ITT we recommend books.

Anyone looking for reading recommendations post the genre or description of what you're looking for and hopefully someone will have something for you!

What I'm looking for:

1. A fantasy series with similar depth and scope to the Wheel of Time.

2. Some good books based on Greek history, in particular the Trojan War, but anything Greek related really. (Other than the Illiad!)

3. An advanced poker book.


Conquer your Shadow
is a Researcher Alumnus
It's not exactly fantasy, but these books are great.


all by Greg Bear. I'd suggest reading them in that order.
Damn, I was going to recommend the Wheel of Time. Haven't ever read this, but I liked the movies... try out the Lord of the Rings.


what are birds? we just don't know.
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I would like some 'lighter' philosophical reading, hopefully covering the basic standpoints of most of the great philosophers from Ancient Greece to the present day.


pumpkin pieco
is a Top Contributor Alumnus
I would like some 'lighter' philosophical reading, hopefully covering the basic standpoints of most of the great philosophers from Ancient Greece to the present day.
im not sure if 'lighter' and philosophical belong in the sentence, haha.

but i like machiavelli's discourses a lot. anything by sartre. I know individual works pretty well, but it sounds like you want some kind of compilation. and there's no way you could find a 'light' compilation, unless the "For Dummies" series came out with a philosophy version...
Hmm... for the fantasy series, you could try David Eddings' The Belgariad and The Malloreon series of books, I really enjoyed them.
what are some good horror/thriller books? i already have stuff by Stephen King and James Patterson, i'm just looking for something else.
1. A fantasy series with similar depth and scope to the Wheel of Time.

George R R Martin's the Song of Fire and Ice. Gives new meaning to the word 'epic'.

2. Some good books based on Greek history, in particular the Trojan War, but anything Greek related really. (Other than the Illiad!)

David Gemmel's Troy trilogy: Lord of the Silver Bow, Shield of Thunder and Fall of Kings. Pretty much exactly what you asked for.

3. An advanced poker book.

No clue here.
I checked out the Eon series kholdstaire, but I don't think it'd really float my boat... I'm not really that into sci-fi other than the Star Wars books.

Likewise with the Kite Runner, not really into that sort of stuff.

I've read the Belgariad and the Malloreon, I thought they were excellent books. Did you read The Redemption of Althalus Shiney? It's a very good stand alone book by Eddings.

I've read the Lord of the Rings (lots of times!) and the Hobbit, TheMusicMan. LoTR is very good if you have the time and patience to get through it!

Nice suggestions Aston! I have the first two books in the Song of Fire and Ice, fairly impressed with them so far. I must get the next one when I get the chance. The Troy trilogy looks very good, I'm getting it, thanks!
I have indeed read The Redemption of Althalus. And all the other books by David Eddings, including The Elenium and The Tamuli, Belgarath the Sorcerer Polgara the Sorceress andThe Dreamers saga. All were very good reads and I would recommend them to anyone interested in epic fantasy.
what are some good horror/thriller books? i already have stuff by Stephen King and James Patterson, i'm just looking for something else.
Watch out for Stephen King, not all of his books are horror. Some tend to be more science fiction like Dreamcatcher, which is pretty good nontheless. I've heard good things about Shining and Carrie. Never read either though.
Malcolm X - The Autobiography of Malcolm X
An autobiography of one of the most prolific activists of the 20th century.
Kazuo Ishiguro - Never Let Me Go
Fantastic dystopian novel, touches on a lot of different philosophical subjects including the nature of humanity and souls.
Kazuo Ishiguro - When We Were Orphans
Brilliantly written detective novel.
Kazuo Ishiguro - The Remains of the Day
Great book about the life of a butler. I can not do this book justice.
George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty-Four
Another dystopian novel, a little tedious at times but an amazing read throughout.
If you're interested in dystopian novels, I'd also recommend the following:
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World
Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451
Anthony Burgess - A Clockwork Orange
Phillip Dick - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep?
In terms of books...

Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged, both by Ayn Rand. Good books, even if you don't agree with her sentiments. Both are long winded, though.

Fast Food Nation is also good for non-fiction...well-written and thought provoking.

As far as sci-fi...I would recommend the Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson. Even if you're not that interested in the planet, he does a great job of showing how culture, politics, and hard science could possibly work together in the future. Some people may not like the constant references to geology though.


Have a nice day
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Voicing support for the remains of the day. It is without a doubt my favourite modern novel. And this is despite the fact that it has a subject matter which my initial reaction to was "sounds boring".

Have a nice day.
Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond is pretty good. Anyone who's interested in civilization and human societal development but hasn't really done a lot of research or reading on it should like it.

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