NOC Smalltown Hotel Mafia - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)


6th Best Circus Poster of 2023
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After a technological disaster, Hotel Utopia has locked up, trapping a group of people inside. This grand hotel has been host to some of the most influential and wealthiest people in the world… it’s also host to a few people who won a free stay in a raffle. This lock-in has caused all its residents to lose contact with the outside world.


Because the host is a dummy who cannot be trusted to run a full game despite approval.

Tiebreaking - The vote is a plurality system. In the event that several people have the most votes at the end of the day, the player who had the most votes before the last vote on either of them was placed/removed is executed.
E.g if Player A has 3 votes and Player B has 2, then someone votes for Player B, then in a tie Player A would be executed. Same for if someone unvoted Player A.

Hello everyone, thanks for joining and submitting numbers. The draft is ready to go and you will find the draft order at the bottom of this post. Before that, a reminder of the role PM's.

13 people are trapped in this Hotel California parody, 3 Mafia and 10 Town. Here are their not so P role PM’s:

Alexis & Sadie Kubrick - Doublevoter

A pair of mischievous twins, nobody even knows you two are in the hotel. You live inside an abandoned room and used come out every now and then to fuck with the guests. There was this one time you scared a kid on a tiny tricycle, ah it was so funny. Anyway, now you’re scared, and so you should be! You’re locked in and there are killers about. Luckily, there’s two of you.

Vote With Us, Vote With Us: Your vote counts as two votes. Obviously. There are two of you.

Child: You are a child. The other twin is also a child.

Alice McKevan - 1-Shot Poisoner

After a mix up at the airport, all 28 members of your extended family accidentally boarded the wrong flight to Australia, leaving you alone in this hotel. Luckily, you’ve prepared for this moment by watching hundreds of youtube videos about improvised weaponry… let’s see, what do we have here? Yes… yes we can make something with this string, this empty KFC bucket, this glock 34 with contoured grips, flared magwell and custom porting, and these dominoes. Score!

Keep The Change: Once during the game at night, you can rig a trap by someone’s door. Just tie a knot around the trigger, attach the string to our KFC bucket, then line up all these dominoes so we can start a chain that knocks the final heaviest domino into the bucket! We uuuh… we have a lot of dominoes don’t we… would be a shame to let them go to waste. By your back of a postcard calculations, you reckon it’ll take exactly 24 hours for a chain using all these dominoes to finish. How convenient for the host. The night after you use this action, your target will die. This role can only be roleblocked the day you use it, and not during the day your trap shoots and kills someone.

Child: You are a child.

Damon Braun - Redirector

Yes… yes well sorry, okay? I can’t make little Jamie’s 6th birthday party. Yes, I know he was excited to see some wacky magic but I’m locked in a hotel… Yes that one, the one on the news… Well no, I couldn’t really send a recording of it over to make up for it that’d be… No, well, see, thing is, it’s a completely different show… Well if you want to explain why Mr. Braun stuck his hands into a man’s abdomen and tear out various internal organs then you… No! It’s a fucking trick you psychopath! Can you please just-

Suggestion: As a budding psychological mentalist, you can select a player, if they targeted a player that night then you use the power of suggestion to change that player’s target to any other player of your choice. If you target a player who can choose several people, then you only affect their first choice. You have a side-gig performing at children’s birthday parties to pay the rent though, so any child you attempt to target with this ability won’t take you seriously, and it will fail. To save you from reading these long-winded PM's again, the children are Alexis & Sadie Kubrick - Doublevoter, and Alice McKevan - 1-Shot Poisoner

Eddie MacDonald - Bus Driver

You were so excited you found out you won a free two night stay at Hotel Utopia, you just had to bring your wife along. Your wife of course is your prized Number 104 Archerham to Stunnucksbury bus. This lock-in hasn’t been kind to you though, you can’t access your wife in the parking lot and it has really dampened your relationship. Someone could be out there stealing your bus!

Busless Bus Driver: No access to your bus isn’t going to stop you! Once per night, you may target two players and swap their room numbers, effectively causing them to swap places that night. Any action that targets one of your targets will instead be performed on your other target.

