Tournaments SPL XV - ORAS Discussion

layout stolen from gsc spl discussion by vani

Heyheyhey my fellow ORAS Fans. I hope everyone is excited for the 15th iteration of SPL and is looking forward to see how this stacked pool will perform in this tournament! This thread is for general dicussion regarding players, metagame trends, matches, predictions and anything related to ORAS in SPL really.

SPL XV Commencement Thread
SPL XV Schedule
SPL XV Spreadsheet
SPL XV Power Rankings

xray 28500
CrashinBoomBang 25500
fade 22000
Niko 13500
Santu 13500
Gondra 10000
pj 10000
Lusa 10000
Seasons 3000
c0mp 3000


ORAS Cores
Assumed Starters
Likely Support and/or Substitue Players
Manager Support

Alpha Ruiners :entei:- pj, Blubird, Mannat
Circus Maximus Tigers :raikou:- c0mp, London Beats, Trosko, z0mog
Cryonicles :Suicune:- Santu, Vileman, Booty
Congregation of the Classiest :Gardevoir-Mega:- Lusa, Sylvi
Dragonspiral Tyrants :tyrantrum:- CrashinBoomBang, Poek, Blunder
Ever Grande Bigs :Snorlax:- xray, Gilbert arenas, Vulpix
Indie Scooters :Alakazam-Mega:- Niko, Dasmer, Joya
Stark Sharks :Garchomp:- fade
Team Raiders
:Marowak-alola:- Gondra, ACR1, Tricking
Wi-Fi Wolfpack :Lycanroc:- Seasons, ABR, Starmaster
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Here are my biased Playerrankings exluding my own Teammate of course even tho Lusa is pure gas obviously.
The goal of this post is to share my thoughts on the pool and hope others will join to build up the hype for week 1 next week!

1. fade - :Garchomp:
Last SPL he dominated the Tier, showing a more than respectable 8-4 performance, primarily in the builder. Nobody warped the meta last year so hard like he did. The infamous :Lopunny-Mega: :Cofagrigus: :Gastrodon: :Clefable: :Heatran: :Skarmory: Team was used dozen of times in dozens of different variations after he used it twice in SPL. I would encourage to read his post from last SPL, other Teams like the :Alakazam-Mega: Sand and Double Fire HO were really popular as well. Even in masters he brought creative Balance Team which caught my attention my. You can argue about who should have which position in the top 3 but for me fades influence on the meta, which will allow him to counter it this year, makes him nr 1 in my eyes.

2. Santu - :Suicune:
I am pretty sure with 7-2 he had the best record by difference last year. Also going positive in SPL 13 in ORAS and having overall the 3rd best record in ORAS history in SPL. I think he is the most consistent player out of the three, also by mentality. I overheard that he is not the greatest builder, but he has the most support from the top 3 and makes up what he lacks in the builder with his clicking abbility. I am certain that he can build aswell but this is my reason to not rank him as the nr1.

3. xray - :Snorlax:
From a historical standpoint and looking at spl records alone, he is the GOAT of Oras. Very excited to watch him play again after his break last year until masters. Although from what I reckon he reused a bunch of older teams, which is not bad per se. It worked for him reaching Top 4. My reasoning for putting xray at the nr 3 spot is that I am not certain how quickly he can shake of the rust, which he defienetly will, how much new stuff he is gonna build and how succesfull he'd be if he decided to rely on old teams. I hope the saying: "once the Goat, always the Goat" will be true for xray.

Playing all 3 multiple times in either tournaments and/or in private this year I can say without any doubts those are killers, that dont shy away if u make a mistake. All 3 can be shuffled around top 3 in my opinion depending how you see thw things. Xray, Santu and fade are gonna be the big 3 to beat for every player in this pool.

4. Niko - :Alakazam-Mega:
Tbh I cannot say to much over his past, I wasn't around or heard to much from his past. I watched a bit of him playing other tiers to make myself an opinion. Iirc he got unbanned this year butby watching his games in ORASPL and especially in Oras Invitational. He seems to be very smart about the game and understanding whenhe can setup with his threats and deal a finsihing blow, to be fair he also plays a bunch of hyper offense including more uncommon ones. While he convinced me as a player I have doubt about him in the builder reusing a lot in this year already is working for him so 4th is there for a reason.If he can overcome this "weakness" of him he can compete with the big 3.

5. CrashinBoomBang - :Tyrantrum:
The other goat of ORAS with the 2nd best historical record. In comparison with xray CBB struggled to get tournament results in ORAS the last 2 years. To be fair he only played both Invitationals but still not getting to far to be Top 3. He is probabaly with fade the best builder in my opinion understanding what every team needs and focused to have allhis pokemon at 100% usefullness. This might be his weakness though building and even playing to greedy time to time. With that playstyle I expect a solid 5-4 with much more potential if he can tame himself to not make every game win or die plays to show the opponent who the GOAT is.

6. pj - :Entei:
This is where I really started to realize this pool is stacked af if I need to put pj 6th. Pj is great going 7-3 last year and coming Top 3 twice in both Invitationals and having a shoot to win this year's iteration. I think he is the dark horse of this pool with the 1st to 5th place maybe shining brighter so he doesn't get the light he deserves. He can be put higher and if he is performing this year he can really leave his mark and can be called one of the best in this recent two years in ORAS. This pool is way stronger than last year so it is still a big task ahead of him. Sometimes I see pj using some honestly whack stuff and not playing as precise as the players ahead of him but nonetheless i really wish I will be proven wrong on this 6th place and he does well.

I think those 3 have with right teams, good clicking and good mental what it takes to tackle the big 3 and are already strong. They aswell can be enranged different if you want to depending how m

7. Gondra - :Marowak-Alola:
Honestly it has been a while to see Gondra play in ORAS frequently on the bigger Stages. Nonetheless Gondra proved to be an already solid overall player. If he wishes to tryhard this SPL he can go positive no questions asked. But if gondra starts loosing it might spyral down in something bad. Can't say really to much ORAS related to the lack of to much data in recent times, I just believe gondra's playing abbility exceeds the other two and hope for gondra he will put up a fight every week.

8. Seasons - :Lycanroc:
A newer face on the big stage, making a respectable 5-4 run last spl and getting unsuprisingly bought again. His support was last year BluBird which was kinda perfect for both of the heatstars. Seasons can build his trustly MLop Teams for sure and play them, my issue how much his diversity will expand. Maybe ABR support can boost his arsenal and help him to reach higher levels. This pool being tougher last year I have doubts for him going positive after he went +1 differnece last year. But he comes stronger in this competition so he has new tricks on his sleeves and I am excited to watch the K-Pop fan #1 play every week.

9. c0mp - :Raikou:
Honestly didn't see to much from him iirc he qualified for the Circuit but that about it. The Tigers have good Spanish ORAS support in form of Trosko and London Beats so he has enough tools to be fine in the builder. I think in this tough pool this year if you are not known for playing ORAS to much it will be hard for you and you will be ranked last. But I will watch him play closely, maybe he provethe haters wrong and guarentee 5bangers a week no cap.

As mentioned thoughout the post we have the historical goats of ORAS with CBB and xray in the pool but also the man who decides what everyone plays fade. With other great players who have so much ceiling. Honestly as a Support for my team but also a fan I coudln't be more happyier since this SPL we for sure gonna see players step up to gain edges in this fierce competition.

