The Legend of Korra (Spoilers ITT)

For those of us that didn't/can't watch it on TV, does anyone have a link to the preview of episode 4 that was shown at the end of today's episode?


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I just watched the third episode; as a huge fan of the original series, I gotta say - so far, this is an awesome sequel.

energybending ...


its okay.
is an Artist Alumnus
Just watched Ep. 3 on

Daaayum, I did not know that Mako can Lightning-bend. I thought it was just really experienced Fire-bending masters who can do that.

I fucking love this new series.
If Amon was Energybending (or whatever it's called), then that would mean that he is a Bender, now, shouldn't it? And shouldn't that mean that he should be prosecuted by his own revolution?
What many other LoK fans have theorized, is that it's actually an advanced form of Chi-Blocking. If it were Energy-Bending, there'd be all the cosmic-spirit-light pouring from both of them like Aang and Ozai. What it appears that Amon is doing is blocking the Light Chackra (which is blocked by Illusion), after applying pressure to pressure-points on Bender' bodies, which would give the illusion that the victim has lost their bending. The placement of their hands is also different. Aang placed his hands on Ozai's forehead and chest, in a proper manner, whereas Amon "nonchalantly" presses onto the victims forehead after blocking their chi-paths.

This might not be spot-on, but it seemed like a solid theory when I read about it.

Edit: Also, on a less-serious note, this series is freaking amazing. It's much more serious than the original but still retains a lot of the silly humor and kick-ass action.


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He might have just learned from a Lion Turtle. In the finale for Last Airbender, the lion turtle mentions that before people bent elements, they were all energybenders, and all forms of modern bending were learned from animals at some point in the past. It would not shock me if Amon just followed in the footsteps of the first benders and just went straight to the source. I would like to see energybending's other applications as well, because it would have to have some beyond "remove enemy's bending abilities" since it predates elemental bending.


Copy Cat
gonna take a guess and say that amons story was made up and that he is actually one of aangs other children, hence the energy bending
wouldn't tenzin suspect that his brother is running around in a mask trying to bring down the city his father built? And why would Aang's child try and destroy his father's dream? Are Aang's other children benders? It does say Tenzin is the only air master iirc but his brother could still be water benders or air benders that have yet to master all of the 36 moves to reach master.

Sidenote: I hope Katara taught someone blood bending as it is just too damn cool.

The metal bending police are probably my favorite fighters so far with their wire surfing and unique style
For what it's worth, energybending according to the wiki is essentially bending one's own energy, so like I somewhat put out, he could have discovered it something akin to a lost technique, maybe he saw some written stone tablets or something; after all, one thing the series hasn't really gone into that much is what the ancient society was like before the current bending elements were discovered. And as energybending would theoretically only require one's own self/energy instead of an external influence in ways (though in ways it is akin to firebending as you create fire), eh it's possible anyone could learn it as likely everyone has their own energy they could bend, they just wouldn't know how normally.

I like RemembranceOfAppa's theory too, this could be some new/advance form of chi blocking as well. Though I would take it a step further, instead of the mystical blocking of light chakras and just fooling someone into "forgetting" how to bend, I think what Amon would be doing is essentially cutting off one from using one's Chi on a permanent basis instead of the temporary blocking used by his lackies. I dunno how chi "flows" in the Avatar world, but the 2 commonly associated fantasy places for cutting off access would likely be the brain or heart (Naruto has this somewhat if you've seen the Hyuga clan's fighting style and blocking off chakra so one can't use ninjutsu), so in this case, it'd be the head. As really, this in ways borrows from Naruto in chi/chakra, that there is some pathway and chi blockers basically hit the pressure points like in Naruto. Unlike Naruto though, chi blockers probably have to have pretty damn good memory in where the points are though, since the Hyuga clan can see them with their special eyes and such, but in Naruto the heart is the central point and smacking that would likely kill someone, whereas in Avatar the head seems to be the focal point.
also, according to the wiki page, "amon" is a critical pressure point behind the neck. When Amon does his "energybending" spiel, he touches the guy on the forehead and just behind the neck whereas Aang touched the heart and forehead.

Found an image comparing and contrasting Energy Bending and Amon's method of relieving bending from his victim, as well as a theory behind it (similar to the previous one I posted).

Energybending - A Comparison

While the Lionturtle and Aang use the same technique, Amon seems to be using another method.

When Aang takes away Ozai’s bending, and when the Lionturtle teaches Aang energybending, they both thouch TWO points on the body, the yin tang and the ru zhong point aka the Ajna chakra and the Anahata chakra.

