What are some things strangers do that really piss you off?


Conquer your Shadow
is a Researcher Alumnus
So, I've run into some interesting situations since I've been back at college, and a few of them have aggravated the shit out of me. Here are a few examples:

-Me and 2 friends went out and smoked up. We came back to my room with Pokey Sticks (signature bread sticks of a great pizza place called Gumby's around here) to share with the other people I was having over. Well, a friend of mine brought one of her friends over, someone I hadn't met before. He feels the need to yell as loud as he can, "So wait, you're REALLY high, aren't you?" and makes a big fucking deal out of it. Really, is that necessary? Did you really need to let my suitemates know? I've only just met them when I moved into the apartment, I'd rather them not know everything I do. Annoying twat.

-I went to a party at my friend's dorm room. My friends kind of look up to me as the mediator/bouncer when it comes to activities involving alcohol, because I can handle my alcohol well, and I know when to be a dick and when to take control of a situation. So, in return for my services as the mediator, I get beer. Well, after everyone left (I had to kick out a couple assholes), we decided we'd go to the local burger joint that's open 24/7 (Justin, you know what I'm talking about... COOKOUT MOTHERFUCKER), and we gorge ourselves. On our walk back, at 4:30 am mind you, an SUV full of dudes rolls up next to us, asking where the party is at, to which I reply, "It's 4am, you missed the party hours ago." They then ask where the marijuana is, to which I reply, "It's 4am, it's already been smoked, and I don't just give it out to randoms." So, they drive off, only to pull a U-turn into the opposite direction and start screaming insults and talking shit. All the while driving off at 50 MPH. Really, what logic tells you to ask where the party is at, only to get mad at me when I've already done the partying? And what kind of man does it make you to talk shit while driving away in your vehicle? I yelled for them to come back and kick my ass, but no, they had no balls. That shit really pissed me off.

-Tonight, I was walking back to my apartment from my friend's dorm, talking on the phone to a new lady friend, when all of a sudden, an open can of Mountain Dew flies by me, like 2 feet away from my head, just as a car full of fuckers drives past me, laughing hysterically. As before, I yelled for them to come back and man up, but they only accelerated and drove off. Fucking pussies.

Do you guys deal with stupid shit like this?
Avoid it, for the most part. If it happens, ignore it.

It helps that I don't really smoke pot or go to parties, I guess. I do walk to places a lot though and sometimes parties of random morons will drive by and shout things out the window. It doesn't really bother me.

Someone throwing a mountain dew can at you is rather absurd, though. That'd bother me. I wouldn't really yell at them, though. Wouldn't accomplish anything, and anyway my tendency is more to just think "boy, I'm glad I'm not one of those people" and shrug it off.
people that cut in line at shows.
people that do not understand the concept of latefees.
people that do not understand the concept of "refills only on large drinks/popcorn".
people who wear camo shorts and a hatebreed/terror/throwdown shirt.
people that "love" wild hogs and go as far as to say it is the best comedy this year.
and all employees at taco bell that cannot process a cheesey bean and rice burrito minus the fiesta sauce and jalapeno cheese, its not like its quantum physics.
Those people in line that can't seem to control their incessant chattering at you when you just want to get through the line and go home.

Also people that cut in really long lines.
-Tonight, I was walking back to my apartment from my friend's dorm, talking on the phone to a new lady friend, when all of a sudden, an open can of Mountain Dew flies by me, like 2 feet away from my head, just as a car full of fuckers drives past me, laughing hysterically. As before, I yelled for them to come back and man up, but they only accelerated and drove off. Fucking pussies.

Do you guys deal with stupid shit like this?
I was walking with a friend of mine, and he got hit by a milkshake someone threw out of a car. It was pretty funny for me, but at the same time we were like "What dicks."
People who cut in lines. And also you know when your by your self in like a shopping center and just waiting for some friends to come i hate those big gang off poeple who walk up to you thinking there all cool and laugh and do stupid things but then when your friends come they all be quite because they see you got more poeple then them.
The other day I was walking outside and these people in an SUV come rolling up to me asking where some road was. I told them and then they drove off and made a u-turn like 10 feet away and came back to me and thois fat bitch said "IF THIS IS WRONG I WILL FUCKING COME BACK HERE WITH A BUNCH OF MY FRIENDS AND WE WILL BEAT THE FUCKING SHIT OUT OF YOU"

yeah that gets really annoying.
Some month ago some i was riding my bike and was standing at some traffic lights, I looked into a car with some guys inside because i thought i knew one of them. The driver looked at me and said i shouldn't look at him, I thought "what a jerk" and continued to ride my bike, the car drove in another direction. A few minutes later the car was driving next to me, apparently they made a U-Turn. The car drove in the drive right in front of me, blocking my way, one of the guys came out and gave me a punch in the face and got back into the car, i couldn't really react because i was still on my bike. My nose and my mouth was fucking bleeding...