Wishing the community bangers, fun sets and hope we gonna setp up aswell and be following active. To celebrate my own prejoy I made a whack bingo card for the memes.

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Alpha Ruiners (0) vs (0) Indie Scooters
ORAS OU: pj vs Niko

Congregation of the Classiest (0) vs (0) Dragonspiral Tyrants
ORAS OU: Lusa vs CrashinBoomBang

Cryonicles (0) vs (0) Circus Maximus Tigers
ORAS OU: Santu vs c0mp

Team Raiders (0) vs (0) Stark Sharks
ORAS OU: Gondra vs fade

Wi-Fi Wolfpack (0) vs (0) Ever Grande BIGS
ORAS OU: Seasons vs xray
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Alpha Ruiners (0) vs (0) Indie Scooters
ORAS OU: pj vs Niko (45/55)
I predict Niko to run some new style HO, just like he did with his mlati hp fighting he pulled up in Oras Invi while pj gonna either reuse some known bo or build something. The game gonna be a sack war but eventully something evil will win.

Congregation of the Classiest (0) vs (0) Dragonspiral Tyrants
ORAS OU: Lusa vs CrashinBoomBang

Cryonicles (0) vs (0) Circus Maximus Tigers
ORAS OU: Santu vs c0mp (80/20)
I expect a murder on daylight, it might sound very brutal but unless c0mp pulls up with the clicks and a shiest team it doesn't matter if santu loads stall orbo, he is on paper superior and unless he runs to many inaccurate move should have this in the back. if it wasnt for santu week 1, i would value c0mp's chances higher but i dont think santu will give a free opening.

Team Raiders (0) vs (0) Stark Sharks
ORAS OU: Gondra vs fade (30/70)
honestly i wanted to rank it closer but the numbers are not allowing me, i am super excited what fade (gojo wannabe) will load, my 2nd personal highlight of the week.I hope Gondra is taking the tour serious and will show up as well, if yes gonna be exciting af.

Wi-Fi Wolfpack (0) vs (0) Ever Grande BIGS
ORAS OU: Seasons vs xray (40/60)
One good thing MLop covers is weird offense, xray brings time to time. on the other hand seasons has like 10 mons at max so xray might cook something to interact withit offensively or defensively. Favouring xray obv of the history if both players but i think if seasons has been on the grind expanding his pool this game can be lot closer. hoping for a bo mirror which lasts a while with some nice key turns
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how u doin'?
is a Tiering Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
World Defender
Alpha Ruiners (0) vs (0) Indie Scooters
ORAS OU: pj vs Niko
Closest game for me personally this week. Very excited to see how it goes. pj has great instincts, but I sometimes struggle to decide whether he is a masterclass ORAS OU player or a braindead idiot. However, that is also what makes him so dangerous and what might make Niko tilt in the end. Both got far in Invitational and in both cases it wasn't a fluke. Can't decide.

Congregation of the Classiest (0) vs (0) Dragonspiral Tyrants
ORAS OU: Lusa vs CrashinBoomBang
You recognize how strong this pool is when you see where these two great players are ranked. CBB, however, has the same tendency as me and will sometimes bring great teams and sometimes cripple himself with suboptimal builds. Nevertheless, I feel like CBB has recognized that and will react accordingly this season. Lusa is not the most spectacular player/builder in this tier to me and I believe he will not be ready for what CBB has cooked.

Cryonicles (0) vs (0) Circus Maximus Tigers
ORAS OU: Santu vs c0mp
The pokerfac uses good teams, grinds ladder, and I'm sure he'll catch c0mp on a double switch clicking some random move. Santu is a mixture of good game planner + intuitive clicker and I simply don't know much about c0mp.

Team Raiders (0) vs (0) Stark Sharks
ORAS OU: Gondra vs fade
As rough as it sounds, to me this is the least close matchup this week. My padawan has stepped out of my shadow and was rightfully ranked highly. No matter how this game goes, I am beyond convinced that fade will position himself better and will come out on top.

Wi-Fi Wolfpack (0) vs (0) Ever Grande BIGS
ORAS OU: Seasons vs xray
The highest rank Seasons received in the PRs he received from me and my team stopped me from ranking him even higher. Seasons has matured as a player, his plays are very accurate, and his teams will be metagamedefining once again. I expect a 6-3/7-2ish record from the, in my opinion, very fitting ABR-seasons combination and I'm convinced he'll be one of the players to beat in this pool.

Left some predicts :)
Shoutout to Sylvi for the two detailed posts. Hopefully we can get more of this since this great gen has such an active community.


is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnus
World Defender
Congregation of the Classiest (0) vs (0) Dragonspiral Tyrants
ORAS OU: Lusa vs CrashinBoomBang
Lusa brings classics balance and cbb will cook something heaat which will break the classics balance
Cryonicles (0) vs (0) Circus Maximus Tigers
ORAS OU: Santu vs c0mp
c0mp prolly will nab couple wins but santu is no bullshit guy will load no bullshit team and get da dub
Team Raiders (0) vs (0) Stark Sharks
ORAS OU: Gondra vs fade
jon is prolly cookin somethin which gondra might not catch on excited to see gondra team tho.
Wi-Fi Wolfpack (0) vs (0) Ever Grande BIGS
ORAS OU: Seasons vs xray
Seasons+abr feels very neat but wont be enough to get past goat of oras xray


'Alexa play Ladyfingers by Herb Alpert'
is a Forum Moderatoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Alpha Ruiners (0) vs (0) Indie Scooters
ORAS OU: pj vs Niko

Congregation of the Classiest (0) vs (0) Dragonspiral Tyrants
ORAS OU: Lusa vs CrashinBoomBang

Cryonicles (0) vs (0) Circus Maximus Tigers
ORAS OU: Santu vs c0mp

Team Raiders (0) vs (0) Stark Sharks
ORAS OU: Gondra vs fade

Wi-Fi Wolfpack (0) vs (0) Ever Grande BIGS
ORAS OU: Seasons vs xray


Sun God
is a Tiering Contributoris a Past WCoP Champion
World Defender
Congregation of the Classiest (0) vs (0) Dragonspiral Tyrants
ORAS OU: Lusa vs CrashinBoomBang (40/60)
Lusa is a good player but I don't always appreciate his team choices, while I think CBB showed multiple times that he can innovate the tier. Both players are experienced in the tier, I think prep will play a big role and in this field CBB gives me better vibes. It will probably be a cool game to watch tho.

Cryonicles (0) vs (0) Circus Maximus Tigers
ORAS OU: Santuz vs c0mp (85/15)
Santuz. Literally never heard about the other dude, but I was told he was drafted for being friend with his manager. I don't know to which point should I believe it, but if I never heard about him, maybe there is a reason. If we consider that Santuz is one of the best players in the pool when he doesn't tilt (I ranked him #2) this game shouldn't be hard for him. c0mp can win if he comes up with a very good prep, or if Santuz comes up with a very poor one.

