Xbox 180: Microsoft removes DRM from Xbox One and announces new policies

So are we going to switch to the people who didn't have a problem whining now? It didn't bother me at all actually, Xbox should be aiming at the Live users over the offline users. Also the Cloud Space would've been fantastic. But whatever, at the end of the day I'm just buying whichever one has my favorite exclusives. I would've bought PS4 because of KH3, but I like Halo too much and KH3 is on the Xbox One too.
@Focus: That picture is hilarious, thank you.


Guess who's back? Na na na! *breakdances*
is a CAP Contributor Alumnus
This has changed my opinion from "I'm not buying an XBox One" to "I might buy an XBox One after a price drop some time down the road". If it gains swing consumers, then they're going in the right direction.
I don't understand why people are complaining that the Xbone is going to stay a console and is no longer becoming a watered-down PC.

If you want cloud-supported games and all their "wave of the future" features, get a fucking PC and any of the numerous download services. Consoles should be able to be played offline, it's that fucking simple.

To everyone complaining about how the ten family/friends thing got taken away, as Angry Joe says, that is no one's fault but Microsoft's. It is a sad attempt at making everyone who complained about the DRM policies feel worse about themselves. If Microsoft was smart, they'd realize that reinstating this feature would give them an edge over Sony.
After thinking about it for a while, I felt the same. Microsoft had a vision for the XBone and now we'll never get to see it in action :/
They should have had a better vision. The one thing that some people seem to forget is that not all change is good (the reverse is also true). If Microsoft want to bring about change, then at least make innovations where the consumers actually benefit from them, rather than make it harder for us to actually want to use their console.
Reasons why each of their policies were bad ideas have already been laid on the table and none of these benefited us. Whilst I have every respect for businesses wanting to stay afloat and actually have needs of their own, it's the consumer's needs that should always have priority.

How would the DRM, used games and the online-every-24-hours policies benefit the consumers? Are these ideas actually changes for the better and bring about a positive future? Those are the million dollar questions, and since the gamer community as a whole have protested these changes, they clearly aren't what we want changed.

I'm a fan of change, but only when that change is actually beneficial and enjoyable. Having said all this, the Xbox One does have some relatively nice features, even if they don't interest me, but even though Microsoft have actually done the right thing by the us with these changes, I personally still don't want to plug my money into a business who tried to force these terrible policies on us in the first place. At least it looks a lot better now than it did, even if it still quails in comparison to the PS4 (which hasn't really offered anything spectacularly new, but their range of games looks more promising, and they've been a lot more consumer-based from the start rather than trying to screw us over and then doing a 180).

Let's hope we get to see some better innovations in the future, and hope that there are better things each console has to offer than what they have shown!


Custom Loser Title
This is (allegedly) a Microsoft employee's perspective on the vision they had for the Xbox One. I found it kind of interesting, though it didn't really convince me that always-online was anything but a terrible idea.
the thing about used games though is that the company wouldn't necessarily still be selling the game; for example, you can get really old games that were made in the 90's or are simply out of print these days and not on a type of virtual console [i bought pokemon yellow and crystal as presents for my friends from a retro game store earlier] - they wouldn't still be making them, so they wouldn't get the money regardless. idk maybe i'm oversimplifying this but for me it's the only time i get used games, especially when the new ones aren't that much more expensive and actually help the people who made them.
Thanks to the gaming community both consoles are just technical upgrades in every single way (Including the Kinect and Move and controllers) and a couple of new features:

1. Play your friends game if he gets stuck
2. Live stream
3. DVR (Xbox has editor)
4. Xbox has TV features
5. Cloud computing

The family sharing and digital license selling was what separated the Xbox and the "Limitations" were not limitations at all

We can't innovate if people refuse to change, considering the age group of many gamers you would think we would be happy for technology to move forwards with phones and tablets having these features.

It's a shame really I was looking forward to the xbox, im still getting it but the worth of it seems to have vanished. I waited almost 10 years for a new gen console and we should expect more from them then just better graphics . To just end up with two consoles with almost the same features as last gen with better graphics is basically having a PS 3.5 AND 360.5.
Just a couple things I'd like to address:

1) The whole "family sharing" plan was not all it was hyped up to me. Turns out those in your "family" would only be playing something similar to a demo version of the game, for a maximum of about 1 hour. Believe me, we're not missing out on much.

2) It's too early to move into an always online world. This works for PC, mobile, etc; but not consoles. A console should be designed to play offline from the start - end of story. I understand they envisioned a system similar to Steam, but PC and console gaming work so differently, and this would not be the hybrid device between the two. People buy consoles for their convenience. Forcing them to always be connected and limit sharing are not going to appeal to an audience that favors convenience.

3) Are they keeping mandatory game installs? Because that's a terrible idea. 500GB is not enough storage to hold games up to 50 gigs. It's convenient to be able to change games without the need of a disc, but since you cannot remove the hard drive (in a convenient manner), this just doesn't seem ideal.

