Role Playing World's Largest Dungeon - Day 1

We're all going to dies down here....
Severian thinks to himself as he glances at the dead guards and then to the orcs huddled together.
He notices the equipment among the dead guards, and rushes to see what he can use.
It's not as if they need it anymore.
He picks up a longsword, backpack, waterskin, spell component pouch, holy symbol, 1 trail ration, soldier's uniform and a suit of chainmail. (Picks up and equips the sword before doing anything else)
Now to see what these orcs are going to do.


angry, not mad
is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Ah, how convenient. Dargon takes a backpack, a waterskin, a trail ration, a dagger, and the compass. "Alright, let's see what we can do about that coughing before it starts getting on my nerves."
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"You know, because they are huddling at the entrance in a room with these corpses, they might not want to pick a fight with us at all. I think we should plan together with them seeing as we're in a similarly sticky situation here."

"Besides, food keeps better when kept alive."

Bleshet grins.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
((Not much I can adjudicate yet, but Altezz you sure you don't want a chain shirt?))
((Also TAS, agape and LW both took the empty sacks already))

((Some other suggestions. Movement can handled in a variety of ways. You could say "I walk 30 feet north" (I gave you guys a compass for a reason), or "I walk north until I see something new", or "I walk counterclockwise until I understand the dimensions of the room", etc. Remember this is all meant to be very procedural.))

((You may also wish to elect a party movement leader, who can move people as a group, stack up members, and determine marching order. This will greatly expedite things. For combat and other sticky situations, people will be moving themselves individually. Always feel free to interject if you disagree with your movement leader.))
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The kobold rolls his eyes. "Oh sure, they'll wanna talk to us. Do you even speak orc? I doubt they know Taldan anyway. But yeah, go ahead, you go talk to them. See how that works out," he says, eyeing escape routes for when this inevitably heads south.
((I will be the movement leader. Feel free to contest my decisions and position.))

"Food keeps better when alive, Stahl."

I approach them just enough to start inspecting the orcs' gear with my darkvision.

"We should select a leader who rules over us with an iron fist, deciding how we proceed. I am too weak-willed for this task."

While eyeing over the orcs' gear I talk to them.

"Hi guys! Stuck down in this hole also, eh? What about we have an agreement: We won't be hostile to each other and in return we can help you with whatever problem you might have."
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I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus

Dark Green Squares are Orcs
As you approach, the orcs only watch listlessly. In response to your proposition, they ignore you, returning half-hearted surly glances. They each carry a falchion, a javelin, and are wearing studded leather armor.
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"They cannot understand our language. Let us inspect this room before venturing eastward."

I smile to the orcs. I point to our group. Then I point west and bow to them.

I move 10ft north. Severian to my west and Stahl to my south. Dargon SW of me and Skippy's Master SW of Dargon.

"Altezz, check for traps in the west, please. Skippy should be kept between Altezz and us. Look for hidden doors as well. There might be an exit."

If this checking yields no interesting results, let's march east from the southernmost door.

Corridor marching order: Altezz, 10ft, Skippy, 5ft, Bleshet, Dargon, Stahl, Skippy's Master (need name), 5ft, Severian.
If you don't have darkvision, get a torch and use it.
"I really want a falchion btw. Let's kill those orcs when we come to sleep here for the night."

Edit: IC instead of OOC, OOC is bad!
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The little kobold taps a claw to his temple, smiling in response to Stahl's question as they walk. "Try thinking before you speak, will you? Those extra rations won't help you if you die of in-fighting. Besides, do you really think you can get through here alone? They, on the other hand, don't seem to be helpful to us and probably will attack us given the opportunity."

However, at Bleshet's declaration, he rolls his eyes at the gnoll's attempt to communicate. "It might help if you knew orc; I, being the genius that I am, do, but that will wait." He rolls his neck and begins checking the floor for traps and the south wall for hidden doors as he moves along it.

25 Perception for hidden doors and traps (26 if there are traps).

While he does so, he casually asks the orcs in orcish, "You guys do not look very well. Is there anything we can help you with? Also, is there anything dangerous ahead?"

2 for the diplo roll! Altezz kinda doesn't like orcs that much.

EDIT: Actually, because I post too slow, instead of asking the orcs anything Altezz just kinda facepalms.
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"Ah, naturally orcs only speak Orcish. My bad. If a more important diplomatical encounter arises in the future the most eloquent of us should handle the situation, possibly with one of us acting as a translator should the silver-tongued one not possess fluency in the language needed. Also, usually improving the attitude of ones we'll want to talk to is not needed. Better to stay professional, exchanging favours and advice instead."

"--- oh, they understand Common."


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Altezz spends five minutes searching the floors for traps (he finds none) and then the walls for hidden doors (he finds none). However, there are two more non-hidden doors in the northwest portion of the room. A strange smells comes from the western most door. As Altezz passes by the orcs, they bare their teeth in an obviously empty threat.

11:10 AM

((Anyone who wishes to follow Agape's lead, say so.))
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is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
"For all I know all of you are dead weights and would be a waste of food, I'm not stupid I know numbers are needed but I don't need weaklings, I might be better off with those orcs then than some of you."
The kobold sniffs the air. A strange odor, and not of unwashed orc, at that. Ignoring the empty threat, he says, "No traps here and no doors other than the ones we can see, but some pungent odor is emanating from behind that door." He points to the westernmost door.

"Whatever, do what you like," he says dismissively to the human.
Severian glances over at the presumptuous human.
"Do what you will, but don't come crying to me when you're dying of thirst."
He then casts Create Water to fill his waterskin. (1/2 gallon to be exact)


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
"I'm not saying you are weaklings, I'm saying you better prove yourselves useful to the group before we decide to eat those rations. And for whoever you worship's sake, stop ignoring the elephant in the room and talk to those orcs if you can"
Always with the demands! Prove yourself useful this, why shouldn't I do that, so on and so forth! Altezz can already see that working with this human is going to be an exercise in frustration, but what choice is there? "They speak common, they have ears, and you have a tongue. You're more than capable of talking, but if you insist..."

Going to say the diplo check I tried up there before I realized I posted too slow, with same diplomacy result.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
The largest of the three ponders the question for a moment and then says, "You will see soon enough." The other two laugh at the response, the smallest one stifling a cough.

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