Twitter is censoring Trump supporters

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but then what's left of me?
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Popular among republican primary voters and popular among millennials are not the same thing.

It's cool that you're Mexican but the implication America is for the whites is still racist (the alt-right movement's stance). Whites have a fair say ftr, they all have equal voting rights (and they are improving comparatively every single day!) and the house and senate are disproportionately white (and male) (nothing inherently wrong with this, just baffling to claim whites don't already have an excess of "say").


it's a thug life ¨̮
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No one is happy with the current status quo, but rest assured Trump will not be your champion.
twitter is deleting profiles/posts of people who are breaking their terms of service.

it just so happens that some of these are flaming trump supporters who have no filter.

the overlap is almost coincidental; I say almost because I think everyone on this site can understand how a trump supporter can break terms of service, relatively easily.

Listen dude, the majority of us wanted Sanders to win, young people are upset with the system that failed them and elected someone who is utterly incompetent. He may be a tough guy, but he doesn't understand the scope of the job, and every day that just becomes more and more and more and more and more apparent. You're not going to convince anyone in this thread that he's the right man to be the leader of the free world.

Dude, "Joe Trudeau"? Really? Like, in the history of histories, have you ever heard of an administration's press secretary EVER EVER EVER misnaming a world leader, especially Canada? Do you not see the WAFT of incompetency? "Buy Ivanka's clothes, I wear them myself". Yes, I'm pulling on staws here. It's not my fault there are billions of straws.

Don't get me wrong, Hillary would've been no better for entirely different reasons. None of us are satisfied with the current socio-political framework of the United States. Shit, before you type stupid shit use that little brain of yours to think about how people are being affected both physically and emotionally by this dumbass you clearly voted for to be your president.
Popular among republican primary voters and popular among millennials are not the same thing.

It's cool that your Mexican but the implication America is for the whites is still racist (the alt-right movement's stance). Whites have a fair say ftr, they all have equal voting rights (and they are improving comparatively every single day!) and the house and senate are disproportionately white (and male) (nothing inherently wrong with this, just baffling to claim whites don't already have an excess of "say").
It depends on which definition of millennial you are using. Some have defined it as early as people born in 1976, Time magazine places their birth at 1980-2000. Whichever way you decide to go, Trump literally got meme'd into office. I can't imagine the shitlords who were spamming pepe memes were much older than 30, if that.

They have the rights, they're still being demonized however. On every college campus, on every TV Network, someone somewhere is trying to make being a caucasian synonymous with being the devil incarnate, or some sort of abhorrent birth crime that one should hang their heads in shame over. This is certainly not the same treatment that Mexicans get in Mexico, I assure you, and colonial Mexico had the highest number of black slaves. It's only the civilizations with high concentrations of whites that are having their majority population "sacrificed" in the name of diversity and cultural enrichment.

Anyway, we are getting far off-topic, and I am sleepy. Despite the shitstorm today, I do hope no one took anything too much to heart. When I use the term "regressive left", I am not saying that all leftists are regressives. I am referring to a group within the left that some of you may not necessarily be a part of, so don't take it so personally. As I've said, even prominent Liberals like Bill Maher and atheists like Harris and Dawkins have used the term.
No one is happy with the current status quo, but rest assured Trump will not be your champion.
twitter is deleting profiles/posts of people who are breaking their terms of service.

it just so happens that some of these are flaming trump supporters who have no filter.

the overlap is almost coincidental; I say almost because I think everyone on this site can understand how a trump supporter can break terms of service, relatively easily.

Listen dude, the majority of us wanted Sanders to win, young people are upset with the system that failed them and elected someone who is utterly incompetent. He may be a tough guy, but he doesn't understand the scope of the job, and every day that just becomes more and more and more and more and more apparent. You're not going to convince anyone in this thread that he's the right man to be the leader of the free world.

Dude, "Joe Trudeau"? Really? Like, in the history of histories, have you ever heard of an administration's press secretary EVER EVER EVER misnaming a world leader, especially Canada? Do you not see the WAFT of incompetency? "Buy Ivanka's clothes, I wear them myself".

Don't get me wrong, Hillary would've been no better for entirely different reasons. None of us are satisfied with the current socio-political framework of the United States. Shit, before you type stupid shit use that little brain of yours to think about how people are being affected both physically and emotionally by this dumbass you clearly voted for to be your president.
I'll just reply to this last one before I go....

Read through the thread. I didn't vote Trump, I'm not even remotely fond of him. Twitter posts that weren't the least bit offensive have also been removed from viewing shortly after being posted, simply because they were pro-Trump. Go through the second link and see it for yourself

Alright, and with that, I'm out for now.

Soul Fly

is a Contributor Alumnus
Follow your own advice and do your homework, Milo never mobilized his "army" to harass anyone.
Yes, he also didn't support and defend people sending aforementioned person aggressively racist and sexist jokes along with rape and death threats. He didn't condone entire communities on reddit and 4chan banding under his banner in order to "break leslie". He also didn't do a tweet series where he responded to a series of fake tweets that painted him as a victim in order to aggravate his followers even more. Oh, and santa claus is real.

Additionally, that very article you linked was guilty of some cherry-picking itself. Here are some more incriminating posts using the hashtag #killallmen
lol Nope. It uses many of the same tweets. Those other ones are hilarious too, thanks for the link. I will be sharing them with my transgender-triggered-snowflake-men-murdering-cuck crowd. Oh and btw you're still not getting the point. Eh at least we tried. B+ for effort.

By all means, please do leave. As much fun as I've had effortlessly dismantling nearly every member that has posted here, it is getting rather tedious addressing every single person suffering from a crippling mental disease that has the audacity to rudely barge into a thread and talk down to another person simply because their views do not agree with each other.
aww honey only thing you've effortlessly dismantled is basic logic.

It is as bad than I thought.

(yes yes I know I said I'd leave, but I couldn't resist the low hanging fruit. I'll leave for reals this time)


but then what's left of me?
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
I've literally never felt demonized in America for being white. Maybe it's cause I'm gay and know what actually being demonized feels like (like when a major political party has taking away your rights and also torturing people like you as part of their actual platform), but thinking white people are demonized more than any other demographic is frankly ridiculous.

Not gonna address Pepe=millennials support, because 4chan is hardly representative, but that was an interesting stretch.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
A lot of the sentiment here may be deserved, but the kind of hostility in responses are not. I guess this thread was obviously going to be crap, but no one needed to hurry it along. I'd advise people genuinely interested in the subject to check out this thread, just please don't fuck that one up.
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