SPL XII - Commencement Thread

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is a Tiering Contributoris a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
World Defender
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fv asked for these, and since i absolutely loved our team, i'll gladly oblige.

i really loved this tour. for years, i've wanted nothing more (smogon-wise, at least, lol) than playing spl. everyone hyped the tour up so much, and now that i finally got to see it for myself, it was exactly like i expected. the team chat was amazing, and playing games on the big stage was, while super stressful, insanely fun (especially when i won lol). i'm really glad to have gotten the opportunity to prove myself, and i'm even more glad that i got to do it on this amazing team. raiders, while we didn't make playoffs because we're inting noobs and didn't start Ajna week 1, the reason i loved this experience so much was 99% because of you :)
i got along really well with almost everyone on the team, and it was a blast to chat with y'all for the duration of this tour. hope the chat won't die now that we don't have smurf HO to argue about anymore, heh. either way, i hope i made up for the 3.5k i cost with my 3 wins, and i hope to be back next year for more c:

i'll sort these by linecounts from least to most lol, and i'll include the linecounts at the time i compiled the list so y'all can see what a nerd Raiza is

Lilburr (1071): you didn't talk much, but when you showed up for gamediscussion during games you always had the most fire reads loaded up. hope you enjoyed this tour somewhat despite not checking the chat too much haha

dahli (1276): we didn't get to talk much because you mainly helped SS, but you seem like a cool person and i enjoyed having you around. the teams you built looked cool and you're a solid player too, shame we weren't able to get you in the end.

CyberOdin✝ (1358): seeing you say your classic lines like 'Good Morning team, how are ours ?' always put a smile on my face. you're an incredibly nice and wholesome guy, and your broken English only adds to the charm. you weren't the most active person on the team, but honestly i'm just glad you stuck around after Tricking tried to ship you off to Brazil >:(
i'd imagine this record isn't what you were hoping for, but you're still a great player, and i hope we can team again sometime soon and turn it around :)

Hclat (1528): RAIDERSCLAT. a late join, but a very important keypiece to our success (whenever we had it lol). best record on our team too, 3-0 while on raiders oml... more seriously, you're easily one of my favourite adv players to watch, and i really enjoyed having you help behind the scenes. your help was invaluable and despite the adv slot not really working out for us, when we did win it was for a huge part because of you. thank you for joining us, thank you for being awesome and winning with the fish and the camel, and most importantly; thank you for carrying me through that fullpass game with Altina that one time LOL

FriendOfMrGolem120 (1753): i've always admired you as both a player and a person, but both moreso from afar; logs of me calling you the best GSC player on the site date back to as soon as lavos got banned, honestly, and i wholeheartedly stand by that hot take (in fact, i'm only more sure of it now). i'm glad i got to finally experience how you operate up close, and in the meanwhile bond with you too. i'm glad we became friends during this tour, and i hope it stays this way now that it's over. thanks for the advice on my prep too, i have the tendency to second guess myself a lot and getting a second opinion from someone well-versed in the tier like you was very valuable. i really hope we can team up again sometime, as i'm sure you'll carry me to a trophy then :p

steelskitty (3685): mids pickup #1. don't beat yourself up over that oras game too much, being thrown in a tier you don't play with little time to prep can be a bit much. the scouts you did were much appreciated by the team, keep it up.

Corckscrew (5086): mids pickup #2. i'm glad we were able to officially get you on the roster, and even get you on the sheet (100% winrate in spl, oml) after all the good work you did off the books in the first few weeks. we didn't talk too much but you're a funny guy, and the builds you came up with in both oras and ss were cool to watch. keep it up and good luck in wcop

Eeveeto (5438): after spending last snake together and testing a bunch of games during it, i was super excited to team with you this tour. you're easily one of the most entertaining players on this site, always going out of your way to shake it up with something cool and often having it worked out. some of your losses came down to poor luck, and some of them earned you some of tricking's l2p awards, but overall you were a great teammate and i enjoyed having you around. i hope you bounce back with a strong showing this wcop, and can show the world some more eeveetechnlogy!

BIHI (5509): BIHI, i do rate him higher than me in DPP. after seeing you operate this tour, there's no doubt left in my mind that you're the greatest teammate one could put in the DPP slot. i have no clue how we got you for such a low amount, lol. you played a really strong season, except for maybe the last game, and it was always nice knowing that we still had biheat left to play when we were trying to win a week. even if you didn't end up with as strong as a record as you might've hoped, i have full confidence in you being the #1 in the tier right now, and i have no doubt that time will only tell the same tale.

