Media Yu-Gi-Oh discussion


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Sure buddy!

It is what you make of it. It's a malleable game. I play strictly DN, so I choose how the game comes to me, and so should you.

Currently rocking the shit out of Yosenju stun, and man is it beautiful. However! Boy is nekroz a bitch, but you just have to learn how to play over them, and as long as you play a semi-competitive deck, you will! It just takes practice, and that is what makes it fun. The game post the next booster, is Ruled by nekroz, but the lead isn't Dragon Ruler like. Qliphort, Shaddoll, Tellarknights, and Yosenju can hang when piloted right. If you love the game, you will get through all of it for better or worse. For fucks sake I dominated dragon ruler/spellbook format with a Hunder Eradicator virus turbo deck. It's all about your level of creativity and time. If you don't have both, don't bother.
Creativity is definitely not an issue. I ran Tiki HEROs for a while to some success. I'll keep thinking about it. Thanks bro.
It's all about your level of creativity and time. If you don't have both, don't bother.
Not quite true. Creativity with little time can still work(you should try Fluffal Darkworlds btw, best thing I've ever made). Not to mention that simply making sure you're having fun works wonders. I've placed third in seven 30+ person locals with Bujins against a field of strictly BA, Qliphort, Shaddoll, and Tellarknight, while facing off against some of the best players in America.
I think it's worth it, as long as you can find a deck that you like. Even if it's pure Fluffals and you never win with it, it's just pure fun(happened for me the other week.)


Hey, it's me!
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So I think what I'm gonna end up doing for Yugioh is starting off by just playing my friends with old decks of mine that are still legal. Eventually I'll catch up and learn all of the new cards and whatnot.
So I think what I'm gonna end up doing for Yugioh is starting off by just playing my friends with old decks of mine that are still legal. Eventually I'll catch up and learn all of the new cards and whatnot.
Alright cool, if you want any tips or information about how to deal with the meta, feel free to hit me up. I've played the game since only LOB, metal raiders, and the yugi+Kaiba starters we're all that existed, I've got 5000 duels played on DN alone (and I didn't find dn until 2012!) I am quite familiar with the game.
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keeps the varmints on the run
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QuoteCS and I played some duels today, they were fun! He said he got really bad hands which was kind of unfortunate. Did an ending screenshot for once:

I'm sure most of the people posting in this thread are really good at the game and honestly, I'm not really sure how well my decks stack up with the actual meta and if that would be something I'm interested in getting involved with or not. I normally just play with friends and we just play whatever kinds of archetypes we like without really knowing or caring what's actually the best. I ranted about this a bit to Quote at the start of the duels: I kinda feel like every card has like at least three effects with five lines of text and it's just made the game so complicated. It's really tiring and tedious to read through the effects and keep them in mind all the time, for me. So many cards and strategies to keep up with. I hear the metagame is really centralized so I feel like I'm bad just because I'm using stuff like Relinquished or Jurracs and not whatever is mainstream at the moment (I have no idea what is, honestly). This of course is based on 0 fact as I haven't ever dueled anyone who is good and knows the meta.

I guess it really depends mainly on whether or not a variety of deck types are actually viable in higher level play. I certainly feel like I'm capable of becoming good, all it really comes down to is whether or not it'll be fun when I get there.
Your deck has 0 chance against meta decks. I don't need to see the deck list. It really isn't a big deal because you're using cards and a strategies that are ancient. Once you start playing "seriously" you'll only be able to find consistent success with variations of about 4-5 decks. But this is true for pretty much anything(including pokemon) and don't let the opponents decks discourage you(everyone starts using the same decks at some point). I haven't played yugioh since last September because of football season but I might jump back in it now that the season is over.

It is true that the newer cards come with more effects. Konami is trying to simplify things by making cards follow a format of how effects work. Learn how a text filled card works and you won't have problems breaking down other complicated cards since they follow the same format. It's also helpful to remember that the game exists within its own universe and card effects are actually all the same, just with different pictures and names. There are only a few cards that have radically different and unique effects. Most cards have effects that have been done before. I duel against cards I've never seen and I don't bother reading the effects because they don't change. I only read them if I think the other guy is using them wrong(I can tell even if I never read the card)
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Hulavuta Dude kudo's to you for using Jurracs in the first place. I love those things.
And yeah, while your decks can't really compete against the meta, playing a bad deck that's fun can be just as enjoyable if not more so as playing a boring deck that always wins.