Team Raiders (0) vs (0) Stark Sharks
ORAS OU: Gondra vs fade (25/75)Jon is probably the strongest player in the ORAS pool (after me ofc :mad:). Gondra usually plays other tiers and I haven't seen him perform in gen 6 recently. The current ORAS metagame needs you to stay updated about the trends, so I don't really know how much I can trust Gondra for this game. I think he can win if he takes advantage of the fact that he is unscouted in 2023/2024 ORAS, and I also think his team could provide good support prepwise. I can see the Yellow Magic playing a role in this game. Overall predicting jon to win, but I think in ORAS in particular any game can end up both ways.

Wi-Fi Wolfpack (0) vs (0) Ever Grande BIGS
ORAS OU: Seasons vs xray (35/65)
I think Seasons will provide value long-term to their managers over the whole SPL and could become a protagonist over the next years, but I don't see him favoured in this game. xray has a good variety in the builder, good prep skills and can pull up some unexpected sets. He has also always played ORAS and he's the oldest veteran with CBB, this will give him a concrete advantage. Despite my expectations are to see xray winning, I can see scenarios where Seasons wins both in the builder or coming up with great ingame, so I think 35% represents well his chances.
To keep the ORAS Hype alive, I want to do every week small recaps talking about my thoughts on the mu, not meant to be a pin point analysis. This should serve as a refreshing view of the games each week so we can follow this season better along!

click on the names for the games.
red means loose, green means win.

outb pj vs. Niko

:diancie-mega: :hippowdon: :excadrill: :amoonguss: :volcanion: :tornadus-therian:

:diancie-mega: :dragonite: :weavile: :cresselia: :volcanion: :excadrill:

Matchup looks something expected for the spectators. PJ loading bulky offense and Niko histrusty Cresselia Offense.

The Game starts with a blow pj scouting a potential specs but gets punished by the trending Sub Volcanion Set. The DD Inner Focus Dragonite eventually forces a bit of chip on Hippowdon and gets a fortunate whirlwind roll into volcanion who proves to terrorize pj and claiming another one. Niko's Exca winning a potential Tie doesn't make pj's life any easier. Despite that on T18 he could have tried to go Volcanion on the fire punch / ice punch to keepthe amoong alive but I assume he predicted a Dragon Claw insteadwhich is fair. The Game kinda ends at this point by Niko's Weaville, whichis no damage boosting item suprisingly, + unmega'd Diancie to seal the deal.

Santu vs. c0mp

:Clefable: :Latias-Mega: :Hippowdon: :Tornadus-Therian: :Slowbro: :Ferrothorn:

:Charizard-Mega-Y: :Zapdos: :Serperior: :Slowbro: :Tyranitar: :Excadrill:

Looking on the preview, I got very excited to see Santu play those build since it is the 2nd Hippodown brought back to back. It is simillair to the one build I build for Michael in his Lower Bracket Final run ORAS Invitational. c0mp is opting to try to attack Santu's fattish preferences with Mega-Charizard-Y and Banded Ttar.
Rock Slide revealed by Hippo is going to be hussle for c0mp to deal with since it is s perfect as an Answer you can get vs Zardy + Pursuit. T6 Serperior revealing Tauntgives him a bit of hope since he will not get flodded by Spikes that way. Probabaly the biggest shot c0mp he had was going T8 into TTar on to the mega Latias since Hippo can't switch in this only turn cuz of the Weather being overwritten. But with how the game went Santu escapes safely a potential Pursuit. T22is another critical turn where Snatu should have lost his MLati to a Crunch but got bailed by Twave Fullpara. It should not have mattered to much since Ferro + Torn is good enough for the Serp but that was potentially what c0mp broke mentally since from that position the game was sealed and nothing to particular happening onwards.

CrashinBoomBang vs. Lusa

:Diancie-Mega: :Skarmory: :Thundurus-Therian: :Chansey: :Bisharp: :Cloyster:

:Metagross-Mega: :Keldeo: :Landorus-Therian: :Volcarona: :Serperior: :Latias:

CBB brought an interesting Team, lookinng like Stall and Hyper Offense at the same time, while Lusa opting to go for a Healing Wish Offense. T1 Lusa gets a nice Pursuit off, which is rarer nowadays in comparison to years ago. T2 CBB makes an interesting play by switching out Skarm refusing to spike up. T4 CBB gets poisoned, going Skarm on correct Secret Sword read butgets killed by a non choice Keldeo. T12 looks like the Game is sealed with Serpior forcing Chansey to stay low by clicking Taunt but it gets really dicy on T15 by Lusa not clicking Healing Wish into Meta Metagross + Keldeo's aid which looked to end this game from the position probabaly fearing a potential counter chansey to beat Meta Metagross. T19 Lusa decides to go Keldeo instead of going Latias whichhe did soon after anyways. Nonetheless the game is eventually sealed by Meta Metagross anyway after surviving Cloyster +2 w/ LO Attack and finishing the Chansey 1v1 via Zen Headbutt.

fade vs. Gondra

:weavile: :serperior: :excadrill: :volcarona: :thundurus: :diancie-mega:

:medicham-mega: :tyranitar: :excadrill: :serperior: :tornadus-therian: :volcanion:

The catgirl enthusiast decided to rock up with a new Mega Diancie Hyper Offense while Gondra, just like c0mp, with Mega-Medicham vs the fat enjoyer. Excadrill Sand + Mega Medicham might be also very good into those type of HO aswell if the Mega Medi is double Prio. T3 Gondra opts to go for Iron Head and without the flinch the Exca would have died if fade clicked Focus which could haben been very fortunate for Gondra. fade is in a hard spot having to predict earth power vs excadrill or moonblast vs Serperior. Moving forwarda little funny that thanks to Gondra's Sand Mega Diancie lives Serperior's Leaf Storm on T17. Exacdrill flinching the Serp is very tough for fade, since if he gets the kill on T24 he forces Mega Medi to come in to Fake or Serp Tie. If the Mega Medi reveals to lack Bullet this could have been interesting then. Last note to the Game a cute Substitute on T26 on the Protect to stall the Sand finishes the Game to win also without Bullet Mega Medicham.

xray vs. Seasons

:lopunny-mega: :excadrill: :gengar: :volcanion: :volcarona: :zapdos:

:garchomp: :clefable: :crawdaunt: :tornadus-therian: :rotom-wash: :metagross-mega:

Both opting to run a Bulky Offense Mirror. WHile xray has a random Gengar with Mega Lopunny and friends, seasons decided to run a classic VoltTurn Team.
Game starts very exciting for Seasons to get Volcanion chipped on T1. But risking to take a burn and taking dmg on chomp opens up later Spins and his best Answer to get Mega Lopunny into Jet range gets warren down for the price of rocks. A good read from xray predicting volt from rotom on T5 shifts whole momentum allowing him to not only spin his rocks away but also settingthem on Torn due to a burned Garchomp the following turns. T12 the Gengar comes in just to switch out for the true mvp in this mu the volcanion who continues to heal all the progress up from T1. The Game is slowly over with xray piloting volt switches with Zapdos to break Seasons VoltCore. Nothing much more to add to this Game as xray closes the end confidently.
3/4 so far!