Ajna (6442): not only did tricking try to talk us out of buying you, but he then benched you for 4 weeks!! we would've for sure won the tour if we didn't do that, wtf. there's not much to say here: you're easily one of the best, and you know it. it was really great to have you on our side for this one, you really came alive when you got subbed in and showed everyone that you got what it takes and are more than just a mainer. besides being an amazing pokemon player, youre also a great guy, and a talented musician. i wish you the best in life and hope we can meet again sometime soon

Tomahawk (6834): i'm really glad i managed to poach you and got you to join us. you're a really good dpp player (and an even better dpp uu/ubers player (wow being good at dpp lowertiers must make you an epic gamer haha...)) and a great chat presence too. after teaming in some lutra tours with you earlier this year, you were basically the first person i thought of to add to the chat to improve our chances. and while i have full faith in bihi + pietro being the best dpp core in spl history, i do think you did just that. i'm glad to have had you around, and i'm glad to know you in general :3. hope next spl we get to officially team ;)

MetalGro$$ (6975): it's a shame the one season you did poorly was when we're on the same team >:( despite this not being your year, i still have a ton of respect for you as a player, both in and out of rby. i was really looking forward to teaming with you as soon as tricking told me he was getting me, and while it didn't work out as expected, i wouldn't have wanted any other rby support in my debut tour. you were an amazing teammate and i'm glad we didn't trade you off, you sure made up for getting benched by doing all the scouting and schedules you did during the second half of the tour. bless you, hope to see you back in the battlefield in prime form next year again :)

Altina (7873): sadly you didn't work out as much as ajna and i did, but i'm glad you got to play some games either way. in the weeks you weren't starting, you were a great supportive teammate, and i have absolutely nothing to complain about there. good luck with asia in wcop this year O_O

LuckOverSkill (8973): the nicest italian on the site. the best bw support a team could imagine. besides telling us to use smurf HO every single week, you also did not shy away from passionately lecturing us about politoed's moveset compatibilities. i wholly believe that our bw slot could not have done as well without your help, and i hope you return to the bw battlefield next year, as you know the tier like no other. i hope both you and nero are well, and stay that way :) bless both of you

Jimmy Turtwig (9302): i'm so glad you won your last game so get backer didn't end up with the best record on our team... when i saw you signed for bw this tour i was wondering how it'd turn out, but as soon as you got bought by raiza i knew you'd be a lock for a positive record. you're an amazing played, and you've proven time and time again that you can succeed no matter what the generation (or game, like really this guy is even great at chess wtf) is. shame you ruined smurf's winrate though ;_;

frisoeva (9823): it was really good to team with you again after that NL WCOP run that fell JUST short. i'd imagine you're glad it did, btw, as it got you onto europe, haha. it's great to see how solid of a player you've grown out to be, and i have no doubt that you'll only keep up this growth. despite winning a l2p award week 3 for forgetting your wallet at home while buying 200 euros of EPIC FOOD, you were a great teammate and i felt very comfortable about our sm slot almost every week. shame you lost your best played game of the season, lol

Luigi (17422): you ran from not only london beats but xray too. absolute coward. also, this guy literally eats people. jokes aside, you were definitely one of my favourite people to have on the team this tour. our senses of humour line up pretty well, and you were a good teammate with regard to bringing home the wins too. despite having absolutely nothing to add to my rby channel but insisting on talking there on a near daily basis anyway, i'm very glad to have had you around. you've been around less since your new semester started so i hope you're doing well there :) keep it up, really hope we can team again sometime.

H.M.N.I.P (18004): Pietro, i do rate him higher than me in SPL. too bad you ruined your perfect winrate by INTING vs mence, but god it was such a blast to watch your games this season (especially the last one). nothing hits the spot like seeing a certified pietro play work out just right. its a shame you got drafted on a team with one of the only dppers better than you, but luckily you made up for it by farming in easier gens instead... you're a super funny guy and a really great teammate, it's a shame you couldn't get another trophy this tour because you would've for sure deserved it. M Dragon doesn't know what he missed out on.

FlamingVictini (20541): after hearing complaints about your activity last season, i did not expect you to get over 20k lines this season. you were basically our 3d manager, checking up on prep in literally all our slots, helping out with building, and teaching people h2p if they made missteps in their games. i know nothing about what happened last year, but based off of this tour you for sure deserve to get another shot at managing a team. shame that that'd mean you won't play again though, because you're a spectacular player. kjdaas Boat give this man a team.

