Yugioh! TCG Thread

Glad Mirror.

For Phantom Dragon:
They go Cold Wave derp derp gyzarus on you and SS two Laquari (because Herk is bad in the mirror so don't bother unless Murmillo is gone and even then...) Anyway, SS Phantom when they go Laquaris and beat over them next turn.


They go Cold Wave Rescue Cat Secutor on your open monster field to get Bestiari and Laquari to Tag for Gyzarus and pop you back rows. BUT when they SS Secutor you drop Phantom and put yourself in a very good position

Pretty simple. They attack. Jowls flips up/maybe dies. You take control of their monster and tag it into their deck for one of yours at the end of the battle phase. Epic. But people know not to attack Face-Downs in the second game (so you bluff dead murmillos/Secutors and go Prisma/Bestiari > Gyzarus when they wimp out on attack)
Hey guys. I have always been into strategy and especially card games, but I was on Comcast's "On Demand" and saw an old episode of Yugioh, which brought back amazing memories.

I really wnat to get into the TCG. I don't have a job(14) so I can't really spend like 19074 billion dollars a month, but I can spend $50 a month or so, which is decent. I was wondering if any Ygo veterans could help me decide how to get started.

$50 to start seems decent enough, we are having a prerelease this week on sunday, it's $20 for 6 packs, I was wondering if I should go, and if I go what else should I buy(tins, packs, etc) and what kind. Please be specific :D
If you're looking to amass as many cards as possible, I would buy tins or combo packs (usually labeled Special Edition) since those get you more cards than buying individual packs. Crimson Crisis, Crossroads of Chaos, and The Duelist Genesis are the newest sets to come out with some very useful cards in them for today's game, but you might also want to take a look at Light of Destruction or Phantom Darkness (I think it's called) which were both very good sets IMO. Recent structure decks are a good starting point as well, as they usually have several pretty good cards in them for any deck.
Didn't know there was a yugioh forum on Smogon...lol

Anyways, I'm not sure about what to talk about, so yea....

Here's my deck that I've been running lately. It's BW Synchro with some Monarch Support.

Monster (22)
Caius x3
Sirroco x2
Bora x3
Gale x3
Shura x2
Morphing Jar
Treeborn Frog
Spirit Reaper
D.D. Crow x2
Junk Synchron

Spells (12)
Instant Fusion x3
Monster Reborn
Heavy Storm
Brain Control
Pot of Avarice
Allure of Darkness
Enemy Controller x2
Lightning Vortex

Traps (6)
Icarus Attack x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Torrential Tribute
Trap Dustshoot

Extra Deck (9)
Ojama Knight x3
Thought Ruler
Red Dragon's Archfiend
Colossal Fighter
Gaia Knight
Junk Warrior

Well, obviously, it's not complete at the moment because I don't have access to a lot of resources, but I've been managing somehow. Junk Synchron is there only for tuning, so he could come out for other stuff.

Any other advice would be helpful. Thanks!
really surprised at the lack of gbs at that sjc, i guess people just prefer playing lightsworn. grats to jeff jones, his deck was really interesting. ive been playing skill drain all format but settled on light zombie. i can definitely see why dark skill drain won in a jump dominated by ls, defender + skill drain means lightsworn has jd and heavy as outs lol. even without skill drain, add celestia to that list.

im excited for the sneak this weekend, really excited to start playing blackwing.
In all honesty I haven't played this game since back in the day when CED + Limiter Removal ran in every deck, and was commonplace when I went to Regionals for my area. What's changed? I know Chaos had a bit of a foothold after the Dragons got banned, not quite sure what Monarchs are (we had them, just never sure if anyone built a deck around them like what I'm hearing now). Anyone wanna explain what exactly has changed from then to now?
Thanks :D

I was looking at Glad. Beasts. They any good? Are they expensive?
hmmm... in my current GB deck the expensive cards are:

2x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus $6-8
2x Gladiator Beast Heraklinos $4 (maybe less, people don't value them at anything)
3x Test Tiger $60-75
2x Laquari $12-16
2x Samnite $2-4
1x Murmillo $1
2x Gladiator Beast War Chariot $12-14

Those are necessary.
These aren't but are very good

1x Elemental Hero Prisma $16-20 (some run 2)
1x Elemental Hero Stratos $6-8

You can play Glads without Test Tiger and without Prisma but the deck is just better with them. Especially Test Tiger. Prisma some run some don't. I find it amazing.
In all honesty I haven't played this game since back in the day when CED + Limiter Removal ran in every deck, and was commonplace when I went to Regionals for my area. What's changed? I know Chaos had a bit of a foothold after the Dragons got banned, not quite sure what Monarchs are (we had them, just never sure if anyone built a deck around them like what I'm hearing now). Anyone wanna explain what exactly has changed from then to now?
It's completely different. There are Synchros and Tuners now. They run a good portion of the metagame. They aren't an archetype really, more of an aspect to many decks.

