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The Antimonymph of the Internet
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Are American news networks really that much in Israel's pocket? Damn.
yes. It's really tough for Israel to get cast negative, things usually have to be pretty blatant for that. Obama's stances helped positive coverage for gaza (settlements, etc) but most networks would view ruining a story on this as a death trap
yes. It's really tough for Israel to get cast negative, things usually have to be pretty blatant for that. Obama's stances helped positive coverage for gaza (settlements, etc) but most networks would view ruining a story on this as a death trap
Could you and Tera Melos explain a little bit further into why? I've always assumed it's moneyed interests, but I really don't want to fall into the alt-right conspiracy theory(or theories) that Jews own everything. Is it a demographic thing? Americans hating Gaza/Palestinians because of anti-Muslim sentiment? Something I'm missing?

Tera Melos

Banned deucer.
Could you and Tera Melos explain a little bit further into why? I've always assumed it's moneyed interests, but I really don't want to fall into the alt-right conspiracy theory(or theories) that Jews own everything. Is it a demographic thing? Americans hating Gaza/Palestinians because of anti-Muslim sentiment? Something I'm missing?

To my understanding, we (america) love Israel because Oil, War Time Relations, ect.

You can read more about it here, I certainly plan on it.–United_States_relations


The Antimonymph of the Internet
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Could you and Tera Melos explain a little bit further into why? I've always assumed it's moneyed interests, but I really don't want to fall into the alt-right conspiracy theory(or theories) that Jews own everything. Is it a demographic thing? Americans hating Gaza/Palestinians because of anti-Muslim sentiment? Something I'm missing?
Most of the USA's population is very religious, with most of the people occupying the most land in the usa (read: low-populated but expansive plains and southern states) are EXTREMELY religious. A lot of people's reactions when you mention israel are that it is the holy land. I can't think of a single practicing christian in america I know that is anti-israel. Add that to the fact that israel is a very large ally of the US militarily (they're one of our top defense buyers), meaning aerospace companies (and usually by extension, their blue-collar employees) view israel as a friend. Then add on that israel's enemies (read: many) are "Iran, Syria, Egypt, Al-Quadea, Saudi Arabia", which often wind up in the average's american's mind as part of an "Axis of Evil". PLUS, being anti-israel is at first glance difficult for most people to separate from anti-jewish, as you say you don't want to appear part of the "jewish conspiracy" crowd.

I would say that most people's political alignment/political organizations take a "pro-israel" approach, not exactly an "anti-palistine" one, but for different reasons (rightwing publications appealing to religious folk, leftwing publications appealing to some sort of "jews as an oppressed people" shpeal? Don't kill me on this one myzo). I find USA media's israel coverage particularly funny because most "conspiracy"/"anti government" people usually read stuff on TheBlaze or Fox, which loop around entirely as some of Israel's strongest media supporters.


tag walls, punch fascists
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Surprised nobody's linked this yet.

tl;dr the FBI conducted a no-knock raid on the office of Trump's personal lawyer and seized a whole slew of documents, theorized to be primarily related to the Stormy Daniels incident.

Couple of things of note here:

-While the search isn't directly related to the Mueller investigation, it does seem to have been kickstarted by a Mueller referral, which means there could be some sort of Russian connection in here as well.

-This part:
The search is an aggressive move for the Justice Department, which normally relies on grand jury subpoenas to obtain records from people who are represented by lawyers and are cooperating with authorities. Search warrants are more often used in cases in which prosecutors do not trust people to preserve or turn over the records themselves. Justice Department rules require prosecutors to first consider less intrusive alternatives before seeking records from lawyers.
seems to imply that the Justice Department considers Cohen a sort of metaphorical "flight risk" with regard to this sort of evidence, which indicates there's probably further behind-the-scenes evidence that we're not privy to.

-Holy shit, the personal lawyer to the sitting President of the United States got raided by the FBI. What a world we live in.