Tricking (23461): the one and only maldini. i'm so glad you got me this tour, like i said i really loved the team you put together and i think you did a great job as a manager too :) i hope i was worth the 3500 you spent on me >_< you're easily one of the players i look up to the most on this site, even if you're a big noob sometimes, and it was a really good experience teaming with you. face me in SSBo5 if we meet in 1v1PL playoffs you absolute coward.

Aliss (23864): lol fuck it seems i have bypassed tricking at the end here. either way i'll just use this spot to shout Nails Vileman and kjdaas out real quick for testing rby with me the first week i got put in; helped a lot with my nerves. also for generally being cool people that i enjoy talking to, wether it be about rby or otherwise.

Raiza (38828): it's amazing how much lines you got. you were the best manager we could've asked for, caring a lot and always having something useful to add. even in the tiers you don't know too much about, like mine, you were always helping with scouts, tests, or just by asking questions to make sure the teams held up to scrutiny. you and tricking did a great job drafting this team; despite us missing playoffs, i feel like under slightly different circumstances we could've gone all the way. i'm really glad to have teamed with you two, as you both did all i could ever ask for from a manager and more, and i really hope to see you two return next year (and hopefully get me again?). good luck in world cup, assuming i won't get picked up by europe i'm rooting for you nerds to win it all.

i'm getting tired from typing so i'll just tag people here without elaborating so i can post n sleep. sorry if i forget anyone (i 100% will its almost 5am) just hl me on cord and i'll ad you :3
Chloe Drud kjdaas Lilburr Eve umbry Lyss HML am starry blanket Lunala talah Bouff passion Sacri' dice Jisoo London13 Hyogafodex Jordy Aishia @rest of moon, 1v1 homies, br jerk (sorry IM REALLY TIRED) ily all a lot, thanks for being my friends and making my time on this site so enjoyable :)
This was my first big team tournament on Smogon and I couldn't' have had a better experience, especially with the teammates that I was paired up with. I wanted to say a couple of things since we're out sadly cx

The first thing I want to do is apologize to my teammates for being a bit useless the first couple of weeks. On top of not playing too great in the 3 games I played, I wasn't exactly as active as I'd have liked to be especially in my first team tournament. If this were like 2016 I think I'd be a bit more polished but I wasn't half the player as the others were. Not beating myself up or anything, just self-accountability cx I'll get back in form for sure.

snaga: I'm not actually sure how we met, maybe the weeb server? Either way, I'm happy that we became friends. It's always cool playing (among us even if you trick me 90% of the time) and talking about AOT. I was extremely happy when you approached me prior to the draft because it would mean teaming with someone I'm at least familiar with, sorry that I couldn't do more this season. Would love to team with you again dude.

d0nut: I didn't speak to you as much but I was very observant with the help you gave TDK in GSC. A very laid-back individual with some witty jokes in some moments lol. I wish you luck in your endeavors on the site man, sorry we couldn't bring home the ring.

lax: I know you're gone atm but if you see this, I want you to know that I'm very grateful that you vouched for me this year. This game can be annoying sometimes so I know how you feel atm, but you were really a big glue for our team and your play has been amazing for the past couple of years. If you're ever ready to come back it would be awesome to see you again, GL to you

London Beats: Out of anyone on the team I believe I played you the most in tests at 7 AM in the morning lol. Thanks for stepping up in ORAS when things were looking dire at the start of the season. Please keep in touch, I don't exactly have a lot of friends to practice with so I'd like to face you any day.

TDK: You really killed it in GSC this year man, I didn't even know you played it so when I first saw you in GSC I had a ton of questions. Thank you for help with ORAS when I was really lost in the builder, it's super appreciated seriously.

Luthier: Think in public and in private I gave you a lot of encouragement. Your drive to improve at the game and learn as much as possible from others is amazing to me because I want to do the same. Very friendly presence towards me and I have nothing but good things to say about you. Although read some Pokemon adventures with me not trying to read that by myself lol

Fakes: Was fun to talk about stocks with you bro, I know you said this is your last SPL so I wish you luck in life! (Just don't sell your Disney shares please)

Roseybear: The scout/Prep Genius. A lot of our success was because of you man. I'm going to use that Pastebin you made every time I build you're really talented and amazing. I'll have to come to you whenever I make a team for a tournament in the future just so you can rate it lol. Thank you for the effort you put in we wouldn't have made it so far without you.