When Amon ‘takes away’ LBZ’s bending, he only touches ONE point, the yin tang.

Now what could that mean?

I think Amon is faking it. That he is making people believe that he is taking away their bending, when what he is actually doing is blocking a chakra.

Here is why:

Amon touches the yin tang point aka the Ajna chakra:

Yintang Acupuncture Point
Location: Midway between the medial ends of the eyebrows Actions& Effects:
Calms the spirit - insomnia, anxiety, stress.
Frontal headache.
Sinus issues - congestion, sinusitis.
When Uncle is teaching Zuko about lightning, he talks about bending needing a certain amount of inner calm. So, if you were to close that chakra and lock all the anxiety inside someone, making them incapable of being calm, that would effectively take someone’s bending away.

Quite clever actually, since the more terrified they are/become the more permanent this block will be. And Amon is sure laying it on thick.
Well here's the other thing though, even in TLA lightning was extremely uncommon across all prior generations for the last who knows how many years; now all of a sudden, it's "belittled" from a once-exalted mastery status down to simple use in a factory plant. So again, I mean they have to have discovered an alternate method of generation or something, as I just find it hard to believe the "traditional" formation of it can be so common given the rigorous requirements and potentially deadly nature of using it.
There could be a new source. It's like how Zuko's original firebending came from his rage. The original source was the dragons. Most firebenders learned to fuel their bending from rage though; some even became quite good at it. But the original source is still the most powerful and pure, as seen when Zuko's bending is enhanced after learning from the dragons. Maybe if Zuko has mastered lightning bending, he'll teach the original way to Mako now. After all they, they confirmed he's still alive.
Also, what's with all the fire benders using lightning all of a sudden? That was the other wtf moment to me, lightning generation is supposed to be exceedingly rare, I thought Ozai, Iroh, and Azula were the only benders capable of it in TLA at that time, yet here it seems to be pretty common 70 years later; did they discover some other way of being able to generate it besides the given explanation or something? As I can't see all of them having the whole absence of emotion thing going on mentally.
To address this, Sifu Kisu (the martial arts instructor and consultant for A:TLA and Korra) answered a similar question on his tumblr:

It’s the future my friend, you gotta deal with it;)
So yes, it's more the time lapse that caused the sudden technological leap in advanced bending. In any case...

Meh, I still call it cop out, it'd be nice if they went into a lore reason other than the excuse being "future"...least there are others out there who find it suspicious too.

And was Zuko confirmed alive now? Last I heard he was dead, it'd be interesting if they changed that though. And apparently he has a daughter who's now firelord lol.
Am I the only one who thinks Amon is Ozai? :/

[theory about how Aang's magical bending blocking 50+ years ago gave Ozai unintended immortality and the ability to Energybend and all that jazz]
Just calling that Amon is definitely a bender. I'm just kind of sensing that he has some kind of deeper scheme than what he's shown so far I guess...
1. sokka and suki have a kid
2. as ty lee is a chi-blocker (was she the original?) and is also part of the kyoshi warriors, she teaches their kid magical chi blocking punches
3. followers of ozai track suki and sokka down and kill them (two non-benders killed by fire benders)
4. aang orders the white lotus to protect the next avatar because of those pesky fire benders
5. sokka and suki's kid is presumed dead but really he's just a big jerk with no face in republic city

my magical theory that doesn't work because amon says he lived on a farm anyway

i doubt ozai is immortal

inb4 amon is ursula
Yeah I think he is faking it, what confirmed it for me was how he just let Korra go to spread the news of his "amazing energy bending." If he really had it, there would be nothing better than taking away her bending to solidify his bending.

Im kinda liking this Amon guy though, he reminds me of a 1920s progressive (which is adorable), the 20s about the era this world is in.
Yeah I think he is faking it, what confirmed it for me was how he just let Korra go to spread the news of his "amazing energy bending." If he really had it, there would be nothing better than taking away her bending to solidify his bending.

Im kinda liking this Amon guy though, he reminds me of a 1920s progressive (which is adorable), the 20s about the era this world is in.
I suspect that even if Amon is the real deal it would be impossible to take away the Avatar's bending (permanently, at least).


I just watched this and while I thought ep 1/2 were ok but not great, I can tell the series will pick up from here. I was on the tip of my toes when the whole thing was happening; I didn't even guess that that kind of twist could happen.

RemembranceOfAppa's post looks pretty neat too.

can't wait 'til Saturday!

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