Post your searing hot takes

Gonna be honest, I found this to be pretty offensive. As someone with Autsim, I have a lot of problems with "obvious" cues, and I take issue with the fact that different thinking patterns means I'm no longer a logical human being. I'll admit I get contrarian about this, because it was the only way I felt I could express my own thoughts during English class when everything else was about conformity.
Reading back my original post, I misinterpreted the question and I'd like to apologize. Because of the assertion of a "meaning box" and the underlying assumption that a work can't have no meaning, I interpreted the question with the assumption that it was in the context of a graded setting where you marked "none" in a "meaning" box and it was marked wrong. Because I assumed that, I posted my response from within that context: I said that it may not be about the answer per se as much as it is about seeming lazy because (I assumed) you put a single-word response that didn't require even a cursory reading of the text.

In a nongraded setting, I'd think an answer to your question would have more to do with literary philosophy, which I didn't consider. I didn't mean to call you stupid or say that you aren't a logical person, and I apologize to have sounded that way.
I think its dumb that the four pillars of education are:
math (fair to an extent, basic math is important, but anything beyond basic algebra will not come up very often in the average persons life. should still be an option, but the phrase "you wont have a calculator with you at all times" could not have aged worse.)
science(I will never need to use this)
English(Id say I'd never need to use this, but the mere existence of grammar forces everyone else to use it. we truly live in a society.)
social studies(except for current events and geography, I will never need to use this. I probobly wont need to use those subjects either)
we live in an age where at any point, we can look up the answers to practically everything. we have the sum of all human knowledge in our pocket. our education should be around how to use it, as internet literacy is a skill far more important than chemistry.
school is about giving guidelines to professional life. No you're not gonna use your basic Biology skills as a bus driver, But you are going to, as an archeologist, to use them. I do agree that learning How to research on the web is important, and should not be neglected at all, But mathematics ARE going to serve you. You do not have to be dependent on your phone. The goal of adulthood is not to depend on your phone. Your phone does not serve You all around The world, your brain does. I mean, just watch Wall-E! To come back To these 4 pillars of education, While The educational system is fooled, No one doubts it, it is sufficient for Now. Just because , as an example, You and your friends do not plan on studying Atoms when You graduate does not mean it's legit To Give people who do plan this To have To study 3 more years at college because they know Nothing about it yet, nor is it a reason To discourage them From studying atoms because they didn't get introduced To them early enough. As of grammar, this skill is Very Very important. We can't say that grammar is not that important when We Look down on people who do not have a proper one. it's like rich billionaires saying that money isn't everything (Wait they do But it's incoherent). Social Studies knowledge make it easier To understand The present, and The future present if You get what I mean.

It won't hurt anyone To know what are The organs in The cardiovascular system.

It won't hurt anyone To know The two first decimals of π

It won't hurt anyone To spell right and build sentences that make sense

It won't hurt anyone To know what is The right and The left of The political spectrum.
I think its dumb that the four pillars of education are:
math (fair to an extent, basic math is important, but anything beyond basic algebra will not come up very often in the average persons life. should still be an option, but the phrase "you wont have a calculator with you at all times" could not have aged worse.)
science(I will never need to use this)
English(Id say I'd never need to use this, but the mere existence of grammar forces everyone else to use it. we truly live in a society.)
social studies(except for current events and geography, I will never need to use this. I probobly wont need to use those subjects either)
we live in an age where at any point, we can look up the answers to practically everything. we have the sum of all human knowledge in our pocket. our education should be around how to use it, as internet literacy is a skill far more important than chemistry.
The purpose of high school is to prepare you for college. Unless you're a business major, you WILL need these skills. Any science related major will require some degree of chemistry and physics knowledge, and almost all of them will require you to take organic chemistry, which is going to be way harder than any standard or even AP chemistry class. In any college-level math course (which are often required) you'll need at the bare minimum complete understanding of algebra 2 topics. And any major will require you to write a lot of essays. Knowledge of human history is drilled into your head specifically so we don't repeat the exact same things we did in the past, and allows us to immediately call out when we're about to go down the same path.
tl,dr high school is meant to make sure you don't get your shit kicked in during college
The purpose of high school is to prepare you for college. Unless you're a business major, you WILL need these skills. Any science related major will require some degree of chemistry and physics knowledge, and almost all of them will require you to take organic chemistry, which is going to be way harder than any standard or even AP chemistry class. In any college-level math course (which are often required) you'll need at the bare minimum complete understanding of algebra 2 topics. And any major will require you to write a lot of essays. Knowledge of human history is drilled into your head specifically so we don't repeat the exact same things we did in the past, and allows us to immediately call out when we're about to go down the same path.
tl,dr high school is meant to make sure you don't get your shit kicked in during college
so we spend 14 years of our life preparing for 4 years of our life? and the "these parts of school are dumb" statement applies to college too.
I think its dumb that the four pillars of education are:
math (fair to an extent, basic math is important, but anything beyond basic algebra will not come up very often in the average persons life. should still be an option, but the phrase "you wont have a calculator with you at all times" could not have aged worse.)
science(I will never need to use this)
English(Id say I'd never need to use this, but the mere existence of grammar forces everyone else to use it. we truly live in a society.)
social studies(except for current events and geography, I will never need to use this. I probobly wont need to use those subjects either)
we live in an age where at any point, we can look up the answers to practically everything. we have the sum of all human knowledge in our pocket. our education should be around how to use it, as internet literacy is a skill far more important than chemistry.
The purpose of secondary school is to enable you to pursue whatever you happen to be interested in. They can't predict what you'll do after you leave, so they give you a broad education that can serve as a base for a wide variety of specializations. Beyond the inherent value of learning things, that's the practical explanation.
Haven't played Scarlet/Violet, but a gym leader twitch streamer (Iono) shows your waifu taste is bad and you should feel bad. (Doesn't explicitly mention Twitch by name, but I think it's implied)
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school isn't just about teaching practicality bruh

it's about how to enrich your life

learning things in of itself is a virtue, and that is the real failure of school: Failing to teach people like you that fact.
This is a wild and idealistic take. School is about teaching you to be the best factory/service worker you can be and squeezing any nonconformity out of you.
This is a wild and idealistic take. School is about teaching you to be the best factory/service worker you can be and squeezing any nonconformity out of you.

American public education wasn't established with the intention of preparing anybody for work, and the term "factory model school" didn't appear until the 1970s. The current education system has plenty of problems, of course, but this particular claim is largely unfounded.

American public education wasn't established with the intention of preparing anybody for work, and the term "factory model school" didn't appear until the 1970s. The current education system has plenty of problems, of course, but this particular claim is largely unfounded.
I'd like to add that school is more than just the systems, or even the intention..Teachers matter a lot. While some teachers are bad for sure, a lot of teachers genuinely do care about enrichment and the things they are talking about.

I had really bad experiences in middle school but my high school really helped me find that I just like learning tbh

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