Gladiator Beasts are good now with Rescue Cat + Test Tiger + Samnite Comboes. Gyzarus is ridiculous. Archetype based on successfully attacking and "tagging" into the deck to get another Gladiator Beast who'll use its effect. However, it's been warped into Gyzarus spam at times.

Lightsworn cards are very good but expensive. It's an archetype based on self-milling.

Vote for the rares and commons in the successor of the Champion Pack, i.e. vote for RARE CRUSH CARD!

Alien Telepath
Armageddon Knight
Blizzard Dragon
Burden of the Mighty
Crush Card Virus
Dark Bribe
Dark Eruption
Destiny Draw
Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
Magicians Unite
Rescue Cat
Royal Decree
Satellite Cannon
Volcanic Counter

Alien Shocktrooper
Book of Moon
Colosseum - Cage of the Gladiator Beasts
D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation
Gladiator Beast Bestiari
Gladiator Beast Hoplomus
Gladiator Beast Laquari
Gladiator Beast Murmillo
Gladiator Beast's Respite
Golden Flying Fish
Hand Destruction
Reckless Greed
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

Also, http://shriektcg.twoday.net/stories/5515276/

Beast Striker


Once per turn, you can discard one card to Special Summon 1 "Moja" from your Deck.

King of the Beast


You can Tribute 1 face-up "Moja" you control to Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard. You can only have 1 face-up "King of the Beasts on the field.

I'm seriously thinking of making a Moja deck now.
thanks for the bump.. almost forgot about this.

I'm now a owner for a new Samnite/Siracco Regional 2009 Mat :]

Glads still get there for me, I dont think I will ever move on.. lol.
Oh man this is heaven. I've got 2 prime deck, neither of which I have on me, but one focuses on the card Amoeba and the other is a total beat down Equip cards deck. They're both rather dated and have quite a few banned cards in them O_O
Whew its cool to see a ygo thread on a pkmn site. I played right after it came out, took a break when i was in 6th grade, and then kept playing until around december, when i slowed playing to focus more on school and girls. A breakup indirectly kept me from going to the crimson crisis sneaks, and then the konami takeover kept me from finding a raging battle sneak in time. The destruction of metagame.com was kind of the last straw for me; i just outright stopped for a while, until just last week. I find it hard to play the way I'd like to since several, if not all, of the best cards are very expensive or that the people who've got them and don't need them are too demanding trade-wise.
My biggest complaint with the game is just that I wish the decks I see on the net were easier to build on my own, so that I could appreciate their power at face value and not have to guess, which all relates back to money and the rarity of the cards involved. But oh well. Hopefully I'll keep on.
Oh yeah and I hate Glads. Lol
I haven't bought cards in a while (other than the new spellcaster deck). I'm planning on getting a box of DP: Yugi when it comes out. Yes, I know the cards aren't that good, but I don't have a Mirror Force yet, I want a couple of other cards from it, such as Dark Magician Girl and Sorcerer of Dark Magic, and finally, there's the nostalgia factor, as well as the cool alternate arts.
So, does anyone know where I could get a box of these pretty cheap in the UK?

My little brother (UK VGC champion :P) is really into this right now. All his friends collect them, and he's managed to get a few good cards off them (off the top of my head, the better/valuable ones are Blackwing Armor Master, Emergency Teleport, Tuningware, Rose Warrior of Revenge, and a few other synchros). He's making a Plant/synchro deck to use as his main deck; I've lent him a Lonefire Blossom and Botanical Lion I pulled a while back.

He's still trying to get some valuable cards off his friends; one of them claims to have a Judgment Dragon :O
Got bored, decided to prepare a Ritual Deck post-Stardust Overdrive for fun. Given the wait for us, I may not go the whole nine yards with this, but it's just on paper for now.