The Antimonymph of the Internet
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seems to imply that the Justice Department considers Cohen a sort of metaphorical "flight risk" with regard to this sort of evidence, which indicates there's probably further behind-the-scenes evidence that we're not privy to.
Doesn't sound that surprising after Hillary "BleachBit" Clinton's fun adventures with the FBI. Trump also threatened Comey with "the tapes" of their private conversations (which never materialized), and I thought I remembered something about Trump Jr. and tips from wikileaks getting deleted, too.
I'm at the point where I'm not even surprised that this private relationship exists because their public relationship has been incredibly clear for a long time now. Trump will regularly tweet out Hannity's show as a mouthpiece for what he wants to say and Hannity will defend any behavior no matter how ridiculous.

Like forget what white house insiders are saying, Hannity himself admitted that he talks to Cohen about "real estate" from time to time "floating 10 dollars so he can have attoreny clinent privelege." This Saul Goodman level shit is about as surreal as it gets.

Maybe it's time to start cracking down on actual state run television.


to find better ways to say what nobody says
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more on the recent theme: the mra/ male supremacist crowd. the terrorist in toronto was a part of this movement, highlighting the fresh connection to good old JP (who made his career in toronto ).
How serious are incel movement members?
Like many movements, including the alt-right and the pizzagate conspiracy, which were born from the anonymous message board 4Chan, the incel movement is steeped in a form of irony that makes it difficult to pin down which beliefs are true, which are held ironically, and whether the distinction ultimately matters, as the effect is the same.

The leaked style guide of the neo-Nazi site the Daily Stormer, which takes a similar approach, made the strategy explicit: “The unindoctrinated should not be able to tell if we are joking or not … This is obviously a ploy.
Some of the fault, in their eyes, is with attractive men who have sex with too many women – “We need to do something about the polygamy problem,” said the Incelcast, an astonishing three-hour podcast about the Toronto attack – but, of course, the main problem is women themselves, who become foes as people, but also as a political entity. There is a lot of discussion about how best to punish them, with mass rape fantasies and threads on how to follow women without getting arrested, just for the thrill of having them notice you. Feminism is held responsible for a dude who can’t get laid, and birth control is said to have caused “women to date only Chads. It causes all sorts of negative social ramifications”.

There are no numbers on how many adherents this doctrine has, or how extreme they are, “but it’s not one tiny bit of Reddit” says Wendling. “It’s big. It’s substantial. It’s a movement that has tens of thousands of people who visit these boards, these sub-Reddits, that are safe places for them.”
Angela Nagle is the author of Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars from 4Chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right. She says: “There is a really interesting irony in the incel style of quasipolitics – they are both a response to and advocates of almost an Ayn Randian view of romance and human relationships. So they rail against the loneliness and the isolation and the individualism of modern life, but they seem to advocate it as well, in that they love the language of the strong triumphing over the weak. But they themselves are the weak.

Their landscape is strewn with completely unsquarable contradiction: “They’ll say how terrible it is that the left has won the culture wars and we should return to traditional hierarchies, but then they’ll use terms like ‘banging sluts’, which doesn’t make any sense, right?” Nagle continues. “Because you have to pick one. They want sexual availability and yet, at the same time, they express this disgust at promiscuity.
Incels obsess over their own unattractiveness – dividing the world into alphas and betas, with betas just your average, frustrated idiot dude, and omegas, as the incels often call themselves, the lowest of the low, scorned by everyone – they then use that self-acceptance as an insulation. They feel this makes them untouchable in their quest for supremacy over sluts.

They borrow a lot of language from the equality/civil rights agenda – society “treats single men like trash, and it has to stop. The people in power, women, can change this, but they refuse to. They have blood on their hands,” read one post the morning after the Toronto attack. Basically, their virginity is a discrimination or apartheid issue, and only a state-distributed girlfriend programme, outlawing multiple partners, can rectify this grand injustice. Yet at the same time, they hate victims, snowflakes, liberals, those who campaign for any actual equality.

The less sense their outlook makes, the more sense it makes, on some elemental level. Coherence, consistency, reason – these are all tools by which we understand, accommodate, include and listen to one another. In a purely authoritarian worldview, those are the rules you most enjoy not playing by. That makes it very difficult to formulate a response to, on an intellectual level, let alone a practical one: you can’t argue with a schema whose principle is that it will not brook argument. But the regular alternative – ridicule – is not necessarily wise, or right.

