The Musical Talent of Smogon

As some of you probably know, I play bass guitar and try to regularly upload videos. I've come across a couple of other members who play instruments (strangely we had four bass players on #smogon a ways back...), but I'm guessing that there are a lot more than what meets the eye. Why? Well, Smogon has proven to have a greater-than-average portion of talented people, be it in academics, sports (running especially), gaming, or whatever else you can think of. So, if you play an instrument, let it be known. Why did you pick that instrument - what attracted you to it? What drives you to want to practice and improve (or conversely to not practice)?

As for myself, I started playing the bass simply because it was my only choice. I had taken piano lessons for seven years (and then I quit), and our church's youth band needed a piano player, so I tried out. Unfortunately, there was this other person who tried out, and she was amazing at piano, so I didn't get the spot. However, they kinda-sorta needed a bass player, so I borrowed the church bass and started learning. I'm entirely self-taught, but I do have a pretty musical background. Along with the piano, I've played viola in orchestra ever since sixth grade (I'm currently in 11th), and have always been placed in the highest level of orchestra (advanced orchestra for jr. high, chamber orchestra in high school) where I'm first chair on and off with another player. I also play a bit of guitar, but am not too great (I can play most chord songs and can fingerpick much better than I can pick-pick, but that's about it).

I'm currently in the jazz band because I really really need to learn music theory. I can play just dandy, but I have lots of trouble with understanding chord charts and such. It's also a good chance to practice, as oftentimes afterschool I don't have any time. I'm actually thinking about playing bass as a carreer - I know a couple professional bassists and I know that I have it in me (plus I live in Vegas, show-biz capital of the US, so what do I have to worry about?!?). But whether I end up doing that or not, I just want to get really good at it...I don't really know why, I just love playing the bass.

Your turn.
I can play guitar and drums, more guitar though. I mostly started because in Year 4 my teacher (not guitar teacher, just my regular teacher) shoved chords and reading music down my throat and I thought: 'I'll never learn like this, that's it I quit music.'

Now I've recently picked up the guitar again and started learning again, mostly because it's a wonderful distraction from my studies. I'm self taught, guitar teachers never work out for me.
I've been playing the piano for 5 years now, and trombone for 4. I enjoy trombone more, but part of that is just the band atmosphere. Playing with other people is fun.

I don't practice as much as I should.


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I used to play bass for a little band, but I don't anymore. It started more as a dare rather than anything else, but I found out that I was pretty good at understanding how music works and such. In fact, I also used to write my own songs on a crappy kids' synth, but again I don't have the time for that anymore.
I agree with you on classical vs. jazz 100%, Danyul. I was in orchestra for four years before I joined jazz band, and it was shocking to see how different it really was. The hardest thing for me was/is not being told what to play by a page. I mean I have chord charts, but aside from general limitations I have free reign of what goes on.

I've also been playing in a couple of jazz combos. I stay in the band room during lunch most days and just jam with a great drummer and a decent guitarist, and sometimes after school I'm able to mess around with some others (our school has an amazing improv/jazz guitarist, two amazing piano players, an amazing tenor sax playor, plus other amazing musicians). There is a freshman who plays the bass and has a upper hand on me in the theory aspect, but I can outplay him any day when it comes to jamming or funk or whatever. It's definitely been a great learning experience so far, though.
Well, I play Tenor Saxophone.
I primarily play with my Ukrainian folk music group, and we've played at some minor events, and it's really fun, since the guys (and girls) I play with are also strong musicians. I also play Jazz in my city's top youth Jazz band, and the music we play is just insane and requires loads of practise but is well worth it to hear those tunes. My dream however is to play a concert in the Winspear center here in Edmonton. I have many times with my band, but I would like to do a solo concert one day. The acoustics there are almost unlike any other concert halls in the world, and is well known among musicians as one of North America's best.
I used to play piano extremely well but it got boring (I hit phases of boredom). Then I played some flute (it was weird, as a guy) and was pretty good. Not wanting to waste a gift from a relative, I gave up the flute for a 1927 saxophone, which lasted only a year.