Monsters (19)

Ruin, Queen of Oblivion x2
Demise, King of Armageddon x2
Relinquished x2
Ritual Devil Gresider x3
Ritual Devil Releaser x3
Manju x3
Sonic Bird
Armageddon Knight x2
Ritual Raven

Spell (13)

End of the World x3
Black Illusion Ritual x2
Preparations for the Ritual
Burial from the Different Dimension x2
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Soul Exchange x2

Traps (8)

Ritual Buster x3
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Dark Bribe x3

Side Deck

Monster Reincarnation
Dark Eruption x2
Soul Exchange
Magic Drain x2
Foolish Burial x2
Threatening Roar x3
Lightening Vortex x2
Divine Wrath
Hammer Shot

By the way, for all of you interested about what's happening in the game after you left, I recommend one of two things:

a) Check out the Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia. Just try to get a broad overview of the new things added.
b) Go to Pojo Forum. There is a returning players forum, which has a pretty in-depth sticky.
Lol i always hear about the kids in the UK getting like the best cards.
Come to think of it now though, my friends and i do pull pretty good cards every now and again [usually due to double-registering at sneak previews], but they end up sold or traded in minutes since we've got no use for almost anything valuable that we pull...sucks not having the resources to make use of the high-end stuff when you finally do get it.
My friend was randomly sold a powerful gladiator beast deck a while back though. It sucks to play against it cause I can't be creative with what I use against it. Only like one of my ten decks has a shot at beating it, which is why I started building a Blackwing deck to help that.

I wish somebody random would sell me a good deck at a great price for no particular reason. I'll stop ranting for now though XD
Have not posted here in a while...

I just attended a Regional a few weeks ago. I initially went with my friends just to improve their (and my) trade binders (which I did), but I figured I would get bored if I did not play, so I entered. I really wanted to play my Ehren Control deck, but I had only constructed it a few days prior and I knew it would not have a very good chance due to the lack of experience it has. My Spywing deck was fully tested and constructed, so I opted for it.

As it turns out, I got second place, which is much better than I expected to do this time.
awesome job Dr. Eyepatch! Yeah Spy Wings are pretty good. I have Spy Wings and Glads atm. I haven't played in a month but plan on going next week definitely.
Thank you. ^_^ Since this is not one of my more unusual-yet-effective decks, I do not mind sharing the decklist:

Monsters (19):

Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn

Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
Blackwing - Bora the Spear
Blackwing - Bora the Spear
Blackwing - Bora the Spear
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North
Gravekeeper's Spy
Gravekeeper's Spy
Gravekeeper's Guard
Morphing Jar

Spells (11):

Black Whirlwind
Black Whirlwind
Black Whirlwind
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Cold Wave
Dark Eruption
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Brain Control
Monster Reborn

Traps (10):

Solemn Judgment
Solemn Judgment
Solemn Judgment
Icarus Attack
Icarus Attack
Bottomless Trap Hole
Bottomless Trap Hole
Trap Dustshoot
Torrential Tribute
Mirror Force

Extra (15):

Magical Android
Tempest Magician
Blackwing Armed Wing
Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
Goyo Guardian
Arcanite Magician
Arcanite Magician
Black Rose Dragon
Blackwing Armor Master
Blackwing Armor Master
Dark Strike Fighter
Stardust Dragon
Thoughtruler Archfiend
Goyo Guardian
Red Dragon Archfiend

Sideboard (15):

Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
D.D. Crow
Trap Eater

Giant Trunade
Lightning Vortex
Soul Release
Enemy Controller
Burden of the Mighty

Threatening Roar
Threatening Roar
Trap Stun
Trap Stun
Delta Crow - Anti-Reverse
Icarus Attack
Malevolent Catastrophe
Hey, does anybody have any Ideas for a Power tool Dragon Equip Deck?
The focus would be getting equip cards on PTD and monsters with good effects.I mean, with cards like mataza the zapper (1300+ double attack), maha vailo (extra 500 for each equip), and jinzo returner (direct attack).
I guess it wouldn't be very tournament competetive, but just as a fun deck?
Morphtronics can pull it off quite well. Other than that, think outside the box. Plenty of interesting Equip Spells exist, such as Autonomous Action Unit and Mark of the Rose.

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