Steam Buns
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  • oras cap, when can u play, I'm GMT +1
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    +8 busy thursday and friday evenings probably cool for whenever else
    how does 7pm sunday ur time sound?
    im on main now as voyagar
    Oras cap tour. i prefer asap, busy weekend (birthday) 1pm-11pm gmt-4 today | have a doc apt out of town tomorrow so 7pm-11pm gmt-4 | hair apt friday 7pm-11pm gmt-4 | or just extension
    Hi we play for cap ssnl r6. I'm gmt +5.5, when can u play?
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    Hi, I'm +8 busy saturday morning and sunday afternoon, free any other time, would you like to play tomorrow afternoon at any time?
    could we play after 15-20 mins? Sorry to keep u waiting
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    yeah no worries
    hi sorry, the winter storm has kinda wrecked my week. when do you want to play? I'm GMT-6. at this point I don't have many scheduling constrictions
    hi when would you like to play for nostalgia for sm cap? im gmt-4
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    gday, I'm +8 don't really have a preference for when to play, did you have anything in mind?
    thursday 11:30am your timezone?
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    sounds good
    Hey Againa, fancy meeting you r1 of the playtest! Would you be free at any point Friday and/or your Saturday? That's probably the best day for me because of school, but if you're not free I can make another day work!
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    Gday :), yeah I'm glad to not be facing a random haha. I am free free all of both friday and saturday currently, though that might change, but if you have a time that's ideal for you then lets do that and I can let you know if anything changes :)
    Hey, sorry for getting back to you a bit late, but how would you feel about tonight, Friday 10pm my time / tomorrow, Saturday 10 am your time?
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    ah sorry I didn't see this but I wouldn't have managed that anyway, I'll be on for an hour or two longer tonight otherwise I can only do late evening or in the morning your time tomorrow
    We play for real tour. GMT-5, would prefer later in the week :]
    Sure thing. There's a small cahnce I'll be traveling this weekend, but otherwise sometime Saturday or Sunday would also work great for me. I'll keep you posted.
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    Alright, so now that my weekend plans have settled down, so I should be good to play mostly whenever. I realize you're probably asleep right now, but if you want to play your sunday morning, my evening, I can be up as late as needed. Otherwise, I can get up decently early for your Sunday evening as well. Just let me know whenever you see this
    Hi, we have a cap budget tour match, when do u want to play? My availability for next week is as follows (all times are GMT-4):

    Wednesday: 4 pm to 10 pm
    Thursday: 1 pm to 11 pm
    Friday: 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm, 6 pm to 11 pm
    Saturday: all day
    Sunday: all day
    Hey there, When do ya wanna play or CAP budget thing? im GMT-4
    Jeez i think this is the worst timezone difference ive had so far lol. if im doing the conversion right, wanna play like, saturday 10pm your time?
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    yeah opposite ends of the earth haha, and yes that time works for me, lets do it
    hey im on rn if you wanna play
    Heya! When would you like to schedule our budget game? Im in GMT+10!
    Haha sure thing, yeah 2 hours is a little more inconvenient than one would initially aspect but hey its all good hopefully we line up at some point (y)
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    actually I can do whenever now haha sorry to keep changing things
    Sure! Sorry for the delay to this response, all wrapped up with dinner. Logging in now.
    Hey, we play for CAPPL round 4. I'm GMT+2. Considering you're from Perth, it's probably best we play during your evening. I'd prefer to play towards the end of the week, how about you?
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    Hi :), evening would be great I'll be free every night except for friday and I don't really mind what time as long as it isn't super late, do you have any preference for a day/time?
    We could shoot for Thursday 9pm your time, if that works?
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    That works for me, let's do that
    We're paired for the PSPL.
    I'm GMT+2 and can play from 6pm till 10pm my time on weekdays (except Friday, then it's just 6pm because of softball practice at 7pm). On Sunday I can play from 10am till 10pm my time.
    I prefer a weekday because my cousin is coming over for a few days, but if Sunday suits you better we can do that.
    Please let me know! ^.^
    Miss Novelist
    Another option is today (Tuesday) between 11:45am and 12:30pm (so lunch time) my time!
    Miss Novelist
    Option 3 is today (Tuesday) after 3pm my time (short work day).

    Would like to hear a date by now/asap, especially since you said you'd react shortly when we spoke this morning.
    Hi, we need to play for PSPL, i'm on GMT -3 and i'm free all the day, so which time and day is better for you?
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    Hi, I'm gmt +8 I'd like to play later in the week if possible Ideally in the evening, but we have a pretty rough time difference so I don't mind being flexible. How does sunday 10 am your time sound?
    Sounds good to me, just wait 10 minutes if i'm offline that time.
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    Cool, see you then
    yo, we're paired for rat's cap tour, i'm pdt gmt-7 and available anytime after 7 pm my timezone. I can maybe make early mornings up to around 10 am my timezone as well.
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    How is 8 ish saturday evening your time?
    that works for me
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