Multi Gen Ubers Premier League 3 - Week 4

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i couldn't find it when i put in aim, ginku, and ikarus

edit: since I'm posting
you were too scared of forry with your registeel. all he could have done to you is spike while you amassed curses. seeing as you can spin spikes and the curses would lead to a free kill on either ho-oh or gdon, that would have been good.

I should have mentioned to you that you only win the refesh lati war if they are bulky, not modest max spatk. (sorry) In any case, registeel was safer play straight up for the reasons mentioned earlier + cm wars are still risks.

pert under rain would have handled his latios better than kabutops. (i mean dclaw would be a bitch but he'd be in DE/slide ko range after hp ghost) also should have mentioned that my latios would outspeed his cause I run timid which is a newfag thing.

slide was a better desperation move vs latios cause flinch hax but I'm guessing you'd thought he'd switch. (non of kabutops moves ohko latios, sadly, you need some small amount of chip damage)

I know your mistakes was just metagame + team unfamiliarity so I'd figure i'd point them out incase you find yourself in adv again. It's a cool metagame oO
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"Goliath"-wannabe vs A can of diet coke
I guess that demonstrates exactly the level at which you stand.

Also, protip:

[20:54:12] R The Resurrection: Yo.
[20:54:18] R The Resurrection: Want to begin?
[20:54:21] PROBLEMS: can you give me 30 minutes or so
[20:54:25] PROBLEMS: if you're avalible
[20:54:31] PROBLEMS: i need to build something

[20:54:48] R The Resurrection: OK.
[21:26:16] PROBLEMS: rdy
[21:26:17] PROBLEMS: ?
[21:26:39] R The Resurrection: Of course.

The method by which a Pokémon trainer succeeds in teambuilding is not through trying to quickly go through the opponent's replays and build counter-teams specifically for one opponent in the last minute. It is through participating in countless battles with one team, tweaking it as weaknesses are discovered, and achieving consistent success against as many different trainers and teams as possible in order to prove that team's strength, before entering an important battle with it. That is where you have failed today, and why I have defeated you 4-0. GG.
Dude, you can't really think problems tried to counterteam you when he brought Magneton. He just yolos shit like always, lol.

will edit with critique so maybe he won't yolo adv next time oO

edit: you had me excited that there might have been an active adv ubers ladder somewhere but all those screenshots are for other metagames. what a let down. gonna go shopping then do the analysis like i said tho. Oo

T1 obviously jumps out as a big play. I mean, I get where you are coming from but I feel like it's a huge risk for a reward that just isn't worth it. You don't know what rest of team is and something like snorlax/ho-oh is just as likely to come in as a Steel-type is. On top of that, his gdon can be ev'd to survive Ice Beam (or even Solar Beam as it turns out) which means you might be faced with the threat of a trade rather than a purely beneficial scenario for you. Lasty, even if a Steel-type would have come in on your Ice Beam or whatever, you'd still get another chance at HP Fire-ing it since nobody knows if your Latios runs that + you got Magneton + he might overpredict your switch-out. I guess this is mostly a style thing/hindsight is 20/20, so whatever.

Hpump crit sucked balls vs Latias but I really don't think she had business coming into Kyogre in the first place. Just about every good Kyogre variants beats mono Latias switch-ins cause CM Ice Beam just does a lot more to her than her Dclaws do back. The only set your Latias really beats are mono sets but so does your Latios and you dont risk nearly as much cause Latios is already super crippled if things go sour. I just think Latios was a safer play and even if the dude doubled, max HP latios can always threaten the trade and its so early on you surely have the switch-ins. tl;dr nothing good was coming out of bringing Latias in unless ptr chickin'd cause he thinks it's boltbeam. (which is possible I guess but kinda unlikely since double lati is most commonly done with mono latias)

nvm you already got the point between turn 10 and 16 lol

immunity lax....... well it paid off here I guess but that's in most cases the inferior ability. fire/ice resists are clutch as fuck in this meta. (namely ice cause Lati@s like boltbeam but the fire matters since it makes you a reliable Mewtwo check)

honestly, that first turn lati play is what cost you the most. Kyogre just kinda manhandled you afterwords and then everybody else picked up the pieces. Everybody and their mom was coming in for free on your Latias and when your Kyogre lost the speed tie/creep to his it was GG.

I guess that rain to Magneton play with Mewtwo was kinda suboptimal but I can totally see why you'd save your Snorlax so eh.

please play more adv, tho. i enjoy watching you play good metagames.
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"It is through participating in countless battles with one team, tweaking it as weaknesses are discovered, and achieving consistent success against as many different trainers and teams as possible in order to prove that team's strength, before entering an important battle with it."

ok jesus fuck if i had known that Lance was gonna take UPL THIS seriously I would have thrown 30k on him
activity i m waiting since 30 minutes have no time anymore. if my opponent is around in like 5 hours from this post I can play as well. otherwise activity.
js, I dislike downplaying this stuff cause it's anti-competitive as fuck. idk about you guys but pixels on a pokemon forum are just as easy to downplay as this shit is. You can talk about the level of competition participating but if you really think there's that much a gap between these "farm league" players and yourself, you are delusional. There's a lot of potential that participates in this stuff and them going tryhard is only going to make them better. By the way, that benefits the elite players who get to fight more folks that make playing this game worthwhile.

Not excusing shitass behavior, of course. However, that sort of salty-retard attitude is dumb because you are a fucking human being and acting that way degrades yourself and those around you. Not to mention you are sabotaging your possible development as a player. It has jackshit to do with the tournament itself. It's as cringey in UPL as it would be in SPL.
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