Ella Ming - Fruit Vendor

Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick… this is the sound of your life. A clockmaker who always has the right time, you know exactly what time your husband proposed to you, exactly when you arrived at this hotel, and that this flavour was written at exactly 23:52 BST on 20/05/2023. But you don’t want to keep this power to yourself, so you’ve brought a suitcase full of your weapon of choice… alarm clocks.

Oh Clock: Once per night, you can target a player. You will give them an alarm clock, and that alarm clock will sing the song of its people. Whoever receives your alarm clock will be alerted in their PM’s with a BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. That won't drown out the mafia chat though, Caffeine's learned his lesson from Wikimafia.

Georgi Hoss - Kill Delayer

Back in your home town of Klockham, they used to call you the Angel of Life. This… is not an accurate description. Long gone are your days of being the prodigy surgeon who could once operate on four different people using all four limbs with a 75% success rate. Now, you’re just a regular paramedic… without any medical equipment other than an AED and some bandages. Still, hypocritic oath and all that… or whatever it’s called.

Stay With Me: Once per night, you can target a player. That night if the player you targeted would die, they don’t! Looks like the Angel of Life is back in business! Ah wait, hang on. Yeah the following night they’ll be roleblocked and die, even if you target them again. Welp, you tried… and your bedside manner was great! Probably.

Harriet Weiss - Jailkeeper

As an escapologist, you know exactly what to do in a lock-in situation. Yeah this is quite easy, just pick the locks and get out of here… what do you mean they’re electromagnetic? Dammit, should’ve paid more attention to those physics classes… no matter, you sneaked into this hotel without paying and you’re damn sure you’re gonna get out of here.

Lockout Key: You know a lot about both keys and locks. Did you know hotels sometimes use a special sort of key to prevent anyone from getting in or out of their room? You do! Once per night you may target a player and stick a lockout key in their keyhole, trapping them in their room. This will protect them from being killed that night. It will also prevent them from using their action that night. The hotel staff have other keys to remove this so they’ll be out by morning. Come to think of it, why are these locks mechanical when the ones to the outside world are electric?

Horace Jackson - Role Swapper

What’s our prime minister doing in this fancy hotel when he should be doing his job? The answer is NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. I may be prime minister but I’ve got shit I like to do in my spare time as well. So you’re gonna shut yer fucking trap while I drink away my sorrows. What’s that? You think I shouldn’t be drunk during a crisis? Well FUCK OFF. I can’t do any bloody golf while the stinking doors are shut so leave me to my whisky.

Cabinet Reshuffle: You know what, you don’t tell me what to do. I’m the Prime Minister so maybe when your fucking leader tells YOU to do something, you go and BLOODY DO IT. Once during the day, you may reshuffle all the other roles in the game. You may not shuffle dead roles nor may you shuffle your own role. Other than this limitation, you may switch around as many or as few roles as you want. Swapping who has an X-Shot role will not reload that role. To use this role, post Cabinet Reshuffle in bold in the thread along with a list of all the role changes. If the list is valid, those role changes take effect immediately.
You may only use this ability once for the duration of this game. If your list is incomprehensible, incomplete, or impossible, then your shot will not be used and you may try again.

Max Spartacus - 1-Shot Gladiator

My name is Maximus Spartacusus. The Thracian Bull of the Roman Colosseum. My son was tragically killed in a chariot accident, and my mother was tragically sent to prison for driving a chariot under the influence. I have the might of 300 swords and shields, and I will wreak vengeance on anyone who dares to cross my pa- oh the recreation is next Saturday? Oh. Well great, I drove 3 hours up here for nothing.

Thumbs Down: Once per game, during the night, you can target a player. The following day, you and your target will be the only eligible execution candidates. You will be given a curved sword and a small oblong shield, your target will be given a net and a trident. None of these have any effect on the game, but your character wouldn’t be happy if there weren’t suitable props to LARP properly.