Ever Grande BIGS (0) vs (0) Congregation of the Classiest
ORAS OU: xray vs Lusa
another german about to fall to gusa

Stark Sharks (0) vs (0) Alpha Ruiners
ORAS OU: fade vs pj (65/35)
Both players coming into this mu with a loss is not ideal for them. But looking at their games, fade lost to worse mu + unlucky turns while pj got kinda rolled over by niko with some unfortune of his own. I have no doubt both are not overthinking their loss and starting to cook again. Last year fade brought his double fire ho and a new copypasta dropped since he got a bit upset. I am not sure if this year it is gonna happen again as fade brought ho vs gondra and it didn't work. Predicting a bo/spikes balance is coming from fade into pj's all trusty BO. fade is probabaly gonna win that, p confident saying that as fade should be the better player.

Circus Maximus Tigers (0) vs (0) Team Raiders
ORAS OU: c0mp vs Gondra (30/70)
Nice team choice from Gondra and solid playing secured him a suprising win vs fade, so he is coming with a lot of upwind while c0mp got a tough mu and coudln't use his few shots he had tofight for the win. c0mp didn't show to much so Ihope he will prove me wrong with my evaluation, I expect tricking or whoever picksfor gondra, maybe he himself, are gonna load something nice and c0mp will try to prove the haters wrong.

Dragonspiral Tyrants (0) vs (0) Cryonicles
ORAS OU: CrashinBoomBang vs Santu (45/55)
CBBoat as many call them brought a Team vs Lusa and is hoping to find redemption vs Santu, who had no problems defeating c0mp. Santu is also known to bust out a cool interesting offense and this mu might be where he has to do exactly that since if CBB is known for something is to have very well preppared answers into Balances and Stalls. CBB is loading maybe something more solid this time, taming his inner heat or will go absoultely crazy, he is hard to predict. Even mu, playing wise both are great TeamBuilder and Techs will decide and how much they can adapt to the suprises in game and go from there.

Indie Scooters (0) vs (0) Wi-Fi Wolfpack
ORAS OU: Niko vs Seasons (70/30)
Niko brought a NIko Team with cool Techs, even making it to a BKC Video with that performance while Seasons upset me with his Teamchoice. Seasons loading VolTurn with MMeta and kinda forcing a skill mu into xray I think was not the best idea, if you do want to bring something like that I think his flagship Mega Lopunny had more shots since he knows that mon like bread and butter. Anyways p sure he and ABR might cook something for Niko with more flavour. But the challange of Niko is hard to overcome, who played very well and build well vs pj last week and shows no reasons why his form should get worse. I can't believe in the seasons hype yet, maybe a few more weeks for him to scale while Niko looks great.
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how u doin'?
is a Tiering Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
World Defender
Ever Grande BIGS (0) vs (0) Congregation of the Classiest
ORAS OU: xray vs Lusa
I think Lusa is a threatening player and obviously has great support in Sylvi. I didn't like how he played that game vs CBB, however, as he almost fumbled it. Looking forward to this!

Stark Sharks (0) vs (0) Alpha Ruiners
ORAS OU: fade vs pj
Jon against his cryptonite. However, I think that he is finally gonna be able to pull the trigger. He seems more ahead of the meta than pj is and if he doesn't overthink it, then I think he'll win. Sorry to pj for forgetting to tell you to put Roar > Tect last week :(

Circus Maximus Tigers (0) vs (0) Team Raiders
ORAS OU: c0mp vs Gondra
While c0mp didn't do much wrong, I think he didn't take the out that he shoulda taken and try to claim his kill on the MLati before megaevolving the ZardY. Despite that, I still think he is a solid player, but I don't know enough about him. Gondra didn't wow me last week and I think both players here might be recycling teams this week, but I trust him more to win this.

Dragonspiral Tyrants (0) vs (0) Cryonicles
ORAS OU: CrashinBoomBang vs Santu
I seriously don't know what to expect from CBB anymore, whereas Santu is always solid and always brings good teams. CBB's team last week kinda lost to almost any fighting type ever and it seemed like CBB tried to bring too many different concepts together.

Indie Scooters (0) vs (0) Wi-Fi Wolfpack
ORAS OU: Niko vs Seasons
In my opinion, Niko is the hottest player in the pool rn. His teams have interesting techs and he seems ahead of the meta. I still have faith in seasons, but he'll have to improve from last week.
You know how this works now! Opting to do every 3rd Week a small recap on meta trends as well!

click on the names for the games.
red means loose, green means win.

Santu vs CrashinboomBang

:lopunny-mega: :excadrill: :amoonguss: :clefable: :skarmory: :tyranitar:

:lopunny-mega: :excadrill: :volcanion: :clefable: :zapdos: :weavile:

CBB opting to go with with one of my favourites Team actually if you wanna play Weaville + Mega Lopunny. Santu opting to run a Mega Lopunny Sand Team hoping to face some crazy HO.
The Game starts perfect for Santu with Amoonguss sleeping Zapdos and Paralyzing Clefable after CBB misspredicting a Tyranitar Lead. Things go worse after Santu revealing Rock Slide for Zapdos and EQ'ing Lopunny bringing it in Helmet range. CBB revealing Sub Volcanion gives him a glimm of light but missing Steam Eruption denies him the potential Clefable Kill. Eventually he forces a kill on Tyranitar and gets forced out by Excadrill. CBB spins away and actually lucks by missing Crash on Skarmory to avoid the Counter OHKO. A fortune wake up on the first attempt makes the game to look it potentially even again. CBB gets even the Flinch on Skarm to finish it off. Weaville falls to Exca barely hanging on. A final attempt of CBB flinching The Shrimp with Head and forcing a kill fails and Santu wins the battle.

I get the Idea of predicting Tyranitar since it trades perfect into Volcanion but the Lead put him behind from the get go. Steam miss was also very sad. But good prep from Santu regardless and nice clocking. Also a good showing of CBB p sure next week is the comeback beginning.

Niko vs Seasons

:Latias-Mega: :hippowdon: :rotom-wash: :clefable: :ferrothorn: :reuniclus:

:Lopunny-Mega: :hippowdon: :Slowbro: :chansey: :skarmory: :zapdos:

Personally very exciting to see Niko play my own 6 in action vs another Hippo Balance Team brought by Seasons. On the preview Rotom + Ferro look like a menace to deal for Seasons. After Zapdos having to take a volt switch very early it gets even more chip by Ferrothorn's Knock Off with Rocks up, Niko basically neutralises the threat of Zapdos in the first 10 Turns. A lucky freeze forces a Chansey Sequence by Season's and Zapdos keeps off by staying at 20ish Percent. With Ferro getting Free spikes Rotom Wash is doing what it promised to do on preview volting and wisping on everyone while the lassive hazard damage does the rest of the work. Only worse Clef reavling to be Flamethrower doesn't give Skarmory any room of freedom and Leech Seed is going nuts in the meantime. Seasons eventually paralyzed the Calm Mind Clefable from Niko but with not many Soft Boiled left and in the meantime all 4 layers up it is looking dire. The last hope for Seasons is his Calm Mind Slowbro which is unfortunately for him death with Wisp into Niko's Reuni winning the 1v1 thanks to the Life Or boost and Burn Chip for Slowbro forcing Seasons out. Seasons manages to get a final attempt of his winshot by defogging all layers away. But they went up again and sealed Seasons fate.

Seasons bringing a complete fish didn't pay off but while the Italian Prodigy proving he can also pilot bulkier Teams and HO's well. Very exciting for Niko how far he can push himself and how Seasons gonna adapt after two gamesit felt it was over very early.

