Star Wars Mafia - Republic wins!

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Destiny Warrior

also known as Darkwing_Duck
is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Kakth, he wouldn't have told you off if you hadn't said with so much defiance that you would lead.

Guys, I'm clean. I've already shown you my Role PM. We are in shambles now, but we need to pull ourselves together.

Raverist? I suggest that you use an RNG to decide who to godkill.
So first you target me for no reason whatsoever, then you answer my little speech with a meagre sentence which dictates you wish to lead, and now you're choosing to lynch someone who's been confirmed clean?

Definitive scumtell, that. The 3 who've still to vote, choose me so we can test to see if he's mafia or not. In the meantime, in my final hours, I'd like everyone to lemme know their claims, as it'll help narrow down who I kill.
so anyways, just to get this out there

[13:45:59] <Alchemator> I can't believe the hutts killed me instead of you n2
[13:46:03] <Alchemator> that was stupid xD
[13:46:07] <&Porygon2> yeah Veedrock
[13:46:13] <Alchemator> and I wouldn't be too sure about the game being won
[13:46:14] <+Veedrock> Lame
[13:46:25] <%Joel> too lucky =(
[13:46:28] <+Veedrock> Also i'm scared the duck is talking
[13:46:30] * Atomos26 uses nasty plot
[13:46:32] <Alchemator> hailflameblast is a very adept mafia player :P
[13:47:00] <macle> so you just told me your last member?
[13:47:02] * Atomos26 uses shadow ball on alchemator
[13:47:07] <Alchemator> there aren't any deadtalkers left are there?
[13:47:07] <locopoke> stop -_-
[13:47:07] <Alchemator> o.o
[13:47:08] * askaninjask ( has joined #stark
[13:47:15] <macle> yes there is
[13:47:17] <macle> hahahaha
[13:47:21] <Alchemator> oshit
So I guess that's the fall

As Raverist's lynch was about to proceed, he pulled out a gun. With his last, dying breath, he shot hailflameblast.

polelover44 said:
Dear Raverist
You are Admiral Ackbar.

You are a Mon Calamarian, and a great and powerful one at that. You command the Rebel Navy, and you're famous for the line, "It's a Trap!"

When you are lynched, PM polelover44 with "Lynched - shoot <user>" <user> will be killed. Right away.

You are allied with the Republic.

polelover44 said:
Dear hailflameblast
You are Lando Calrissian.

You're a swashbuckler, a pirate, and a dandy. You're also quite handsome. You're great on your feet, with nice strong hands as well. You grew up pickpocketing off the street.

You may PM polelover44 with, "Night X - steal from <user>". If <user> has an item in his/her possession, you obtain it.

You are allied with the Republic
It is now Night 6.
ahaha wow I really feel bad about this as I have not been paying attention at all really. My role was pretty much designed for a village leader and sadly I'm not that and didn't choose to be. Anyways... If we lynch, 1 in 6 chance of hitting mafia? I think we out number 4 to 2? Could someone else left from the village contact me and we'll PM exchange and finish this? I may be able to do something helpful. hopefully. If no one trusts me... we were going to lynch KotW at some point? I haven't a clue why, but he sounds a better target than anyone else if there was just reason behind that.

edit: Kakth... I'm confused on that matter. No one left to talk to I guess. aha :( Kakth or Knightofthewind, who shall it be?
polelover44 said:
Dear Agape
You are Mace Windu.

You are one of the greatest Jedi Masters, renowned for your skills with the Lightsaber. You and <user> have formed a group of, if you will, vigilante Jedi, out to get the Empire, and the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. However, if one of you dies, your powers are nullified.

At night, after a conference with <user>, you may PM polelover44 with “Night X – shoot <user>”. <user> will die.

You are allied with the Republic.
polelover44 said:
Dear Knightofthewind
You are Princess Leia.

You are the adopted daughter of Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, and you have quite a lot of power in the rebellion. You aren't left defenseless, either, for you are quite a good shot.

Each night, PM polelover44 with "Night X - inspect <user>". You will find <user>'s alignment.

You are allied with the Republic.
It is now Day 7.
And now it's 2 to 2... I assumed? Unless there's only 1 mafia left in Empire and jabba's faction had 6 and this had 5, but why would that be? I'm so confused. :(

Majority is 3

It's true, macle was the only one doing anything... we must pray :(

edit: not lynching atm
edit2: after a nice conversation with Kakth on IRC where he refuses to claim even though it's the last chance we have, I assume he and Naruto are mafia as they are both trying to get me to lynch Team Aether.
edit3: waiting on a response from a couple people before I make my final decision. Worst case the game is tied, best case I don't even have to do anything. sigh


royal flush
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Aster: I'm not sure, there's 6 people alive amirite?
Aster: How many mafia guys are left?
This is proof that there is only 1 mafia guy left.
I am Aster in this conversation, and I am close friends with Polelover, and he told me that there is only 1 left. If Kakth, Class and I are republic, then Team Aether is mafia.
Village can win if you vote to lynch Team Aether.
This took place over a Xat Chatbox, for those who are concerned :v

And what is the majority?


royal flush
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polelover44 said:
Dear Naruto
You are Luke Skywalker.

You are an extremely potent, albeit young, Jedi, and you have formed a Vigilante duo with <user>, out to get the Empire, and the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. However, if one of you dies, your powers are nullified.

At night, after a conference with <user>, you may PM polelover44 with “Night X – shoot <user>”. <user> will die.

You may also talk with the dead.
You are allied with the Republic.
does this disprove your doubts?


royal flush
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I'm siding with you in lynching team aether whether you believe me or not, Kakth.
Because I believe that team aether is mafia, and that if we lynch him, village wins.
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