This was annoying as fuck, it wasn't even at night, it was like 6 pm..
In college one kid on my floor ALWAYS comes into the lounge or someone's room WHILE studying and ask "Yo What are you doing? You busy?".

I mean come on, I'm studying for an 8AM final, proving you can't cube a rational number and get 7, and writing a 5 page paper on a speech in King Lear. Couldn't it be anymore obvious? Then to come in and interrupt my train of thought (hurts especially for proofs) pisses me off.

Also, people that either leave shit in my room or eat all the food. This kid on my floor leaves his shoes, flip-flops, hat, whatever in my room, and then runs around yelling "who the fuck took my shit?!" I mean you weren't drunk or high, so I don't see how you can assume that. The same kid also once finished my whole can of Easy Cheese (I bought it on Saturday, about 3/4 was left on Sunday, and by Monday he had finished the rest).


Have fun with birds and bees.
is a Contributor Alumnus
Let's see, how about anyone that tries to mug you? That pisses me off a lot because someone from my school died as a result of that on Friday.

Also, I get really pissed off at supid little kids that have nothing better to do than to try and do something to try and scare you or yell from their little school bus. Yeah, like, I was practicing for one of my cross-country races on Monday, but while I was running, some stupid kid tries to scare me while I'm trying to fuckin run! He didn't scare me, but I felt like slapping that kid.
People who throw random shit at you. Like, wtf? I don't even know you... Was that fucking necessary?

My friends and I were walking down the street once and some shit throws a dixie cup with VINEGAR in it! WHAT THE FUCK?! Luckily it hit the street infront of us and only a few large drops hit us. :\

Oh and this was from an apartment window.
People who weave in traffic, or who do not use signals. For the first one, you're seriously not going to get there ANY FASTER. For the second, that's just plain rude.
I hate the weaving thing too. I don't like it when people stare, or try to look at you all hard, it's like, if you got something to say, say it.
People that doesn't know you and ask a lot of things about your life, or other personal information. Perhaps not always with bad intentions but being a stranger it is wrong and annoying for me.


Conquer your Shadow
is a Researcher Alumnus
When a couple guys jump one of your best friends in a Walmart parking lot, with the 3 security officers standing in the doorway of the store just watching your friend get mauled.

So, yeah, now my friend is in the hospital. He had to get relocated because the hospital back home (where he lives) couldn't support him properly. All I know now is that his jaw and hand are broken, but there was a lot of details his mother didn't tell me over the phone.

Apparently the guys didn't even say anything, just ran up behind him and started beating him. WTF is that shit, god damn it?

i've been jumped before. it really sucks balls, luckily i had 4 other friends with me so we kind of turned the tides on them. i walked away with a broken nose, a black eye and two hyper extended fingers. i did make some money out of a court settlement though so it was worth it in my opinion.

what really pisses me off is when people speed up on the freeway when you signal a lane change to get around a slow driver. i mean, come on, i obviously want to go faster so what is the problem? also, when people give you the evil eye for trying to strike up a conversation in a public area with someone you've never met before.
Let's see, how about anyone that tries to mug you? That pisses me off a lot because someone from my school died as a result of that on Friday.

Also, I get really pissed off at supid little kids that have nothing better to do than to try and do something to try and scare you or yell from their little school bus. Yeah, like, I was practicing for one of my cross-country races on Monday, but while I was running, some stupid kid tries to scare me while I'm trying to fuckin run! He didn't scare me, but I felt like slapping that kid.
I know what you mean, it is funny when little kids try to act all cool and tough and make fun of you as you run by or one time a kid was running next to me just to humiliate me or something and that is when I feel like doing something to the kid but I don't.
Wow, people threatening to beat you up, running out of cars and punching you in the face etc? Where do you guys live

anyway, one thing i can think of, i thought of it as pretty rare since i live in a somewhat quiet community, but me and my cousin were walking down to our safeway, and we on this long road, apparently there was no other cars on the road, so suddenly some assholes decided it would be funny if they did a drive by with a paintball gun. I didnt get shot, I heard the sound of the gun and was able to react quickly enough to jump out of the way, but my cousin thought it was the tires popping so he stood still and got shot hehe. Like teekay said, I tend to shrug things like that off, but still it pissed me off that there are stupid people like that.
So, I've run into some interesting situations since I've been back at college, and a few of them have aggravated the shit out of me. Here are a few examples:

-Me and 2 friends went out and smoked up. We came back to my room with
Pokey Sticks (signature bread sticks of a great pizza place called Gumby's around here) to share with the other people I was having over. Well, a friend of mine brought one of her friends over, someone I hadn't met before. He feels the need to yell as loud as he can, "So wait, you're REALLY high, aren't you?" and makes a big fucking deal out of it. Really, is that necessary? Did you really need to let my suitmates know? I've only just met them when I moved into the apartment, I'd rather them not know everything I do. Annoying twat.

