ok so... bw predicts.

predict actually.

so, uh, let's talk about the MZ Byronthewellwell game. I don't like to critique the way people play because god knows I've made some objectively bad plays in my time, including in bw ru, but Byronthewell made what in my view are several big mistakes here. First of all, on turn five he straight up risks the game my going into a frozen smeargle on what is very obviously a SD Sceptile. Had MZ chosen to make the aggressive SD play there, he could have well lost the game, or at least been forced into trying to make awkward plays with rotom and then being in an abysmal spot versus Aerodactyl later. But that aside, he really, and I mean really sets himself up to lose to scarf durant. I don't know if it was scarf on MZ's team, but the team structure is thus that it well could have been. On turn 17 he lets Emboar take damage from the Cryo to put it in range of X-Scissor when he could have either used Sceptile if its was Physical to kill it or just gone Slowking to beat it. Then on turn 18 he lets Druddigon take a hit from the Sceptile, which probably put it in range of the durant, when all he had to do was go slowking and set up TR for the win since even ADA Sceptile can not kill Slowking without a crit (252+ Atk Sceptile Leaf Blade vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Slowking: 290-344 (73.6 - 87.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO) assuming in this case he wasn't some crazy non max HP TR set. The endgame thus comes down to whether it was scarf durant and could connect 4 atk which is obviously in his favor, but given the way the matchup and game went sould porbably not have needed to be a factor. Now he should get credit for making some good plays, he adjusted well to an unlucky turn 1, and got the mind games around Qwilfish right. MZ played pretty well, I don't think he made any mistakes, but it was clear his team was running at a slight disadvantage here and he maybe should have tried a line of play betting of maximizing reward for his opponents choke.
Ok... the um.. trace Lep game. So Lep gets mad respect for basically refusing to ever diverge from his standard build and continuing to pull out wins. Trace didn't play the game poorly, but uh, brought basically a terrible team matchup, which is pretty bad considering how predictable Lep teams are. Scolipede is probably a decent pick, but going heavy on physical breakers versus someone who loves to spam Alomomola and Rhydon is questionable. They did have a specs Slowking which could have put in work, but is just way to slow a choice for the team they brought which didn't really have any cobbled together defensive synergy. So... yeah. Could be just a fluke but that wasn't great in the end.
So who will win... I'm going to go with Byronthewellwell, because despite making some bad errors in their game, the team they brought was at least a sound choice, and they did make some good plays during the game. Hopefully the final is a good one!
just wanna say i'll be glad about either team's win, makes me happy to see col and tko in such a good form assembling strong squads. whoever wins this, you deserved it.

also want to thank my friends on steelixes who tried their best until the end, even though the road was tough and we had our problems towards the end of the season, it was amazing. special shoutouts for gorex for asking me a lot for it and having a bright future ahead of him and Averardo for picking up the pieces and helping the team (and the tournament) when we needed the most, ily.

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