Elliot Rodger, the Isla Vista killer, uploaded a video to YouTube about his “retribution” against attractive women who wouldn’t sleep with him (and the attractive men they would sleep with) before killing six people in 2014. He was named by the Southern Poverty Law Center (which tracks activity on the far right) as the first terrorist of the “alt-right”: so even if incels don’t describe the full extent of far-right activity, so far they have been its most devastating subgroup.

Elliot Rodger, the Isla Vista killer, uploaded a video to YouTube about his “retribution” against attractive women who wouldn’t sleep with him (and the attractive men they would sleep with) before killing six people in 2014. He was named by the Southern Poverty Law Center (which tracks activity on the far right) as the first terrorist of the “alt-right”: so even if incels don’t describe the full extent of far-right activity, so far they have been its most devastating subgroup.

There is this huge disconnect between the threat they pose – which is, even if we accept Rodger as only a foot soldier, deadly – and the things they talk about, which are often absurd. In the sphere of the “pickup”, seduction is weaponised in the gender war: there is a huge amount of discussion about its finer points, but its core and only principle is that you get women to sleep with you (and behave) by making them feel insecure.

When this, amazingly, doesn’t work, incels disappear down the wormhole of the black pill: the game is rigged from the start. Appearance is everything. If you’re dealt a bad hand, you’ve lost before you’ve started. This escalates to violent fantasy, since if the game is rigged, then the only thing that will get attractive women to sleep with you is force. Attractive men are collateral damage in the violent fantasy, though it is interesting that message boards can get away with a lot of mass rape fantasy, only to be shut down when a man starts fantasising about castrating his male roommate.

From the way chatroom moder-ators respond to threats of violence against women, to the reluctance among authorities to name this as a terrorist threat, I am filled with this unsettling sense that because incels mainly want to kill, maim or assault women, they are simply not taken as seriously as if they wanted to kill pretty much anyone else. Doesn’t everyone want to kill women, sometimes, is the implication? Or at least give them a fright?

Their behaviour is often ridiculous – someone last week got a tattoo of Jordan Peterson’s face (he is the pop philosopher of meninism) across his entire arm. The incels’ folk hero is the 30-year-old virgin wizard – if you can make it to 30 without having sex, you will be endowed with magical powers. And the threads are so pathetic that it is hard to feel anything but ambient pity (on the site Wiz Chan – subtitle “disregard females, acquire magic” – one thread titled How do I live in my sedan? is like a short story).


The Antimonymph of the Internet
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more on the recent theme: the mra/ male supremacist crowd. the terrorist in toronto was a part of this movement, highlighting the fresh connection to good old JP (who made his career in toronto ).
How serious are incel movement members?
Like many movements, including the alt-right and the pizzagate conspiracy, which were born from the anonymous message board 4Chan, the incel movement is steeped in a form of irony that makes it difficult to pin down which beliefs are true, which are held ironically, and whether the distinction ultimately matters, as the effect is the same.

The leaked style guide of the neo-Nazi site the Daily Stormer, which takes a similar approach, made the strategy explicit: “The unindoctrinated should not be able to tell if we are joking or not … This is obviously a ploy.
Some of the fault, in their eyes, is with attractive men who have sex with too many women – “We need to do something about the polygamy problem,” said the Incelcast, an astonishing three-hour podcast about the Toronto attack – but, of course, the main problem is women themselves, who become foes as people, but also as a political entity. There is a lot of discussion about how best to punish them, with mass rape fantasies and threads on how to follow women without getting arrested, just for the thrill of having them notice you. Feminism is held responsible for a dude who can’t get laid, and birth control is said to have caused “women to date only Chads. It causes all sorts of negative social ramifications”.

There are no numbers on how many adherents this doctrine has, or how extreme they are, “but it’s not one tiny bit of Reddit” says Wendling. “It’s big. It’s substantial. It’s a movement that has tens of thousands of people who visit these boards, these sub-Reddits, that are safe places for them.”
Angela Nagle is the author of Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars from 4Chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right. She says: “There is a really interesting irony in the incel style of quasipolitics – they are both a response to and advocates of almost an Ayn Randian view of romance and human relationships. So they rail against the loneliness and the isolation and the individualism of modern life, but they seem to advocate it as well, in that they love the language of the strong triumphing over the weak. But they themselves are the weak.