-I went to a party at my friend's dorm room. My friends kind of look up to me as the mediator/bouncer when it comes to activities involving alcohol, because I can handle my alcohol well, and I know when to be a dick and when to take control of a situation. So, in return for my services as the mediator, I get beer. Well, after everyone left (I had to kick out a couple assholes), we decided we'd go to the local burger joint that's open 24/7 (Justin, you know what I'm talking about... COOKOUT MOTHERFUCKER), and we gorge ourselves. On our walk back, at 4:30 am mind you, an SUV full of dudes rolls up next to us, asking where the party is at, to which I reply, "It's 4am, you missed the party hours ago." They then ask where the marijuana is, to which I reply, "It's 4am, it's already been smoked, and I don't just give it out to randoms." So, they drive off, only to pull a U-turn into the opposite direction and start screaming insults and talking shit. All the while driving off at 50 MPH. Really, what logic tells you to ask where the party is at, only to get mad at me when I've already done the partying? And what kind of man does it make you to talk shit while driving away in your vehicle? I yelled for them to come back and kick my ass, but no, they had no balls. That shit really pissed me off.

-Tonight, I was walking back to my apartment from my friend's dorm, talking on the phone to a new lady friend, when all of a sudden, an open can of Mountain Dew flies by me, like 2 feet away from my head, just as a car full of fuckers drives past me, laughing hysterically. As before, I yelled for them to come back and man up, but they only accelerated and drove off. Fucking pussies.

Do you guys deal with stupid shit like this?

Man I totally connect with you on the party shit.
Especially the smoking. I don't know why kids that don't smoke always feel the need to blow up spots. Every time if I'm high. I always say no but then people talk to you like your an idiot. I'm high not retard. and what does it matter. And it gets to the point that people ask me every time i see them.

Also one night me and my friends smoked then went to Ralph's Italian
ices. So we get our ices when the two girl cashiers just start talking pretty loudly to us. "Omg you guys smell so good" "Do you have any left" "Look at his eyes" Me and my friends were pissed since we wanted to just chill but we had to leave because all the people started looking at us. I was heated.

Also i hate when kids trash parties. I know its mad fun but i throw parties pretty often and i just know that i would get pissed if some one trashed my place. Also it sucks for the party as a whole since then not soon after everyone has to leave.

When people get sloppy. People need to grow up. Too many high school kids think getting drunk is about throwing up.
-People cutting in lines.
-People doing wrong things.
-People stealing.
-People intently hurting others.
I was the Nintendo World last Saturday evening. There was a mass "everyone get your Platinum Flag" Underground orgy going on. I turn my DS on and some kind walks up to me, doesn't even say hi:
Me *stunned*: Uh... yeah?
Me: I'm kind of in the middle of something...
Me *lies*: No.
Me: No.
Me *more lies*: I just erased the memory... so I just have cloning on.
Me: Uh... can you want until I'm done?
Kid: COOL POKEBALL! WHAT POKEMON DO YOU HAVE IN IT!? :V *reaches for my belt which has one of the BK Pokeballs that suffocated kids back when the first movie came out*
Me *pulling back*: Whoa. Calm down. I have a Drifblim *opens it* see?

He walks away for like 20 minutes then goes into the underground bonanza. At one point he shouts out, "WHO IS KAY-JINE?" /me facepalms
Then it turns out I'm in his secret base, stealing his flag (since he's stealing mine and we're the two bases closest to one another). He goes in a locks me into his base and I can't get out after taking my stuff. I can't believe how hard I was IRL trolled by this brat.

Anyway, I guess if you got the sparknotes of the above, it would say my pet peeves are people without manners or common courtesy.
I'm surprised by these reports of random people being jumped. I've never seen that. Maybe I just live in a good area. If i did see some random person get beat on, i'd run over and destroy the person doing the beating, and so would everyone i know. Maybe that's why i've never seen anyone get jumped.

An extremely irritating thing is when people try to brag about how high they are, or what drugs they do. Why would you brag about your weakness? People aren't impressed by it, they are depressed. Graduate middle school already.
When I could think of myself in their position and practicing self-control to not do whatever they did.

This "me first" type of an attitude that I experience. I see it while driving the most often, as people rationalize that they not only have a right to tailgate someone who is going 10mph over, but that by tailgating them, they get to their destination faster.


property of alex
people that do not say please and thank you when i serve them behind the bar. the tip i don't mind so much since not everyone knows that it's customary to tip bar staff, but manners are mandatory.

elitism in mmorpgs. religious fanatics. people seriously lacking a sense of humour who seem to have forgotten how to smile. idiots driving around with the windows down having shitty music blaring. people who think it is their right to disparage your boyfriend, thinking it will elevate them in your eyes.. people in general piss me off. i piss myself off.

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