Now I play marimba in a band and have lots of fun with it. We mostly do standard Zimbabwean tunes but sometimes make our own arrangements of classical songs (currently working on Pachebal's Canon) and some Japanese rock (we hit a phase, don't ask). We're a group of 9, but one member is graduating this year and another has a serious tremor, so we'll need players.

We've done about 8 gigs in the past 3 years, and earned a whopping $646 from it (per person). School work prevent regular practice, but we make it work. This summer we performed at Nike world headquarters!
I was a reasonable tuba player back in high school, but I gave it up for uni this year since I would have had no time to be in a group and practice with my major.

I took piano lessons when I was little and didn't get anywhere due to not practicing ever, but I'm starting to pick it back up now that I have pianos available and it's an individual instrument rather than one you need an ensemble for like most brass instruments. I'm about at the intermediate level, so I can play some of the cool classical pieces after a month or so of practice :] I'd like to get better though to compensate for losing tuba.


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I thought about becoming a music major actually for awhile. Then I went into a double major mathematics / physics ... go figure.

Let's see. I've been playing piano the longest. I think I started playing basic stuff intuitively when I was 5-ish, then I started getting lessons. Still my favorite medium to play on and write. For some reason I've always found the piano the best instrument to actually compose music on. The diversity and clarity of the sounds have always made me appreciate it when writing something.

Violin is nice as well. I have a really weird bowing technique though so I feel uncomfortable playing around people that know stuff about violins. It works perfectly fine for me, it's just not the "standard" so around other violinists I feel awkward. I haven't play it in a while (~2 months) since I just haven't had time with college life, I could probably pick up fairly quickly again though.

I play bass guitar too. Heh, my roommates hate it because I tend to like to play it at around 6:00 in the morning and I forget that they are still sleeping ><. I'm completely self-taught as well Bam. I've been playing since I was 11 I believe, still going strong.

I've dabbled in others but those are the 3 instruments I'm most familiar with.
I can play the Trumpet and the piano. I never practise for both, I really should for trumpet, as I'm doing an exam that helps me get into Uni in the Spring >__>. I play in a band for the trumpet (one of the 6 lead trumpets =D) but piano I just play. I have teachers for both. However, there is an acoustic guitar in my parent's room that I may start to play if I ever can be bothered.
I've played the Alto Saxophone for a number of years, and have recently started to try and learn Electric Guitar (as well as being able to play rather easy piano pieces, lol). I used to be able to play the flute too, but I stopped after a while...Saxophone is a great instrument that I love playing, it's great when you play a piece perfectly if you really get into the rhythm of the music. Although I really hate pieces with lots of staccato. Seriously, I can't stand it. Flowing pieces are rather fun.

Surprisingly, whilst I have played the Alto Sax for 5 years the September just passed, I haven't been in a band. I did some small stuff at my school seeing as I am the only saxophonist there (bar new pupils who join and quit within a month it seems), and I intend to join a Wind Band in the near future (I would have before the summer, but I didn't particularly want to start in my holidays, so I waited), and I was supposed to go last week but I had an eighteenth birthday bash, so hopefully this week or next week I can get started on that.

I got an electric guitar because my friend got one a while back and I had never understood the love for guitars until I had a go on his, it really is fun (even though I had no clue what I was doing!). I've had mine about a month now, and intent to start lessons rather soon. I don't expect to get anywhere with guitar though d:

Anyway, I play for a hobby because I enjoy it, especially the saxophone. If you want to see a picture of my saxophone too just click this sentence. :)

I got fed up of flute, I simply preferred the saxophone.. I might try clarinet too, one day (hopefully!).


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I played the french horn in middle school for 2 and a half years; it was my favorite instrument growing up and I had always dreamed of playing it, so I did. My teacher said I was a natural and she was extremely disappointed when I left band in 8th grade because I wasn't doing well gradewise and needed my final period to do homework.

It was about that same time that I picked up guitar for the first time. Two of my uncles and my one cousin play, and play REALLY well, so I figured it was my turn to learn. I quit after a couple months because I wasn't progressing and it felt like a chore to play. But then a couple years later I picked it back up and I've been playing ever since. I had a teacher for the first few months, but once I realized he wasn't teaching me jackshit I quit. (My uncle taught me more over the phone from Vermont than that asshat.)