Tamahome: I wish you went with our "Lacks" antics in chat although I think we needed a couple of people to not have it lol. Watching you play DPP is always so fun for me and I know that you're always going to bring the dub for us. I love the respect you have for your opponents before and after each game, it's something I can learn from for sure.

Garay oak: I really like your building style and it kinda reminds me of teams that I like with defensive backbone+Big breaker. Whenever you played I always didn't have to worry cause I knew you would come out on top. It Will be a blast to watch you play WCOP for sure

Kenix: Thanks for staying to help us even after what happened, that whole situation was super annoying and even then you stayed active and had input for everyone when it was needed. I really wish I got to see you play because I liked your stour sets a lot. You will be free soon enough, tear up the tour scene when you do!

august: You have the biggest personality ever man. Whenever I was at work and peaked in chat there was always a funny story of yours you were telling either about mons or IRL and it cracked me up all the time. You're an absolute beast of a player, and a very kind person. Thank you for the kind words before my games :)

Samqian: before you joined our teamchat was dead LOL you honestly saved it. Although I will 10000% never take anime reqs from you again in my life, I enjoyed what you brought to our team. Giving us the jumpstart we needed turned the season around for everyone

obii: My favorite game for sure was the one of you clicking RAW freeze shock like 5 times that was FIRE. Your game vs rob was awesome too, it was nice teaming with you, at least we can win mono wcop now

Steve Angello jacob soulgazer Jytcampbell Mazinger We didn't talk a whole lot but thank you for each of you stepping up for your respective tiers when we needed to switch slots around.

Edit: I forgot rozes LOL whoops, dude I said I'd play rby with you and literally never did. I'll have to repay you somehow for tutoring me in ORAS RU back in the day. We clowned you a lot for losing sometimes but you won when it mattered and thats what counts

Thank you to everyone who chilled in chat with us/those who joined for regular season/playoffs it was very much appreciated!

I Don't have a lot of friends on the site so just wanted to mention some people I met this year who I really appreciate and make the game fun for me:

jonfilch ez TJ Fylkir Pudin I'm very grateful to meet the 4 of you this year and for inviting me to that discord. From listening to Lucy rage in among us, to EZ mocking someone, or bushtush tilting our ladder alts -200 elo and then LYING about it, its all fun and games for me. Calling with you guys makes this game so much more fun for me, and it's great to have you around. Everyone has such different personalities its a different laugh everyday, love you guys <3

Maki Attribute Floss Maple Not in the rhyperior discord anymore but prior to being freed you guys were the only people I spoke to. I can be a bit irrational at times, you guys are great individuals thanks for the memories (Also every single one of you is doing OLT this year)

Aurella Waves London13 nui Very nice users I enjoy talking to about different topics!

Rooting for ABR, Tony, Star, and Leru to take the red :heart:
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hey hi i recorded (almost) all of my games again this season and wrapped them up into 1 video. free teams in the description for you smogtour hunters out there too

quick s/o to everyone on the cryos for giving it your all every week, and a thanks to the people who helped me in terms of team selection and prep -- you know who you are
Im not one to chime in in these kinds of topics but at one point we have to put a stop to people like jisoo. for some context, 100p had just lost what might have been his most important game on smogon, its only natural for him to be frustrated after losing a game that was out of his control, and then this random that seems to be a talah slave comes out of nowhere to insult him and in frustration craig responds with a harsher insult. dont try to make this about gays and homophobes, its more about randoms who should keep such stupid comments to themselves in heated moments where the player theyre insulting is frustrated and theyre more likely than not going to retaliate. I think if youre going to give craig a 2 point infraction for insulting someone in the heat of the moment jisoo should get one as well, while his insult wasnt on the same level as craigs in this context if craig is getting punished so should he.


two slow dancers last ones out
is a Pre-Contributoris a Past SPL Champion
Im not one to chime in in these kinds of topics but at one point we have to put a stop to people like jisoo. for some context, 100p had just lost what might have been his most important game on smogon, its only natural for him to be frustrated after losing a game that was out of his control, and then this random that seems to be a talah slave comes out of nowhere to insult him and in frustration craig responds with a harsher insult. dont try to make this about gays and homophobes, its more about randoms who should keep such stupid comments to themselves in heated moments where the player theyre insulting is frustrated and theyre more likely than not going to retaliate. I think if youre going to give craig a 2 point infraction for insulting someone in the heat of the moment jisoo should get one as well, while his insult wasnt on the same level as craigs in this context if craig is getting punished so should he.
so true please stop me
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