Lusa vs xray

:Gallade-Mega: :excadrill: :volcanion: :kyurem-black: :landorus-therian: :weavile:

:Medicham-Mega: :Seismitoad: :slowbro: :bisharp: :zapdos: :chansey:

The battle of the reuses. While xray brought a Team he brought a few times, Lusa brought meanwhile a Team used by CBB. Kyurem-Black looks strong while x-ray's Mega Medicham are both vreakers. The Game starts a bit odd, Lusa opting to go for Substitute despite carrying HP Grass. It is odd since the next Turn xray just goes to Chansey and walls Volcanion. Lusa gets a nice Toxic off Toad but also loosing the Choice Band. A strong double from Lusa gets Weaville into Zapdos in and even though Lusa flinched Zapdos, Mega Gallade looking juicy rn if it can hit slowbro with more damage than the standardized Psycho Cut Drain Punch Shadow Sneak Set. A few Turns later xray reveals a very questionable set, no status chansey giving Mega Gallade free Setup and with the rarer Knock Off Coverage zo hit Slowbro the game ends on spot.

xray got suprise by the Mega Gallade set, could have used bisharp for Weaville instead of Zapdos in my opinion but that Mega Gallade was always luming eventually. Would have been a more interesting to see a game without the flinch and a useful chansey set.

Gondra vs c0mp

:scizor-mega: :gliscor: :slowbro: :clefable: :cofagrigus: :chansey:

:diancie-mega: :excadrill: :rotom-wash: :clefable: :tornadus-therian: :volcarona:

Gondra opting to use Michaelderbeste2's Stall hoping to out stall c0mp quickly while c0mp using the nessecairy evil Volcarona paired with some VolTurn Shenigans. Gondra gets very far behind from the get go letting Chansey take the trick which was not to obvious but also not to unheard of. Gondra does him also harm by playing extremely passive going Mscizor to Defog but then going Chansey instead of Gliscor which would cover an attack but also a double. c0mp greed's with EQ risking loosing his momentum but gets the crit forcing a roost. Rotom revealing no Status which is not great on my opinion but funnily enough broken in this MU. Gondra risks rocking into Mega Diancie and gets punished and is now very much behind. Switching a Gliscor in Moon is not doing any good either. c0mp even gets a burn on Slowbro via first try Flame which should make Gondra upset. T35 Gondra should have attacked Knock/Moon since Unware Clef is out of range of Volcarona but that is just my own sidenote. Superpower Tornadus claims the Chansey and looks like c0mp might get this W. But more fortunate is to come for c0mp critting hydro and killing the Gliscor. c0mp decides to sack mdia to trade for gondra's mega scizor. c0mp could just go into his clef and sit since everything takes passive damage but decides to give gondra some hope by letting his torn burned. Also decides to go Torn which gives gondra even more odds after Slowbro dodges Hurricane. But luckily fortune is on c0mp side and gets the 3rd relevant RNG in the Game and crits the Slowbro. The Game ends.

I think Gondra did a good call on the mu but played a but passively in the beginning and looked like playing the team not to much but did everything what he could to win while c0mp got lucky thrice and still tried to give gondra hope in the endgame. So far the most dissappointing game in this season from a spectator experience. But nice to see both speculated bottom players get a winner early in the season.

pj vs fade

:alakazam-mega: :gliscor: :rotom-wash: :clefable: :heatran: :tyranitar:

:alakazam-mega: :gliscor: :slowbro: :clefable: :skarmory: :chansey:

pj opting to play some balance which could match into opponent semi- stall/balance which fade opted to go to. Both teams are new or not very popular atleast. Game begins how eevery good balance mirror begins with some clef exchanging rocks/twave/knock. Fade gets his skarmory on a moonblast turn in to get a free spike since pj lacks recovery to hit 2 Mons plus Mazam post Mega. Slowbro comes in on Heatran als Midground covering Will-O-Wisp/Lava Plume else Gliscor would have been free obviously. Eventually soon fade gets his Gliscor Orb going who only faces Rotom as Counterplay from pj side. pj's Gliscor + Rotom Wash pressuring fade's Clefable + Skarmory core in the early midgame until rotom crits clefable and puts it in ttar range, hoping for an overpredict and miss fade opt's to stay in and looses Clefable. Gliscor gets scared out of HP Ice from Mazam but it goes for psychic and taunts the chansey to keep it low. Fade mades a good effort predicting it tho. fade tries to dodge some hydro but fade hits all like death and taxe and fade's winning odds are sinking. fade gets his Gliscor on good HP again after a Slowbro Sack but Rotom-Wash + Gliscor are to much for fade to deal with.

pj bringing a cool Team and proves just Niko did how deadly Rotom vs non Rotom in balance Mirrors are. Fade got his Slowbro statused due not being able to activate Toxic Orb sooner but the Clef trying to fish with Knock on the Switch in the Early Game made it not easy tho.
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5/8! Doing it early since xray and Santu are goats for playing monday

Alpha Ruiners (0) vs (0) Circus Maximus Tigers
ORAS OU: pj vs c0mp (75/25)
Pj improved after his week 1 and pulled up with a really cool Team and precise clicking. c0mp brought a VoltTurn Team which is fine but wasn't to hot either. Playing wise pj is better and proved that so far.

Cryonicles (0) vs (0) Ever Grande BIGS
ORAS OU: Santu vs xray (49/51)
Xray gonna bring some heat after the sleeper Team last week. I am a bit bias going into this, both can realistically win. Santu is doing like Niko very hot, Italy doing really great in ORAS this tour so far. But as a fellow German xray gonna win this clash of nations.

Team Raiders (0) vs (0) Dragonspiral Tyrants
ORAS OU: Gondra vs CrashinBoomBang(40/60)
Gondra been refusing stuff and probably that won't change. Gondra didn't play to bad, some singular turns were off. CBB improved and will this week as well I think. No way he is letting himself go 0-3 he will go stooopid mode for this win.

Wi-Fi Wolfpack (0) vs (0) Congregation of the Classiest
ORAS OU: Seasons vs Lusa

Indie Scooters (0) vs (0) Stark Sharks
ORAS OU: Niko vs fade (60/40)
Niko been to clean into his games, playing and building. So far the best games of all 10 players in the pool including my own. Fade is struggling but he is still great and will put up a fight. But if you take form into the account Niko is just to hot rn.
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how u doin'?
is a Tiering Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
World Defender
Alpha Ruiners (0) vs (0) Circus Maximus Tigers
ORAS OU: pj vs c0mp
pj remains to be ORAS most underrated player, I think his execution is usually excellent and most of the time he is blessed with luck too. c0mp played well last week in a not so good MU, but I didn't like his team choice much, also he messed up the late game by going Volcarona over spinning with Excadrill. Clear edge for one of ORAS greatest and most consistent talents.

Team Raiders (0) vs (0) Dragonspiral Tyrants
ORAS OU: Gondra vs CrashinBoomBang
CBB hasn't exactly looked the same these past two weeks, but I don't see him go 0-3, he is too much of a fighter for that and will hopefully bounce back.