Michelle Braid - Absorber

You don’t know exactly why, but you’ve always been good at mimicking others. You became a multimillionaire after eavesdropping on two people in a fancy restaurant. The same night, you learned how to fix a toilet while talking to your date. You even learned how to replicate the entire menu because you had a good view into the kitchen. Now you’re in this hotel because you watched everyone else win that stupid lottery. If only you talked to a technician for electronic hotel doors.

Learn Quick: Being close to people lets you do what they do. You will receive a 1-Shot of any ability you’re targeted with. This passive ability cannot be roleblocked, but anything you learn can be. You can only use one of your absorbed abilities per night and you can only receive each 1-Shot once.

Pam Pomme - Motivator

Give us an M! Give us an O! Give us a T! Give us an I give us a V! Give us an A! Give us another T! Give us another O! Give us an R! What does that spell?! We don’t know! We got bored after the V! Don’t worry Pam. One day you’ll make it as a cheerleader. In fact, you have a very special power, you have the ability for your cheers to mean something. Ever since you were bitten by a radioactive pom-pom, you’ve been able to grant people super speed by simply cheering for them.

2! 4! 6! 8!: Each night, you can target a player. The following night, they’ll be able to use their ability twice. I’ve already given the flavour for this ability in the previous paragraph, so I will take this time to say that as a host if I catch any of you making jokes about each number here being a factorial, I will personally tunnel you to hell and back next game we play together.

T1CK TR4CK T4RRY - Tracker

01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01010100 01001111 00100000 01010100 01010010 01000001 01000011 01001011

EXECUTE TRACK.EXE: Once per night, you may target a player. You will track them and learn who they visited. After all, you were built by Hotel Utopia’s finest engineers to keep guests in line and enhance their experience!

Wayne Robins - 1-Shot Bulletproof

This is Wayne Robins. CEO of Robins & Garnet, Wayne is one of the top 35 richest men in the country (but not one of the top 34). With a net worth of over £2bn at the age of 24, Robins has been voted Chronos Magazine’s “Person we’d least like to run for Prime Minister”. Thankfully, Robins isn’t about that political life. In fact, he’s way more interested in making dumb gadgets because he liked spy movies as a kid. He’s in this hotel to take a much needed break after developing a yo-yo grenade.

Bulletproof Suit: You wouldn’t go anywhere without your trusty bulletproof suit. Sure nobody’s made an attempt on your life yet, but it’s a super cool suit and you’ll be damned if you can’t brag about it to those less cool competition winners. It will get completely stained by gunpowder if you are shot though, so you must change to a regular suit after it’s been used. This role is passive, and cannot be roleblocked.


The draft order was decided with MafiaWiki's Lowest Unique Number system. The link explains how that all works. You've all sent me some numbers and I've got an order from it. There were... several ties... they've been broken by d100 rolls.

Please post your desired role in the chat when it's your turn in the order, then ping the next person along. Once all roles are picked, I will roll alignments and start the game.

You can still PM me a list of preferences, and I'll draft the top available role for you when your turn pops up and you're not here.

  1. Duskfall98 - Role Swapper, Overran the Town, Mafia
  2. master oden - Motivator, Executed Day 2, Town
  3. skippergamez - Absorber, Overran Day 4, Town
  4. Aura Guardian - 1-Shot Poisoner, Overran the Town, Mafia
  5. Nuxl - 1-Shot Bulletproof, Overran Day 4, Town
  6. M24 - Doublevoter, Killed Night 2, Town
  7. Lady Salamence - Tracker, Killed Night 3, Town
  8. JALMONT - Bus Driver, Killed Night 2, Town
  9. Psypsypsypsypsythe - Jailkeeper, Killed Night 1, Town
  10. realiti - 1-Shot Gladiator, Overran the Town, Mafia
  11. Celever - Kill Delayer, Overran Day 4, Town
  12. HydrogenHydreigon - Redirector, Executed Day 1, Town
  13. apricity - Fruit Vendor, Executed Day 4, Town
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I've never done this before, figured 1, 1 would let me just get a middle of the road pick since I would be fine being more roles than not.

That didn't happen :zonger:

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