Their landscape is strewn with completely unsquarable contradiction: “They’ll say how terrible it is that the left has won the culture wars and we should return to traditional hierarchies, but then they’ll use terms like ‘banging sluts’, which doesn’t make any sense, right?” Nagle continues. “Because you have to pick one. They want sexual availability and yet, at the same time, they express this disgust at promiscuity.
Incels obsess over their own unattractiveness – dividing the world into alphas and betas, with betas just your average, frustrated idiot dude, and omegas, as the incels often call themselves, the lowest of the low, scorned by everyone – they then use that self-acceptance as an insulation. They feel this makes them untouchable in their quest for supremacy over sluts.

They borrow a lot of language from the equality/civil rights agenda – society “treats single men like trash, and it has to stop. The people in power, women, can change this, but they refuse to. They have blood on their hands,” read one post the morning after the Toronto attack. Basically, their virginity is a discrimination or apartheid issue, and only a state-distributed girlfriend programme, outlawing multiple partners, can rectify this grand injustice. Yet at the same time, they hate victims, snowflakes, liberals, those who campaign for any actual equality.

The less sense their outlook makes, the more sense it makes, on some elemental level. Coherence, consistency, reason – these are all tools by which we understand, accommodate, include and listen to one another. In a purely authoritarian worldview, those are the rules you most enjoy not playing by. That makes it very difficult to formulate a response to, on an intellectual level, let alone a practical one: you can’t argue with a schema whose principle is that it will not brook argument. But the regular alternative – ridicule – is not necessarily wise, or right.

Elliot Rodger, the Isla Vista killer, uploaded a video to YouTube about his “retribution” against attractive women who wouldn’t sleep with him (and the attractive men they would sleep with) before killing six people in 2014. He was named by the Southern Poverty Law Center (which tracks activity on the far right) as the first terrorist of the “alt-right”: so even if incels don’t describe the full extent of far-right activity, so far they have been its most devastating subgroup.

Elliot Rodger, the Isla Vista killer, uploaded a video to YouTube about his “retribution” against attractive women who wouldn’t sleep with him (and the attractive men they would sleep with) before killing six people in 2014. He was named by the Southern Poverty Law Center (which tracks activity on the far right) as the first terrorist of the “alt-right”: so even if incels don’t describe the full extent of far-right activity, so far they have been its most devastating subgroup.

There is this huge disconnect between the threat they pose – which is, even if we accept Rodger as only a foot soldier, deadly – and the things they talk about, which are often absurd. In the sphere of the “pickup”, seduction is weaponised in the gender war: there is a huge amount of discussion about its finer points, but its core and only principle is that you get women to sleep with you (and behave) by making them feel insecure.

When this, amazingly, doesn’t work, incels disappear down the wormhole of the black pill: the game is rigged from the start. Appearance is everything. If you’re dealt a bad hand, you’ve lost before you’ve started. This escalates to violent fantasy, since if the game is rigged, then the only thing that will get attractive women to sleep with you is force. Attractive men are collateral damage in the violent fantasy, though it is interesting that message boards can get away with a lot of mass rape fantasy, only to be shut down when a man starts fantasising about castrating his male roommate.

From the way chatroom moder-ators respond to threats of violence against women, to the reluctance among authorities to name this as a terrorist threat, I am filled with this unsettling sense that because incels mainly want to kill, maim or assault women, they are simply not taken as seriously as if they wanted to kill pretty much anyone else. Doesn’t everyone want to kill women, sometimes, is the implication? Or at least give them a fright?

Their behaviour is often ridiculous – someone last week got a tattoo of Jordan Peterson’s face (he is the pop philosopher of meninism) across his entire arm. The incels’ folk hero is the 30-year-old virgin wizard – if you can make it to 30 without having sex, you will be endowed with magical powers. And the threads are so pathetic that it is hard to feel anything but ambient pity (on the site Wiz Chan – subtitle “disregard females, acquire magic” – one thread titled How do I live in my sedan? is like a short story).
Would you say this event occurred due to "toxic masculinity" or "men's rights" or "the patriarchy"?