About the card texts, eventually, you'll be able to give cards with certain effects key labels such as 'search' or 'draw' or 'destroy' and those will help to remember the rest of the effect. It also helps a lot to play against them a ton.

Just thought I'd leave this here.

Also, as someone who hasn't played Yu-Gi-Oh in a long time (I believe the last time I played a match was in July), pls tell what are currently the best decks? Nekroz seem amazing though.

Just thought I'd leave this here.

Also, as someone who hasn't played Yu-Gi-Oh in a long time (I believe the last time I played a match was in July), pls tell what are currently the best decks? Nekroz seem amazing though.
I'm not super knowledgeable myself, but from the information gathering I did, it seems Nekroz is the best right now, though I'm not sure if that's just from people not having time to adapt yet. Next is Qliphorts and Burning Abyss, with Qliphorts having a notably better game one match-up with Nekroz. From there you have Shaddolls and Tellarknights, which are struggling now but had a good showing prior to the release of Nekroz. I think there are also some other decks that do well at the regional level that I've missed.


could do worse
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
I actually never knew this thread existed so cool. DN name is iHop but I barely use it as I prefer to play irl.

Regarding the metagame atm it's pretty shit. Nekroz are the best deck by FAR (22 of 32 YCS tops in Seattle) to the point where literally any deck that isn't Qliphort or BA can't keep up. Hopefully Konami get the idea and actually hit the top decks properly for a change because right not the meta is split into people who can afford Nekroz/Qliphort, people good enough to win with BA and the rest.
I actually never knew this thread existed so cool. DN name is iHop but I barely use it as I prefer to play irl.

Regarding the metagame atm it's pretty shit. Nekroz are the best deck by FAR (22 of 32 YCS tops in Seattle) to the point where literally any deck that isn't Qliphort or BA can't keep up. Hopefully Konami get the idea and actually hit the top decks properly for a change because right not the meta is split into people who can afford Nekroz/Qliphort, people good enough to win with BA and the rest.
For what it's worth, I remember when Six Sams had 3 Gateways and pulled similar numbers on large tournaments. If it gets really bad, then while nothing may get straight-up banned, Konami will do something to lower its OTK frequency like they did with Gateway.


could do worse
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
For what it's worth, I remember when Six Sams had 3 Gateways and pulled similar numbers on large tournaments. If it gets really bad, then while nothing may get straight-up banned, Konami will do something to lower its OTK frequency like they did with Gateway.
Thing is, Sams with 3 Gateway were around for a much shorter time (only a single YCS, iirc) and there was clearly something they could do to make the deck no longer completely ridiculous but still one of the best decks as a quick fix before the next banlist hit them harder. There'll be a much longer time for people to play Nekroz so Konami may consider actually hitting them, as they'll easily sell enough product to make it worth it and Nekroz will get a good few months of play. It's also really hard to hit a single card because there's so much search power. I think it's more likely that they take a big hit or hardly any hit at all because it's very difficult to hit Nekroz sufficiently without hitting them hard. Japan limited like, every non-archetype searcher plus Unicore which idk but I'm pretty sure Nekroz are no longer a thing over there.
I haven't played for about 2 years or so (I quit around the time that XYZ's started getting popular; I think Junk Doppel was the last deck I remember being "meta")

Are decks nowadays still as ridiculously fast as some of the top-tier Synchro decks back then, or are decks more about control and toolboxing nowadays than getting a massive amount of 2500+ monsters out in one turn? I ask because I had a lot of fun with Shooting Quasar OTK on DN a while back.
I'm just going to stick to my Bujins and Fire Fists while Nekroz and BA continue dominating. Funny thing is I still haven't lost to either one while using Bujins. O.o
I'm just going to stick to my Bujins and Fire Fists while Nekroz and BA continue dominating. Funny thing is I still haven't lost to either one while using Bujins. O.o
I never used them in a tourney format, but I do remember using Bujins against some of my friends that always preferred big swarm-based plays. There was nothing more fun than sitting on a Kaiser Coliseum and watching them having to pray that they top-deck an MST for the Coliseum only to run into one the other 2-3 traps they ignored the entire time.
I haven't played for about 2 years or so (I quit around the time that XYZ's started getting popular; I think Junk Doppel was the last deck I remember being "meta")