I've been self-taught ever since, which is probably why I've stalled. I'm a good player, don't get me wrong... I write and record my own music, I've played open mics, and I even recorded a tutorial video playing a Radiohead song for evan. It's just that I still can't get the real fast solos down, and it's frustrating. That might have a lot to do with why I almost never play anymore.
Well I used to play Piano about 4 years back for 2 years, but I ended up quitting because I didn't like my teacher, and unfortunately because of that I wasn't too keen on trying to find a new teacher or self teaching myself from then on. I've been playing the bass since the beginning of this year, but on and off; I've found it difficult to learn things as you get older, and I really wish my parents would have started me with the piano earlier like they got my brother playing saxophone, and that I had stuck with it. But I'll keep trying anyways and hope for the best. My father also played bass and was in a band that was nearly signed onto Atlantic Records, but unfortunately internal strife broke up the band, thanks mostly to the lead singer. He still plays today in his free time and he's pretty good at it.


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DM taught me geetar!

You should teach me, and the rest of smogon!, more.

But seriously, I have very little musical talent. I just tool around on the guitar I got from a friend of mine and did some synthesizer stuff when I was taking my "Mathematics in Music" course back at school. I am always impressed by musicians though.
I have always enjoyed singing. After a ton of singing and voice lessons in high school, I went to school and majored in music education.

Now I'm a music teacher at an elementary school. I sing and dance and get paid thousands of dollars for it!

The best part is that teaching at an elementary school means I don't have to stay at school all night for after school groups and the like, so my job allows me to sing in a chorus at night in the city I live in.

Nice to see so many musicians around here. :)
I just graduated from Full Sail with an Associates of Science in Recording Arts. So thats my thing. Mixing and recording. I have a power metal band that I will consider posting a link to, but its just a big fat joke on lord of the rings so I'd bet you all will hate it.

I've been playing guitar for 6 years and I'm damn good if I do say so my self. I also dable in the area of bass and drums. I'm in the middle of recording some Misfits covers, and they sound 1000 times better than the original recordings for sure.


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I have been playing guitar for seven years, so I'm pretty good!

I like to dabble in piano as well, but there aren't many things that I can play. need to get better =P

My Girlfriend is a singer (majoring in Musical Theater) so that makes for some fun times with me playing guitar and her singing.
Been playing alto sax for about 5 years now.

Picked it up midway through 5th grade for the school band, after transferring from the Clarinet (which I could still play, assuming I could remember the fingerings).

After 5 years of playing, I can confidently say I still suck. Maybe I'm a bit hard on myself, but there's about 14 altos (out of 17) who are better than me.

I'd probably be better than I am had I actually practiced during middle school, but whatever.
I played piano for six years. Although I didn't enjoy lessons, I will always enjoy getting my fingers on it.

Guitar is rather new for me, I've been playing for around a year now, and it's just something that is fun to play

And then there's Wind. I play Saxophone, which I am fairly good at. Only Grade 9 in the School Band, and the others are all really good.
I started out playing flute in 5th grade and played for 4 years. I had to leave band when high school started because of an engineering program that I was accepted into.

When I was 15 I started playing drum set. I took lessons in rock, funk, jazz, and afro-cuban styles for about 3 years, and drums are still my strongest instrument. I played in a couple bands in high school and eventually picked up the guitar, and a little later piano. Piano is definitely my weakest instrument, and the one that I wish I was better at. In college I couldn't exactly bring a drum set, so both my guitar and piano skills have really shot up.

If I had the time and money, I would love to learn more piano, pedal steel guitar, accordian, and trumpet


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I have a power metal band that I will consider posting a link to, but its just a big fat joke on lord of the rings so I'd bet you all will hate it.
Okay, you're now obligated to link to it. I sure as shit want to hear it.
I've played the Alto Sax for several years but its never been a big part of my life. I've pretty much dabbled at least in every form of music (piano, choir, composing, etc.) and I have a good reign on theory but its just not that important to me to focus on any one area.

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