I can agree with the dangers present by what I'd call "male supremacists" but I think the author in the guardian is drawing the wrong conclusions here--"a foot soldier" in "the gender war"? "the incel movement"?

The article titled "Who are the incels and how do they relate to the Toronto van attack" in a single paragraph mentions the alt-right, pizzagate, 4chan, incel movement, and daily stormer (which I see why they bring it up, but...why? Is there any overlap between incels and the neo-nazi movement?). I think that's pretty vague and dangerous language to feed a targeted audience that has likely never heard the word "incel" before. IMO the western world has been trying to deal with this shit since columbine and is no closer to a solution. I honestly believe that the barrage of pepe the frog articles in 2016 were the tipping point for a trump victory. I dunno, is framing "the incels" as some kind of organized, weaponized, alt-right autism warriors a good thing? Parkland shooter was a social outcast too. I think this link kind of explains the link I'm trying to go for here (what a website tho. Connecting vets dot com??)

Also: man, I never thought I'd see the word "incel" on any website with an Alexa rating in the top 500, let alone be debating the possible dangers of the memetic properties of the word :psyduck::psyduck::psyduck:

OLD GREGG (im back baby)

old gregg for life
Would you say this event occurred due to "toxic masculinity" or "men's rights" or "the patriarchy"?

I can agree with the dangers present by what I'd call "male supremacists" but I think the author in the guardian is drawing the wrong conclusions here--"a foot soldier" in "the gender war"? "the incel movement"?

The article titled "Who are the incels and how do they relate to the Toronto van attack" in a single paragraph mentions the alt-right, pizzagate, 4chan, incel movement, and daily stormer (which I see why they bring it up, but...why? Is there any overlap between incels and the neo-nazi movement?). I think that's pretty vague and dangerous language to feed a targeted audience that has likely never heard the word "incel" before. IMO the western world has been trying to deal with this shit since columbine and is no closer to a solution. I honestly believe that the barrage of pepe the frog articles in 2016 were the tipping point for a trump victory. I dunno, is framing "the incels" as some kind of organized, weaponized, alt-right autism warriors a good thing? Parkland shooter was a social outcast too. I think this link kind of explains the link I'm trying to go for here (what a website tho. Connecting vets dot com??)

Also: man, I never thought I'd see the word "incel" on any website with an Alexa rating in the top 500, let alone be debating the possible dangers of the memetic properties of the word :psyduck::psyduck::psyduck:
This is a pretty common media tactic. Demonizing one group of opponents via guilt by association with another group of opponents. It is very common for the establishment to utilize their weaponized media for purposes of character assassination and defending the establishment. It has literally been going on for awhile now. Think Tesla, you know, the brilliant inventor that is behind the majority of the technological luxuries we have today. The same Tesla that died in poverty and had all his work removed posthumously by government. Tesla was a brilliant man no doubt but they will teach you he talked to Pigeons to make you think he was crazy. When in actuality we all probably talk to our pets.....This isn't a new thing. Just making an observation, don't have any more to add.


The Antimonymph of the Internet
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As far as I was aware, ebola and other hemhorragic fever was considered to be un-vaccinateable for many decades. This is sort of melancholic--it's amazing that science has progressed enough where experimental vaccines are in progress for this, but also interesting to know that this vaccine only exists because of the thousands that died in the past couple years, scaring western nations enough to pour resources into research & development.


to find better ways to say what nobody says
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here jp takes the time to give a gloss of intellectualism to the manifestos of many a recent school shooter and toronto attacker

“Violent attacks are what happens when men do not have partners, Mr Peterson says, and society needs to work to make sure those men are married. ‘The cure for that is monogamy. That’s actually why monogamy emerges,’ [he says.] Enforced monogamy is, to him, simply a rational solution. Otherwise, women will only go for the most high-status men, he explains, and that couldn’t make either gender happy in the end."


I Like Chopin
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Men would shoot up places less if they were getting laid. Checks out.

But maybe they weren't getting laid cause they're pieces of shit

These liberals always wanting to say something is society's fault and never letting people own up to their own faults
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