4) Please don't buy into this cloud computing bullshit. Numerous sources from trusted tech websites called bullshit on their stated 300K server base, not to mention their statements of the XB1 becoming "10 times more powerful with the cloud". Your hardware is not changing. Unless you are streaming the content, which we are not ready for with the current internet speeds in the U.S, all this talk of increasing the power in a non upgradeable machine "through the power of the cloud" was just their way of saying "our hardware is inferior to Sony's". Don't expect multiplats to look very different, but Sony exclusives will demonstrate the difference between the power of both consoles.

Just as a side note, my numbering does not correlate with your 5 features listed in your post. Also, everything you say that you want has been available on the PC for years now. If you really want to experience that without having to wait another 10 years, save up some money and build a PC. It's worth it, and the Steam sales make up for the initial cost.

Soul Fly

is a Contributor Alumnus
People were actually buying the "cloud computing" crap?

Have you people not learned anything from ANYTHING from the Sim City always-online disaster?

I weep for humanity.
Jesus man. It was obvious this was going to happen.

Kudos goes to the Sony and Nintendoh fanboys who whined and made such a big deal about it. We couldn't have the best system without you.
Even with xbox doing a complete 360 with the 180, the damage is done. Its like saying something that can't be unsaid. The ps4 price point is my main factor for choosing Sony over Micro, and up until this debacle I had major brand loyalty to Microsoft. Then I found out the Kinect had to be connected 24/7...

Isn't that spying on you? The negative uses of our images outweighs the "good." Plus I smoke A LOT when I game. I don't want microsoft to know when I'm getting toasty.
Even with xbox doing a complete 360 with the 180, the damage is done. Its like saying something that can't be unsaid. The ps4 price point is my main factor for choosing Sony over Micro, and up until this debacle I had major brand loyalty to Microsoft. Then I found out the Kinect had to be connected 24/7...

Isn't that spying on you? The negative uses of our images outweighs the "good." Plus I smoke A LOT when I game. I don't want microsoft to know when I'm getting toasty.
tbh though do you think that they really care? i mean what's the point of watching some 20-something-year-old "get toasty"? they do have better things to be doing like making internet explorer into an actually good browser.

ps doing a 360 would mean that they are facing the same direction


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
I mean what's the point of having a camera hooked up the Microsoft's servers and always watching your couch?

Just because I don't believe in big brother, doesn't mean that if someone in a suit hands me a camera and tells me to hook it up in my house that I'm going to comply.

Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Jesus man. It was obvious this was going to happen.

Kudos goes to the Sony and Nintendoh fanboys who whined and made such a big deal about it. We couldn't have the best system without you.
From an earlier post in a similar thread:

Deck Knight said:

Miscrosoft is going to hold a press conference soon saying it is discontinuing support for XBox One and will be switching to a new console, XBox Vista.
Xbox is still going to be in PS4's Shadow and Nintendo is going to do their own thing like they always do. Wii's uniqueness and Nintendo's brand reputation made it such a great sell that even attempts to copy off its innovations like Kinect never had the same appeal. XBox never really developed a family-friendly reputation. People mostly know it as the FPS Regurgitation System.
yeah, i agree. i've a 360 and there are very few family-friendly games on the system compared to, say, nintendo. most of mine are from the original xbox tbh. bugged my mum because she was looking for something my sibling [8] could play... that wasn't about shooting people in the face, you know?

[in the end my best friend gave me his wii when he upgraded to wii u so he now hogs the television and plays kirby's epic yarn all day when he's not watching giratina and the sky warrior or playing pokemon black]

but still while the main gaming demographics aren't exactly families, parents are suckers for their kids and will pay a lot of money for them - so ignoring that demographic/not giving it due attention is foolish - especially since a lot of those kids will remain gamers as they age. remaining gamers + having nostalgia for your brand = continued loyalty and more money.

Soul Fly

is a Contributor Alumnus
2 Points i want to address universally to all moaners.

1. There was never ever ANY FUCKING cloud processing for 'huge online worlds'. Tell me more about how it would be possible when M$ had exclusively stated that it would only be a short 'blip' communication worth a few (i.e < 15) megabytes

2. STEAM. Stop. Just Stop. Have you ever used steam? If you did you would know that there's no 24 hr check for offline games. And yeah we're not retarded we know the COD fanboys tend to stay online 24/7 but there's a very sizeable crowd that uses the system for singleplayer/family gaming and rarely (if ever) go online. That and the fact the check is obnoxious.
tbh it's a bigger deal for people like me who often play games because the internet is down [not always, though]
still, this is a thing. they really needed to be more public about the benefits of the system, and not just defending themselves all the time. that was foolish and it really cost them, though many parts of their 'vision' had no real benefit for the consumer.
That's true if your internet isn't reliable or if you can't access it for whatever reason. On the pastebin with the supposed microsoft employee said that the reason why valve can have the games sold so cheaply is because they essentially cut out the middleman and sell the games for only a little over the production costs. I think we should give full game downloads a chance though as it might just cut back these annoying prices. But the drawbacks are unappealing, certainly. This is just what these people invision for the future, no different than something like apple computers. Everyone shouldn't be so resistant, or at least stop the mindless bandwagoning and memes.

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