Wi-Fi Wolfpack (0) vs (0) Congregation of the Classiest
ORAS OU: Seasons vs Lusa
Lusa has great support in Sylvi and I simply trust their teamchoices a lot. Playingwise, I think this MU is about even.

Indie Scooters (0) vs (0) Stark Sharks
ORAS OU: Niko vs fade
I LOVE fade, but I gotta admit that Niko looks like the strongest player in the pool rn, myself included. His game execution is close to flawless and his teams are on top of the meta including creative techs. Please prove me wrong bro

See you in 10 minutes, Santuz


außerirdisch, anunnaki
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a defending SPL Champion
Alpha Ruiners (0) vs (0) Circus Maximus Tigers
ORAS OU: pj vs c0mp

pj has been looking fire since all the way back to last SPL, and he's been consistently doing well against strong players. not a fan of c0mp's w1 game (feels like he should have tried to get lucky vs hippowdon with charizard when it got up rocks rather than delaying the inevitable), but he did what he needed to do week 2 with some good plays and aggressive doubles. should be a fun game to spectate!!

Cryonicles (0) vs (0) Ever Grande BIGS
ORAS OU: xray vs Santu

this already happened, but I think I would have predicted Santu to win regardless, which is funny as I definitely would have predicted the opposite before SPL started. disliked xrays week 1 team, absolutely hated his week 2 team which seemed aimless to say the least, and he ended up playing uncharacteristically weak week 3 with a team that's already quite susceptible to Cloyster - no way you can afford staying in t1 with how that matchup is, especially when weavile lead imo suggests it has Something to deal with what is very likely to be Metagross lead. Game was over past that, even if Meta "only" takes 60% turn 1, I think the Cloyster is always going to win once Weavile clicks any attack whatsoever and concedes a free Smash. Santu meanwhile has looked strong, made some good plays against me on key turns week 2, in general just seems to be tough to beat, and immediately took the win this week when it presented itself to him. He's definitely making the plays to actively win, more so than his opponent and even myself, so I'm looking forward to the rest of his season!

Wi-Fi Wolfpack (0) vs (0) Congregation of the Classiest
ORAS OU: Seasons vs Lusa

cool teams by lusa so far, almost like I'd bring stuff like that to SPL myself... with the necessary offensive play to back it up week 2 in particular (that team, in my experience, is pretty vulnerable to both medicham and bisharp, so him beating both is no small feat, even if he played against what is arguably 5 Pokemon + 1 free Gallade setup), i think he's gonna have a strong season if he keeps it up. not a huge fan of seasons' teams so far, for different reasons, and it doesn't help that he's up against a very strong pool and a pretty diverse offensive player this week. i feel like he's gonna have to load something that lets him put up some more pressure himself, and actively do that, or lusa is likely to just overrun whatever he brings.

Indie Scooters (0) vs (0) Stark Sharks
ORAS OU: Niko vs fade

Hard not to predict for Niko given both of their seasons so far (and, I guess, also their USA vs World series?), I think his teams have been pretty cool with good execution, but I'll give jon the benefit of the doubt here. I think he's a pretty damn good builder when he's really got his mind set to it, and obviously a great player as well. I think this is probably the most exciting game this week, and I expect cool teams and a pretty good game from these two! interested to see what else two of the greatest ORAS OU minds can cook up.

Team Raiders (0) vs (0) Dragonspiral Tyrants
ORAS OU: Gondra vs CrashinBoomBang

Good luck and have fun, Gondra! This game will be happening between 8 and 9 PM on Sunday, GMT+1. Looking forward to it! :D
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Alpha Ruiners (0) vs (0) Circus Maximus Tigers
ORAS OU: pj vs c0mp

pj has been strong so far as usual, don’t expect him to drop this game at all. There’s not that much to be said about it, as pj plays consistently good and while I don’t dislike c0mps play in general, I think that last week’s game gave Gondra a lot more openings than he should’ve had and I don’t think that type of play is gonna fly vs pj

Cryonicles (0) vs (0) Ever Grande BIGS
ORAS OU: xray vs Santu

This game is already over so I’m not gonna bold anyone. Prior to the game I think I was at a 50/50 because these are two of the best players in the pool, both of which I’m very high on.

Wi-Fi Wolfpack (0) vs (0) Congregation of the Classiest
ORAS OU: Seasons vs Lusa

Indie Scooters (0) vs (0) Stark Sharks
ORAS OU: Niko vs fade

Predicting GOJO to go 0-3 seems kind of crazy so I’m not sure if this is the move to make but I also think that Niko is just in his bag rn. Can go either way and was definitely the hardest game to bold. Highlight of the week for sure though.

Team Raiders (0) vs (0) Dragonspiral Tyrants
ORAS OU: Gondra vs CrashinBoomBang

Just like I’m not really comfortable with predicting 0-3 fade, I’m also not comfortable with 0-3 CBB, but here I am just not going to do that. Excited to see what he’s gonna bring, so far we got a crazy one week 1 into a rather tame choice week 2. If he picks a solid team he should have this in the bag.
Dragonspiral Tyrants (0) vs (0) Alpha Ruiners
ORAS OU: CrashinBoomBang vs pj (60/40)
CBB coming closer and closer to the win just needed focus last game (es tut mir leid für den schlechten witz). PJ should have won vs c0mp without the crit but he didn't help himself wth spamming ice fang vs glis without having sd's or being often only +2. He played in the late game to his outs but early glis vs skarm handling wasn't ideal still tough loss. CBB's Team the Tyrants won every week so far so beside personal pressure atleast in the tournament he has none so if he starts his comeback now, it would be perfect. pj will try to get his 2-2 score which would be not to shabby. also please i know we sniping fats with scarf psplit rotom but if u face offense with that set u feel bad so bad.

Circus Maximus Tigers (0) vs (0) Indie Scooters
ORAS OU: c0mp vs Niko (20/80)
I do not care to much that c0mp is 2-1 with how he won the games, he did play a good early mid vs pj though but sacked mazam and opened himself in this endgame and got bailed. also in week 2 vs gondra he had better turns and worse turns but he looks like he has the basics but slips up sometimes. not to bad but not what you need if you face niko who is with santu (and my teammate lusa) undefeated so far. Got a bail flinch last week but defog aero was SHIEST and came in clutch. I am a niko believer.

Stark Sharks (0) vs (0) Wi-Fi Wolfpack
ORAS OU: fade vs Seasons (65/35)
a remtach of last spl where seasons proved fade that scald is very cold and hurricanevs gastro always cofunses. back to reality both players desperately wanting a win in their winless season so far.on paper fade should be favoured but also in practise fade came close in week 1 and week 3 while seasons' Team choices didn't work at all so far. Wouldn't be suprised if either wins at this point how this spl is going but the statson paper and game dynamics this spl 15 form both give fade the edge.

Ever Grande BIGS (0) vs (0) Team Raiders
ORAS OU: xray vs Gondra (60/40)
after dominant week 1 xray catching L's in the mu department and on the field. We all remember his game last week where if even vile wasn't sash counter, knock alone was enough for cloy to clean so staying in sealed the deal with rock blast cloyster in the back. Gondra couldn't be happier this spl, lost to c0mp but won vs the two oras goats of records. g0ndra tho keeps recycling known teams (it works tho) o maybe xray can catch now a good mu and get back to his week 1 performance. gondra the king of the mexicans and genshin will try to expand his lead.
My personal highlight game of the week from the story lines.

