NOC Assist Trophy Mutiny [GAME OVER]

please comment with your opinion on this
They're at least cooking with the Ehmcee shit, and my braincell is a bit too fried to completely digest the rest. Anyway, I was moreso basing that around how Ehmcee said either Laurel or Thunder is scum.
And given that Laurel greenchecked Thunder, that means that either Ehmcee is scum pulling shit out of his ass, or both Laurel and Thunder are scum.
And one of those seems much likelier than the other.
Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows?
well that's why we're sitting here talking about it. we can't just be assuming things are happening in the vacuum. if laurel's post doesn't set off big time alarm bells i'm not sure what will. don't you think it's an absolutely bonkers theory that i idled the n2 kill as mafia to fake my bpv breaking and then laurel happened to have a vig that hit me tonight. how on earth does that make any sense at all

again sure maybe ehmcee is mafia. i really haven't put too much thought into it but at least ehmcee is not coming up with these crazy theories. also, like i said laurel lied about only targeting fame once when i tracked him and saw he targeted him twice. so by voting ehmcee, you're basically giving credence to his crazy theory and saying i'm mafia. does that make sense?
Also, you can come up with arguments for any scum team if you try hard enough.
For instance, Ehmcee and Laurel.
Oh, they're feigning a civil war of sorts for town cred and Laurel's lying about having the greencheck for more towncred.
Maybe the real scumteam was the friends we made along the way.
That being said, I have no friends.
Vote ImaginaryNeon
Also, you can come up with arguments for any scum team if you try hard enough.
For instance, Ehmcee and Laurel.
Oh, they're feigning a civil war of sorts for town cred and Laurel's lying about having the greencheck for more towncred.
Maybe the real scumteam was the friends we made along the way.
That being said, I have no friends.
Vote ImaginaryNeon
I’m not asking you to be perfect or right. I just want you to try. I don’t really care if you end up wrong, you just have to try. Self voting because you don’t want to even try is lame. I think you’re better than that. the posts are still going to be here when you wake up so go to bed and think about it when you feel better.

yes of course every action is possible but that doesn’t mean it’s probable. That’s why (at least for me) this game is fun. Thinking about why people are saying and doing what they are and figuring out if it’s town motivated. if you haven't played as mafia before, then you should know that certain things which seem probable in the moment are just not happening. the mafia is never idling their kill on night 2 because they are worried about a vig and bpv. why would i even bother lying about my bpv breaking?

i'm not sure you really understand why i'm so concerned about lareul's solve. please ask me if you are confused. if laurel's logic doesn't make sense, how can we trust any conclusions he makes? like i said, independently ehmcee might be scum but is that really the best vote today? i dunno maybe it is, but you'll need to convince me of it.

and then again, there's also the fact that laurel lied about his action. yes, with your logic, there's an argument that's a town action. is that really likely though?


A Spoopy Ghost
is a Tiering Contributor

can you explain your "devil" ability? i thought it was a one time thing but it is not?

does your role copier ability work on locked abilities?
a) Devil
Dawn of Day 3

Overnight, realiti died. He was, at the time of death:
You are Devil.

You are a member of the Town.

Role Restriction Passive:

You have the power of -- wait for it -- moving the camera! By pointing! Yoooooooo.

Depending on how the game is going, you will point in different directions at the beginning of the night phase. This will unlock an ability. If 2 mafia are voted out consecutively in the last two days, things will be looking up, and Active Ability 1: Up will unlock. If 1 mafia is voted out yesterday, things will be going alright, and Active Ability 2: Right will unlock. If 1 town is voted out yesterday, things will be going left, and Active Ability 3: Left will unlock. If 2 town are voted out consecutively in the last two days, things will be looking down, and Active Ability 4: Down will unlock.

Only one ability can be unlocked at a time, as per the conditions above. There is, however, no limit on how many times an ability can lock and unlock. Up and Down take priority over Left and Right.

Active Ability 1:

[This ability is locked. You will discover what it is if it unlocks.]

Active Ability 2:

[This ability is locked. You will discover what it is if it unlocks.]

Active Ability 3:

[This ability is locked. You will discover what it is if it unlocks.]

Active Ability 4:

This isn’t good. It’s time to go on the defensive.

During a night phase, you may target another player. If your target is targeted by an action that would result in their death, that action will instead fail. To use this ability PM me Use Down: [player1].

You are an Assist Trophy. You win when all Turncoats are eliminated.

DAY 3 STARTS NOW. 47 HOURS 35 MINUTES. (sorry I am tired and slow)
Devil basically has 4 abilities, but they're all locked by default as well as hidden, meaning I don't know what they do unless the condition to unlock them is fulfilled. Depending on who was lynched in the past 1 or 2 days, different abilities will unlock.