Are decks nowadays still as ridiculously fast as some of the top-tier Synchro decks back then, or are decks more about control and toolboxing nowadays than getting a massive amount of 2500+ monsters out in one turn? I ask because I had a lot of fun with Shooting Quasar OTK on DN a while back.
Decks have only really gotten faster since Xyzs came out, there's been a few massive power creeps in the game over the past 2-3 years (cards of note in these power creeps: Spellbook of Judgment, Dragon Rulers, Nekroz). It's definitely no longer a game where Quasar OTK is competitive, or really usable in higher ratings on DN, but you'd be able to have fun with it in lower ratings and in unrated.

Also, if you're unaware, there's also new cards called Pendulum monsters. They're essentially half-monster half-spell and let you flood the field every turn.
In the TCG Burning Abyss are also extremely prominent. They were hands down the best deck before Nekroz, and now they're still viable, even with Nekroz, which are basically Dragon Rulers v2.0.
Yeah. I didn't single them out because they only looked as bad as Geargia in their prime, only with less competition. That being said I did basically cut ties with the game after I quit being an admin on DN just before Pendulums became TCG-legal so I doubt what I percieve is 100% accurate, but being told about and witnessing Nekroz confirmed that I'll never return to it.
Yeah. I didn't single them out because they only looked as bad as Geargia in their prime, only with less competition. That being said I did basically cut ties with the game after I quit being an admin on DN just before Pendulums became TCG-legal so I doubt what I percieve is 100% accurate, but being told about and witnessing Nekroz confirmed that I'll never return to it.
I wouldn't be so quick to jump the boat if it's only because of Nekroz. Don't forget, Nekroz just came out; there's only been 1 large-scale tournament since their release. As much as I hate Konami, I also know that it's actually not in Konami's favor to have one deck choke the meta as much as Nekroz is now. If they continue to choke out other decks in the next couple of big events, then they'll likely do something about Nekroz to make it more manageable. I doubt it'll be anything major, but they may at least hit some of their search power to slow down the deck.
Also, Vanity's Fiend just stops them dead in their tracks. Once you get it out, the only thing they can do is hope to draw into a Book of Moon or Chalice to get around it. The only problem is that they're sooooo fast.
I wouldn't be so quick to jump the boat if it's only because of Nekroz. Don't forget, Nekroz just came out; there's only been 1 large-scale tournament since their release. As much as I hate Konami, I also know that it's actually not in Konami's favor to have one deck choke the meta as much as Nekroz is now. If they continue to choke out other decks in the next couple of big events, then they'll likely do something about Nekroz to make it more manageable. I doubt it'll be anything major, but they may at least hit some of their search power to slow down the deck.
They allowed Dragon Rulers to have its grips on the meta for two formats, although that might've just been down to Konami not knowing how to nerf them properly in tandem with everything else (I don't think anyone really knows what they were thinking back then).

And yeah there's only been one large-scale for the TCG (I think there's been some regional qualifiers too which are mid-scale I'm not sure) but they also dominated the OCG for a while until they were quite badly hit, and that's a much tougher setting to dominate in. It's also arguable that we have better tools to support Nekroz (Raigeki, double Dark Hole, sometimes Snatch Steal) on top of a much more feeble format compared to the OCG, but I guess that's down to opinion.

Still my decision to ultimately never play Yu-Gi-Oh again is more or less down to 'well if they're making things like Nekroz, what the hell's gonna be next?' (also I think Hearthstone's better but I digress)
Heartstone IS better. But that isn't saying much because Yugioh is mediocre with very few redeeming qualities. Nostalgia is pretty much all its got going for it(and I guess the relatively inexpensive decks). Dragon Rulers was my favorite format and deck. It was the most broken deck ever created but was extremely cheap(tele dad was around 1000 dollars for reference). But best of all the deck itself allowed many styles to work. They won through unmatched resources and speed but other than a first turn LaDD never prevented the opponent from playing the game. Cards like Macro Cosmos, Dimensional Fissure, Kaiser Colissuem, LaDD, Jinzo, Royal Oppression and decks like Bujins have always been the true cancer in yugioh. There is no skill in sitting on cards your opponent can do nothing about. Just some thoughts.
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