Congregation of the Classiest (0) vs (0) Cryonicles
ORAS OU: Lusa vs Santu
This should be a real banger since both players are undefeated so far, gonna be hype.
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Team Raiders (0) vs (0) Congregation of the Classiest
ORAS OU: Gondra vs Lusa
Both players are performing well so far and I’ve enjoyed their games. I give the edge to Lusa because he’s been great all tour and using new teams but I could also see Gondra taking the win here because the play is good, even if the teams are „recycled“, plus you can always get lost in the sauce in the builder too so using older stuff that you know is solid is just safe.

Wi-Fi Wolfpack (0) vs (0) Cryonicles
ORAS OU: Seasons vs Santu

Alpha Ruiners (0) vs (0) Ever Grande BIGS
ORAS OU: pj vs xray
pj‘s play has been good so far and he’s always a threat. Xray‘s team choice last week was, uhh interesting, and the season hasn’t been great for him so far. You can’t rule out xray ever, especially because he’s definitely gonna want to bounce back, but I predict the pj win because he’s gonna load solid, play it solid and keep his no nonsense attitude. Strong candidate for highlight of the week for me.

Indie Scooters (0) vs (0) Dragonspiral Tyrants
ORAS OU: Niko vs CrashinBoomBang
Niko is one of the remaining 4-0s while CBB is 0-4, so it’s hard to bold differently. Even tho it’s easy to get complacent in such a position, I don’t think that would happen to Niko. As for CBB, you can’t rule him out of course, and he’s looking to turn this season around as well so this is a banger game. This is actually my other contender for highlight of the week because I think this will be epic.

Stark Sharks (0) vs (0) Circus Maximus Tigers
ORAS OU: fade vs c0mp
In theory this is hella favoring Jon, and I’m pretty sure he’s gonna try to make it happen, but if he doesn’t try it could go wrong for him as well. He’s got a big edge in both the builder and the playing department imo. c0mp didn’t have much of a game to play at all last week, but he’s definitely grinding and I respect it. Can’t bold him here but with the Tigers being pretty strong this season so far, and the Sharks being winless rn maybe he can use that momentum to his advantage.
Circus Maximus Tigers (0) vs (0) Wi-Fi Wolfpack
ORAS OU: London Beats vs Seasons (60/40)
London coming fresh from the bench will try to get tigers to 3 oras wins after c0mp did 2 on his own while seasons is desperate to win his second after 5 weeks.
That sets up the story for the match, interested what seasons + potentially abr cancook here since they are both known as build against a scout but london didn't paly tomuch oras ou the last year and did not this entire spl. Seasons this spl got some unplayable for example vs niko and lusa with that strategy, so maybe he will switch up gears and bring a Mlop Volcanion Classique. London on the other hand is hard to predict what he will bring, can see him bring something "old" but what works a la Gondra or sweat something new.
Not the most exiciting mu from the story lines but one that could get very explosive, favouring london a bit since he has a fresh start and is also not the worse at oras.

Dragonspiral Tyrants (0) vs (0) Stark Sharks
ORAS OU: CrashinBoomBang vs fade (55/45)
Seeing CBB going winless until Week 6 was not on my list and neither jon aka fade aka gojo to have 1/5 wins either.
Both players rbought unsual teams sometimes, fade bringing somenever seen balances/semi-stalls which didn't work when they had to and CBB bringing classique CBB Teams but loosing the hax allegations. Both have what it takes to cook and to play in theory. SO gonna be m match to watch favouring a bit CBB since I believein hax and in some dumb stuff which could vs some balance from the get go. If fade not playing balancish CBB should be alright to play a game.

Ever Grande BIGS (0) vs (0) Indie Scooters
ORAS OU: xray vs Niko (45/55)
xray slowly recovering with the win last week (back to his dominance from week 1) from another suprising record 2-3. Niko on the other hand is still undefeate with 5 wins even tho the latter one had some fortune nonetheless it is impressive.
Niko brought a good mix of Niko Teams, (cresellia) ho and spikes balances. xray bringing offense back to back every week like lusa does. Honestly everything could happen in that mu bothare flexible despite their tendencies were clear this spl so far. Niko has the edge since xray had some off games this spl so far but think this might be close, I am sure xray got back to his old form.
But this mu is not about if niko can beat xray, it is about if xray can beat niko or will he go 6-0.

Congregation of the Classiest (0) vs (0) Alpha Ruiners
ORAS OU: Lusa vs pj

Cryonicles (0) vs (0) Team Raiders
ORAS OU: Santu vs Gondra (55/45)
The other undefeated Italian trying to persue his 6-0equipped with his trusty fats and ho ( and one sand ). Gondra is doing much better than the average spl enjoyer would have expected in this pool rocking uo 3 wins. Excited to see what Santu might bring this week, if following the pattern of switching up with ho / balance. This week is balance duty which might be fair vs gondra who uses older stuff so a new tech on balance could shutdown him. But despite relying on older stuff some small updates can do the trick and reusing teams brought the raiders 3 win.
Santu is on paper the more complete oras player so going with him but is going to be a fun match to watch

Wanna have a quick word on Usage Stats this spl since there is something insane there in my opinion

| 3 | Volcarona | 14 | 28.00% | 85.71% |
| 8 | Bisharp | 9 | 18.00% | 77.78% |
| 11 | Landorus-Therian | 8 | 16.00% | 87.50% |
| 26 | Manaphy | 5 | 10.00% | 100.00% |
| 28 | Cresselia | 4 | 8.00% | 75.00% |

All those Mons are primarly used on HO or some BO and their winrates are absurd. How does Landorus have 7/8 Wins while being considered an A- Mon at best. It had a massive glowup so far. Bisharp + Manaphy proving to be deadly as well with a lot of wins.
Most importantly, maybe I am to young but I have never seen 85% winrate on 14 picks. Volcarona is known as a necessary evil but this is insane being #3 used Mon over Standard Mons like Rotom-Wash and Tornadus Therian while winning a lot. Lets see how this trends develop in the 2nd half of spl. Wishing everyone an enjoyable oras experience!
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Wi-Fi Wolfpack (0) vs (0) Team Raiders
ORAS OU: ABR vs Gondra (55/45)
My personal highlight of the week to see Abr return to ORAS. He was my biggest inspiration when I started in smogon and this tier with his philosphy and playstyle. So I will be excited how he adapts and if he beats the washed allegations from last wcop but tbf this is old gen so he should be fine. I am just interest to see if he is good or if he gonna be a pioner of the meta and if he solves the meta in time and acknowledges its change. Gondra had a fire ass game vs Santu last week one good roll away with exca on cofa from victory but Santu Luck to strong this SPL, if a good player is also lucky that is deadly. Anyways gondra has the player skill to fight with abr and abr has what he needs for an edge, gonna be a tight game favourtig the better builder.