Right activates when we voted a mafia the preceding day, it allows me to receive a copy of the user's night resolution PM (does not include factional kill)

Up activates when we voted two mafia during the two preceding days, the abillity is currently unknown.

Left activates when we voted one town during the preceding day, the ability allows me to redirect all actions a player is using tonight onto another player.

Down activates when we voted two towns during the two preceding days, it essentially gives me doctor, if a lethal action is aimed at my target tonight, that action will instead fail.

Only one ability can be active at a time, and Up and Down take priority over Left and Right.


Role copier only affects the abilities my target is using that night, meaning that it doesn't do anything if my target idles.
This also means that it doesn't work on locked abilities ig, it also isn't able to copy abilities that have multiple targets (like transporter/redirecter)


A Spoopy Ghost
is a Tiering Contributor
I also used my ability cop on Ehmcee and all of his abilities failed. He claimed he was redirected but this is either a lie or not telling the full truth because everything he tried to do failed.
This is ridiculous, I full on explained that they both failed and didn't lie at all. I said there was a possibility that the interaction between redirection and multi-target abilities could cause my abilities to fail, but never stated that this was definitely the case.

If I was maf, what could I even do to cause all my abilities to fail, you're even aknowleding that I tried using multiple and they both failed


A Spoopy Ghost
is a Tiering Contributor
They're at least cooking with the Ehmcee shit, and my braincell is a bit too fried to completely digest the rest. Anyway, I was moreso basing that around how Ehmcee said either Laurel or Thunder is scum.
And given that Laurel greenchecked Thunder, that means that either Ehmcee is scum pulling shit out of his ass, or both Laurel and Thunder are scum.
And one of those seems much likelier than the other.
You seem to be ignoring the big fat smoking gun of Laurel's post, saying that JALMONT IS SCUM, they're claiming that they lied about their bpv breaking, idled the day of that night as to gain towncred, then kept the bpv for later in case they'd need it.

If you believe Laurel, you'd be going after Jalmont, if you don't, YOU GO AFTER LAUREL.
You seem to be ignoring the big fat smoking gun of Laurel's post, saying that JALMONT IS SCUM, they're claiming that they lied about their bpv breaking, idled the day of that night as to gain towncred, then kept the bpv for later in case they'd need it.

If you believe Laurel, you'd be going after Jalmont, if you don't, YOU GO AFTER LAUREL.
Or Option C: Fuck You
Also, you can come up with arguments for any scum team if you try hard enough.
For instance, Ehmcee and Laurel.
Oh, they're feigning a civil war of sorts for town cred and Laurel's lying about having the greencheck for more towncred.
Maybe the real scumteam was the friends we made along the way.
That being said, I have no friends.
Vote ImaginaryNeon
I’m not asking you to be perfect or right. I just want you to try. I don’t really care if you end up wrong, you just have to try. Self voting because you don’t want to even try is lame. I think you’re better than that

yes of course every action is possible but that doesn’t mean it’s probable. That’s why (at least for me) this game is fun. Thinking about why people are saying and doing what they are and figuring out if it’s town motivated or mafia motivated
a) Devil

Devil basically has 4 abilities, but they're all locked by default as well as hidden, meaning I don't know what they do unless the condition to unlock them is fulfilled. Depending on who was lynched in the past 1 or 2 days, different abilities will unlock.

Right activates when we voted a mafia the preceding day, it allows me to receive a copy of the user's night resolution PM (does not include factional kill)

Up activates when we voted two mafia during the two preceding days, the abillity is currently unknown.

Left activates when we voted one town during the preceding day, the ability allows me to redirect all actions a player is using tonight onto another player.

Down activates when we voted two towns during the two preceding days, it essentially gives me doctor, if a lethal action is aimed at my target tonight, that action will instead fail.

Only one ability can be active at a time, and Up and Down take priority over Left and Right.


Role copier only affects the abilities my target is using that night, meaning that it doesn't do anything if my target idles.
This also means that it doesn't work on locked abilities ig, it also isn't able to copy abilities that have multiple targets (like transporter/redirecter)
ok thanks. I do apologize because I should’ve made it clear my abilities are 1-shot. I got a second chance with them because AG hit me with unlocker ability. But as of right now I am a vanilla town
All of the above.
have you thought about my post a little more? Looking forward to hearing from you


A Spoopy Ghost
is a Tiering Contributor
Ehmcee, you used two abilities and they both failed last night according to my action cop. Neon ftr if you’re not mafia it’s Jalmont + MC almost certainly.


atp i don't even think there's a point arguing with you, you're just scum

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