Walrus The KnightsofSonata I Just Can't Get Enough Cross-server Walrus [Walrein Wins]

20th Place
Submitted by SketchUp
Score: 7.9

Cowboy Dan by Modest Mouse

Modest Mouse’s likability seems to be kind of erratic among the general public. There’s a few songs off the EPs that even I find it strange and unpleasant, but overall I like their “little polish and no apologies” sound. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but the unashamedly rough-hewn vocals and long meandering bridges feel like their signature style to me.
14th Place
Submitted by MyNameIsNothing
Score: 8.5

Steve McQueen by M83

Like Steeeve McQueeeen all I need’s a fast machine and this is not that song. It would take me far longer than this walrus will last to definitively declare one Steve McQueen song better than the other, so instead I’ll just sit back and enjoy the one I’m listening to right now.
7th Place
Submitted by Lebossle
Score: 9.2

Giorgio by Moroder by Daft Punk

Listening to and learning more about a music legend is pretty interesting to me. The funky backing cutting out and cutting back in reminds me of a song going to acapella for a few bars to emphasize the lyrics. Giorgio is the lyrics here, the backing an example of the genres he helped create. This song is Modern Music History 101.
6th Place
Submitted by acidphoenix
Score: 9.3

by Sara Bareilles

Did I ever tell y’all how Tantric ended up on the banlist? I got their self-titled cd as a Christmas present when I was in high school and to me this was the best thing my cousin had ever done for me. I played it over and over and over and over and over until, one day, I realized I had played those songs so much that I’d grown sick of them. Revulsed by Revillusion, as it were. I’m hoping that doesn’t happen with Sara Bareilles.
These are the names of our podium contestants… for now!

Category Six is Hot Licks! Don’t fret, because we’re not taking any breaks this time! Sunday December 3rd at 5pm CST is when we pick it up! Something something sound hole

And now for our outro:

[7:05 PM] KnightsofSonata: I was too naive about being able to spin all these plates. Pushing guitars back to Thursday the 7th so I can make time to judge and not bump up against any holidays.

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