Alpha Ruiners (0) vs (0) Cryonicles
ORAS OU: pj vs Santu (30/70)
Santu is the god to slay this spl so far, undeafeated into Week 7 is impressive nonetheless someof its circumstainces. I dont like him piloting his fats it is such a coinflip if u have a good mu in this meta with those teams and the odds are not in your favour, the mu he drew vs gondra was one of the better ones btw and it was real close. But when he plays ho or the one sand I liked him a lot and I think he gonna pivot into it back (hopefully) so that gonna be a treat for a spectator.
pj has beenstruggling with a 2-4 score, you can see it by the fact him loading leftovers spdef skarm that mannat is desperate. Think he had a good call into the opponents in the early stage of the tour but now looking aimless in the builder loading whatever the nessecairy evil mannat suggets. Playing wise he has been overall fine imo so that is why I think it gonna be one sided.

Indie Scooters (0) vs (0) Congregation of the Classiest
ORAS OU: Niko vs Lusa
lusa is my eminem and I am his dr dre

Stark Sharks (0) vs (0) Ever Grande BIGS
ORAS OU: fade vs xray (35/65)
What a nice mu only looking at the names. A battle of friends but not at the top like they both hoped but in the middle at best with xray 3-3 and jon 1-5. xray been coming back with not the cleanist in term of odds but nice win vs niko. I think he figured out what to bring and what not to bring and playing wise he is also coming back but in comparison the old god of oras 2023 has been fallen and tbh I am very sad about this. I thought fade had a good take on the meta with his week 1 team, unfortunately got iron head flinch and then it fell apart. But not only that game everything fell apart with him looking like a desperate attempt to make semi stall archetypes work and always coming short. He should have won 70% time vs Niko if not for another Iron Head flinch but ya I am sad about his Team choices after being the innovative player last year. I dont see a reason why things houdl change now and xray is coming back to his old so I believe in my german brother to take this one.

Circus Maximus Tigers (0) vs (0) Dragonspiral Tyrants
ORAS OU: London Beats vs CrashinBoomBang (51/49)
Obviously London is my boy but he has put a great show vs seasons last week and always has been fine at least in the oras metagame. CBB finally won a game which as a CBB diehard fan made me tear up so this is my match of the week watching my friend vs my idol of the past play. Both had a great game last week and cbb aswell has had a good oras history (#2 best record all time in oras cough cough). If you cut the 5 loses from CBB the ones in the builder and the other by luck (hammer arm/leaf storm incident) this is on even footing but I prefer the fresh start of london here but I understand how resilent CBB is so this gonna be a close one.
This is my personal match of the week for personal reasons but also watching 2 great pilots play
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ban volcarona, make clef and exca great again, this beeing said predictions:

Ever Grande BIGS (0) vs (0) Circus Maximus Tigers
ORAS OU: xray vs London Beats (49/51)
My 2nd fav mu this week but should have been #1 if not for one huge exception coming after. London didnt have a game to play last week with all his mons getting full para, flinched, para into fullpara, crit and so on so lets just /delete the game in our brain.
xray had imo a nice game, came down ifdraco can kill (if land) which was slighty in his favour. he coming back with 4-3 now. not wanna waste a lot of words but 2 great players and both having intestering takes in the builder makes that mu for me even and with connection to both rooting for both of them.

Dragonspiral Tyrants (0) vs (0) Wi-Fi Wolfpack
ORAS OU: CrashinBoomBang vs ABR (51/49)
That is probabaly for me bday present and xmas present all together watching my 2 oras idols play. very cool team from abr, looked he figured one approach to tackle the meta nicely out and won convincinglywhile cbb had a free win but his prep looked also nice. CBB probabaly gonna tryhard that shit out of his ass since it is not only ABR but also someone he should well from the past so he can do a lot of nasty thing. I am a saint of the ziege church so I bold him but abr is him so could go anyways looking forward.

Congregation of the Classiest (0) vs (0) Stark Sharks
ORAS OU: Lusa vs fade

Cryonicles (0) vs (0) Indie Scooters
ORAS OU: Santu vs Niko (40/60)
Niko fell the last 2 weeks off but not like the kind of he looked washed, more like the kind of it didnt look like niko at all especially in the lusa game felt like a different person was playing. So this is my hot tae niko gonna win this one maybe even smoothly since his opp is someone he should know, the undefeatable so far. So maybe he gonna take this more serious and santu recycling a lot of old teams and reusing makes it for niko easier to prep but nonetheless santu is still the one to defeat so let the better italia win.

Team Raiders (0) vs (0) Alpha Ruiners
ORAS OU: Gondra vs pj (65/35)
Gondra and pj look like have a passer who does the team building work for them or they choose on their own from aa reportoire. both got kinda not to much they could show off with gondra getting smashed by HO and pj getting smashed with HO (webs). But I think overall the teams from gondra had been more solid since they are build by tournaments player in recent times and pj's one have some funky eleements which look at first heat but at 2nd glance the food is way to overcook. Playerwise I value gondra more as looks in his win or close looses he is more comfortable piloting than pj does.

Talking about my favourite tier oras ou

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Use | Usage % | Win % |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1 | Excadrill | 28 | 40.00% | 42.86% |
| 1 | Clefable | 28 | 40.00% | 42.86% |
| 3 | Volcarona | 21 | 30.00% | 76.19% |
| 4 | Serperior | 19 | 27.14% | 52.63% |
| 5 | Landorus-Therian | 14 | 20.00% | 78.57% |
| 5 | Bisharp | 14 | 20.00% | 71.43% |
| 7 | Volcanion | 13 | 18.57% | 53.85% |
| 7 | Metagross | 13 | 18.57% | 53.85% |
| 9 | Thundurus | 12 | 17.14% | 50.00% |
| 10 | Tornadus-Therian | 11 | 15.71% | 45.45% |
| 10 | Latias | 11 | 15.71% | 45.45% |
| 10 | Tyranitar | 11 | 15.71% | 45.45% |
| 10 | Rotom-Wash | 11 | 15.71% | 45.45% |
| 10 | Skarmory | 11 | 15.71% | 27.27% |
| 10 | Slowbro | 11 | 15.71% | 27.27% |
| 16 | Zapdos | 10 | 14.29% | 30.00% |
| 16 | Lopunny | 10 | 14.29% | 30.00% |
| 18 | Ferrothorn | 9 | 12.86% | 66.67% |
| 18 | Cloyster | 9 | 12.86% | 44.44% |
| 18 | Heatran | 9 | 12.86% | 44.44% |
| 18 | Chansey | 9 | 12.86% | 11.11% |

Obviously Chansey is not dogwater since it has like only 1/9 wins or slowbro with 27% on 11 games but there isa clear tendency which archetypes are better than others or at minimum more winning. I dont find it a coincidence that volcarona has that high wr and clef exca cannot even pass 45% not even talking about neutral. Since it looks like oras gonna be in wcop as of today can we please as a communitydo something about it and finish the work of Vileman. The meta changed due to taunt offense and the reintroduction with aero with defog so volcarona has a much better environment than the last years. Not the post to talk in detail about the meta but this is like the first real sidenote of a hopefully bigger movement after spl


außerirdisch, anunnaki
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a defending SPL Champion
I'll post my in-depth thoughts about Volcarona (and a lot more) once SPL is over, but for now I just want everyone to rewatch every Volcarona game in SPL and tally up what it actually does in each game and how much it contributes towards winning those games in practice. Small thought experiment.

Also, since this is kind of a cool game, ABR and I will be playing on Sunday, probably some time in the evening European time. Expect something like 9-10 PM GMT+1.

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