Anyone here play World of Warcraft?

if you're leveling on a pvp Server I'd still probably go MS though
we are on a pvp server yes, but he still gets killed

by hunters

he doesn't know what intercept is

and anyway I got my point across, just because you miss half your attacks when dual wielding doesn't mean you deal less damage but it's still quite frustrating and he'd probably end up rerolling a blood elf hunter and we've got enough of those already
hazerider i do NOT need a spokeperson.

Yes, I am going to continue arms simply because I am lazy and ms is awesome. JUST GOT MY MOUNT FUCKING FINALLY
Woah how did I not find this until now?

I play troll hunter (you won't be laughing when I aimed shot you and you can't heal, and Beserk + Rapid Fire + Quick Shots from Hawk Spec fires like hell). He's my only char in outlands, but ever since I got there I get an error every few minutes (simple red box that says "error" and nothing else). I hate my deathly under populated realm...

Anyway here's my UD mage I'm working on until I get the error fixed...

PS and nice job on mount Doomsday, getting Epic Raptor was a PAIN to go through


space cowboy
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnuswon the 2nd Official Smogon Tournament
morelike arcane shot aaaaaaaaaa :(

i have no idea what could be causing the errors. i would try reinstalling bc first, otherwise send a ticket/call up blizzard and ask for help because that sounds strange.

i dont know how, but getting my mount on my druid (which is my second char) was surprisingly easy, even with a crafting profession and not sending stuff besides some bags from my shaman i had no trouble at all making my mount money. i guess spending a bit here and there on the AH really does make a big difference.
i was bored so i started a 19 twink druid!!!!!!!!

have everything except the fishing hat and boots, which are gonna be a fucking bitch to gather

but farming furbolgs for the medicine pouch wasnt nearly as bad as i thought it was, and a +10 stam off-hand at level 19 is lovely. cant quite break 4000 hp unbuffed though :(
Synre says it best when he says twinking is for people that are too bad to pvp at 70

fucking Glen roll with us already
except im nowhere near hitting 70 yet so i cant judge if im bad at it or not ?_?

i played around in the 49 bracket waiting for a few of my friends but then got bored of it so i made a twink to pass the time and spend some of my ridiculous fortune on


space cowboy
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnuswon the 2nd Official Smogon Tournament
haha is that tauren me?

anyways, hit 70 some days ago, farming some honor for pvp belt, then time for rep grind and other stuff

also glen reroll and agreeing with glalie/synre's comment about pvp
At some point i remembered i didn't like playing non-healing classes and mained my druid again, I'll probably roll another ele shaman for an alt since i enjoy it a lot more than my other alt options(70 mage 46 warrior among others) if i decide i want another active character on Trollbane.

also i hear you on the class thing JSC i tried to go to bed at like 9 and I got out of bed at like 2:15 after not sleeping at all my schedule is so fucked up saddssdaadss

also i'd be leery about spending money unless you have the 560/900 put away for mounts at 60/70 respectively glen, or alternatively waste it stupidly and then reroll on trollbane

also im pretty sure i'd still laugh at your hunter since judging by the 'only character in outlands' thing i kinda expect it isnt 70 and the aimed shot etc. sentence leads me to believe you're more of a night elf hunter than a troll
Don't worry Glen I'm just poking fun at you. On a more serious note though you could always transfer your rich ass dwarf over to trollbane, buy stuff in the alliance AH as needed and transfer it over to horde side using the Neutral AH in steamwheedle towns... you'd lose a tad of money but if you get someone to help you xfer quickly its not a big deal!

I don't play the online game but I am pretty good at the TCG (got an invite to the $100,000 Worlds tournament, numerous Regional Qualifier wins, yada yada).

If anyone else in here plays the TCG gives us a shout out. :D

If not, I have promo codes for turtle mounts (x2), the picnic basket (x2), Tabard of Frost/Flame, purple fireworks trinket, etc that I would be willing to sell. (The TCG has rare cards that have a scratch-off code that can be redeemed in-game for various items such as ogre suits, riding turtles, spectral tiger mounts, pet baby gorillas, fishing deckchairs, and so on. The value of these cards range from ~$15 to ~$700.)
Since I'm wide awake even though I should sleep cause of classes tomorrow :( I put together some of my WoW doodles. I felt like a nerd posting this in my Pokemon thread if that makes any sense whatsoever. and yeah most of them are of Celle!
I love that gnome.

Teifu: good to see I'm not the only person who doesn't like non-healing classes - though I do like my warrior - good break from heals.
since I'm happy with my equips right now, here is a pic.

feel free to make jokes about the leather straps and the fucking MOHAWK
Wow i see you are doing good, i left the game like 3 months ago or more, i just couldn't cope with obligations and the game.
I've been trying to get people to do heroics for the last few days but it hasn't happened, I think we might get to run one tonight though! Hopefully Mech... I want that Sun Eater


space cowboy
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnuswon the 2nd Official Smogon Tournament
yeah sorry about last night, i've got all of tonight free so we should be able to get one or two done!

mech + daily sounds good to me if its not a bad one
i know most of you guys hate twinks but i have to vent!

2.3 kinda fucked everything up, as shadowfang keep was nerfed severely. the only reported drops of the twink weapons shadowfang and assassin's blade are those off of level 21's, which is restricted to uh... the last 3 bosses of the instance ?_? seeing how theyre a 0.01% drop chance, that makes things a little difficult

so anyway, thats led things on my server (doomhammer) to be kinda crazy! shadowfang now has a going price of 2500-3000 gold, and it gets sold almost instantly if someone gets one. assassin's blade is between 1500 and 2000. ?_____?
hahaha glen ended up on doomhammer there's a funny coincidence for you... if I end up bothering to roll a DK after wotlk to bug E's paladin I'll have to keep an eye out for you in BGs (and my sword pointed in your general direction)


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion

Also I don't hate twinks, just the Level 19 bracket because 1) LOL NO SKILLS ROGUES ARE DUAL ENCHANT-WIELDING DEATH MACHINES BUT SERVE NO ACTUALLY USEFUL PURPOSE etc. and 2) It wasn't part of the original bracket system, it was added after they were changed from x1-x0 to x0-x9.
Would like to announce that we finally got around to starting Karazhan, downed Attunmen, Moroes, Maiden on our first trip. While its not absolutely amazing or anything, I'm still pretty proud of it.
hahaha i love my server

i happened to find some hearts of darkness on the auction house, 6 for 400g. bought them all, put them up for 600, went to work, and they were all sold by the time i got back


space cowboy
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnuswon the 2nd Official Smogon Tournament
Exciting raiding night last night. I arrived like 5 minutes right so someone had my OT spot but they still needed a healer so I respecced quickly and threw on my gear. I stole the last few healer consumables we had in guild bank, got a mana oil, and went to town. Downed attumen again on the first try. Moroes took an extra try or two because we were shackling the wrong add so it was messing stuff up for a bit. Maiden was silly since we got like 2 wipes from people (me being one of them :blush:) aggroing her before the fight even started. Then we oneshotted big bad wolf in our first time doing opera, with only one healer (meee) and our offtank tanking him. We got to curator and got him down to 30% or so but after that we got some respawns so we called it. Great night though considering some circumstances and all :)

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