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  1. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    I call TPA over M5 for game 3.
  2. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Hey, I was tankier than everyone else. And I meant Q + W.
  3. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Here's a fun ARAM. I landed 3 straight Q+E's at the beginning of the game and it snowballed pretty hard from there. MF actually DC'ed for a while, so we were fighting a 4v5 for about 3/4 of the game. I ended up going tank because no one else in our team was. There was this period of time at...
  4. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    More commenting. I watched the SEA regionals, and it was pretty painful to watch. No one there is even close to the skill level of all the other teams. I read a comment on reddit about SGS getting complacent after stomping Garena with TPA... and I have to agree. They pretty much threw the game...
  5. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    I've been watching the Chinese scene a lot, so here are my thoughts: WE and iG are not the same teams that showed up at IEM Guangzhou. I don't think they'll get very far. They seem to be stuck in the "win lane win game" mode. TPA has probably the best teamwork in the world, though recently...
  6. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    I can't believe I just lost an ARAM with an Amumu/Kennen/Nunu/Fiddle/Graves comp. The other team wasn't even fed.
  7. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    TPA's been playing poorly in the ggClassic, but I'm absolutely disgusted to see what seem people are saying on stream.
  8. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Argh our Morg and Ashe started lagging out mid-game. We went from like 30-15 to 39-35 because of that. Then the other team started talking trash (especially Jax), which was really annoying.
  9. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    I was going to build Rylai's, but I noticed my hits weren't doing as much damage, so I automatically assumed MR and built Void Staff. I guess I should check their item builds more closely.
  10. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    AP Kog'Maw is absolutely disgusting. We had no vision around Baron, but they couldn't do it as long as I was standing far away raining hell on them. I didn't die for the entire last half of the game. Picked up a triple kill just randomly ulting their base. I wish I could CS better. I was up...
  11. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    19 game losing streak now (ignoring the premade match). This is pretty ridiculous.
  12. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Anyone else play on PBE? The servers are eternally up. :D
  13. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Any advice on jungling Mundo? I seem to run out of health too fast and I die a lot.
  14. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    First ranked game ever: I was so nervous I forgot to take smite on Shyvana... and I died to double golems, but I solidly outjungled their Nocturne.
  15. hoiboy

    Buying a laptop soon - help!

    Is getting an mSATA for booting up operating system and then using a HDD for the rest worth it?
  16. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    First time Udyr. Did a great job shutting Amumu down in the jungle. Took our blue, stole his big wraith, then stole his red before killing him for first blood in the jungle. Ganks were really ehhh, and I nearly threw the game mid-game.
  17. hoiboy

    Buying a laptop soon - help!

    When the X230 comes out, will Lenovo still keep the X220 up for sale?
  18. hoiboy

    Buying a laptop soon - help!

    Hey guys! I'm going off to college soon, and I don't have a laptop. I've been looking around pretty recently, but I'm not sure about some of the specs. I am willing to pay around a thousand dollars. I'm going to be a nursing student, so I won't be running anything that intense. I think the...
  19. hoiboy

    VGC '12 Northern California Regional - Pleasanton, CA - Won by Nickscor & AlphaOmega!

    Hey :D remember me? and good job nickscor!
  20. hoiboy

    League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Triple support OP. (Referencing Dignitas vs. CLG)